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My Hero parody: Tier 1

Soul of a Hero

Izuku had a rather unorthodox quirk, the boy could manipulate his own soul, and place pieces of it into objects, depending on how much of his soul he put into an object said object could gain strange abilities based on its qualities. Such a silly quirk isn’t suited for hero work...so he had been told...time and time again, he was seen as a joke, who could be a hero with a quirk like his.

Chapter 1 The Day Everything Changed

Izuku Midoriya was dealt a harsh lesson early on in life. He did have a quirk but it wasn’t...normal… He was able to manipulate his very soul, splitting it up into pieces, taking those pieces and placing them into objects and bringing them to life. An interesting quirk to say the least, but not seen as a very powerful one.

He wanted to be a hero, but he was weak, while he had a kind hard and wanted to save people. No one believed he was gonna become an A-class hero when he grows up. Not his classmates, not his teachers, not even his own mother. She tried to be supportive but like her quirk, she didn’t see how he could be a hero with his.

His best friend was Bakugo Katsuki, he was smarter and stronger than the other kids in their class and his quirk was both flashy and powerful. The teachers praised him, and everyone talked about how cool he was. Izuku also thought he was amazing, strong and cool he was the best in Izuku’s reach. His favorite pro was the Symbol of Peace, All Might. He saved people always with a fearless smile, Izuku wanted to be just like him when he got older.

Katsuki liked All Might too, but he liked how strong he was. He intended to grow up and surpass All Might and be the greatest hero ever. Katsuki didn’t believe Izuku would make it as a hero, he’d be lucky to end up a sidekick for some D-Lister. Izuku tried to put on a brave face, and keep working on becoming a hero.

He filled notebook after notebook with hero data. He studied tactics, techniques, and quirk applications. His relationship with Katsuki continued to grow more and more strained, Izuku never really understanding why the blonde was so mean to him. His own quirk had grown over the years, and he learned its strengths and limitations. He couldn’t place his soul into something that had a soul already, so humans and animals were a no go. Also just because he put a piece of his soul into an object didn’t mean the object acted like himself.

When he removed a small piece of his soul it became blank allowing the object to become alive and gain its own unique personality. His creations were obedient to him at least, and anyone he permits to. His home was like living in Alice in Wonderland, some objects were alive and often helped with the housework, helped prepare dinner. Inko was raising Izuku by herself for the most part and Izuku wanted to help her out if he could.

Izuku’s quirk might be good for entertainment, but not hero work. Izuku didn’t want that, he wanted to be a hero, like All Might. He just wanted someone...anyone...to believe in him. Then came a very messed up day, Izuku was walking home from school when a villain attacked him.

This sludge-like villain escaped from a sewer, and he was running scared. He tried to invade Izuku’s body, rather nastily, trying to stuff himself down his throat, suffocating him. ‘Someone...help me...’ his backpack was alive and was trying to call for help till it was silenced.

Izuku’s life was saved by the man the sludge villain was running from...none other than the Symbol of Peace...the Number 1 Hero...All Might! With one punch the blond pro dispatched the sludge villain and saved Izuku. He had time to trap the villain in a bottle and sign Izuku’s hero notebook.

He woke up and was star struck seeing his idol. He couldn’t let this chance slip away, he thanked All Might for the autograph, and really wanted to talk to him. Izuku acted on instinct and clung to All Might when he jumped into the sky.

All Might landed, he seemed nervous about something. “All Might, my quirk... it's not normal...but even so, can I be a hero like you?” he asked.

“Not normal?” he froze. ‘Crap...my time is up…’ steam began to leak off him.

“You see, my quirk is called Soul Pocus, I can bring things to life by placing a piece of my soul into it,” he twiddled his fingers as he muttered on, explaining how his quirk worked and what he could do. He only stopped as All Might had shrunk and looked rather skeletal. “Wahh what happened?!”

All Might had some explaining to do. He revealed that due to a battle some time ago, he suffered a grave injury. Izuku had quite a lot of knowledge about his battles, even All Might was impressed. This fight, however, he had done everything in his power to keep it out of the press. He showed his injury, and it looked painful, Izuku teared up at the sight of it.

Because of this injury, his time as a hero is limited. His muscular form he has, he can only hold that form for a short amount of time. He’s still trying to be the symbol of peace, not letting anyone know there is a lot of fear behind that smile. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone about this.” Izuku nodded.

“Listen, about your quirk, I hate to say this but some villains can’t be taken down unless you have the power to bring them down,” His hand balled into a fist, his own experiences haunting him a bit. “I’m sorry if you want to help people you can join the police force, its not as flashy as hero work, but it's needed apart of society.”

Izuku was brokenhearted, his hero, his idol, had told him his dream wasn’t possible. It hurt, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling. All Might left him, and realized his mistake, he had dropped the bottle of the sludge villain.

In a strange twist of fate, Bakugo and his cronies were walking nearby where the bottle was dropped. Bakugo was pissed because he found out Izuku had applied to U.A. considered one of the top hero schools. Everyone had laughed while Bakugo had gotten angry. The exams of U.A. were famous for being very dangerous and having a low passing rate.

He snapped on Izuku and reacted badly, he was trying to drive home a point. He was kicking himself for it now, he had a hard time talking to Izuku. Their relationship had soured a bit, and it was 100% his fault. Izuku was someone he couldn’t read, he could never tell what he was thinking and that unnerved him.

Bakugo took Izuku’s kindness as an insult, that he was looking down on him, which his mother called him an idiot. He tried to distance himself from the boy, but he always followed him, it wasn’t till this past year did they stop hanging out. Which oddly annoyed Katsuki as well…

The guys he was hanging out with often just wanted to get into trouble, like sneaking into clubs or hitting a casino. Katsuki wanted to be a hero, damn it! He kicked a nearby bottle in frustration, and accidentally let loose a villain.

“Looks like I found a meat suit with some gusto!” He pounced on Katsuki and tried to take him over. Bakugo fought back using his quirk Explosion. It didn’t work…

All his fighting back merely caused fires to the surrounding area. “Damn it!” Heroes were called in to try and deal with the trouble, but with the fire, it distracted some heroes, while those trying to fight the villain didn’t have quirks compatible for fighting the sludge villain.

He also had a hostage...things were looking bad. All Might showed up, but his time limit was spent. Bakugo was suffering but he couldn’t do anything. So many people were watching and not stepping in. All Might cursed his own weakness, praying a hero would come by soon and help.

Amid all this madness someone burst onto the scene, it was none other than Izuku Midoriya. All Might’s eyes widened. “Soul Pocus!” People felt the weight of Izuku’s soul waves. He wasn’t thinking, he had ended up there by accident, and when he saw Katsuki was in trouble he acted.

He normally only pulled out 1% of his soul to bring something to life, he had experimented with higher percents before, but never went higher than 5%. His soul often recovered after a given time, but at this moment he wasn’t thinking clearly. He used 30% of his soul!

The flames were drawn to it, all of it! The fire transformed into a small sun. “Good morning!” he called out. Izuku’s threw the sun at the villain. It swooped in, headbutting the villain right in the eye.

His hold on Bakugo lessened and Izuku rushed forward trying to save him. “What are you doing here, Deku!” he spat his nickname for the green-haired boy.

“I’m sorry, Kacchan, I couldn’t stand back and watch you die!” he cried. The sun was keeping the villain distracted.

“You...” he growled and tried to attack Izuku.

“He’ll kill him!” the heroes rushed to help him.

“Detroit Smash!” All Might threw caution to the wind, Izuku inspired him, he transformed despite his limit, it hurt like hell but he dived in and saved both of them with one mighty punch.

His punch changed the weather, changing the air pressure, and making a mini twister before the rain fell. It was amazing. The sun Izuku created took cover from the water. The crowd and the heroes were in awe of All Might’s power.

The villain was collected and locked up, Bakugo was praised for his bravery, while Izuku was scolded for his actions, putting himself in danger the way he did. Bakugo didn’t like that either…

Izuku walked home with the sun he made following after him. He knew he didn’t change anything, it all happened so fast, he still needed All Might to save Bakugo. “I guess I should give you a name?” The sun smiled and nodded. “How about Entei?” the sun cheered spinning round and round him. “Entei it is!” Entei for the flame emperor.

“Thank you, master!” Entei said happily.

He felt woozy, but having Entei near him made him feel better. In the end, he couldn’t save his friend, he tried to be a hero and couldn’t do it. In the end, he was just glad Katsuki was safe.

“Oi Deku!” Izuku turned and spotted Katsuki.

“Kacchan?” he gasped. The blonde was red in the face and was stalking towards him angrily. ‘Oh no, is he mad at me?’ he flinched as the blonde faced him.

To be continued


Lord Zero 1606

Izuku with a Quirk similar to Big Mom's devil fruit. Had been thinking about it once or twice, but mostly with him being a villain, going to be interesting to see how this is going to turn out.


yeah i was struggling to work this idea out but finally found the right road to take on this