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Bleach parody: Tier 1 

Chapter 9  https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-legend-of-28267741 

Chapter 10 Dragon Classes

The trip back to the capital was a fast one. Everyone was shocked at the sudden change, even Komamura was stumped. Toshiro was driving Renji and nuts. When they stopped to rest, Toshiro was adamant about sleeping with Ichigo.

“Does master, not like me in this form?” Toshiro began to tear up. Ichigo’s big brother instincts gave in and let him. Which meant he couldn’t say no to Renji and Grimmjow either. They slept together.

Toshiro glared at the two. “I’m not giving master to either of you!”

“You what?” the two growled. Toshiro ignored them and cuddled up to their master, casually sniffing him and sighing happily.

They made it back to the slave trader, not soon enough in Renji and Grimmjow’s opinions. “Mayuri what kind of egg did you sell us?” Ichigo snapped.

“Whatever do you mean?” he turned to look at Ichigo. “I did tell you the eggs were random, don’t get angry if you didn’t get a dragon.” Toshiro jumped onto Ichigo’s back, he was wearing a large cloak.

“Master, who’s this?” His dragon wings fluttered and Mayuri’s eyes widened.

“Interesting!” He came around the counter and examined Toshiro, who clung to Ichigo. Renji and Grimmjow didn’t like how clingy the little runt was being. “To think you would get a Dragon Lord of all things!”

“A Dragon Lord?” Ichigo raised a brow, he looked to the others and they seemed to have not heard of this either.

“Yes, the rarest of the dragon classes!” Mayuri was grinning from ear to ear. He chuckled. “A dragon lord, here in my shop!” he ran his hands together. “I’ll give you one hundred gold for him.”

Toshiro clung to Ichigo tighter. “He’s not for sale.”

“Fine fine, such a rare creature, two hundred gold!”

Ichigo sighed as Toshiro clung to him tighter. “Master, you aren’t gonna sell me are you?” Ichigo gave him a soft smile.

“No, I am not. Look, Toshiro is not for sale. How much for the information on dragons?”

“Very well,” thanks to some silver Mayuri sat them down and gave them a lesson on dragon classes. Toshiro sat in Ichigo’s lap, much to the annoyance/jealousy of Renji and Grimmjow. Sajin knew he was too big for such a thing. “We’ll start with the dragons you’ve seen the most. Domestic Dragons are dragons raised in captivity, their strength and skill are determined by those that raise them. Riding Dragons; are raised to basically be horses that can fight for their rider, Racing Dragons; are raised for their speed, they don’t have much offensive power or skills, House Dragons; are often small creatures that don’t grow in size.” Basically, domesticated dragons vary from either being horses or house pets to varying degrees. “Now the wild dragons you’ll encounter are the Tyrant Dragons, nasty beasts, they see everything, even their own kind as an enemy. The higher level Tyrant Dragons have higher intelligence and can be very dangerous.”

“And you said Toshiro is a Dragon Lord?” Ichigo asked.

“Oh yes, the Dragon Lords appeared in a small number long ago. Dragons capable of taking human form, and who could take monstrous size capable of even crushing Tyrant Dragons.” His gaze was locked on Toshiro. “I am curious how this is possible?”

“Dunno, it’s why we came to see you.”

“Well, I could study him, if you leave him with me for a few days I’m sure I can figure it out.” His grin was creepy.

“No thanks, I will need a slave crest though.” Toshiro was still a tad wild and uncontrollable, he had tried to give the boy a shirt to put on, but he transformed into, his now larger, dragon form and ripped it apart.

“To control such a powerful monster I’ll need to place a powerful crest.” he rubbed his fingers together, a sign it was gonna cost big. Ichigo rubbed the back of his head.

“Yeah, yeah, just do it!” Toshiro wasn’t happy, but all the pouts in the world didn’t shake Ichigo. “Sorry Toshiro, but I need to make sure you listen to me in battle.” he ruffled his hair and was quickly forgiven.

Their next stop was Kisuke’s. The man was making lunch, but it didn’t last long as Toshiro took his dragon form and downed all the contents of his stew. “Master’s cooking is better!”

“Oi!” Ichigo snapped. “I told you not to transform!” The slave crest activated shocking Toshiro, and he reverted to human form. He was now naked cause he ripped the sheet Ichigo had given him. “Now apologize!”

Toshiro bowed his head and apologized. “I’m sorry...” he huffed.

“You got another one did ya kid?” The blonde man rubbed the back of his head. “You are putting together quite the harem, aren’t ya?” he grinned while Ichigo blushed.

“What on earth are you saying?” Ichigo gasped.

“You don’t know do you?” Urahara laughed.

“Don’t know what?” the blonde man continued to laugh.

“Sorry, I’m sure you’ll find out sooner or later.” He gave the boys a wink.

“Anyway, do you have some kind of armor for Toshiro, something that won’t rip apart, at this rate he’ll go through armor faster than I can afford it.”

“Master, I don’t need armor, I can just stay naked!” he jumped to go into his arms. Renji caught him.

“Absolutely not!” Renji hissed at Toshiro.

“Ya idiot, you can’t run around stark naked!” Grimmjow scolded.

“Why not!” he struggled in Renji’s grasp. “Komamura-san is practically naked!”

“Sajin is a beastman and armor and clothes suffocate him, he’s still covering up.” Toshiro pouted.

“It would cause trouble for Ichigo-sama if you did so,” Komamura explained. Toshiro slumped and huffed.

“Fine.” he crossed his arms and Renji let him go.

“Hate to say it, but I don’t have any magic armor or magic clothe, you should go see Yoruichi.” Ichigo buys another cloak for Toshiro to wear until they make it to Yoruichi’s shop.

“Magic cloth?” she smiled. “Yes, it is possible to make. Many witches and magic casters can transform into beasts, by wearing magic clothe it adjusts!” She showed them a demonstration she turned into a cat. Her clothes vanished with her change in form.

“That’s amazing!” She changed back and giggled.

“What’s really amazing is the look on people’s faces when I forget to wear it. Surprised Kisuke-chan.” she sighed. “I’d love to make you some, but I’m afraid my magic stone I use to spin magic thread broke last week and I haven’t been able to get it replaced.”

“Damn...” he frowned.

“There is someone you can speak to about getting the boy some clothes. Also, magic clothe feels rather nice on beastmen, if you’d be interested.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Once I make the thread I know the perfect person to make you some clothes.” Yoruichi sent them to the weaver, Senjumaru Shutara. “She can be a bit eccentric, but she’s a master of her craft.”

Eccentric was an understatement, as soon as they entered Shutara’s shop they started getting felt up. “Such handsome lads entering my shop, what a glorious day, come in, come in!”

“We uhh, need new clothes for Toshiro here, something cheap for now.”

“Ohh such a cutie!” Shutara gushed. “Looking at you lot, I can feel the ideas burning.” to Shutara fashion was everything. She did fittings, did the designs, weaved the clothe herself. “Before we begin, I’ll need all of you to strip so I can get a proper fitting.”

Toshiro didn’t hesitate to toss his cloak off. He certainly wasn’t shy. “You brat stop that!” Grimmjow hissed, to which Toshiro just stuck out his tongue.

“You lot need to strip to, so I can get your measurements.” Renji and Grimmjow looked to Ichigo. The orangette rubbed the back of his head.

“Just do it, won’t hurt to have options for clothing in the future.” Renji and Grimmjow stripped down to their fundoshi.

“You do hear, don’t you? It all has to come off.” Shutara said.

“But you are just measuring us for clothes, why do we need to remove our underwear?”

“I am thorough, you will remove your underwear, or I can measure you after removing your thing.” the boys went pale, even Sajin, they looked to Ichigo, who turned around and they began to remove their underwear. They kept stealing glances at Ichigo.

Shutara got to work, measuring each of them, calling out the measurements, which was fine until. “Renji 8 inches long uncut!” Renji went red. Grimmjow was next, after a long list of measurements she got to... “Grimmjow 7 inches long uncut!” Grimmjow blushed. Sajin’s measurements were taken. “Komamura 13 inches long cut!” Toshiro was next. “Toshiro 5 inches on both cocks.”

“Two!” they hadn’t looked really, but sure enough, Toshiro had 2 dicks.

“Yes, two, it's not odd for a dragonewt or a lizardman to have two, but judging from the placement I’m guessing he’s something rarer.” Toshiro’s wings fluttered.

“Does that mean I’m more of a man then these guys?” he asked.

“You little brat!” Renji and Grimmjow growled. He stuck his tongue out and ran over to Ichigo. The orangette’s face was red, but Toshiro spun him around and he got an eyeful of everyone.

Ichigo couldn’t hold it back, he got a nosebleed. “Ichigo-sama!” “Master!” the orangette needed time to recover. Shutara took this time to strip Ichigo, and the boy’s got a look at Ichigo’s manhood. “Oh wow!” Ichigo was hot! He was toned and manly right down to his dick. “Ichigo 12 inches long cut, my its rare to see a human so big.” She turned and Renji, Grimmjow, and Komamura were staring, their cocks standing at attention.

Shutara redressed him and got to work on new outfits for the boys. When Ichigo came to, the boys were redressed. “Are you okay, Ichigo-sama?”

“Yeah...” he rubbed the back of his head. Renji and Grimmjow breathed a sigh of relief.

“Master, Master!” Toshiro ran up to him, he was wearing a Chinese style shirt, blue with a silver dragon pattern, and black shorts. “Everyone got excited about seeing you naked! Their manhoods got all stiff!”

“You damn brat!” Renji and Grimmjow bopped him.

“Master!” he jumped into Ichigo’s arms. The two were annoyed by the young dragon lord’s actions. They weren’t fooled by his childish antics, they weren’t the only ones who got hard, Toshiro’s twin dicks were solid.

Shutara came out. “Well Ichigo, do you like his clothes?”

“They are fine.” he paid her for them. “We’ll be back when we have the magic thread.”

“If you need new clothes, don’t hesitate to come to me, your boys have given me a wealth of inspiration.” she gushed.

Ichigo sighed. “Master, what am I to you?”


“Are you my father, or something more?”

“I am your owner,” he says flatly.

“Is that good? What about Renji, Grimmjow, and Komamura?” Ichigo looked to the others, who seemed to be waiting for an answer. “Are they your mates?” Ichigo blushed and gasped at the question. “Can I be your mate too?” he asked before even getting an answer.

“Alright runt, that’s enough!” Grimmjow grabbed Toshiro and pulled him off Ichigo. Their master was clearly uncomfortable, something was bothering him.

Ichigo wasn’t sure how to answer such questions, and what Kisuke said had him more confused. In his old world he thought he’d be lucky to have one boyfriend, the thought of a harem was kinky, and he wished his cock didn’t stir at the thought of it. Toshiro said they got excited seeing his naked body, mild annoyance at Shutara for doing that. He got excited, seeing their naked bodies.

In this world could they really date? They had to prepare for the waves or was he just using that as an excuse. He wanted them to be happy, and another reason why he was hesitant, he planned to go home after the threat of the waves was finished. He wasn’t the type to fuck ‘em and leave ‘em. He wasn’t sure what to do. Should his hate for this world outweigh his growing feelings for his party? “Let’s go...”

To be continued...Magical Stone Expedition

Toshiro helps sell Ichigo’s medicines and their travel time has been getting cut shorter and shorter. A mine that you can find magical stones has been infested with monsters. Ichigo and his party investigate with the help of Yoruichi. With a new magic stone, the magic thread can be spun. Shutara has the boys put on a fashion show wearing outfits that become quite the temptation for Ichigo.


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