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Bleach parody: Tier 1: born on phone

Lamia Arrancar

Ichigo felt hunger, he knew it wasn’t safe for him to be around humans. So he stayed, growing stronger and stronger with each passing year. He reaches the power of vasto lorde, and gains a unique pet, but as he reaches the next level he secludes himself, resurfacing when his family gets into trouble and Aizen makes his move. Hypnosis Ichigo/Harem

Chapter 1 Hollow Power

On a rainy day, Masaki Kurosaki was walking home with her son Ichigo. They weren't a normal family, she was a Quincy, her husband was a soul reaper, they had three kids, the oldest being Ichigo, the youngest being the twins Karin and Yuzu. The chance of them getting powers was high, and she intended to train them when the time came, but she never expected this to happen.

Ichigo was able to see spirits, but at his young age he couldn't tell the difference between spirits and people. All he saw was a young girl about to jump into a raging river. This was a trap, a lure used by a cruel and wicked hollow known as Grand Fisher. Masaki was ready to fight the hollow and protect her son, but in that very moment Masaki Kurosaki's powers were ripped from her very soul.

All she could do was scream her son's name as the hollow ran him through with his claws. In that moment everything changed...

Grand Fisher had intended to eat the boy's soul, but as soon as the boy's life ended, something rose up from the depths of his soul. A hollow! A familiar hollow to Masaki, one she had defeated and had tried to taint her soul. It had passed on to Ichigo somehow.

The hollow went wild, her son's soul changing, she should have been frightened. Instead, all she could feel was relief. Ichigo was fighting back, and Grand Fisher was losing. Ichigo had ripped off one of his arms and forced him to retreat. He stood there heaving, she could only imagine what was going through his head right now. "Ichigo...its okay...you are okay…" she was strong enough to survive without her powers but she was drained.

Her son opened a gate and fled, leaving her once again to shout out his name. Ichigo was confused, he didn't know what was happening to him. Last thing he remembered was going to save a girl by the river, then pain, everything was off, he felt hot and cold at the same time.

Then the next thing he knew he was fighting some monster. Everything was blank, he didn't know who he was or why he was fighting, he just knew he had to survive. He could hear his mother's voice, and for a moment everything became clear. He remembered his name and who he was.

He looked to his mother, and then...he felt it...hunger! A hunger that ate away at him, and he could feel himself slipping away. For a brief moment, he didn't see his mother as his mother, he saw her as food. He fled, he couldn't go back not like this.

As soon as he entered Hueco Mundo, some hollows sensed his power and attacked him. Ichigo killed them and ate them, and felt the hunger subside. He had to eat, or risk his hunger eating away at who he was. He wanted to remember; his mother, his sisters, even his goofy father. Most of all he wanted to remember who he was…

His hollow form was still in its larval stage, as soon as he fed he evolved. His legs fused together and became a long snake-like tail. A red stripe appeared over his hollow mask and his hair grew longer and more wild. He travelled the strange new world he found himself in, he swore he'd only eat to survive.

He often heard of other hollows going off to devour souls and eat Soul Reapers, he refused to do that. He was curious what a Soul Reaper was, didn't meet many of those in this place. He slithered through the sands, and over time he even learned to draw in reishi from the air. As the years passed he evolved his body growing and developing. He trained himself to fight, through survival, and it was survival of the fittest here.

It was strange, normally when a hollow became a menos, they turned into one of the Menos Grande. Ichigo evolved into the second class an adjuchas. Ichigo felt a strange power inside him he wasn't sure was a hollow. He wondered if this was the reason he didn't need to eat human souls. He knew very little of himself or what he could do, he did notice the last time he evolved he gained another stripe on his cheek.

What he knew he learned from either seeing other hollows perform it or use it on him, or from these weird dreams he would have. In the dreams someone would talk to him and call him king...but he never saw them...he's called out to them but they just said it wasn't time for them to meet yet.

Ichigo knew he should question it more, but the skills he was learning was helping him stay alive. He also was gaining skills unique to himself, his dream voice showed them to him at strange intervals. You'd think after becoming an adjuchas other hollows wouldn't mess with him, but no...some adjuchas believed that eating other powerful adjuchas would allow them to evolve into a Vasto Lorde.

Ichigo often didn't go looking for trouble, but trouble found him. He couldn't shake the excitement of battle though, he often wondered if it was a hollow thing or if he just liked to brawl. He sometimes would draw a fight out if he was enjoying it.

He often heard that other hollows fed to stay themselves, he didn't use the Gillian method to evolve, it was rare but it did happen. There were rumors of a powerful soul in Hueco Mundo, a hollow that transcended the veil. They were so powerful lesser hollows died just getting near this person. Ichigo was curious about this person, but hadn't met them yet. He thought they might be the Vasto Lorde he kept hearing about.

Ichigo worried about the hollows he'd eaten. The thought of so many other souls inside fighting for control, was unnerving. His dream told him he didn't have to worry about that since he's never eaten a human soul, and that the hollows he ate were purified. His dream voice said he didn't want his soul world getting too cluttered, whatever that meant.

He kept wandering around not really sure where he was going. He knew of areas to stay away from Las Noches, it was a palace built by some powerful hollow, he wanted nothing to do with those guys. Some hollow tribes were worth avoiding.

It was hard to tell how many years had passed in this world of endless night. There were times he thought of just popping over into the human world to see what was happening. He could do that now, he knew how to open a garganta. The hunger however told him it wasn't wise, he still didn't feel safe around humans.

Though Ichigo didn't know it years were passing as he continued to grow stronger. He thought about his family and often passed the quiet moments thinking of how they changed, if they still remember him, what might they be doing now.

His family did remember him, they had buried Ichigo, and visited his grave every year. Masaki hoped and prayed for her son to come back. Isshin knew it wasn't safe, it would be like keeping a wild animal in the house. He missed his son terribly but, didn't know if there was a way to restore their son. Masaki had faith that there would be a way for Ichigo to come back to them.

So she told the girls he wasn't gone, just lost. Karin didn't believe it but Yuzu hoped it was true. Isshin was more worried about his son getting eaten than anything else. He thought about asking Urahara for a way into Hueco Mundo, but a lone soul reaper wouldn't survive long, and if he ran into a Vasto Lorde, he wouldn't survive…

In human terms Ichigo had reached the age of maturity, and after his latest meal he felt his hefty body pulse. His hair grew longer reaching the small of his back. A third red stripe appeared on his mask, the jaw of his mask crumbled exposing some of his handsome face. His body slimmed down, and his tail grew longer. Though he lost some of his muscle and size he could feel his power growing stronger. He was now a Vasto Lorde!

To be continued...His Pet


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