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Overlord parody: Tier 1

Chapter 7   https://www.patreon.com/posts/overlord-of-men-27649832 

Chapter 8 Swords of Darkness

Ainz was a tad worried about how they would progress at this point, he couldn’t read the language, and his low status meant not a lot of adventurers were jumping at the chance to help him. Rules were rules, and status was status, their equipment or Greed’s skills meant little. Their main objective was information gathering, he believed firmly with their skills they could rise through the ranks easily, which would grant them access to harder quests while also building a reputation.

The other objective was money, the gold that came with them from Yggdrasil was worthless, well the gold itself had value being gold, but not worth anything as far as currency. Using the gold also brought the risk of alerting any other possible players to their presence with no guarantees they’d be friendly. They needed to work to get money.

Little did Ainz know he set off a chain of events that would lead into very interesting paths.

The potion he gave to Brita was taken to a famous appraiser and pharmacist, Lizzie Bareare. She had to make sure it was real after all. Her grandson was quite famous too, Nfirea Bareare, a low-level wizard and doctor, a genius alchemist and pharmacist. He also had a Talent, that let him equip and use any magical item regardless of restriction. He was curious about the red potion, and its creation. Even with the most advanced methods the highest potion that could be made was a blue potion.

Lizzie appraised it and indeed it was real. She’s never seen anything like it, claiming it was like something from a Fairy Tale. It was worth at least 8 gold pieces and equivalent to a tier 2 healing spell

Brita kept the potion, despite the risks of carrying such a rare item, but gave them intel on the one who gave it to her. While Nfirea was looking to learn the secrets of the red potion, another group had taken interest in Momon. The Swords of Darkness, a silver class adventurer group had seen Momon in his armor and noticed his issues getting a mission. The leader was Peter Mauk a skilled warrior, Lukrut Volve a ranger, Ninya a spellcaster, and Dyne Woodwonder a druid. They remembered what it was like to be new, so they decided to help the newbies out.

They came to Momon’s room, and Greed had to clean up the mess he made. He fixed himself up and opened the door, a blush still on his cheeks. “I hope we are not interrupting anything.”

“Not at all,” he stands up and gets a good look at them. “Is there a place we can talk, this room isn’t very large.”

“Yes, we can use one of the guild war rooms.” (Its basically a fancy conference room that exists in all guilds, used for meetings and preparations for adventurers and guild leaders) The two followed the party, Lukrut throwing the two a wink.

They introduced themselves first. Peter was a tall blonde with blue eyes, he has smooth handsome features. He was wearing chainmail armor and leather gear. Lukrut also had blonde hair, which appears to be common place in this country, but he had brown eyes. He was thin and had long skinny limbs, perfect for handling his bow, and he was also wearing leather armor. Ninya had brown hair and blue eyes and looked the youngest of the group, his armor was also leather. Dyne was also blonde and appeared to keep his eyes closed, with his beard and bulky body, he looked like a barbarian.

What surprised Ainz was that Ninya had a title, apparently she had a talent, despite his young age he was a tier 2 magic caster and he could master spells a lot easier than a normal human. ‘Very interesting.’ Ninya was embarrassed, saying there was someone in town with a much better talent than his.

Nfirea Bareare, he could use any magical item thanks to his talent. Greed made a mental note, this person could be dangerous, but also an asset if brought to work for Nazarick. “I am Momon, this is my companion Greed.” He bowed his head.

“It is, nice to meet you,” he said, trying to be polite.

“Greed, such an exotic name!” Lukrut said. Ainz sweat-dropped, maybe he should have given him a code name to.

“My siblings share similar names. I am used to it.” Greed said. Lukrut got down on one knee.

“A pleasure to meet you Greed, you are truly a beauty, will you do me the honor of sharing my bed with me tonight.” he pulled a rose out of nowhere and offered it to Greed.

“I’m afraid you could not satisfy me.” Greed said crossing his arms. Lukrut was still checking him out.

“I’d love the chance to prove you wrong!” he blew him a kiss.

“Lukrut!” the others warned.

“Sorry he does this a lot,” Peter said, and grabbed Lukrut by the ear and hauled him back to his seat.

‘So he’s a flirt is he?’ Ainz thought.

“Please excuse our friend,” Peter said, while Lukrut rubbed his sore ear. “We are adventurers and hunters, we often take jobs dispatching monsters that appear around town, and fend off any waves,” Sounded good to Momon, a good start-off mission for him. “Would you care to join us?”

“Yes, I’m fine with helping out.” he wasn’t about to turn down an offer, it would be a way to test his armor out,

“Sir Momon,” Dyne spoke stroking his beard. “While we’re just working together this time, I would like to see the face of the man I’ll be traveling with.” There was a pause, and Greed looked to Momon.

“That’s understandable,” It was a good thing he prepared for this, he cast a special illusion. He thought about his real-world self and tried to apply that to his trick. Everyone watched in anticipation, even Greed. He had dark hair, he was a tad more mature and refined than his old self.

“Oh wow, you are older than I expected, but still my type!” Lukrut said, starring dreamily at Momon. Greed glared at him. The burning glare made Lukrut back off a little. “Don’t be jealous Greed-kun, I’d be happy to be shared by the both of you!” he put an arm around Greed.

Greed wasted no time pinching the back of his hand, sending him into a fit of Ow’s. “Such things are earned.”

“You really must be a foreigner, I’ve heard of those who have dark hair like yours and your eyes...” Peter blushed realized he had been staring for some time. Greed made note of that.

“Hehe, yes we are from far away, so it's been difficult.” He put his helmet back on. ‘This’ll help explain away any confusion over not knowing the written language.’

So they began discussing the mission they would be on, it was off the books so to speak, they would be fighting monsters that come too close to the town, and would receive a reward from the guild for each monster they bring down. “We are in.” Greed nodded.

Lukrut continued to try and flirt with both Greed and Momon, much to Greed’s ire, he was itching to put the full into his place. If he did a good enough job, he might make a good pet for Lord Ainz. Ainz thought that Greed wanted to kill him, so he did his best to keep defusing any situations.

As they headed out, only to be stopped by the guild receptionist. “Mr. Momon, you got a request! They asked specifically for you!”

“Someone asked for me?” If he had a brow he’d be raising it.

“It was Nfirea Bareare!” the party gasped, and Nfirea approached. Greed jumped in front of Momon ready to defend him, growling in the process, Momon quickly smacked him on top of his head.

“Think before you act,” he whispered. “I know it's your duty to defend me, and you mean well, but you can’t overreact to harmless situations.”

“Sorry, I will do better.” He felt bad punishing Greed, but if the demon let loose it would be dangerous. Though he was curious how such a famous person came to know his name. The Swords of Darkness didn’t flinch at his discipline, in fact, Peter had a faint blush on his cheeks, while Lukrut groaned softly. He muttered something about not minding being disciplined by a guy like Momon.

“Hello there, I’d like to hire you for a job.” Momon held up at hand.

“We are sorry, but we already accepted another position, another time perhaps.” Peter was shocked.

“Don’t be ridiculous, this is a golden opportunity for you.” Such a mission from a famous person would certainly boost their names.

“Nonsense, we already agreed to do a job with you, I’m not one for going back on my word. After we finish this mission, I’ll be free to help you.” he looked from Peter to Nfirea. Peter felt his heart flutter a bit, such dedication and honor, you don’t see that every day.

“But...” Momon cut him off.

“Tell you what, I will listen to his request and then make a decision.” the group headed back upstairs.

Nfirea introduced himself, before going over the mission. “I’ll be needing a bodyguard as I collect herbs near Carne village. You’ll just need to escort me there and back, and if you wouldn’t mind assisting with collecting the herbs I can pay extra.”

Ainz wasn’t sure about this. He recognized the village’s name as the one he rescued, but something else was bothering him. He was new to this town, and despite the attention his armor got, not many knew his name, so how did this boy know it. A mystery to figure out later, a bodyguard mission wasn’t easy for his type, his skills and items weren’t the best at protecting others, and in this armor, he couldn’t use magic.

Then it hit him…

“Ah, Peter how about we join forces on this?”

“Huh?” the blonde blinked.

“If it’s alright with Nfirea, we can do both missions at the same time, your team has fine skills to boost security, and we can defeat any monsters we come across for the guild.” He pointed out Lukrut’s ranger skills and Dyne’s druid skills would be very beneficial in a forest.

“More men equals more protection for me,” he said with a smile. So it was agreed, the two teams would escort Nfirea for herb gathering. Momon did ask Nfirea about how he knew him.

The blonde was quick to mention the incident at the tavern, claiming one of his customers told him about how he handled a couple of higher-ranked adventurers. His previous adventurer moved away and he needed a new one, and hiring a Copper plate was cheaper. It sounded reasonable, almost too reasonable, Ainz couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t telling the whole truth. He’d find out one way or another.


Greed excused himself for a moment and materialized his horns. ‘Lord Demiurge, I have a report!’

Very good Greed, let's have it.’

Lord Ainz, has teamed up with another group of adventurers. Two have shown interest in Lord Ainz.’

Is that so?’

Yes, one is quite the flirt, even wanting to fool around with me.’ he could hear Demiurge chuckle.

I am sure he can be trained to behave, and the other two?’

Unknown, while they may not be of viable for our Lord’s harem, one has a talent that could be useful to him, and the other is skilled in nature manipulation.’

Those skills could indeed be useful, keep an eye on them as well.’

Yes sir, and there is just one other thing.’

Go on...’

A famous person has made contact with Lord Ainz, he asked for a job, but I feel he’s after something else.’

I see, very suspicious, oversee things on your end and keep me posted if this person tries to hurt Lord Ainz kill him without mercy, but if he is of use to him make sure he’s looked after until our Lord makes a move.’

Understood!’ the connection ended, and Greed masked his horns.

To be continued

While Momon goes off on his first job, dark plots are in the works and it appears Nfirea is a target. A madwoman and a necromancer have set their sights on him and they plan to kill anyone who stands in there way.


Damion Andrew

I like the potential mate selection so far. I can't wait for the Humans to meet Nazerick guardians. It's going to get interesting.