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My Hero parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/soul-of-hero-1-29751916 

Chapter 2 Domino Effect

Bakugo Katsuki was many things, he was smart, he was strong, he had good looks, he was popular...sort of...despite his prickly nature. His mother didn’t like it that he was praised for his as she put it stupid-awesome quirk. It gave him a swelled head, inflated his ego, and bolstered his arrogance. Everything came so easily to Katsuki, it just made him think he was greater than others. He was also a fool, he often realized his own mistakes especially with Izuku, but it was hard for him to admit it out loud he was wrong, or that he failed.

Even when he was captured by the sludge villain, he couldn’t bring himself to call for help. He was supposed to win, heroes always win, and yet there he was...Deku! Deku with the weak quirk, Deku who always followed him, weak little Deku...had charged in to save him. He was able to help, and while he was praised, Deku was scolded.

He didn’t do anything damn it! Izuku’s quirk was really amazing out there, and his quirk couldn’t do a damn thing. He was kicking himself all while he was examined by the doctors, Izuku had walked home. He wasn’t about to stand for that, he had things to say damn it, he had a lot of things he had to say.

With a quick run, he found Izuku and his little ball of sunshine. “Oi Deku!” he marched up to him. His heart was pounding, his mind was racing, his feelings were bubbling up. His mother often called him an idiot, especially when it involved Deku. She saw right through him, and he hated it.

She used to tell him how his father and her met, she didn’t believe in love at first sight, but she always knew what she wanted. She went with her gut, never backing down, and going gung ho with everything. His mother told him, she could see it in his eyes that he was in love, which was embarrassing.

His feelings for Deku...it was impossible, he blew up that bridge. He had his chance, over a dozen chances to apologize, to treat him better, and he’s lost count how many times he’s snapped at Izuku. Right now, Izuku was scared of him, he could see it in his body language. If Izuku hated him why didn’t he say it, why did Deku rush in and try to save him?

Bakugo was good at reading people, but Izuku…he was the one person he couldn’t read. Body language maybe, but what was he thinking. Then he recalled how he felt when Izuku’s soul washed over him, such a strong desire to protect. Now he stood before him…

“Why did you try to save me, Deku? I didn’t need your help!” Katsuki balled his hand into a fist. “Were you looking down on me?!”

“Kacchan, no I’ve never looked down on you!”

“Shut up!” Bakugo snapped. “You and your silly quirk, how do you think I’d feel if you got hurt because of me, dumb ass!”

Izuku’s eyes widened. “You are always like that, putting others first before yourself. That was a villain you dumb ass, he was gonna kill you!”

“He was gonna kill you too, and I couldn’t let that happen.”

“Why?!” Bakugo yelled, shocking Izuku. “All I’ve ever been is mean to you, why do you care? I’m not weak, I would have been fine!” he turned to leave but Entei got in his way.

“Well...I care because...” he blushed and twiddled his fingers. “Kacchan was my first friend, I’ve always known how amazing you are, I could see it. I knew you would become an awesome hero one day!” Izuku felt a smile form as memories of Katsuki washed over him. “Good times or bad, I wanted to keep being by your side, I don’t get why things got so bad between us.” Katsuki frowned, he knew why it was his fault. “But, even though Kacchan can be prickly, deep down I know he’s a good person. My feelings for Kacchan haven’t changed,” he said with a smile.

Katsuki blushed. “Your...feelings...” he gulped and licked his dry lips. “What are you saying you, damn nerd!?”

Izuku’s face went totally red. “Are you really gonna make me say it?” he got so shy, and fuck if it wasn’t cute as hell to Katsuki. “Kacchan...I...I’m in love with you.”

His words were like an arrow to the heart. “You...damn it...you...” His whole face was red.

“I understand if Kacchan, doesn’t feel the same way, but I...” He started mumbling, going on a tangent, repeating some of the things Katsuki had said to him before. Bakugo was on him, cutting him off.

“Just...shut up...” he pulled the boy forward and sealed his lips with his own. As Bakugo’s eyes closed, Izuku’s eyes widened. They were kissing! Entei watched them, giving little cheers.

Izuku backed up, breaking the kiss. “K-K-Kacchan k-k-kissed me! Why?”

“Tch, I have feelings for you too...you dumb nerd!” he said it, he finally said it. “I’m...not good...with this stuff...shit!”

“I know, the stuff Kacchan isn’t good at, and the stuff I’m not good at, together we can get better.” he cupped Katsuki’s cheek and captured his lips. They closed their eyes and embraced each other.

After basking in the moment that felt like forever, the two broke the kiss but didn’t leave each other’s arms. “How can you have feelings for me, after everything I’ve said and done?”

“Because I know Kacchan says rude things in the heat of the moment, but you aren’t a bad person. You can be mean, short-tempered, even scary.” his words were like knives to his soul. “But I’ve always forgiven you because you were my friend!”

“I don’t deserve to be forgiven,” he rested his forehead on Izuku’s shoulder.

“Maybe, but I still forgive you, and I want you to forgive yourself.” he hugged Katsuki and the blonde trembled a little.

“Damn it, I can’t win with you, I expected you to hate me, at least punch me!” Izuku couldn’t help but chuckle. “After everything that I’ve done, I deserved to be punished for it.”

“You want me to punish you? Kacchan I didn’t know you were so naughty.” The blonde blushed red.

“THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT DAMN IT!” he shouted, and Izuku and Entei laughed.

“Face it Kacchan, I love you, flaws and all. So even when you blow up I’ll be here, you can snap and be embarrassed, just don’t push me away anymore okay?” he rested his forehead against his.

“Thank you, for saving me,” he said and Izuku blushed. “I’ll get stronger so that never happens again.”

“And I’ll get stronger, to be someone who can fight by your side.” He had a pretty good idea he tapped into new territory with his quirk.

“So this guy, he’s yours now?” Bakugo pointed at the mini sun.

“Uh-huh, I named him Entei.”

“A pleasure to meet you.” the sun gave a nod.

“Yeah, your quirk is still weird.”

“You know...Entei was made from the fire caused by your quirk, and my quirk, in a way, he’s almost like our child.” Izuku laughed, while Katsuki blushed.


“Papa, don’t shout at Father.” Entei teased.



“What?!” Izuku kissed him.

“You are cute when you are mad!” Katsuki’s engine shut down. Izuku had changed a lot over the years, he was stupid for not realizing it.

“I’m heading home, I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

“For a date?” Katsuki tensed up.

“No you idiot, for training. I’m gonna toughen you up and get you ready for the U.A. exam.” he huffed.

“Thank you Kacchan!” Izuku hugged him.

“Don’t thank me, I’m not gonna go easy on you!”

“Sounds good, and when we do go out on a date, I won’t go easy on you!” he kissed him on the cheek, and Bakugo felt all his blood rush south.


After his time with Bakugo, he headed back home he bumped into All Might. It seems Izuku’s actions had caused a domino effect, not only did it push Katsuki forward but it also inspired All Might. He had come to this city to find a successor, for his quirk. Izuku was shocked.

The fact a quirk could be transferred from one person to another was a mind-blowing thing. His quirk One For All had been passed down from his master to him, and now he wanted to pass it along to Izuku. “Young man, please forgive me, when I said you couldn’t become a hero. You truly have a hero’s heart!” he offered his hand. “I would like you to become my successor!” Izuku broke down crying. It was all too much.

His path that was so dark before was finally illuminated. He accepted All Might’s offer and would receive training from the pro hero. The boy was ecstatic, his relationship with Katsuki was gonna be different, and he was gonna get training from him and his personal hero All Might. Izuku and Katsuki returned to their respective homes, to rightfully worried parents. Both excited about what tomorrow would bring.

To be continued 10 Months of Training and Growth


Lord Zero 1606

Nice part two, though I must admit that I don't really like the idea of Izuku getting OFA too. So many alternative Quirk ideas get overshadowed once he has OFA.