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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward

Slime Lord

Chapter 11  https://www.patreon.com/posts/31273338 


Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Pack Bond Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade, Menace, Knock Back,

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator,

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Riguru: 12 inches

Offensive Skills: Boro Breath, Firebolt

Ranga: 12 inches + 3-inch knot 15 inches total

Passive Skill: Size Manipulation; allows him to shrink down from his actual size making it easier to move around. Werewolf Transformation.

Offensive Skills: Fang Over Fang, Menace,

Rigurd: 13 + Thick

Kaijin: 11 inches + Thick




Chapter 12 Slime Burial

Rimuru had saved Shizu, the damage to the village was saddening, but no lives were lost thanks to Riguru’s actions. He got everyone out of the village and at a safe distance. They could rebuild so long as they survived. Though Rimuru had freed her from Ifrit, he wasn’t a god, and no amount of healing potion could stop the march of time.

A full week had passed since the incident, and Shizu hadn’t gotten better. She was resting, barely eating, he didn’t know what to do. ‘Great Sage, is there anything that can be done?’

Answer: Having Ifrit in her body is what extended her life.

“What?!?!” Rimuru gasped and became sullen. ‘Does that mean that I...’

Report: Her Vitality was depleted, however, if you had not purged her of him he would’ve taken over her body completely, and I’m sure that is not what she wished for. 

Shizu was fading, she was old, far older than she appeared. Rimuru guessed it, judging from the time she came from. Shizu had woken up.

“Sir Slime...” she smiled. “Were you with me the entire time?”

“I’m sorry...there is nothing I can do...”

“Don’t say that you saved me,” her life force was fading. “You freed me from my curse.” Rimuru spat out her mask, he had managed to repair it. “It’s okay, I won’t be needing it.”

“What about your mission?” She was chasing that demon lord who had summoned her. Rimuru noticed Shizu’s hair was turning white.

“It’s been a few decades since I’ve come here...a lot of terrible things have happened, but I also met quite a few good people.” She told Rimuru of her teacher who had given her the mask, the adventurer friends she had made. The trio was clumsy but good people, she thought they were a nice group to go on her last mission with. “Last of all, I was able to have this miraculous meeting with you.”

She smiled and pet him. “It’s not like I don’t have any regrets, but I’ve lived long enough.” Her body was fading, her skin withering.

“If you have any regrets, won’t you tell me about them?”

“I can’t ask that of you. I can’t leave you with such a heavy burden.”

“I want to help, I’m your friend, so please tell me.” Shizu shared with Rimuru, sharing what should as the last of her strength began to wane, and the embers of her life began to fade. Rimuru promised he would try to help.

“This world...I can’t say I hate it but...I’ve never considered it home...” Her hair had gone completely white. “Please...Sir Slime...eat me...”

“Eh?” he scooted up to her. “Are you sure?”

“You...my comrade from home...take me home...let me be at peace...” she no longer had the strength to move. “I don’t want...to be absorbed by this world...”

“I will never forget you, my friend, I will eat you, and grant you the peace you so deserve.” It was all he could do for her now, giving her his slime burial. Shizu died a smile on her face, without the strength to even speak, simply mouthing the words. “Thank...you...”

“Rest in peace inside me,” Rimuru asked great sage to grant her wish, and give her happy dreams forever and never have to wake up from them. Rimuru used Predator...

So it was Shizu woke up in a strange world of fog and light, she saw her master and her friend in the distance and ran after them. They waved at her and pointed her in the right direction.

She turned and saw her mother, her home...racing towards her she returned to her innocent youth and reunited with her mother. Her mother smiled and embraced her. “Thank you...Satoru...” her soul was finally able to rest.


“I wonder if Shizu is alright...” Eren said the trio were walking through the village, after a week they had made some headway in getting everything together.

“No need to worry, Rimuru is with her.” Kabal pointed out.

“He’s right, those recovery potions he gave us were amazing, so I’m sure she’s going to be fine.” Eren had picked some flowers for Shizu.

“Welcome back,” Rigur greeted them, Ranga and he had just returned from hunting.

“You’ve been quite busy, Riguru-sama.” The hobgoblin blushed.

“Well we have to get things back to normal, everyone is working hard.” It was true, Rigurd and Riguru were really taking charge and getting things back to what they had. Homes were back and they were working on getting their crops replanted. Ifrit was quite the powerful enemy, Riguru knew he had to get stronger.

They headed towards the hut Rimuru and Shizu were in and bumped into Rigurd. “Hey everyone, you guys are here to check on them?”

“Yeah, Rimuru-sama hasn’t left her side all week, I know he doesn’t need to eat or sleep, but I’m worried about him.”

“I know how you feel son,” Rigurd patted his shoulder. “I also brought a change of clothes for Miss Shizu.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about Rimuru, he’s amazing!” Kabal said a faint blush on his cheeks. Ranga and Rigur share a look.

“Lord Rimuru, we are coming in.” Everyone gasped.

Rimuru and Shizu were gone, and in the room stood a naked person.

“Who is that?!” Eren gasped. “A naked girl?”

“A naked boy?!” Kabal and Gido gasp and blush.


“Lord Rimuru...that appearance...”


“Master!” Ranga gasped.

“You’re beautiful...” Riguru said he couldn’t look away.

Rimuru turned, some tears rolling down his cheeks. Rigurd gave Rimuru the clothes so he wouldn’t be walking around naked.

“I see, so Miss Shizu has already passed.” Their heads were cast down.

“I must ask...you are really Rimuru-sama, yes?” He both did and didn’t look like Shizu, his stature wasn’t the same and the subtle features were different.

“Fool, you think I would not recognize my master!” Ranga growled at Gido.

Rimuru showed them by turning back into a slime. “Amazing!” Eren looked away.

“Did you...swallow Shizu?” she was tearing up. “Like how you swallowed my magic and Ifrit?”

“It was her dying wish, it was the only way for me to give her a proper burial. I apologize for not talking it over beforehand with you guys, who are her comrades.”

“Don’t fret over it...if this was Shizu’s own wish, we would also agree,” Kabal said.

Rimuru turned to Eren. “I will understand if you cannot forgive me in your heart.”

Eren closed her eyes and shook her head. “No, you are a very nice slime. I just really wanted to say a last word of goodbye to her.”

“Shizu told me she was really happy, to be able to meet and become comrades with you guys on her last journey.” he looked between the trio. “Of course she also said you guys were a bit danger prone.” Gido and Eren looked at Kabal.


“Oi, don’t just stare over here y’all!” the other two chuckled. “What about when you fell into that pitfall trap, and you call yourself a Thief!”

“Shizu was shocked at that.” Eren chuckled.

“Oh yeah, what about when you froze that tunnel and ticked off those bat monsters!”

“Oi you can’t blame that on me!” the trio began to bicker back and forth, it slowly became reminiscing their time with Shizu.

“That time Shizu helped me take out that spider monster.”

“After that, Shizu helped me disarm some traps...”

“It was nice having another girl on the team, we got to talk a lot, she was so reliable too.” Rimuru was a little worried they were a tad too reliant on Shizu.

While their time together was short they had some stories to tell. They had some tea together. “We should go.”

“Leaving already?”

“Yeah, we must report to the Guild Master about this time in the forest...and also about Shizu...”

“There are guilds here?” It certainly piqued his interest.

“Of course, it’s called the Freedom Association, most adventurers are a part of it.” Kabal smiled at him. “Of course we won’t speak ill about this place in our reports.” he winked at Rimuru.

“We will have to report about you though,” Eren said Rimuru nodded.

“If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to call on us,” Gido added. Rimuru was tempted, there was a lot he still needed to learn about this world.

“Of course, if there is anything I can do for you guys as well. You guys be careful.”

“There is one last thing,” Kabal said. “Could you take human form again?”

“Sure, that’s no big thing.” He transformed back into his human form. “What is it?”

The trio bowed to him. “Shizu, up until now, thank you very much for everything!!” the shouted in unison.

“I will become a good party leader that won’t let you worry anymore!” Kabal said.

“The experience of adventuring with you will be the treasure of my entire lifetime!” Gido said.

Eren rushed forward and hugged Rimuru. “Thank you...I had come to see you to be like a sister!” Rimuru smiled.

“Really...you guys were really the best comrades for Shizu’s last journey!” he hugged her back.


“Say, aren’t your guy’s equipment a little too crappy.” The trio gasped, Eren twitching, Gido shielding his chest, while Kabal shielded his crotch, all three blushing.

“So cruel...but yeah...”

The trio got their measurements taken, and were fitted with some really fine gear. “Alright, here you go!”


“This is...” Kabal gasped.

“A farewell present, the best works of the artisans here.”

“No way, this is the scale mail I’ve always wanted!” Kabal gasped.

“This robe is beautiful, it’s so light but sturdy!” Eren was ecstatic.

Gido blushed. “Do we really deserve such fine equipment?” he rubbed the back of his head. “This is even lined with Dire Wolf fur.”

“To be fair, they’re just prototypes,” Kaijin explained. “We do hope you enjoy them!” Rimuru introduced them to the dwarf team that made their new items.

“How does it feel?” Dord asked them.

“Amazing!” they cheered.

“No way...K-Kaijin, the blacksmith who’s world-famous for his skills?!” the dwarves were a tad embarrassed at the tsunami of praise that was thrown at them.

“I will treat this armor as my family treasure!” Kabal was overjoyed. “Thank you so much!” The dwarves were hugged.

“This is a dream come true!” Rimuru was pleased, guess this gift hit the mark.

The trio left, their vigor was awe-inspiring. He would need some time, some clues, and information. He really wanted to deck Leon Cromwell in the face for making Shizue cry. He always did his best to keep his promises to his friends.

To be continued...New Form! Rimuru Tests His Skills and Abilities!


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