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Bleach parody: tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slut-in-wolfs-1-28096352 

Chapter 2 Realization

Sajin was rushed to Squad 4, the furry male was burning up. Hanataro was left to oversee him as the captains tried to figure out what happened. The captains called their lieutenants in for an emergency meeting, they wanted to figure out what happened The young medic removed Sajin’s clothing to give him some relief. His body was so warm and fluffy. He left Sajin’s fundoshi on but removed everything else.

“I hope Captain Komamura will be alright,” he said. He was panting in his sleep. From what he could tell by a scan of his riatsu there didn’t appear to be anything wrong with him physically besides a rise in temperature. No wounds, no poison, and healing techniques had no effect.

As Hanataro moved around, his scent wafted to Sajin’s nose. It twitched, and Sajin began to feel things. His hard cock rose from his sheath, tenting the fundoshi. “Wah!” Hanataro gasped seeing the massive tent. “Oh my!”

There was such heat radiating from the man’s crotch. His fundoshi was clinging so tight to his heavy length it was almost like a second skin. Sajin began to leak pre-cum, soaking through his underwear. The pre-cum began to overflow, seeping through the garment and spilling out.

In a matter of seconds, Komamura’s underwear was clinging to his crotch. “Oh this isn’t good,” Hanataro pulled down the man’s underwear, it was difficult. His cock was so big and slick, clinging to his cock like a wet bathing suit. He pulled off the garment, allowing Sajin’s cock to snap up into the air.

Komamura moaned as his hot cock hit the cool air. “His cock is radiating such heat, could this be the source of Captain Komamura’s discomfort.” He checked the door. “If I’m quick, maybe I can help him get off and ease his pent up desire.” He noticed Sajin’s balls were quite large.

The man often always had private physicals, but Hanataro has been involved in many physicals of other Soul Reapers, so he could safely say, Komamura Sajin had the biggest balls in all of Soul Society. Hanataro caressed his big furry sack, feeling the massive orbs shift.

“Mmm,” Sajin moaned, his tongue rolling out of his mouth. He panted as Hanataro gave his balls a scratch. The man’s hips bucked his heavy cock wagging.

Hanataro rolled up his sleeves. “Alright, let's do this!” He gripped Komamura’s heavy cock. “Oh he’s so big!” he stroked the man’s cock, his tail wagging in delight. “Who’s a big boy, who’s a good boy!” he said while pumping the heavy shaft.

His cock was so hot and only growing hotter with each stroke, the strong musk filling the air in waves. Even Hanataro could smell it, it was all man. He was getting that feeling, that feeling you get when you are in the gym, or sauna, hell even the shower with a bunch of guys. The air around them was getting hot, filling with raw manly aroma.

Hanataro’s words reached even the sleeping Komamura. He moaned and groaned, the words stroking his lust, building it higher. His hips bucked with his strokes. The squad 4 member used both hands to pump his fat dick, making his balls bounce.

Sajin was panting and drooling, his heart pounding in his chest. Hanataro could feel it through his dick. He kept working him, the pre-cum spilling out and getting slathered all over his length. It made pumping his manhood a lot easier, he squeezed it, teased it, stimulated under his cock head, earning more moans.

He felt the man’s cock twitching, he was getting close, closer and closer. He dropped his hand to fondle Sajin’s massive nuts, the double stimuli had Sajin arching his back, howling in pleasure. His cock expanded as his semen erupted into the air, the force hitting the ceiling before it rained down onto the two, causing a surprise bukkake.

Hanataro got complete drenched, his hair, face, and clothes. He gasped closing his eyes to avoid getting semen in, he floundered reaching to grab tissues or a towel. He began to wipe his face off. “That should ease his arousal,” he said, ‘I can’t believe he came so much!’ he thought and went to wipe the cum out of his air. He opened his eyes and gasped at the sight before him.

Komamura was still hard, his large manhood was still throbbing for more. “No...no way!” Sajin raised his hips in a half moan half whimper. His hole was throbbing for attention. “Oh my!” he gulped.

He got some lube and coated his fingers, he decided to inspect Sajin’s condition. He could feel the heat radiating off his ass hole, he quickly pushed two fingers in and they sank in easily. Sajin’s back arched and he howled in pleasure. His cock jumped as his fingers were surrounded by intense heat. As soon as they entered, the hole tightened on them, before relaxing and tightening again. It was like his body was sucking on him and drawing him in.

Hanataro wiggled his fingers gaining another moan from the furry male. He added a third finger easily, working the digits back and forth, drawing moans and heated pants from his lips. ‘His hole is so hot inside, his muscles are contracting rhythmically and subconsciously. He curled his fingers and rubbed Sajin’s sweet spot.

‘I wonder how much he can take?’ he added a fourth finger and Sajin only continued to pant and moan, even as his virgin tight hole was stretched around four digits. Hanataro applied more lube and began working his insides open. He massaged his inner walls and fanned his fingers, finding his inner muscles quite pliant.

He finally went for it, coating his hand in lube before stuffing the massive male’s insides with his fist. Komamura moaned, bucking off the table and cumming all over himself. His cum shot over his head and made a mess on the floor behind him. ‘He can still cum so much?’ his free hand fondled the massive furry nuts. ‘I can do this!’

Hanataru began to move, pushing his fist deep into Sajin’s body. Back and forth, back and forth, even pulling all the way out and making his hole gape, and to be fed that fist again. Hanataro never thought he’d do stuff like this, but Komamura’s body was inviting him in.

He played with his sweet spot, before giving it a solid punch. Komamura came again, some volume and output, and his big furry nuts showed no sign of stopping. “Please...” Hanataro froze. Sajin was up, panting and his eyes looking hungry. He thought he was having one of those dreams again, being on Hanataro’s examination table.

“Gah I’m sorry, maybe I took things too far but I was trying to help you.” he pulled his hand out and Sajin whined at the loss. He realized this wasn’t a dream, and he didn’t care, he knew what he needed, and judging by the smell of musk and arousal coming from Hanataro he could give it to him.

“Please I need to be fucked, please fuck me!” he moaned. He reached down and spread his cheeks. His ass was on full display his hole gaping apart, begging to be filled. Hanataro felt his cock throb in want.

“Okay, I can do this!” He took off his clothes and removed his fundoshi, allowing his hard 7 incher to spring up. Hanataro may not have been the biggest guy in Soul Society but he was the biggest in Squad 4. At the sight of his dick, Sajin panted and his tail wagged, like a dog wanting a treat.

Hanataro climbed up onto the table and settled between his furry legs, pumping his length and coating it with lube. He traced Sajin’s hole with the tip of his dick. “Okay, here I go!” he pushed forward and Komamura moaned. His virgin ass was penetrated, his hot inner walls hugging each inch that was fed to him.

His hips snapped forward, and his full length was buried inside Sajin’s tight heat. The wolf-like male came again, showering them both in semen. Hanataro stilled as his inner walls tightened around his no longer virgin dick. “So tight!”

Some of his semen got in Hanataro’s mouth, awakening the primal lust he had buried deep inside. He began to move, fucking Sajin’s tight ass with gusto. Sajin panted and moaned for more.

“More, Yes, More, So Good!” he chanted like a mantra. Every thrust was sending him high, the friction back and forth, from his long thrusts, seemed to stoke the flames inside him. His pre-cum coating his insides as his own release built up.

“Captain Komamura, I’m gonna cum!” His thrusts changed from long to short, his pace quickening.

“Inside, please do it inside!” he moaned.

Hanataro’s back arched and his balls lurched as he spilled his seed. He came hard, pouring his reiatsu into the captain as he released. Komamura’s eyes rolled up as the first spurt hit, and the others that followed increased his pleasure. Sajin’s cock erupting like a volcano, it made such a huge mess even Hanataro’s discarded clothes weren’t spared.

Sajin passed out and his cock softened and retracted back into his sheath. The medic was covered head to toe with semen, the room was heavy in the thick smell of sex. Hanataro gasped as he felt Sajin’s fever subside slightly. “No way...could this mean...”

Hanataro didn’t even bother trying to clean up, he just put on his clothes and headed out to give a report. The other shinigami gasped at his cum drenched state. “Hanataro what happened to you?”

“I think...I know what’s wrong with Captain Komamura now!” he said. This was only the beginning if Sajin was gonna get fixed he was gonna need a lot of help.

To be continued


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