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Reincarnated As Slime Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 7  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-chap-26941080 

Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Pack Bond Skill, Stamina Boost Skill,

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, and Ranga

Chapter 8

Gobta had unconsciously summoned his wolf, through a combination of Thought Transmission and the wolf’s Shadow Movement in combination. It’s quite possible he’s a prodigy but isn’t the best at explaining things to other goblins.

The trip back was easy enough the wolves capable of carrying the lot, but a surprise was waiting for them when they got back to the village.

“Uhh, Rigurd...what is all this?” there was a mass of goblins, far more when they left.

“These goblins are from neighboring villages, they have heard rumors of you, Rimuru-sama, and have come seeking your protection,” Rigurd said.

Rimuru sweatdropped, the goblins all cheered at Rimuru’s return. He felt bad, the village couldn’t handle so many goblins at once. ‘How many are there?’

Answer: A full total of 500 of Goblins

‘So many...’ he thought. ‘What would happen if I turned them down and sent them away?’

Answer: Due to Veldora’s disappearance, many of the intelligent races such as the ogres, the lizardmen, and the orcs, like the direwolves will seek for control. Chances are high they will be killed, the next possible outcome is enslavement, and the last possibility is they will starve to death

‘Oh man...’ he sighed. “Okay come if you want, but if that’s the case, betrayal is absolutely not allowed!” the goblins cheered.

Rimuru proceeded to name all of them, going into sleep mode for three days. After that came the great move, the massive gathering of hobgoblins, tempest wolves, dwarves, and a slime began.

Gobta was trying to teach the Goblin Riders how to summon their wolves, though he wasn’t doing great. He had a feeling they’d get it eventually, but his opinion of Gobta lowered a bit.

Kaijin was overseeing the logging, he had forged some find tools, and gave them to the hobgoblins. Two worked on chopping down the tree while two others moved the lumber. With the large numbers of hobgoblins, things were going well. “The targeted area is done, for now, one we move there, we can slowly start to build.”

“Is that so? Excellent!” Rimuru praised.

The dwarf grinned. “Of course I forged these axes myself!” Kaijin is acting builder, blacksmith, and craftsmen. His skills provided tools for those to use, and he was able to train them somewhat, some had a talent for it and was able to help lead the hobgoblins in the work. When he was doing blacksmith work, goblins gathered around watching in amazement. Rimuru pondered if some goblins could learn how to blacksmith as well.

Myrd was overseeing construction and the arts. His designs were approved by Rimuru, and he could see the quality of his work, from his time as a human. The goblins were fast learners and were putting in a good effort in making homes. Myrd was even the one to find the prime spot to build their village.

Garm was responsible for giving the Hobgoblins everyday clothes and underwear. He was a skilled Armour Smith and provided the hobgoblins with the clothing for basic comfort.

Dord liked making higher quality items and gave several goblins more stylized clothing. He was a skilled craftsman in his own right. They were able to pass on their skills to some of the goblins so they weren’t doing all the work themselves.

Rimuru also assigned goblins to forage and hunting teams, to gather materials for the brothers to use, and food for the mouths to feed. Rimuru also appointed Rigurd as the Goblin King, this title had caused a slight evolution for both Rigurd and Riguru, the later becoming the Goblin prince.

Rigurd bulked up, growing taller and his muscles becoming thicker and more defined. Despite his powerful muscles being dependable, leading 500+ goblins would be hard. So Rimuru named four goblin leaders, to work under Rigurd.

Their names were Rugurdo, Regurdo, and Rogurd, they were in charge of these three departments, justice, legislation, and administrative leaders. The fourth was Ririna and she was in charge of the production of goods and materials. Rigurd was keeping them in line making sure they were doing their jobs, and helping keep the other goblins in line. Riguru was also acting like a proper prince, he was learning all he could and a lot of the hobgoblins looked up to him.

In just a few weeks, their village was brought up, they were still building of course, but Kaijin and the dwarf brothers had their homes and workshops. Rimuru was looking to the future wanting the best for everyone. He wanted a proper irrigation system, the goblins able to farm and grow and produce their foods as to not keep taking from the forest so much. He wanted to bring the knowledge of his world and use it to help better their lives. The dwarves were amazed at his knowledge, and as a sign of their skill were able to follow his ideas pretty well.

Rimuru gave them time off, of course, he hoped to have a hot spring set up, that would be a grand reward for everyone. Nothing like soaking after a hard day's work. Some goblins even learned to cook, making proper meals that could fill them up. Riguru had to act as his tongue since he still couldn’t taste anything.

He gave rewards to the other dwarves for their hard work, Kaijin had a unique request. “You want to become my mate?”

“Yes, it might seem strange, but I wish to offer my body to you Lord Rimuru. You have my skill and my loyalty, but I would like to become your mate as well.” Rimuru wasn’t opposed to it certainly. He just wanted Kaijin to be sure and if he was then he’d gladly mate him.

Kaijin did indeed, he stripped off his clothing and showed off his manliness. His thick muscled arms forged strong with his years as a blacksmith. His bulging pecs, his iron gut, his thick hefty cock, and massive balls. While he didn’t have length he certainly had girth, from his size he was the type who’d have to fist you to properly prepare you for his fat dick. His balls were full of thick dwarf cum. He had a thick bush of manly hair crowning his crotch and hairy pits. Kaijin had a strong manly musk, thick from his hard work.

As far as Rimuru was concerned Kaijin was a sexy bara type of a man and welcome addition to his harem. Rigurd and Rigur agreed, and Ranga was happy so long as Rimuru was happy. Kaijin wasn’t a virgin as a top, but his cherry was yet to be claimed.

So with his harem cool with Kaijin joining, and the bara of a dwarf himself ready to be claimed then came the matter of picking the perfect time. Well, nothing beats sexy fun time after a good day’s work, so Kaijin says.

Rimuru waited for Kaijin to finish his work for the day, coming to meet with him, his body glowing, his skin glistening, and his muscles rippling! He disrobed and damn!

Kaijin was already erect, his thick manly musk filled the air. “I am ready, my lord!” he flexed his muscles.

“You look positively sexy Kaijin!” Rimuru jumped onto the muscled hunk of a dwarf. Kaijin moaned as Rimuru spread over his muscles. Over the weeks that had passed since their banishment from the Kingdom of Dwargon, Rimuru has been thinking about the possibilities his slime body could do during sex. ‘Slime Bath!’

Rimuru’s slime body, cleaned and massaged Kaijin’s body. The dwarf was consumed from the neck down, his bulky body covered completely in slime! “Lord Rimuru!” Kaijin moaned every inch of him was being stimulated at once, from his broad shoulders down to his toes.

His plump ass was groped and spread apart exposing his entrance, and that was teased. His cock was uncut, his foreskin was invaded by the slime and pulled back causing the sensitive tip to be teased by Rimuru. The pre-cum that spilled forth was swallowed by Rimuru. Kaijin was grinning from ear to ear as he was brought to his knees. He gulped and panted as his body was cleaned.

Rimuru was quick to clean him and spent the rest of his time teasing the man’s erogenous zones. Turns out dwarves had big sensitive nipples, the slime over his pecs massaged his thick muscles and teased his pert buds. “Ahhh!” Kaijin drooled.

His pits were given the sensation of non-stop licking, his muscles were massaged in the best way, the slime around his dick squeezed and relax, creating a non-stop suction on his thick dick. Most mouths couldn’t handle such a girth, it’d be like stuffing your whole fist into your mouth, but for Rimuru it was no trouble at all.

He sucked every inch, teasing the sensitive skin and flexible foreskin. His balls received the pit treatment, receiving the sensation of licks. The massage to his arms and legs felt heavenly, especially after a long day, it made him even more sensitive.

This went on for over an hour, Rimuru going as far as to extend his slime to penetrate Kaijin’s ass. The slime tentacle wiggled into his tight heat, deeper and deeper, until his sweet spot was found, and given a hello kiss.

Kaijin’s endurance was impressive, even having his erogenous zones stimulated all at once, he didn’t cum too quickly. Rimuru was impressed, he was going to town on the handsome dwarf, but Kaijin soon lost control and came. His seed and sweat getting devoured by the slime.

Acquired: Endurance Boost Skill, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill, Knock Back Skill: Grants the chance of knocking an opponent back with basic physical attacks. Dwarf Cock Mimicry

The slime bath ended, he pulled back even pulling the slime tentacle out of his ass. “That was intense!” Kaijin was left panting, this was the first time Rimuru had seen the man short of breath.

“Your endurance is truly impressive,” he praised making the dwarf blush. “I’d love to test the limits of it.” He transformed into his dragon cock form.

“With pleasure!” He licked Rimuru to get him nice and wet.

‘Hehe, his beard tickles!’ Kaijin took his time, even using his mighty pecs to rub Rimuru in his current form. Once he was wet enough he straddled the dragon dildo and began to slide down onto it.

Rimuru was ready and began to release copious amounts of pre-cum inside Kaijin. He used his Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, to help ease the penetration. Kaijin’s insides grew hotter and he sank several inches, the dragon ridges stimulating his ring of muscle. “Feels good!” he moaned. His still hard cock pulsed and throbbed the weight of it had it pointing forward towards the setting sun.

Kaijin let the dragon cock sink deeper and deeper until he was fully seated on his lord. “Ahh full!”

“Tight!” Kaijin was so damn tight, the hot inner walls were squeezing him relaxing only to tighten on him again. “Move when you are ready Kaijin.”

“Yes sir!” he moaned. He took a moment playing with his big nips, making his ass tighten on Rimuru more. He began to move, the ridges stimulating his insides, scratching an itch he had no idea existed. “Oh my so this is a dragon cock!” he drooled.

Kaijin bounced on his dragon cock, his body shaking, his heavy cock slapping his big belly and making it jiggle. His plump ass swallowed Rimuru up, it was glorious. Even with the aphrodisiac, Kaijin rode Rimuru long and hard, playing with his nips all the while.

As the last rays of the sun danced across the sky, Kaijin finally achieved orgasm. He had been weeping pre-cum like crazy, like several rivers running down a mountain of a cock. In his climax he got even tighter surprising Rimuru, his release happening as he spilled his essence into Kaijin marking him as his.

Kaijin’s balls lurched and his heavy cock stood upright and began to erupt like a volcano showering himself with semen. He’s never cum so hard before, it made his legs get weak and he dropped, impaling himself on Rimuru and ramming his sweet spot in the process. So when Rimuru came, his essence pelted his sweet spot. “Amazing!” Kaijin moaned.

Rimuru returned to being slime and he cleaned up the mess.

Acquired: Mating Bond with Kaijin formed.

“How are you feeling?”

“Amazing!” he panted. “I wish King Dwargo could experience this!” he confessed.

“You really love him don’t you?” Kaijin gasped, his whole face going red. He twiddled his fingers in embarrassment. “It's okay if you do, I love you, Rigur, Rigurd, and Ranga.”

“Thank you, my lord, yes I do love him, and I love you too.” Rimuru made a little slime heart above his head.

“Who knows what the future holds maybe, a day when we can do this with the king may occur,” Kaijin’s cock stiffened at the thought. “Seems your ready for round two.”

“Yes please!”

Rimuru transformed, this time going for the Hobgoblin cock. Kaijin took him and began to ride the big green dick. He rode the cock well into the night, the phallus brushing his sweet spot again and again. While Kaijin had the endurance to ride his sweet spot on some big Hobgoblin dick, the Pack Bond Skill only shared the pleasure, not his endurance.

Ranga, Riguru, and Rigurd could only cum, soiling their new garments, they were two orgasms in, by the time they found somewhere private to get naked. The sensations were intense, they could feel the friction, the jab after of jab to their sweet spots.

Things only got better when Kaijin came, and Rimuru transformed giving him a taste of the werewolf dick! Kaijin loved it, he took the knot and gave Rimuru a show of knot play. He pulled off the knot only to slam it back inside.

The boys felt it through the bond, their holes throbbing and parting slightly. It was intense, their stamina pushed to the limit, soon their dicks remained erect and a steady stream of cum was erupting from them.

Knot play proved even intense for Kaijin’s endurance, and he Rimuru was able to get him off by midnight. The man’s blacksmith body was drenched in seed, it was rather sexy seeing the thick cum running down the dips and valleys of muscle.

Nothing Rimuru couldn’t clean up. Kaijin got dressed after basking in the moment. He filled Rimuru in on the updates for the village as they walked back together. Rimuru gasped when he found his other mates, naked and drenched in semen, and he means DRENCHED, they were covered in white, you couldn’t see anything else. “Welcome back...Rimuru-sama...”

“Welcome to the family...Kaijin-san...” they couldn’t move a muscle.

Rimuru made a mental note to remember to suspend the pack bond when going multiple rounds with Kaijin. He cleaned them up and they settled down for the night.

To be continued...Fated Meeting


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