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One Piece Parody: Tier 1: Born on phone


Candle Candle Fruit

The superior devil fruit to the wax was fruit, not only does it give the user the ability to turn their body to wax, conjure wax, but also is able to use fire breathing fire. It's on the same level as Katakuri's fruit where it could almost be mistaken for a logia, with Luffy able to turn his body to liquid wax allowing attacks to pass through him. Wax Play, Toys, Switcher Luffy/Harem

Chapter 1

The East Blue has been known as the weakest of all the four seas. Even the biggest threats in the East are considered inferior, the one who had the highest bounty was Arlong a Fishman. So when a rookie pirate started taking out these heavy hitters in the East it raised some notice.

Monkey D. Luffy had crushed corrupt marines, taken down pirates such as Buggy, Kuro, Don Krieg, and even Arlong fell to this rookie. In the course of 1 month, he had gotten a ship and decent crew and had obtained the highest bounty in the East Blue.

This news reached Smoker in Loguetown. The man was a seasoned marine with a powerful logia devil fruit. He was the marine captain at Loguetown and had crushed many pirates in his tenor. Loguetown was a famous island, considered the place of the beginning and the end. It was where the King of the Pirates was born and eventually died, setting off the Great Pirate Era!

Smoker was relaxing in his sauna stacking warm stones when one of his men burst in. “Sir!” Smoker’s rocks toppled over.

“What is it?!” he growled, the man was in a cloud of white a mix of steam and smoke.

“I have a report about the Straw Hat Pirates,” he said giving a salute.

“Straw Hat?” he raised a brow.

“Yes sir, he’s an up and coming rookie, he’s already taken out several big names.”

“So he’s just an upstart.” Pirates fighting other pirates didn’t interest Smoker since he felt it was better they just wiped each other out. He’s crushed so many pathetic pirates he considered it mercy as they’d have been swallowed up by the Grand Line.

“Well sir, he’s an upstart with Thirty Million Bounty.”

“What?” that got Smoker’s attention.

“Yes, while he’s just a rookie he already has a ship, and including himself, his crew has a total of five. Reports have stated that Pirate Hunter Zoro is a member of his crew.” Now that was a surprise, Smoker had heard of him, the Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro, a man who practiced the three sword style. He didn’t care much for bounty hunters either as they tended to be just as bad as pirates. “Reports have said, his crew also consists of one female, a blonde-haired male, and a male with a long nose. Monkey D. Luffy is the only one with a bounty, we’ll be receiving his Wanted Poster soon.”

“Let me know as soon as they arrive, I’d like to welcome them to Loguetown myself.” he opened the window and allowed the mix of steam and smoke to clear out. “Seems like a good day to chase down some pirates.”

“That is just it sir, the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates docked a few hours ago.”

“It what?!” Smoker stepped out of the sauna. The man was tall and intimidating, he was shirtless and barefoot wearing only some pants. He put his marine jacket on, got his weapon, a sea stone prism infused jute, and put his shoes on before he went out to find the Straw Hats.

“Wait, sir, I have more to tell you, sir!” Smoker didn’t think he needed any more intel.

“Get back to work soldier, locate the other members of his crew, I’ll bring down the captain myself,” he ordered and headed off.

A lot of people were a bit scared of Smoker, he was quite intimidating in both size, power, and attitude. Truth be told he was quite the softie. Like when a girl was running around in the street carrying ice cream, she ran into Smoker her treat going all over his pants.

“My...ice...cream...” she teared up ready to cry, while her dad panicked.

“I’m sorry, my silly pants ate up all your ice cream, here...” he gave her some gold coins. “Get yourself another, five scoops.” The girl brightened up.

“Thank you, mister!” Smoker smiled at her, as the father bowed his head in thanks.

‘This is my town, anyone who disturbs the peace in my town will answer to me.’ By a stroke of luck Luffy and his crew had docked and were out doing their own thing, so when another pirate crew showed up and started causing trouble at the docks Smoker focused on taking them out.

One of his men thought he had taken out the Straw Hat pirates so fast. “Don’t be an idiot, if trash like this was worth thirty million then I’d become a pirate!” The pirates were caught in his smoke, being a logia his body could turn into smoke and he could control and manipulate it.

Due to a series of wrong turns, Luffy had ended up at the docks, which was odd because he was looking for the execution platform. “Is that kid with this lot?” Smoker asked.

“I don’t believe so sir.”

“Oi,” Luffy rushed over and now that he was closer Smoker got a good look at him. The boy had a scar under his eyes, dark raven locks, he was toned wearing a red vest that showed off his abs and pecs, his arms and legs were toned. Smoker could see the years of training in his body. He could also see the boy wasn’t wearing underwear, judging by the bulge in the boy’s blue shorts. “Can you help me, I’m lost?”

“What are you looking for?”

“The execution platform, I wanna see where the King of the Pirates died!” he said excitedly. Smoker’s eyes widened. “Do you not know where it is? You must be new too.”

“Hold on,” Luffy stopped. “Just follow the smoke.” the smoke from his cigars drifted and formed a path in the air.

“Really! Thank you!” surprising the man and the marines behind him. Luffy jumped and kissed the man on the cheek. Smoker’s cheeks reddened, and he touched his cheek.

‘So warm!’ the boy’s lips left a residual warmth. His eyes followed the boy as he ran past him, he couldn’t stop himself from looking at the boy’s plump ass. He felt his heart flutter a bit as his blood rushed south.


Smoker couldn’t stop thinking of the boy he had met at the docks. He was fit, had a nice bulge, a plump ass what more could a guy ask for. He even had some of his men blushing. The boy had some kind of magnetic charm about him.

It wasn’t long before Luffy got lost again and bumped into Zoro. “Hey Zoro, you hungry?” he asked with a smirk. The green-haired swordsman blushed and nodded. They found an alley and Luffy put up a wall for cover.

Zoro got his captain’s dick out of his pants. Luffy was huge, thanks to his devil fruit his cock could grow, but his natural size was intimidating. Zoro felt him harden in his hands, he squeezed the boy’s semi-hard dick and got to work.

This wasn’t his first rodeo, since joining Luffy’s crew he understood his captain’s needs. Luffy called him his special nakama, one he did naughty things with. He fell under his captain’s sway, he always thought of training and becoming the world’s greatest swordsman. His captain helped him relax, awakening a side to himself he didn’t realize was there.

When he met Luffy he didn’t think the guy would be the type to think about sex, but a few days alone in a rowboat together things happened. It only got better when they got their ship. The boy could be quite clever especially the use of his devil fruit powers.

He moaned as his captain got hard in his mouth, he had the guy down his throat, breathing through his nose and taking in his manly musk. He was so damn hard, just from sucking his captain’s dick. His pre-cum was unique, being a devil fruit eater had given him a unique flavor. One Zoro rather liked.

It was also warm, and when it filled his belly that warmth spread through him like a wildfire. He bobbed his head back and forth, slurping and sucking on Luffy’s long hard cock feeling his own dick pulse and throb. Luffy laced his fingers through green locks, letting him do what he wanted. Zoro was enjoying this as much as his captain was.

Zoro was blissing out, time melting away as he sucked the massive length. “Mmm,” he moaned around his shaft.

“Zoro!” Luffy moaned and came down his swordsman’s throat, he pulled back enough to catch some of it in his mouth. It was hot on his tongue, his taste buds flared and his eyes rolled up. His own climax followed shortly after.

“Thanks for the meal, captain!” Zoro said after pulling off his cock. Luffy helped clean him up.

“You still need to get swords?” Luffy asked. Zoro had faced Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the seven warlords of the sea, and the world’s greatest swordsman. The man was his goal the reason he took to the sea.

It was hard for Luffy to watch, the levels of their strength were vast. Zoro was losing but his determination earned Mihawk’s respect. He took him on seriously, Zoro lost two of his swords and gained a scar across his chest and stomach.

Luffy had snapped and attacked Mihawk in a rage, he actually put up a decent fight but his focus had to be Zoro. Luffy had sat back before because it was Zoro’s duel, but now he wasn’t gonna hold back. Mihawk took interest in Luffy as well. They made a promise, Zoro swore he wouldn’t lose again, and they both agreed to get stronger.

“Yeah, I borrowed money from Nami, that witch is charging me 300% interest.” Nami was very big into money.

“I’ll talk to her, the crew’s funds need to help support the crew. You are our swordsman, my swordsman!” Zoro shivered.

“Yes yours, my captain.” the two kissed and made out a bit. Hands wandered and explored, feeling hard muscle and groping. They parted ways so Zoro could get his swords and Luffy could find the execution platform.

To be continued


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