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Pocket Monsters parody: Tier 1

The Spell Book of Pokemopolis

When Ash was young and lost, he finds a strange spellbook. Thanks to his ability in aura he can translate the book and even use the spells inside. The book helps awaken Ash to many desires, including his love for both people and pokemon. Hyper Growth Brain Break Pokemon/Ash/Trainer

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum didn’t have the greatest school life. Most students ignored him, he wasn’t as popular as Gary Oak. He was the grandson of Samuel Oak, a famous Pokemon Professor, Gary lived a higher life. Everyone loved Gary, he was smart, talented, had money. Compared to Ash he was better, so they favored him over Ash.

If Ash had any friends it was the Pokemon. He had a strange way of connecting with Pokemon, more than people. This spurred on some jealousy from other students. Things only got harder for Ash, often getting bullied at school, and if he tried to fight back, they’d complain to their parents which meant Delia got a call. So he eventually just stopped fighting back and even if he got roughed up he smiled through it.

Ash would often spend his time with the Pokemon, more and more. Then one day, a bad storm had Ash trapped in the woods. The rain fell hard and the lightning raged, thunder booming like giant footsteps in the sky. Ash was scared, but the nearby Pokemon came and protected him. It was a long night, and none of the teachers noticed Ash was even missing, and most of the students didn’t care. Delia was furious when Ash didn’t come home, so many parents had always claimed her son was the problem, but now how could they explain themselves when one of their classmates went missing and no one noticed, no one said a word…

In an instant her eyes were opened, but a little too late as her son was lost in a nightmarish storm. ‘Please Ash...I’m sorry...just come back to me...’ all she could do was pray. Be it for the storm to calm or for her son to come back safely.

Ash and the pokemon were doing their best to find shelter and keep warm. Ash had Pidgey, Rattata, Caterpie, and Butterfree, hugging him trying to keep warm. The storm came so fast there was no way to get back. Even the flying type Pokemon had taken shelter.

With the wind howling, and the rain beating the ground all Ash could do was cling to the Pokemon and wait. “Thanks you guys for sticking with me!” The pokemon responded in kind, saying it wasn’t a problem. To Ash it meant a lot, just as they protected him, he wanted to protect them too.

Unaware of the young human, his desire to protect helped tap into his latent powers. The power of aura! A blue energy radiated off Ash, forming a small barrier. It was warm and shielded the group even as the storm reached its nastiest peek.

No matter how bad the storm eventually it will come to an end, but one thing is always true, is what comes after a storm. The most terrifying of storms often are followed by a dazzling rainbow. Ash and the Pokemon came out of their shelter gazing up at the clearing skies. “Oh wow!” Ash gasped looking around. So much had changed, many of the trees hung tough, but a few had fallen, or were blasted apart by lightning.

The surrounding area was a complete and total mess. The Pokemon stretched, it would be some work, but nature always found a way of balancing out. Nasty storms like that were rare, but so long as they survived they could rebuild.

Ash gasped as he saw a strange pokemon flying through the sky. It was giving off a golden glow, a rainbow forming in its path. “Who’s that Pokemon?” The pokemon cheered for it as it passed. What amazed Ash the most was its dazzling golden aura.

It flapped its wings and a feather floated down. The item radiated in seven colors, Ash chased after it. The feather landed on a pile of dirt. The boy raced over to it and picked it up. “Wow, it’s so beautiful,” After Ash picked it up, he noticed a strange book, peeking out through the dirt. “What’s this?” Judging from the nearby exposed roots, this book had been buried underground, but the storm had worn away quite a bit of soil. Ash pocketed the feather and began to dig out the strange book. It looked old but appeared to not be worn from the elements around it.

He had heard stories of finding treasure at the end of rainbows but never thought he’d actually find a treasure underneath a rainbow feather. The book was strange looking, with weird symbols on the cover, and even stranger symbols inside. Ash couldn’t read it but felt he should hang onto both the book and the feather. He tucked the book into his shorts and shirt.

The boy got back to Pallet Town thanks to the help of the Pokemon. “Ash!” Delia rushed over to him. “Oh Ash, I’m so glad you are safe!”

“I’m sorry to worry you mom, I got lost, and then the storm came...” he hugged her back.

“It’s okay sweetheart!” she hugged him so tight he let out a little gasp.

“Mom, can’t breathe...” his hand wiggled.

Delia let him go but gave him some much-needed kisses. She was done getting pushed around, she wanted explanations, and she wasn’t taking any crap from the other moms or the teachers. Professor Oak also gave the teachers the riot act, as well as his grandson. He was impressed that Ash survived through that storm.

“The Pokemon helped me!” he said with a smile.

“They did, huh?” he ruffled the boy’s hair.

“Hey Professor, after the storm, I saw a big glowing pokemon flying through the sky. Following it was a rainbow, can you believe it?” Oak’s eyes widened before he laughed.

“Well, there are many mysterious pokemon out there, some even legendary. Perhaps you saw one of them.” Ash had proof, but he decided to keep it a secret.

School did get better for him, but his focus was split. He was trying to solve the mystery of the strange book he found. Two years and he didn’t have a single clue, and then they learned about Pokemopolis in History class. He saw the strange symbols on a tablet. “What do they mean?” he asked.

His teacher just chuckled. “Sorry Ash, but such writings are lost, you’d need someone who’s studied ancient civilizations for many years.” He carried on the lesson, talking about how legends say that people in the past harness the power of aura to battle against ancient powers of destruction.

“I see...” he slumped. He couldn’t bring himself to hand the book over. He wanted to figure it out himself, and he thought that the rainbow feather and the book had a connection. On one of the slides, there was a mural of an ancient Pokemon and Ash’s eyes widened. ‘It’s him!’ On the mural was a legendary pokemon, but Ash would swear he’d seen it that day. He couldn’t forget it…

Even two years later, he had held onto the feather, it didn’t seem to age, it’s glow warm and comforting. Recently Ash started keeping the feather in the book. Hiding two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Ash combed through the book day after day, using the feather like a bookmarkbook mark. It might seem weird, but he was compelled to do it. Ash wasn’t aware of it, but he had a power deep down inside him. The power of aura!

While there was a Pokemon well known for using aura, it wasn’t impossible for humans to use. In some places it could be honed and trained for daily use, giving sight to the blind for example. Ash had this affinity, and his aura had shielded them from the storm. The power of aura was shaped by the user, and Ash really wanted to read the book and discover its secrets.

The book was in fact an ancient spellbook, one that was a conduit for its user. This particular spellbook was one used by aura users. Ash attempting to read the book every day, had his aura getting drawn out of him bit by bit. Another year passed and Ash did all he could to try and translate the book.

He felt he reached a dead end. “Oh man, maybe I should just hand the book over to Professor Oak?” he sighed, bringing a hand over his face. “Come on give me a sign? Was it just a fluke I found this book? It feels oddly important.” he flipped the pages, he’s memorized the symbols, read the book back and forth, even if he didn’t know what it meant. It was like he was looking for some kind of clue.

Ash stared at the feather. “Please I want to know...” He closed his eyes and brought the feather to his forehead. Ash’s aura answered the call, it's been getting stimulated by contact with the book. When his eyes opened they were glowing. “What the heck?” he blinked.

When he gazed at the book, the symbols seemed to come to life. “No way!” he touched the book and his aura poured into it. The book appeared to come to life, Ash’s aura revitalizing the pages and cover. The symbols flew off the page spiraling in the air, and before Ash’s eyes became words. The words returned to the pages as they fluttered on their own.

Finally, the front page is what he could see, the word Grimoire written at the top. The rainbow feather in Ash’s hand moved on its own, moving his hand. “Whoa!” he gasped. He began to write, using the feather like a quill. “Grimoire of Ash Ketchum?!” he blushed. He turned the pages and it was all translated, he could read it all! “This is a spellbook!” he felt his excitement rising.

To be continued


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