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Pocket Monsters parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/32630397 

Chapter 2 Catching Contest

Everyone was lined up at the starting zone with their pokemon. “Get ready to lose Ash Ketchum, when it comes to catching I’m the best!” Misty boasted.

“Don’t you only have 5 pokemon?” Ash pointed out.

“Shut it!” She hissed.

“Come on you two, settle down!” Brock said.

“Hello everyone, I’m your host and MC for this event.” A man with long black hair tied in a braid stepped out on stage. He was dressed in a flame designed vest and baggy pants. He came onto the stage with a jump and a spin. “Mashon Asheru is the name. I’ll be explaining this event!”

The crowd cheered. “In honor of the ancestor to all pokemon Mew, we have gathered wild pokemon across Kanto and brought them here. You trainers get to explore the area and you can battle and catch any pokemon you find. Better watch out though we have some pretty strong pokemon out there. If your pokemon become unable to battle you’ll be forced to retreat. Don’t forget this is a race, trainers who have caught the most pokemon will be given a special prize! So take too long battling the wrong kind of pokemon or face a bad matchup and your results might be tragic!”

“Hmm, it's almost like a test of a trainer's knowledge and intuition.”

“What do you mean Brock?” Ash asked.

“In the Pokemon League matches can be decided by the pokemon you choose before the match. At the same time, this tests a trainer’s catching ability.”

“Bingo!” Mashon cheered. “So do your best out there, make good choices and catch lots of Pokemon!” The cry of Moltres was used to signal the start of the event.

There were 75 trainers entering the event and they scattered. ‘I’m not worried, Ash’s catch rate is so low, I’m aiming for quality over quantity.’ Gary thought.

Ash and Pikachu didn’t have to wait long before finding their first pokemon. “Ekans!” the poison type hissed.

“Whoa an Ekans, Pikachu give it a Thundershock!” Pikachu zapped it. “Blaze Ball go!” he tossed the special Festival Ball at Ekans. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding! “Alright, we caught an Ekans!”

Ash was excited, this was his first pure Poison Type. “Let’s move Pikachu, let’s try and catch some new Pokemon and make some new friends.”

“Pika pika!” Pikachu agreed.

Ash’s Pokemon were watching and cheering. Each trainer was given a button with their number on it, it had a camera that was broadcasting the battles and captures.


Misty was so ready to catch a pokemon, but just her luck she bumped into a Weedle. She screamed and ran for it, running past several pokemon. When she stopped, she felt something touching her leg. Her face grew purple and she looked and saw a Caterpie. “BUGS!” she screamed and ran for it.


Gary was going after some heavy hitters, imagine his joy when he found a Machamp. “Time to raise my team’s strength.” He sent Nidoking to battle.


Perhaps an odd twist of fate, while Gary was battling Machamp, Ash found a Machop. Pikachu was able to weaken him with a strong ThunderBolt. “Flame Ball Go!” Ash caught the Fighting-type and the two kept moving. Primeape was overjoyed to have another Fighting-type on the team.

He found a Weedle and caught him. Butterfree cheered. He found a Shellder and use Pikachu’s Thundershock to weaken him enough for capture. Squirtle and Krabby cheered another water type to join the family. Another swift win was when Ash found a Farfetch’d, with his capture Pidgeotto cheered.

Ash wasn’t even thinking about the race, he was looking forward to training and getting to know his new Pokemon. He thought about Pokemon he met in the past and thought about how cool it’d be to raise one of his own.

So when he came across a Growlithe he just had to catch it. Charizard did take notice, but he didn’t cheer, even when his trainer caught the fire type. Bulbasaur wondered if maybe the fire type was...jealous? His suspicions may be confirmed when Ash found a Ponyta and managed to catch it, Charizard actually growled.

Time was running out and Pikachu was getting tired. “Wanna call it quits Pikachu?”

“Pika?” he tilted his head.

“We got a lot of new friends, I think we did great!” he gave him a thumbs up. They began to head back towards the main area, only to bump into a Mr. Mime. “Whoa, a Psychic-type.”

“Pika!” Pikachu was determined to battle. He fought hard, but Mr. Mime was tricky, it was fast and able to deal strong damage. Pikachu hit him with a strong Thunderbolt, as Mr. Mime put him to sleep with Hypnosis. Before he could attack Pikachu while he was asleep, Ash tossed the ball and it hit. Mr. Mime got sucked up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding!

Ash was shocked but he caught his first Psychic-type. Pikachu woke up just as time ran out. “All trainers proceed to the starting line and we’ll tally up the catches!”

The trainer from Pallet was proud of his work, he caught 8 new pokemon, even if he didn’t win, he was happy. When he arrived back at the starting line he saw Misty and she looked pissed. “Hey Misty, how many did you catch?”

“Shut it Ash!” she screeched, before crying. “Why...why...why did I have to catch that…?” Misty kept bumping into Bug types, be it Caterpie, Kakuna, Metapod, Venonat, Beedrill, Paras, even a Pinsir. She was so busy running around and screaming she hadn’t caught a single pokemon. Time was almost up and she threw a ball in frustration and it did hit a Pokemon.

“What’s her problem?” Gary arrived. “Guess what I caught Ash?”

“No idea,” Ash shrugged.

Gary revealed five balls. “I got a Machamp, a Golem, A Tangela, a Magmar, and an Electabuzz!”

“Wow, those are some powerful Pokemon.” Ash gasped.

“Yep, I was aiming for quality, but I got some nice quantity as well,” Gary smirked at Ash. “How many did you catch?”

“Eight,” Ash said.

“Heh, I knew you wouldn’t catch...wait what?” Ash called out his new friends. Ekans, Machop, Weedle, Shellder, Farfetch’d Growlithe, Ponyta, and Mr. Mime.

Misty screamed at the sight of Weedle. Even Gary was shocked at the sight of the Mr. Mime, a pretty top tier Pokemon in his opinion, on par with Magmar and Electabuzz.

“Nice job Ash.” Brock showed up. “I managed to catch three myself.” He showed off an Oddish, a Ryhorn, and a Cubone.

Mashon appeared on the stage. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and trainers of all ages, the results are in. I am happy to say we got a great turn out, all 75 entries caught at least one pokemon.” the crowd cheered. “But we do have a winner, to the trainer who caught a solid eight pokemon!” he paused from dramatic effect. “Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!”

The crowd erupted as fireworks went off, as Ash’s achievement was shown on screen, a clip show of all his catches and battles. Ash went on stage to claim his prize. “Congratulations Ash, you have a truly terrific bond with your pokemon.”

“Thanks, Mashon!”

“Enjoy your new pokemon, as well as this.” Mashon handed over a purple and black pokemon egg.

“An egg?!” Ash said excitedly. “What kind of Pokemon is inside it?”

“You’ll just have to find out when it hatches. This is also yours, the Origin Island Fire Festival Badge. Having this badge allows you to carry nine pokemon in any region and participate in thrilling double and triple battles.”

Ash was so excited, though his excitement was quashed as someone attacked the stage with a barrage of Poison Sting. “Who goes there?” Mashon cried out. Up above in a Meowth Balloon was Team Rocket. Jessie’s Arbok and James’ Weezing were out.

“Not you guys!” Ash gasped.

“We’ll be taking those pokemon!” James said.

“Thanks for doing all the hard work for us twerp!” Jessie said.

“Now all the Pokemon here will belong to Team Rocket!” Meowth said, he pressed a button and activated a giant vacuum from underneath the balloon. The trainers cried out as Pokemon and their balls were sucked up. Ash’s Mr. Mime put up some invisible walls to shield some of the Pokemon. Team Rocket laughed.

“How dare you?!” Mashon shouted shocking Team Rocket. “This island is a sacred place where people and pokemon can come together and bond and grow. Come forth, my friend!” Mashon tossed a ball into the air and out came a Moltres!

“Whoa!” Ash gasped.

“It is said in ancient times Mew harnessed the power of the elements to create these legendary birds, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno, these great titans have the power to protect both people and pokemon!” Mashon’s Moltres released a surge of heat that caused Team Rocket’s Vacuum to malfunction. “Go Moltres rescue the other Pokemon!”

The firebird flew and destroyed the container. “Mr. Mime use Psychic and help the Pokemon!” Ash called.

“Mime!” his power was unleashed and all the balls and pokemon were gently carried down and returned to their respective owners.

“This is bad Jessie, we can’t beat that kind of Fire Power!”

“Wanna bet? Arbok use Glare!” Arbok was too intimidated by Moltres’ pressure to attack.

“Moltres use Fire Spin!” Moltres flew round and round Team Rocket creating the most epic Fire Spin ever seen.


“Team Rocket is blasting off again!” Team Rocket was sent scorched into the distance.

“I hope they don’t keep causing trouble.”

“I wouldn’t worry Ash, I may be the MC of this event, but there are two others also tasked with keeping the peace on this island. They have Zapdos and Articuno respectively.”

“That’s amazing I’d love for the chance to battle with a legendary Pokemon.”

“You can Ash, on the last night of the festival we’ll be accepting all challenges.” Moltres was returned and things were allowed to settle down.

Ash was amazed and overjoyed. For once he could just enjoy an event and not have to worry about Team Rocket. He went towards the Pokemon Lounge, he couldn’t wait for his pokemon to meet.

To be continued Charizard’s Jealousy?!


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