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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Goblin Sage

Satoru Mikami after being killed he’s reborn as a hobgoblin, he finds himself younger more muscular, and green, he’s an evolved and unique monster, his magic skills are vastly impressive, especially the unique skill predator that lets him gain new skills based on monsters he devours with this skill. Goblin Rimuru/Harem

Chapter 1 Reborn!

Satoru Mikami was just a normal human, until one day when he was asked out by one of his juniors at work. Their date had barely started when a lunatic with a knife tore down the street. He pushed the younger man aside and took the stab, bad enough the lunatic stabbed him but he twisted the knife before pulling it out.

It was looking bad for Mikami. He noted that his wound wasn’t closing and he couldn’t stop the bleeding.

Accepted: Regeneration Skill and Healing Magic Acquired 

He noted that he felt hot and cold at the same time, which was terrifying.

Accepted: Heat Resistance and Cold Resistance Skills Acquired, the skills have been combined, Unique Skill Thermal Resistance Acquired. 

It hurt, of course, it hurt, he realized he was stabbed by a knife.

Accepted: Pierce and Stab Resistance Skills Acquired. 

“Satoru!” His date Tamura held his hand. “Please, you can’t die!” Tamura was crying, but he was still very cute.

“You’re safe...that’s what matters...” the guy coughed. “I would have rocked your world.” he chuckled.

Accepted: Choosing a body with high stamina and sex drive.

“You were always so nice to me, Satoru please, I wanted to ask you out for so long, this is all my fault!”

“Baka...don’t think like that...be strong you’ll find someone better than me...” The feeling was shared. Tamura was very popular at work, Satoru figured he wouldn’t want an old guy like him, so he missed all the signs Tamura threw at him. ‘In my next life, I’m not gonna hesitate!’

Accepted: Unique Skill Predator unlocked, Strong Will Skill unclocked. 

Satoru kept hearing a voice but wasn’t sure where it was coming from. Things were getting fuzzy. ‘In games, old guys like me are wizards, with all the studying I did I bet I would have been a great one. In fact, I bet I could have been a sage!’

Accepted: High Magic Affinity Skill Acquired, Magician Class Unlocked, Unique Skill Great Sage Acquired. 

“Hey Tamura...it doesn’t hurt anymore...that’s a good sign right?” he was just bluffing, he knew it was bad, pain was a warning sign. “Don’t cry for me, you’ll...be...fine...” he couldn’t hear anymore, and everything was fading away.

When his eyes closed he was gone...from this world...but fate had something else in store for him. His body was gone but not his soul, it traveled through the veil, and he was reincarnated. Magicules had gathered in one place becoming a new body for his soul to inhabit.

Satoru’s eyes opened. “Huh?” his vision was blurry. He was in the city but now he was in a cave. “Is this a joke, I thought I was dying...but now...” he looked around, but he was in a cave, some strange stones were giving off a warm light scattered all over, in the ground, in the walls even in the ceiling. “Is this a dream?” he pinched his cheek. “Oww, nope not a dream.”

He got up but his legs felt shaky. “Whoa, I feel kinda weird...” a passing breeze came, and Satoru shivered feeling a breeze between his knees. “Oh, man am I naked?” He looked down and got a bigger surprise. “WHAAAAA?!?!?!?”

His shout echoed around him. “I’m green...what the heck?!” He looked himself over and while his body was fitter than his old one he was surprised that every inch of him was green. Speaking of inches, he checked his little soldier, and it wasn’t so little anymore. “Maybe this isn’t so bad after all.” he chuckled. If possible his balls were even bigger, it was like comparing eggs to oranges really.

He felt himself up, and he actually had a pretty nice body. He still had his hair, his dark locks, but his ears were pointy, and his canines were huge. “What am I?”

Answer: You are a Hobgoblin.

“Wah!” he looked around. “Who said that?”

Answer: I am your unique skill, Great Sage.

“Wait your voice sounds familiar, were you speaking to me before?”

Answer: What you heard was the Voice of the World, you were granted the chance to reincarnate into this world. Based on your choices, you were granted this body. Hobgoblins have high stamina and a strong sex drive.

Satoru blushed and facepalmed. “I really said that!?” memories of what he said were coming back to him.

Answer: Correct, you have also gained skills based on the creature you have reincarnated as. Dark Vision: Allows the user to see in the dark, cannot be blinded. Innate Spellcasting, thanks to unlocking the Magician Class, you would have been a Goblin Shaman, but because you are an evolved Hobgoblin you hold the rank and status as Goblin Sage!

Satoru was shocked to hear this, it sounded like something out of a video game. He was getting a little bit excited.

With Innate Spellcasting you can use the magic of the Goblins; Firebolt, Fireball, Lightning,  Thunderball,  Burning Hands,  Magic Mine,  Sleep, Charm, Jinx,  Telekinesis,  Message, Detect Thoughts.  You also have the ability to use Healing Magic;  Fast  Heal,  Fast  Cure,  Quick  Restore.  You have Magical Resistance, along with your Thermal Resistance skill you are immune to fire and ice.  

‘This sounds so awesome!’ he grinned. He had to know more, when he used to play video games when he was younger he always looked over the little books, and checked the tutorials. “That’s quite a lot of spells, is that normal for someone who’s been freshly reincarnated?”

Answer: Reincarnation grants its users unique skills and some skills based on their thoughts when they died. Thanks to your skill High Magic Affinity, it grants you various skills and will allow you to learn magic easier.

“Incredible, I bet I can go on some interesting adventures.” he gets up and begins to explore the cave. “Great Sage please continue, I’d like to know my other skills so I know what I can do.”  

As a hobgoblin, you have these innate skills; Nimble Escape, Shadow Stealth, Spider Climb,  and Fast Learner Skills. Nimble Escape, will allow you to avoid surprise attacks and traps. Shadow Stealth, will allow you to mask your presence in dim light or darkness. Spider Climb will allow you to climb on walls or ceilings, even the most difficult terrain will be no match for you. Fast Learner, is an innate goblin skill, that has allowed goblins to learn things quickly.

‘Hmm, being a goblin sounds interesting, I wonder if I’ll meet any of them.’ Great Sage explained his High Speed Regeneration, Pierce and Stab Resistant skills, sadly it means he could still be injured by blunt, slash attacks. His Strong Will skill would protect him from most mental status attacks, like hypnosis, charm, fear, intimidation, etc.

Great Sage itself allowed him to analyze and research targets. Cast Cancel, annuls the casting time required for using most magics. The last unique skill was Predator, it granted him a second stomach, one that could store things inside, combining this and Great Sage he could break down anything inside that stomach and possibly gain new skills from it.


Satoru rubbed his stomach. “It’s weird, I’m not feeling very tired, but I am getting hungry.” Now that he thought of it he hadn’t had to go to the bathroom except for draining the lizard.

Answer: Monsters and humans in this world their bodies have evolved to break down all food and convert it into magicules. Their ass holes are mainly used for mating purposes,  and breaking down the food 100% gives the body energy requiring little sleep. 

Satoru blushed but his cock twitched at the thought. He found some strange flowers growing in the cave. “Are they poisonous?”

Answer: They are not, they are herbs often used to make healing potions.

Satoru ate one. “Blehh, tastes like medicine too.” Still...he was hungry, so he started eating them, even using his skill Predator. The herbs stored in his second stomach with the help of Great Sage were broken and converted into healing potion. “I hope I’m not gonna have to throw it up to get access to it.”

Answer: Using magic you can gain access to your second stomach, and bring out anything stored inside.

He breathed a sigh of relief. He went over to one of the glowing rocks and analyzed it. It was a Magisteel cluster. “Can I use my Predator skill on this?”

Answer: The Predator skill can be used on anything, living things will have a lower success rate. Warning, while hobgoblin teeth are strong enough to crush bones biting a rock or magisteel cluster will cause damage.   

Satoru rubbed his jaw. “Dang, is there anything I can do?”

Answer: If you apply the skill with your magic power, it's possible you can channel it through a spell.

“I’ll give it a try.” He focused, feeling the magicules inside him. “Predation!” a pink energy formed in his hand, it reached out and consumed the cluster and turned purple. It was now a purple ball of energy, perfect for eating. “I did it!”

He spent some time eating the herbs and the clusters, mostly because he was bored. He wanted to practice his spells, but his magicules was the only thing easing his hunger. He located a spring of drinking water, he got to see his reflection and yep he wasn’t human anymore, his face looked like it did in his younger days just more green. After getting a drink and filling his belly he used predator.

Acquired: Water Elemental Affinity,  Water Surge, and Water Blade gained the skill Water Manipulation. 

He took a tumble down some steps and ended up bumping into something, he got a big bump on his head from the impact. It didn’t last long as his heal fact mended the bump and bruise. “Water and herbs are nice and all I guess, but I haven’t seen anything to hunt and I can’t find the exit to the cave or anything.” His stomach grumbled.

“I’m afraid that’s my fault.” He heard.

“Your fault?”

“Yes, my aura tends to frighten the other monsters into hiding.”

“Ahh, your aura huh?” he stopped. “Ehh?”

He followed the voice and saw a giant dragon. “Hello there, small one.”

“A...Dragon…!” Satoru gasped and fell back on his ass.

“Not just any dragon, I AM THE STORM DRAGON VELDORA!” he roared.

“That’s some set of pipes on you.” Satoru gets up.

“I must say, you are quite different from other goblins I’ve seen, do you have no shame or are you just that bold?” Satoru looked down, yep he was still in his birthday suit, big dick and balls on full display.

“Hey, you are naked too.”

Veldora chuckled. “I suppose you are right, but you got some balls talking to a dragon like that.”

Satoru gulped. “Well if I’m bothering you, I guess I’ll take my leave.” He turned around, ready to bolt.

“Wait!” Satoru tensed. “Don’t go...” the Goblin Sage turned around and Veldora was twiddling his claws. “You see I, have been locked in here for some time, and you are the first creature to approach me.”

“Locked in where, this cave?”

“Oh, you can’t see it can you, do you have the skill Magic Sense?” Satoru shook his head. “I’ll teach it to you, if you hang around.”

“Sure,” with Veldora’s help Satoru was able to gain the skill Magic Sense, a skill that heightened his senses and allowed him to see magicules. The stuff was pouring out of Veldora, so no wonder this cave was so enriched. He could also see Veldora’s prison. “Oh wow!”

He couldn’t feel it and had passed right through it without realizing it. Veldora explained how he came to be sealed in this prison, he may have been causing some destruction when a hero showed up to stop him. He had underestimated them at first, and by the time he went all out, he still lost. “I’ve been trapped in here ever since.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Oh about 300 years.”

“300 years!” Satoru gasped. “No wonder you're lonely.”

“Lonely? I...the great storm dragon Veldora lonely...don’t joke...I...” Satoru gave him a look and crossed his arms. The dragon sulked. “I’m so bored.”

“I bet, I hadn’t had a date in 20 plus years, and I thought I had it rough.” Satoru thought about it. “Hey Veldora, how about we be friends?”

“Friends? A dragon friends with a goblin?” He laughed.

“Well, if you don’t want to.” he turned his back on him.

“Wait, no, that’s not what I meant. If you think its a good idea we can be friends.” he nodded. “Yes, I’ll give you the honor of being my friend.”

‘He’s quite a tsundere.’ Satoru sighed. “Okay, that’s it we are friends!”

This is the story of how Satoru Mikami was stabbed to death, died, was reincarnated as a goblin sage, and became friends with the dragon Veldora, and his adventures were just beginning.

To be continued...Learning the World and Hunger


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