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Bleach parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 15  https://www.patreon.com/posts/normal-life-not-30349016 

Chapter 16

Ryuken sat at the dining room table, Masaki poured them some tea. “It’s good seeing you Ryuken.”

“Indeed, it’s been too long,” Isshin said.

“You don’t have to be pleasant with me. I know my son has already started causing trouble for Ichigo.” Isshin and Masaki share a look. “I should have called, but I didn’t know what to say. I’m being transferred to the area and my asshole son is coming with me.”

“Uryu isn’t an asshole,” Masaki said.

“It kinda fits, he’s also a bit of a dick.” Masaki elbowed him. “What, it’s true!” It was a joke in their house that since he’s both an asshole and enjoys being a dick, he can go fuck himself.

“He’s right, my son has gone too far.”

“He didn’t use to be that way, our boys used to be so happy together.”

“It’s my fault...well it’s my mother’s fault, but it’s also mine for letting her fill his head with her hate and bile.” he gripped the cup tightly. “After dad died, she lost it, and she constantly filled Uryu’s head on what was normal. How anything that wasn’t normal was corrupt and impure. She changed him and nothing I said could reach him.”

“Your mother was a very...traditional woman...” Masaki knew that all too well.

“The woman was cruel, she was mean to Masaki, put tons of pressure on you,” Isshin grumbled. “I hated seeing what she put you both through, doesn’t surprise me a bit she poisoned Uryu with her shit.”

“I don’t know what to do with him, he’s changed, if his mother could see him now, it’d break her heart.” Masaki held his hand. Uryu’s mother was a sickly woman, Katagiri loved Ryuken so much, so very much, but the old bitch didn’t approve.

She wanted Ryuken to marry Masaki and wanted her to be a prim and proper, traditional girl. She put her through strict lessons, and Ryuken through hell, if you can give her any credit she was a master manipulator. Ryuken was a good boy and wanted to make his mother proud and honor his family's wishes, even if it went against what he really wanted.

Masaki actually helped them sneak around so they could be together. When his mother found out, she beat the hell out of Masaki and doubled Katagiri’s workload. She even went as far as to put a cock cage on Ryuken. He wore it so Katagiri wouldn’t get fired. She swore she’d hand the key over as soon as he married Masaki.

She considered the cage the perfect chastity belt, but then again she thought her son was normal. Masaki turned to her boyfriend Isshin for help, and with his help, they managed to get out of the old bitch’s thumb. Masaki left and married Isshin, and Ryuken got to marry Katagiri, with his dad’s blessing.

His wife stayed strong for a few years but eventually, succumb to her illness. His mother and father tried to help out, when Katagiri passed away they stayed to help Ryuken raise Uryu, which was fine until his father passed away.

Ryuken wished he could say he shed tears for his mother when she passed on, but her legacy lives on in Uryu. He loved his grandmother to listen to any “lies” about her. He was raised to be normal, with a complex that made him believe he was better than those he saw as weird. In Uryu’s eyes, all of his cruelty to Ichigo was justified because he wasn’t normal and needed to be corrected. Of course, anyone with two brain cells would see how wrong that is.

He never cared that Uryu liked to wear girl's clothing, or wanted to be Ichigo’s “girlfriend” or “wife”. His son was happy that’s what mattered, but to his mother...no it couldn’t stand, Uryu was a boy! Uryu still liked boys, but he was normal about it, he went with normal guys, and did normal things. His standing with Uryu plummeted as his mother before dying passed on his dirty secrets, which also tarnished Masaki and Isshin as well.

She went as far as to blame them for Katagiri’s death, claiming her illness was mental. She couldn’t handle knowing her husband wasn’t normal. Uryu had only one version of the story and not all the details, but he knew enough to dislike his father and the Kurosaki family.

“I shouldn’t have come, this is my burden, I just don’t want Ichigo to suffer.”

“Ichigo isn’t alone anymore, he’s dealing with it, and with support, he’ll get passed this.”

“And so will you.” Isshin took hold of Ryuken’s other hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

“I’ve missed you both.” he smiled.


Uryu continued to steal glances at Ichigo, who hadn’t thrown a look his way at all. Renji and Grimmjow noticed and rather enjoyed seeing the brat so on edge and annoyed.

‘What is that freak thinking? Does he think he’s beaten me? You haven’t won freak!’ he thought, his hand balled into a fist. ‘You are nothing but a snake like your mother, who twists those around her and corrupts them!’

His father may have told him to leave Ichigo alone, but at school could he be blamed if they bumped into each other. Uryu made a few attempts to get Ichigo’s attention, only to either be ignored or in cases where Ichigo was in a group, the boy was polite and simply moved on. ‘What the hell is this!?’ Ichigo’s eyes had a glimmer to them, something he hadn’t seen since when they were together.

‘That’s it...his ruffians, that’s why he can act so high and mighty. He thinks I won’t make a move with them around. Well, they can’t be around all the time...Ichigo!’ He was still getting nothing from Ichigo. Where was the fear, the horror, he had relished it before.

Ichigo was a freak who couldn’t walk a normal life, so how can he smile like that? Why was there a light in his eyes? Ichigo wasn’t strong, he was soft like chocolate. Uryu had enough and cornered Ichigo in the stairwell.

“Do you have business with me, Uryu?” Ichigo asked.

“Cut the shit Kurosaki, what is up with you?” he glared.

“I don’t think I understand.” he crossed his arms.

“You don’t have your little sluts with you to protect you. Don’t think you can ignore me, I know what you are. I know you aren’t normal!” he grabbed Ichigo by the collar.

“Uryu, you aren’t my boyfriend anymore. So I don’t care what you think.”

“What?” Uryu’s eyes widened.

“A part of me still loves you, but not this you. The boy who wanted to be my girlfriend, that Uryu Ishida is someone who I don’t want to forget.” Ichigo grabbed his hand and forced him off him. “You aren’t the one I love anymore, I don’t know why you became this way, but I’m done taking your crap.”

“Ichigo...you...you think I care who you love, they are just gonna leave you because you are a freak, a disgusting freak...” he hissed, Ichigo’s grip on him was tight. “You can’t be normal, you are from a freaky corrupt family.”


Uryu staggered back but Ichigo had a firm grip on his hand. “That was a warning, I’m not your boyfriend anymore Uryu, we aren’t friends if you wanna talk shit about me...I don’t care anymore. You can say what you want because you don’t know me anymore.” His grip tightened and Uryu hissed in pain, you could hear the various pops in his hand. “You don’t know my family, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, what made you this way, but I don’t care. You aren’t my problem anymore.”

He released Uryu who fell flat on his ass. “Uryu Ishida, you are an asshole and a dick, so you can go fuck yourself. I’m done with you.” Ichigo walked off.

“You think I don’t know...your parents are sick...and they tried to corrupt my father and mother...you’ll be just like them...sick...not normal...”

“It's funny I remember a time when your normal was makeup and women’s underwear. So who was it who made that change?” Ichigo turned to glare at him that sent shivers down Uryu’s spine. “You don’t get to decide what my normal is Ishida.” Ichigo walked off leaving Uryu to stew.


Ichigo wasn’t dumb, his parents were very open sexually, and often over shared. They explained how they were when he was older, they shared their bed with other people, other guys, other girls, it just how they were. Ichigo didn’t want to know all the details for many reasons, but long ago he feared Uryu was right.

Now he knew better, his parents were weird, but that was their normal. It didn’t mean they loved each other any less, it just meant they shared that love with others. He also knew they were happy, and that’s what mattered to him. He didn’t want to know who they shared their bed with, but judging by what Uryu said he had a clue.

-x-Warning the following scene contains hentai and pegging. If you are not into that you can stop now-x-

Ryuken’s clothes were scattered around the room, joining the discarded clothing of Isshin and Masaki. He was in a familiar bed on his hands and knees. Isshin was in front of him, the man’s thick dick between his lips and down his throat. Isshin rocked his hips slowly, letting Ryuken suck and swallow around every inch.

Isshin’s thick manly musk had Ryuken’s heart fluttering. He moaned as his prostate was hit. Behind him was Masaki Kurosaki, she was wearing a strap on, one that was even longer than Isshin’s dick but just as thick. Masaki’s thrusts matched her husband, slow and long, letting Ryuken feel every inch.

She draped herself across his back, pressing her large boobs against him. “Ryuken, you are so beautiful.” She kissed his neck, her hands came around and played with the man’s pert nipples. Ryuken moaned, sending pleasing vibrations through Isshin’s penis.

“Fucking sexy!” Isshin moaned. The man’s glasses were all fogged up. He missed this, needed this. The only thing missing was Katagiri watching them or operating an assortment of sex toys.

Ryuken was the first to cum, and his two bedmates continued to spitroast him. Masaki handed him a vibrator, one coated in his seed and brought to Isshin’s well-used hole. The man moaned as his ass was opened up, and the vibrations turned on halfway inside. This vibe was actually made based on a mold of Ryuken’s cock.

Isshin moaned as Ryuken fucked him with the vibe, grinding it hard once he found his sweet spot. Masaki sped up her thrusts, pounding his sweet spot. She playfully smacked his ass, loving to see his hole twitch and spasm around her favorite dildo/strap on.

Ryuken worked the vibe faster, making Isshin fuck his mouth harder. His orgasm hit hard, Isshin’s cock buried down his throat, Ryuken’s nose buried deep in his thick bush. He had another climax and spilled his seed into the sheets below.

Isshin pulled out of his mouth and turned around. Masaki pulled out of Ryuken letting him collapse, barely had enough strength to roll over. Masaki took her place at Isshin’s ass, after removing the vibe she thrust in. “I love you, honey!”

“Love you ahh too!”

“Your stamina is as crazy as ever,” Ryuken notes watching the strap on fuck Isshin’s tight ass.

“Nah, we are just excited about having you back with us again.”

“We ahh missed ahh you fuck, Masaki!” Ryuken smiled.

To be continued


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