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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon reward


Dan’s Rule

Dan has grown bored in the future, he realized he destroyed too much too quickly, he didn’t have any fun. So he uses Clockwork to go back in time/parallel universe and has some real fun. Mind Break Muscle Hyper Dan/Harem

Chapter 1 Boredom

Dan Phantom, formerly known as Danny Phantom aka Danny Fenton, ruled over a terrifying future. His human side was destroyed and he had stolen the power of Vlad Masters. He spent years harnessing his ghostly powers until he had bested the greatest threats in the ghost zone. From those he crushed furthered his own power, just as he had taken the power from Vlad, he took the best powers from his enemies, making it so they could never challenge him again.

With his ghostly powers reaching new peaks and he returned to the human world brought that world to its knees.

The rebel forces had done their best to defend the last few cities, but with his new power, he crushed their futile ghost shields. The rebel forces were ground beneath his heal, the last of the cities reduced to ruins. He now lived in a palace of his own making, he had reduced the world to nothing, and now found himself terribly bored.

All his enemies were vanquished, he had crushed the world too quickly. What was the point of ruling the world if you had no one to enjoy it with? He wasn’t exactly sentimental, in truth he just wanted a few playthings to curve his boredom. Life was a game and he had won, but where was his reward?

He had watched the world burn, certainly scratched that itch. He got to taste destruction, the glory of battle, and the joy in the defeat of one’s enemies. In his spare moments he thought about those he crushed, he thought how he could have prolonged their suffering, and reveled in their humiliation. He was the king of both the human and the ghost world, but where was the fun in that.

The ghosts had been some entertainment to defeat, and while the humans didn’t have the power to match him they at least provided semi entertainment in battle. Their attempts to stop him were almost cute. There weren’t many challenges left, he thought about leaving Earth and exploring the universe, but that just seemed equally dull.

Most of the Ghost zone had been warped to his design, those that made their homes in it, once the king fell their worlds were his to control. Then it hit him, while he had bested his enemies, those that had always bothered him in his youth, there were still ghosts that had some power and influence.

“Yes...that one...that meddling fool, he’s perfect.” He opened a portal to the ghost zone with his own power. He traveled the vast realms until he came upon what he was looking for. It was a clock tower, in this part of the ghost zone it was beyond time. The place was immune to alternate time paths or paradoxes.

Such a place had no interest in the powerful ghost tyrant, but now his boredom had led him here. Inside would be the key to cure his boredom forever.


Clockwork in his adult form looked at a clock. “He’s late,” An explosion drew his attention and he shifted to his old man form. “I was wondering when you’d show up, you are five minutes late.”

“Guess there is no surprising the Master of Time.” Dan walked forward. Clockwork reverted to his childhood form.

“What do you hope to gain from this?”

“My past, my present, and my future,” Dan said crossing his arms.

Clockwork changed to his adult form. “You know I can’t allow you to do this!”

Dan laughed. “What does it matter, you didn’t stop me from changing this world to ruin?” his hands were lit ablaze with ghostly fire.

“It wasn’t my place to stop you,” he said. The Watchers had told him to stop Dan many times, going as far as to say to kill Danny in the past. “You chose to walk this path, this is your punishment, to live in a world that you have brought to ruin!”

“Phantom Flames!” the blue flames were launched and Clockwork dodged them, having the flames blast holes in his walls. Clockwork reversed time restoring the damage as he changed into his old man form.

Dan let loose a barrage of ecto energy blasts, only for the old ghost to dodge them. “You are pretty spry for an old man!” He conjured green flames and sent a barrage of them at Clockwork.

The ghost turned into a child, using his time powers to slow the flames down and easily avoiding them. Dan’s next move was to create ecto energy and shift it, turning it into ropes. They tied up Clockwork, only for him to turn into an adult and break the chains. “Enough of this, leave my home, or face the consequences.”

“I’ll show you,” he set up to use his ghostly wail, only for Clockwork to stop his time.

“I warned you!” Clockwork charged up an attack only to get blasted from behind. “What?!”

Dan laughed, stepping out from the darkness wearing one of Clockwork’s medallions. “Did you see this coming?”

“How did?” the Dan he had been fighting vanished. “A double?”

“You are the wisest ghost in all of the ghost zone, one capable of seeing all the paths time goes. Among all the foes I’ve faced, they all had their weaknesses, and then I figured out yours.” Dan approached him. “You change forms, always shifting from past, present, and future. I realized in the few seconds you shift you aren’t as all-seeing.” Dan zapped him, making the time ghost cry out in pain. He kept his focus on the double while stealing one of his medallions.

Now his time powers couldn’t effect Dan. Dan used his Ghost Stinger to drain Clockwork of his power. He took up Clockwork’s staff and upon using it conjured something from his past. “Dan...don’t do this...you can still...”

“I think I’m done listening to you!” he revealed the Fenton Thermos. “Enjoy this blast from the past!” he laughed evilly as the time ghost was sucked into the thermos. “Now...Let’s have some fun!” he laughed as he used Clockwork’s staff to open a portal in time and jumped into the past.

Not his past, a parallel past, but it would suit his needs just the same. He appeared in a world untouched by his hands so full of life, it would mostly stay this way. He had fulfilled his desire to destroy, now he had new desires to satiate. He found his own home and his old self in his old room.

He acted quickly stopping time. He couldn’t stop time for long, he was still new to this power but he had enough control to get inside. “I really was quite the looker.” He touched Danny’s face. “So much you need to be taught, so little...time...”

Dan tapped the staff on the ground and flooded the room with time energy, it drained him, but it would be worth it. Clockwork had made his home untouched by time, so Dan figured he could do the same, though on a smaller scale. He manipulated the room’s time, so one year in here was only day outside.

Doing this causes Danny’s time to be unstopped. He shivered as his ghost sense activated. “Who are you?!” Danny gasped backing away from the mystery ghost.

“I’m you from the future.”

“Yeah right,” Danny tried to go ghost, only for Dan to zap him draining him of his powers. “What did you do to me?”

“Just a little drain, you’ll be fine, but I don’t wanna waste any time, we have a lot of work to do.” His hand glowed green and Danny gasped as his clothes were removed, the garments glowing green before getting pulled from him. Before he knew it he was naked.

“What are you doing?” Danny gasped, covering his crotch.

“Cutting to the chase, we were always rather dense, needing hands-on experience to learn.” he pressed Danny to him and kissed him hungrily. Danny gasped, and Dan used that chance to slip his tongue into the boy’s mouth. He dominated the kiss making him go weak in the knees.

Dan released him and the boy slumped to the ground. “Why would you do that?!” Danny snapped, his whole face going red.

“You sure are green, that’s why!” he pointed and Danny gasped as his cock was rock hard. “I’m giving you a crash course kid, there is so much I can teach you, so much to help you grow.” Danny shivered. “It’s your lucky day Danny because I am here to change your life!”

Danny had no idea what was going on, this was weird, he had a ghost claiming he was him from the future, looking jacked. Danny still wasn’t sure he could trust this guy, but if he was him from the future, he could trust him right? Danny was hesitant before reaching out and taking Dan’s hand.

To be continued


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