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Ranma 1/2 parody: tier 1

Chapter 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/curse-of-ct-chap-28039386 

Chapter 2 Ranma Hunted

A boy wearing a bandanna was walking through the woods, he was ragged, his clothing roughed up, ripped, and covered with leaves. This boy was so lost, he was looking for China, it was his only clue. He was on a hunt, a hunt for a certain pigtailed raven, haired teen. Trouble was...he had no sense of direction.

In trying to get to China; he ended up in Rome, New York, Moscow, London, a market place in India, camping somewhere in Canada, climbing a mountain in Africa, going from jungle to jungle, wandering through barren tundras, and swimming through shark-infested waters. He walked through rain, snow, boiling heat, and vicious winds. This boy was a fighter, honing his skills fighting wild animals.

He knew he had to get stronger if he was gonna capture Ranma Saotome!


As for Ranma, trespassing on a forbidden training ground wasn’t bad enough. Genma decided to sneak into an amazon tribe village, how you might ask? The fool went to another training ground, the training grounds of cursed springs. He had spoken to the Jusenkyo Guide and learned of the power of the springs able to change one into a cursed form with cold water.

Genma saw this ability as a way to make some money. He first tried to trick Ranma into using the spring. “Ranma using one of these springs will grant you the power of a beast. The Saotome school of anything goes martial arts, could harness that power!”

Ranma ignored him, he was done listening to his father’s stupidity. “Not a chance pops, I’m not getting myself more cursed.” he wiggled his cock tail for emphases.

“How dare you disobey me boy!?” he shouted, and tried to throw Ranma in one, but Ranma was strong. He left his father with a sound footprint on his face and knocked his father away and went to play with his new tail. “You fool, I’ll show you, this is the best idea I ever had!”

Genma jumped into the spring of drowned panda and came out cursed. Genma used this cursed form to sneak into an Amazon village. Things were quite hectic there as news of their trespassing had been made known.

“We cannot allow the cursed one to escape, he will spell disaster!” An old woman called out to a gathering of amazons. To Genma’s surprise, there were both men and women among them. “Find him fast!” Genma couldn’t understand what they were saying.

“Yes!” the amazons scattered. Genma as a panda continued to move about seemingly unnoticed. It was more so the village was on red alert since the forbidden training ground of the breeder crabs was disturbed. Genma had his sights on the amazon scrolls, containing hundreds if not thousands of years of training and techniques.

He knew some of the books his master had left were borrowed (stolen) from the Amazon tribe. So he figured if he could get his hands on them, he can use them to keep Ranma in his place. ‘The boy’s been slipping since gaining that tail, I tried to cut it off for him and he reacted so oddly.’

Don’t you dare you crazy ass bastard!”

The strength he pulled out was beyond what he expected. He got his ass kicked hard! Ranma has been exploring the ways of pleasure with himself. Genma wanted to believe that cock tail was the root corrupting his son. Father of the year, wanted to cut off a new part of his body, that was no different from an arm, a leg, or his manhood.

Ranma went to the shack they were currently living in. It was simple in design, one-bedroom and an open area for living, it wasn’t much but at least they had running water. As soon as the door shut Ranma stretched. His cock was already hard in his pants, even with pants and boxers on his cock bulged the garments out.

He slowly undid his shirt, the buttons coming off one by one, revealing more and more of Ranma’s fit body. All his training had done wonders for his physique, but lately, he began to notice a change in him. He was noticing his body, his muscle, his father always told him he wasn’t good enough, never enough, he always had to push himself more and more.

Ranma can see it now, see him as not the tool his father used him as, not a pawn in his father’s games. He’s Ranma Saotome, and now he just needs to be him, to discover more about himself. He pulled off his shirt, exposing his chiseled upper body.

He undid his pants and let them fall, the garment sliding down his legs pooling around his ankles. His dick tented his boxers, all 11 inches throbbed still confined but not held down. Ranma slipped a hand into his boxers and ran his fingers through his thick nest of hair, inches away from his manliness.

His boxers were next, the garment tugging down his cock as it slid over his pert ass. His cock snapped up and slapped his abs, sending shivers through the young man’s body. Ranma felt the breeze between his knees and it excited him. If his cock wasn’t already hard he would be.

He reached down to fondle his balls and lazily stroke his dick. With each stroke and caress, caused his manly musk to fill the air. His balls and ass had grown so much bigger before, erotically so. His cock tail tapped his shoulder. “I didn’t forget about you.” he kissed the cock tip, before licking his cock tail.

The sensations were connected, licking the tip of his phallic tail, gave him the same sensations as getting his cock licked. Through his explorations, he learned his cock tail produced a rather potent surplus of pre-cum. Drinking it fueled his lust, it was like taking viagra with no downside. He’s been hard for hours, and he explored himself. A few licks of his pre-cum had his nipples pebbling from pleasure.

After fondling his heavy nuts a bit he brought his hand up to play with one of his perky nipples. Just rubbing the peek and letting the waves of pleasure wash over him. His skin got heated up and flushed, he was feeling good.

Before he got too carried away he went into the other room and got in position, on his knees with his ass in the air. His cock was weeping pre-cum, and he used it to slather his fingers up and bring them back to his wanting hole. Since his cock tail fucked him and he popped his cherry, he’s enjoyed getting his ass played with.

What’s more, his body has changed, the creature that hugged his dick had changed him inside and out. Now he was breaking down all food, he had so much energy, while his dad slept the day away, Ranma only needed 4 hours of sleep to feel refreshed, more so if he didn’t get proper food in him. His ass was now solely for pleasure, a pleasure he enjoyed quite a bit. His cock was feeling jealous, he wanted a hole to slide into, the tightness of the ass was calling for him.

Ranma had a feeling he’d find someone to fuck sooner or later, but for now, he could just enjoy himself. The hand on his nipples dropped to his cock, and the hand that was once tugging on his dick was slicked up and reaching back to play with his ass.

A slicked finger teased his puckered entrance, tracing the rim before sliding in. Ranma let out a moan before the cock tail silenced him thrusting into his waiting mouth. Ranma played with his ass, wiggling and thrusting the finger inside, a blush spreading on his cheeks.

It felt amazing, he soon added a second finger and sucked and moaned around the cock tail.

Little did Ranma know, he’d be getting an audience, as his moan was heard by the lost boy who had wondered near his cabin. Ranma’s loud moan had drawn him closer. The lost boy approached the window, and peeked in!

His eyes bulged as he got a solid view of Ranma’s ass, two fingers working his entrance open. Thrusting back and forth, pausing only to curl and caress Ranma’s insides. The lost boy felt his blood rush south, he couldn’t look away. ‘That guy’s ass is so big!’ he licked his lips.

He blushed as his cock stiffened. His eyes were so focused on the guy’s ass and fingers he didn’t notice the tail of flesh that was curved around getting sucked on by its owner. It wasn’t until Ranma started stroking his large shaft did the lost boy’s gaze drop. ‘So big!’ He gulped gazing upon the long hard cock like it was a tasty treat.

The lost boy had seen plenty of dicks in the showers, having gone to an all-boys school, but never erect like this, and never so huge! He was no slouch in the dick department a solid 8 incher and he had a good girth on him too. ‘Why would a guy with a big dick like that play with his ass?’ he thought, hesitantly reaching back to caress his toned rear.

Even with his lusty moans muffled by cock tail, the lost boy could still hear his pleasure. A third finger was added to the ass and the lost boy’s gaze fell back onto the bodacious booty that was being plundered. ‘He sounds like he’s enjoying getting his ass played with, I wonder how it feels?’ he palmed himself through his pants, he was already weeping, a wet spot forming.

The more he watched Ranma play with his ass, the more excited and turned on he became. He was so hard it hurt, his cock rubbing against the confines. If he was any harder he was gonna rip write out of his pants. He couldn’t take it anymore, he forced his pants down to his knees. No boxers because laundry, his fat cock sprang up and it didn’t take him long to start jerking off.

He had no idea this was Ranma Saotome, to him he had come across a sexy stranger in the middle of the woods doing as nature does. He spread his cheeks letting the passing breeze brush across his bare ass and hot little hole. His balls were big, it had been some time since he had jerked off, he couldn’t remember, how long had it been?

Didn’t matter now, with such a sexy show before him, he grit his teeth and pumped his slicked dick like it was his job. His face felt hot, his balls bouncing with every stroke. Then the cock tail left Ranma’s lips allowing his moans to come out.

“Ahh yes ahh fuck yes, so close!” his moans made the lost boy nearly jizz himself. He was so lost in his pleasure he couldn’t recognize the voice.

His eyes widened when the fingers left his ass, he could see inside the guy’s ass, his hole parted and winking. He pumped himself faster and faster, so close to blowing and then he saw it.

Ranma’s cock tail had curved and rubbed along his crack. His eyes bulged, he halted his strokes. The tail plunged into his ass. “AHHHH!” the noise was so loud, so erotic, the lost boy squeezed his dick and came hard! His seed pelting the wood of the shack.

The pigtailed boy came, so he didn’t hear the difference. Ryoga stood there dumbfounded. He’d never seen this before, never seen a phallic cock tail fuck someone’s ass. The plump ass took the long phallic tail.

As he watched Ranma fuck himself, his hand started to move on his stiff dick, and his hand reached back and began caressing his hole. He didn’t know how long he watched, it felt like days but it was really hours. Ranma made himself cum, again and again, anal orgasms, pumping his dick to milk more spurts each time.

As much seed spilled across the ground, Ranma’s ass was getting stuffed full of it, the tail fucking it deeper in him. It pulled back and thrust back in causing the cum to gush out of him and run down his legs.

The lost boy watched till he couldn’t keep it up anymore. Ranma kept going showing off his stamina and sexual appetite. The lost boy pulled up his pants and scurried off. He was lost, confused, and highly aroused. He decided to stop his hunt for Ranma for a bit and find out about what the hell he just saw.

To be continued…Tips Guides and Weapons


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