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Bleach parody: Tier 1:Born on the Phone

Lamia Arrancar

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-arrancar-2-29947002 

Chapter 3 Ichigo's Travels and Grimmjow's Mission

Ichigo stepped out of the garganta and was met with sunshine for the first time in years. The air was so crisp and heavenly. He took a deep breath and basked in the sunshine a bit, feeling it warm his skin. 'I'm really back…' his heart fluttered. 

He set off and began to explore, some things were as he remembered, but not as big, though maybe that was because he was bigger. He passed by some humans, but they couldn't see him. It made sense, he was still a spirit, he wondered if his family would even be able to see him. 

Ichigo avoided more crowded areas, though he could not be seen he could still interact with the physical world. Along his way he came across a bridge with some humans beneath it. They were having some kind of brawl. 

It was a group of thugs, ganging up on a taller boy. At a glance Ichigo could tell he was stronger than them. 'So they ganged up to take on a stronger opponent.' Ichigo watched them for a bit, they kept attacking the giant teen, but he wasn't fighting back. He dodged, took hits, but didn't throw a single punch. 'He's tough!'

'Grr, you damn freak!' A guy grabbed a cement chunk and raised it above his head. 'Die!'

"Look out!" Ichigo shouted. 

Chad dodged the guy with the cement block. 'Did he hear me?' but one of the goons went at him with a knife. 'Cowards!' Ichigo struck, lashing out with his tail. He disarmed the goon, smacking the knife out of his hand and breaking it from the force. He grabbed him and the guy who tried to smash Chad with the cement block, before spinning them round and round. He tossed them away, they were fine, dizzy but fine.

The goons ran off screaming.




 Chad looked equally confused, looking around, but seeing no one else around. "You can't see me huh? Probably couldn't hear me either, just a fluke after all." Ichigo sighed. "You seem like a pretty strong guy, you should be more careful." He slithered off, leaving the mountain of a lad alone. "Later!"

"Was someone there?" This boy didn't know who saved him, but it wouldn't be the last time their paths crossed. 


Grimmjow was woken up by his men. "Grimmjow-sama!"

"You are okay!" They cheered.

"What happened?" He got up and shook himself off. He looked around and found his prey missing. 

"We don't know, the Vasto Lorde knocked us out when he countered are group cero." Illfort said. 

"You must have beaten him, Grimmjow-sama!" Di Roy said excitedly. 

"What makes you say that?" He growled making the hollow flinch. The pack looked at each other, then to Grimmjow.

"Well...Grimmjow-sama, it's hard to describe, but you are stronger now." He raised a brow at them. They were right, he felt different, lighter, and he didn't feel the fear. The fear most menos level hollows felt, the fear of being consumed. 

His mind felt clear, focused, and his spiritual pressure seemed to soar. He flexed a bit, before letting loose his pressure and it was so intense it brought his pack down. The sands vibrated with his force, his energy rippling out and even destroying a few lesser hollows. 

"Amazing!" His pack cheered, when he pulled back his pressure. 

"You must have eaten a piece of that Vasto Lorde, and ascended in power." That didn't sound right to Grimmjow. He also didn't know why he was asleep, he never slept.

'You are safe in my coils!' Grimmjow felt heat radiate through his body. 

"That Vasto Lorde must have ran off, after you took a bite of him." 

'No that's not right...where is he?' He used his pesquisa, it reached out across the sands, but he couldn't find Ichigo. 'Where did he go?'

'Even if we are far apart, who is your master?'  

"He is..." His pack looked to him in confusion. "It's nothing." Even though his master was gone, did not mean he wasn't owned. He was owned! The thought of submission had made him mad in the past, but now…

He had a master, a strong master, someone who helped him get stronger. He didn't know how Ichigo did it, but this power...it was electrifying...and he didn't feel the hunger of the thousands of hollows he's consumed. This was a gift, a gift his new master bestowed upon him, because he saw how special Grimmjow was. 

Grimmjow felt like he was closer to the summit of his evolution. He wanted to fight Ichigo again, not to kill him but for the rush. The thrill of battle, the thrill of fighting Ichigo, the joy of testing one's strength against another.

It was weird, normally he fought for survival, sure he got excited after a good fight or when finding interesting prey. All he thought about was eating and gaining strength. Now he was different...

His world felt so clear to him, Ichigo would return and collect him in time. Ichigo had a job for him, a mission. "We are moving!"

"Are we gonna hunt down the Vasto Lorde?" Grimmjow shook his head. 

"No, we have new prey to hunt." He said and began to move. His pack were confused but followed after Grimmjow. 

"Who are we hunting?" Illfort asked.

"Grand Fisher!" He growled. This earned some gasps. Grand Fisher, a special hollow that had a bounty in Soul Society. He actively worked to make new hollows and enslave others. While not powerful as the menos class, he was crafty, and hard to pin down. 


Ichigo wondered around some more, he noticed some wandering ghosts. They fled at the sight of him, not too surprising since he was still a hollow. He unconsciously knew where he was heading. He had no idea what time it would be, but with the sun out he thought it would be fine. 

Soon he was there...the place where he died and was reborn as a hollow. It looked so different in the day, the sky clear, but it still didn't sit well with Ichigo. This was where he died, where the hollow Grand Fisher ended his life and his new life began. He had been robbed, how many years has it been, how much time with his family was stripped from him, how many friends was he denied?

'King…' his inner hollow spoke. The sky of his inner world was getting cloudy. Ichigo balled his hand into a fist, he slithered closer to the river. It was running so smooth now, but he could remember the violent torrent of that night. The sky was clear but he could still feel the rain pelting his skin. Though he was not injured, he still remembered the blow that ended his life. He still could remember the girl he tried to save and the face/mask of the hollow who killed him. 

The girl had been Grand Fisher's lure, a cheap trick to lure those who could see spirits so he could kill them. He had fallen for it, he was so stupid, at least that is what he felt. His spiritual pressure spiked in his frustration. 

He wasn't a little kid anymore. He was stronger now, he had survived! Still...being back here brought it back, he could still hear his mother calling out to him in terror. He wondered if she saw what happened that night.

'Ichigo...Ichigo…' her words were both the last and first thing he remembered, his name. She sounded so scared. 'Ichigo...Ichigo…' he pondered if he didn't hold on to that name would he have lost himself completely? 'Ichigo!' His hand balled into a fist. "Mother…" he cried. 

"Ichigo?" The boy tensed, behind him stood a woman. His head turned and his eyes widened...it was her! "Ichigo!" Masaki dropped her groceries and ran over to her son, and hugged him. "It's you isn't it?"

"Mom!" His arms encircled her and he sank into her warmth for the first time in years. 

To be continued


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