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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

Dan’s Punishment

Dan tried to escape the thermos but Clockwork used his powers to regress him in age, turning him into a teenager once more. The Fenton’s take him in, and Danny makes it his mission to reeducate him, maybe awakening a dark side to himself. Danny/Dan/Harem

Chapter 1 Punishment

Dan Phantom was the future self of Danny Phantom, walking the darkest path and becoming a tyrant overlord in both the human and ghost world. His wickedness was so strong the Observants demanded that Clockwork the ghost of time to destroy Danny in the past, in order to destroy the evil self in the future.  

Clockwork refused, choosing to test past Danny with future ghosts, all souls deserved a second chance. While he was being tested Dan was wrecking the final remnants of the human resistance with his Ghostly Wail. Danny and his friends Sam and Tucker meet his future self, who was as Sam put it being a jerk.  

Dan had gone completely dark, he wasn’t human anymore, he was all ghost. Though he had memories of the past, he held no emotional attachments, even trying to destroy Sam and Tucker. Danny managed to save them, sending them back to the past, but he was stuck with...himself…his muscular, powerful, evil self. Dan mocked him, seeing how he was, how weak and pathetic he was. It was sad but true, whatever Danny could do Dan could do better, he had years of practice. Danny said he wouldn’t become him, so Dan told him he didn’t have a choice. Dan tossed him into the Ghost Zone and went back in time to make sure the dark events that created his future would come to pass.  

Danny was able to get back to his time and face off with his evil self just one more time. This time he came with an arsenal, every ghost fighting weapon his parents had created. Including the Fenton Ghost Peeler, Fenton Ghost Gloves, and the Fenton Specter Deflector. They weakened Dan enough for Danny to turn the tides on him. Dan believed that Danny was just delaying the inevitable, but Danny showed him the future wasn’t set in stone.  

He unleashed a ghostly wail of his own, this caught Dan off guard as he just recently created that technique. Dan tried to give him the come to the dark side speech Danny didn’t care what he had to say or what he thought, he had destroyed his human half, he was nothing but a very bad ghost. He used the Fenton Thermos to suck him and trap him inside.  

Danny tried to save his family, but the explosion was coming, only for time to stop. Clockwork had foreseen all of this, seeing the flow of time from above. He saved Danny’s family and put things back to the way they needed to be before Dan had interfered.  

Dan was taken to Clockwork’s domain in the ghost zone, a place untouched and existed outside of time. This caused Dan Phantom to be severed from Danny Phantom’s time line. However it was suspect if the thermos could contain…


The Observants were not happy. “Not only do you ignore our orders in dealing with Danny Phantom,” they yelled at him.

“He deserved a chance!” he had his arms crossed.   

“But you allowed Dan Phantom to exist outside of time.”  

“He is trapped, contained.” Old Clockwork said.  

“But for how long? A year, a decade, a millennium?” The Observants were eternal, and they knew from past experiences that evils when stuffed into a box didn’t always stay there.  

Clockwork couldn’t say, the Thermos wasn’t meant to contain such powerful ghosts for long periods of time. Dan had even made a dent in it with his face as a sign, he wouldn’t be. He couldn’t be released in the Ghost Zone he was far too strong, Danny had bested him because he was arrogant and caught off guard. That wouldn’t happen again, and Dan knew where to strike him where it hurt.  

“The damage he can cause is massive!”  

“He is a monster!”  

“He must be punished!” That is when Clockwork got an idea.  

“He’s a monster now, but he was once a boy,” he floated up into the air. “I know the perfect punishment for him now.”  

Clockwork undid the seal on the thermos and Dan escaped. “I...I’m free...hahaha...I’m...” he was frozen in time. In this place, time held no limits no restrictions, it was a place where multiple timelines intersect.  

He conjured his power over time and blasted Dan, reversing his time. Not only was he de-aged back into a teenager, but Clockwork was able to take it a step further, since in his time he was separated from his human self, that was still part of him. Even though he was cleaved from that time line, that even was still part of his chrono cycle.  

With his power he was able to reverse that event, returning Dan to a human body, it wasn’t perfect. A side effect of such a regression caused some side effects. Dan was a human and ghost hybrid again, but he had white hair with black streaks in his hair and had red eyes in his ghost form and the black turned blue in his ghost form.  

Clockwork unfroze him. “Wha...What have you done to me?!” he growled. His powers, all the power he’d accumulated over these many years was gone. He felt his human side again. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?”

“Returned you to what you were before you fell to a dark path!” Dan growled.  

“You think this will stop me, I split from my human half once before, I’ll do it again.”

“You cannot, as there is no ghostly power that can bring the dead back to life.” Dan’s eyes widened.  

“No...it cannot be!” Clockwork smirked. He had put the pieces together, there was no dividing, not again. This was no possession it was a merger. It was how he still held his consciousness, though his human heart was restored, the boy Dan had killed remained dead.

“Should you separate your life ends, simple as that.”  

“Bah, I can still get my revenge, I’ll destroy Danny and claim his life for my own. I’ll regain my powers, and you won’t be able to stop me!” Again Clockwork smirked.  

“Oh no?” He stopped Dan’s time again, and opened a portal and brought him to Danny.

Danny gasped as he was studying for a big test coming up, when a portal opened up in his room and knocked him flat on his ass. He was shocked to see Clockwork come out, and even more surprised to see another version of him. “Clockwork?” he looked at his doppelganger. “Is that…?”  

“It is Dan Phantom.”  

“Did he escape?”  

“No I let him out.”

“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Danny snapped.  

“Not the last time I checked.” Danny face palmed.  

“Why would you let him out?!”  

“He would have escaped eventually, and he still has yet to be punished.” Danny looked to his doppelganger, he didn’t have the same power as he did before. “The Observants feel you should take responsibility for your future self.”  

“But I beat him...I can’t...I can’t kill him!”  

“I’m aware, so I have come up with a plan. It comes in two stages, first I would like to bind your time with his, which means he won’t be able to harm you without hurting himself.”

“Huh?” Danny gasped.  

“His powers have been diminished, but he could easily grow them again if he’s not watched. By uniting your time, you will be linked. Doing this will also tether him to this time line allowing him to slip in to your life without questions.”

“But I have my own life to live, I can’t watch him 24/7, what if he does something crazy like attacking my family or my friends, or hurts someone innocent.”  

“That is where the second phase of my plan comes in.” Clockwork opened a new portal and time and reached in pulling out a ring and a collar. “This is the Phantom Ring, it gives dominion over who wears this collar. Consider it a safety net, you can set rules Dan has to follow and he cannot disobey.”  

“That sounds kinda...” Kinky he thought, a faint blush spreading over his cheeks.  

“He must be punished and you must be the one who takes responsibility for him.” Danny sighed.  

Clockwork did save his family, it was the least he could do. He agreed, and Clockwork linked their time. In this moment a unified constant was established, Dan was Danny’s cousin who would be staying with the Fenton’s after his parents tragically passed away. Not such a stretch of truth.  

Danny put the ring on, and slipped the collar around his Doppelganger’s neck. Clockwork snapped his fingers and Dan was unfrozen. “Damn it Clockwork...You!” His eyes went red.  

“You cannot hurt him, I have linked your time with his, should Danny die, your life will also end.”  

Dan growled. “You’d be surprised what you can live through!”  

Danny activated the Phantom Ring. “You’ll be living under my rules. Rule Number 1 You will not harm me, my family or my friends.”  

“What are you...” he was cut off as the collar glowed. “Yes master!” he blushed.  

“Rule 2, you will not harm the innocent, you will use your ghost powers for good!”  

“You must be joking...” the collar glowed again. “Yes master!”  

“Rule 3, you will not reveal your or my secrets to anyone.”  

“What are you doing to me...yes master!”  

Getting called master was causing unique feelings to stir inside Danny. “Rule 4, you will protect and serve me as your master!”  

Dan blushed. “Yes master!” he glared at Clockork.  

“I see you have everything under control here.” he opened the portal and left the two alone. Dan and Danny Phantom together again, and his punishment was only just beginning.  

To be continued   


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