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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1

Slime Lord

Chapter 10  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-10-2-30280668 


Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Pack Bond Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade, Menace, Knock Back,

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator,

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Riguru: 12 inches

Offensive Skills: Boro Breath, Firebolt

Ranga: 12 inches + 3-inch knot 15 inches total

Passive Skill: Size Manipulation; allows him to shrink down from his actual size making it easier to move around. Werewolf Transformation.

Offensive Skills: Fang Over Fang, Menace,

Rigurd: 13 + Thick

Kaijin: 11 inches + Thick




Chapter 11 Battle of Fire

Shizu has been taken over by the Fire Spirit Ifrit. The killing intent radiating off her was intense. “Riguru!”

“Yes, sir?”

“I need you to evacuate the village, get them as far away as you can.”

“But...” he looked concerned.

“Listen, I don’t know if I’ll be able to contain this, make sure everyone else gets to safety...please Riguru, I’m counting on you.” that solidified his resolve.

“Yes sir!” he ran off to warn the village.

“You guys should take this time and run.” Rimuru looked at the adventurers.

Kabal stomped on the ground. “That definitely won’t do!” the trio stood together, brushing the sweat from their brows. “I don’t know why she would reveal such blood lust...”

“But she’s our comrade!” Gido added.

“Yeah!” Eren said readying her staff.

“I understand, be careful!”

“Get...away...” the group looked to her. “Quickly...get away...from me...” One of the demon red eyes returned to normal. “I can’t suppress it anymore...” her aura shifted and the spirit of Ifrit appeared in silhouette among the flames.

Warning: Magical Power increasing, The Spirit Ifrit is taking ownership of the individual Shizue Izawa. Berserk State imminent.

“Shizu...this curse you’ve been carrying, let me take it from you. Leave it to me!” He jumped onto Ranga’s back. Shizu closed her eyes, the flames encircled her like a cyclone.

“Never thought I’d be facing a hero from the past...” Kabal drew his sword.

“Life...really is ever-changing and unpredictable...” Gido said drawing his knife. Ifrit was one of the highest-ranked flame spirits, and he took form before them. His red hair was overflowing with flames, he had dark skin with red markings on his shoulders, pecs, and abs. Rimuru’s slime eyes widened at the sight at the rather sexy fire elemental, those big pecs, those rock hard abs, the chiseled arms and legs, even the thick tail…

‘Fuck...he’s hot!’ The heat that radiated off his body was intense, drying out the air and making it harder to breathe.

“Spirit of flames, Ifrit! Just what are you after?!” Rimuru asked.

Ifrit pointed up confusing the slime, only to summon several balls of fire, with a flick of the wrist the balls rained down upon the group. Ranga dodged, while the adventurers were knocked back, Eren raised a magical shield to defend against the onslaught.

“Ranga, I need you to focus on dodging!”

“By your will!” Ranga dodged the balls of fire. Rimuru was a tad worried about Shizu who served as the host, but if things were not done...he shook his head if worst came to worst he would use his healing potions.

Turns out he had been using a widespread attack, with another flick of the wrist he conjured flame pillars that rose up from the ground. Ranga dodged but several trees were caught up and began to burn.

“Eat This! Water Blade!” Rimuru shot a blade of water at Ifrit, only to have it evaporate before it could reach him. “What the heck? How is water not effective against fire!?”

Answer: The spirit known as Ifrit is too high leveled, one can use water or rain to weaken a lower level fire spirit.

‘So wait, what if I use all the water I’ve stored up in my body?’

Answer: It could work, but the chance of a steam explosion is high. The whole region, including your town, will be blown off the map. Do you wish to proceed?

‘Hell no!’

It seems Ifrit wasn’t done, he used the burning trees as sacrifices to create Salamaders to fight alongside him. “Master those are powerful spirits, fang and claw attacks will not affect them!”

The group of fire elementals spread like wildfire, when the salamanders flapped their wings they released embers causing more trees to burn, Ifrit controlled the flames making them spread faster. The village was in danger, but thankfully Riguru came through and had everyone evacuate. Still...it was annoying to Rimuru to see the village they built get scorched.

“What can I do? I don’t have a skill that would work on this guy?”

“Icicle Lance!” Eren fired ice magic, the ice penetrated a salamander killing it. Ifrit’s focus went to them, with a snap of his fingers he sent his other two salamanders after them. Eren killed another one.

“Magic is good against spirits!” Ranga reports.

“Magic huh?” he jiggled with excitement. He had Wind Magic, but fire benefited from wind spells. “Eren shoot the next one at me!” Rimuru called.

“What?” she gasped.

“Just do it!” she charged up the attack. “Icicle Lance!” she fired. Rimuru jumped and swallowed the attack with Predator.

Acquired: Ice Magic, Icicle Lance Skill, Summon Rain, Summon Snow, Frost Blade, Blizzard Roar.

The other salamander tried to self destruct on the adventurers. “Blizzard Roar!” Thanks to his magic and dragon breath skill he got this technique. After taking a deep breath, he blew a gale of ice and snow. The salamander was frozen completely, unable to explode.

Ifrit was done playing around, he charged up a powerful fire attack, and blasted the adventurers. Kabal charged up a shield, and Eren used a magical barrier, but both shields couldn’t stand against Ifrit’s fire.

“So he was just toying with us before.” Rimuru dished out some healing potion, making sure they wouldn’t be killed. “Ranga...look after them...”

“Yes sir, he took his werewolf form and carried the group off. Rimuru used his summon rain skill, to extinguish Ifrit’s wildfire, and keeping him from summoning any more Salamanders.

“It’s just you and me now!”

Ifrit smirked at him and used his Cloning skill to surround Rimuru. “Ehh?” the clones began charging up some Black Flames. “I don’t think so!” he jumped and spun combining the water he had stored with his ice magic. “Eat this, Icicle Shotgun!”

A barrage of ice spears hit the clones ripping them apart. When Rimuru landed, he was caught in the real Ifrit’s trap. “Damn...” he cursed as the flame circle appeared beneath him.

Powerful flames shot up from the seal and Rimuru cried out. “Ahhhhh, it’s over...my short life as a slime has come to end...it was a good life...slife...” he sat in the vortex of fire, full of regret of not being able to save Shizu, and able to fuck his boys properly. “Boy this sure is taking a long time, and I don’t really feel anything, is he still playing with me?”

Answer: You are taking no damage thanks to your Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.

“Awesome sauce! That means we are playing on easy mode.” Rimuru had forgotten about that, much to no surprise from Great Sage.

Ifrit thought he had won, so he turned to leave, only to get caught by Rimuru’s combo of sticky and steal thread. “You underestimated me.” Ifrit’s eyes widened as Rimuru came out of his flames.

With a growl, he blew flames that did nothing to Rimuru. “Sorry, fire does nothing to me.” Ifrit began to sweat. “You sure gave Shizu a hard time, don’t think I’ll let you off so easy!”

Using his dissolve skill, he destroyed Ifrit’s loin clothe exposing his manliness to the world and his plump ass. “You got a nice piece here!” Ifrit blushed as Rimuru latched onto his crotch, his slime body encasing his shaft and his heavy balls at once.

Ifrit moaned as his cock and balls were sucked by the little slime. He hardened under Rimuru’s ministrations, his penis was huge reaching 15 inches in length, and Rimuru sucked it all. His nuts weren’t spared, as each orb was massaged and sucked by the cool slime.

The difference between hot and cold caused an electrifying sensation. Ifrit couldn’t remember the last time he got off, his previous master wasn’t exactly the friendly type. In no time Ifrit was leaking pre-cum, Rimuru gulping it down.

Acquired: Fire Magic, Flame Bombardment,

Rimuru released slime tentacles, molding the ends into hands. Ifrit could only moan as slime hands groped his plump ass, fondling and groping the jiggly cheeks. Rimuru marveled at the softness and bounciness and compared it to the spirits pecs, so firm and tender.

Ifrit blushed as his pecs and ass were groped as the nonstop suction on his cock pushed him closer to the edge. Rimuru had to release the spirit’s balls, but doing so allowed him to create another tentacle this one focusing on Ifrit’s tail.

The results were instant. Ifrit bucking and roaring in pleasure, the base of his tail was so sensitive it was like Rimuru was playing with another dick. He rubbed and stroked his tail, and Ifrit started to drool. With a roar he came, his seed exploding into Rimuru, and the slime greedily chugging it all down.

Acquired: Ifrit Cock Mimicy, Sauna Zone Skill

Ifrit was brought to his knees, Rimuru wasn’t letting up, his slime tentacles focused on the spirit’s ass. His ass arched up like a cat in heat, as the slime tendrils teased his entrance, and he continued sucking on his penis. His eyes rolled up as he came again, Rimuru drinking more spurts of his thick hot cum.

He wanted more and whined when Rimuru pulled back. “Consider this part of your punishment!” he said before using Predator and devouring Ifrit.


Ifrit found himself naked surrounded by a deep black void. Ifrit tried to escape but his flames did nothing. “Give it up Ifrit...you cannot escape this space...” glowing eyes peered from the darkness and Ifrit gasped at the sight...he wasn’t alone after all.

“Rimuru is my friend, he’s not someone you can defeat.” Veldora the storm dragon, his giant dragon cock was hard and weeping. “I’ve been watching, Rimuru has been doing well for himself.” he was lazily stroking his dick. “Bet you’ve never felt so good yeah?”

Ifrit blushed. “Storm Dragon...Veldora...”

“That’s Veldora Tempest!” he roared and came, showering Ifrit in semen. “I brought you here because I feel Rimuru will have use of you in the future, and you’ll come to seek to be bonded with him.”

Ifrit shivered, feeling his hole ache, the smell of dragon cum was making him horny. He’s never felt like this before, a part of flames was passion, and that spark had been awakened in him. “So then, I’ll be your partner for now!” Ifrit gulped, he was in for a wild time.


The day Rimuru would call on Ifrit would be a ways away, until that time Veldora and Ifrit watched as Rimuru’s adventures continued. Ifrit would come to learn of his mistakes and change through Rimuru’s eyes.

To be continued...Slime Burial


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