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One Piece parody: tier 1: Born on phone

Snake Hunt

Luffy is the last of the snake fang tribe. A race of beings like lamias, like the minks they had a transformation making them stronger faster more deadly, but their tribe was small, so small they turned to the world government for assistance, this led to them being captured and used as celestial dragon slaves. Their rarity made them quite the prize like mermaids. The snake fang tribe was scattered and thought to have been wiped out. So for people like the celestial dragons, Kaido, or Big Mom a member of the snake fang tribe is quite the prize.

Chapter 1 Capture

Rob Lucci was raised by the government, he was trained in the art of the six powers, became a master of them at a young age. He was given an in-depth education from firearms to trade, to building, he was being groomed to be both an assassin capable of killing and a spy capable of doing undercover work.

He was considered ruthless and calculating, able to analyze one's strengths and weaknesses easily enough. Few have seen that smirk when he's found a worthy opponent. If there was one thing he didn't like it was being bossed around by one weaker than him, he only held his tongue because the government gave him a license to kill, he could kill in the name of justice.

His exploits had earned him a reward a devil fruit the Neko Neko fruit leopard model. After eating it he became wilder and the predator devil fruit suited his desires. So you could only imagine how bored he was having to guard one of the celestial dragons. They were making a trip to collect some tribute in the East Blue.

The noble himself was annoying and arrogant, he was weaker than the weaklings he had protecting him, other than himself of course. He saw how twisted these guys were fairly easily yet they ruled at the top. It didn't make sense, isn't it strong who ruled? Orders were orders so he begrudgingly carried them out.

"You there, mongrel, you have a devil fruit power yes?" Lucci raised a brow.

"Yes sir, I do." he wasn’t too happy being called a mongrel but he held his tongue.

"Transform for my amusement!" He clapped his hands as if saying chop-chop. Lucci's brow twitched in anger. He really hated this, he could kill this guy in a hundred ways but if he even laid a hand on him he'd be hunted as a pirate. "Hurry up!" It was almost worth it…

Lucci was still new to his devil fruit power, so he stripped off his clothing. He transformed into a leopard. The celestial dragon applauded and laughed. "How amusing!" Lucci fought back a growl, this guy was getting on his nerves. "Now change into your hybrid form!"

He looked to the government official who did nothing. No one defies a celestial dragon. With a sigh he transformed into his hybrid form, his furry form tripling in size, his muscles bulging as he was covered in fur. "Ohhhh!" He stood there getting gawked at like an animal in a circus.

His tail thrashed in annoyance. "I've decided, you shall be my ride!" His eyes widened.

"What?" He growled.

"Sir, Rob Lucci is a promising agent for the world government."

"Who cares, don't I deserve the best ride possible?" Lucci couldn't believe this, was he seriously planning to make him his slave. His hand balled up into a fist.

"Yes sir, of course, sir, excellent choice sir. I'm sure Lucci will make a fine ride for you." Lucci growled as they readied a slave collar. He was this close to slaughtering them all when a ship was spotted. It was flying the pirate colors, but the fact that a small ship dared to sail near the ship of a celestial dragon.

The noble got pissed and got his gun, in the distraction Lucci put his clothes back on. He shot the passing ship causing an explosion. "SABO!!!" a scream was heard drawing the attention of Lucci and the Celestial Dragon. They caught a glimpse of a boy wearing a straw hat diving into the water.

What caught their attention was that the boy wasn't normal instead of legs the boy had a snake tail. His ears were pointy. "A lamia of legend!" The noble cried out. "He's got to be a member of the snake fang tribe!" The man was wigging out. " Capture him, catch him you fools!"

This was Monkey D. Luffy and he was one of the last of the Snake Fang tribe. He had been living on this island as far as he could remember. The boy who had set sail was Sabo, someone Luffy saw as a brother. So despite the risk, he dove into the water to go after him.

Men started firing at Luffy trying to immobilize him but he was a strong swimmer, zipping past and around the bullets and going straight for the wrecked ship. He found Sabo and whisked him away. The boy was burned and didn't seem to be breathing. He quickly swam out of the way of gunfire, not stopping to think just trying to get Sabo safe.

He managed to escape the gunfire, much to the annoyance of the celestial dragon. "Go after him!" He shouted, stomping his foot and acting like a spoiled child. Lucci ignored him, his focus on the snake fang tribe member who had just crossed his paths.

As an assassin, he had to know about all the races their strengths and their weaknesses, it was the only way to fight and properly kill one after all. What got his curiosity while the snake fang tribe was known, not a lot was known about them. There was talk that they had their own fighting style, strong swimmers not as strong as mermaids of course but they held their own. Some texts said that the snake fang tribe would swallow their prey whole and absorb their strength as they were digested.

The one Lucci saw was young, so he might not be a challenge, but he wanted to fight him. Something was screaming go chase after him. So as the dragon ranted and screamed, calling everyone around him incompetent failures, Lucci approached.

"I'll go capture him for you." The noble grinned.

"Yes, I order you go capture that snake boy and bring him to me!" The government yes man approved, and Lucci was off, using Moon Walk to fly through the air.


Luffy had made it to shore with the injured Sabo, the young blonde wasn't responsive and Luffy started crying as he tried to wake his brother up. The boy needed medical attention and fast. Thankfully he wasn't alone…

A tall cloaked man appeared and found the two, he recognized both of them for different reasons. The blonde boy he met here, who was in tears at how the nobles in the Goa Kingdom could smile and laugh as a plot to murder everyone in Gray Terminal was carried out. Even as their screams carried over the wall children, yes children smiled and laughed and hoped the people would die quickly so their pathetic screams would stop.

Sabo was born a noble but he wasn't like them, he wanted freedom. The stuffy life his parents led was suffocating him, and to him, the nobles of the Goa Kingdom were trash, rotten to the core and smelled worse than the trash that covered Gray Terminal.

Luffy saw the man and begged and pleaded for him to save his brother. The man agreed, swearing he would do everything he could. Luffy didn't know why but he trusted this man. There was a price, of course, they couldn't remain on this island anymore not with the celestial dragon and the World Government on the move here. "I understand, Sabo wanted to be free, please take him away from here!"

So they parted, Luffy thought Sabo hated them, but in truth, he did what he did to protect them. Sabo's father had paid men to track Sabo down and bring him home. Luffy didn't know this but they went as far as to threaten Luffy and Ace the third and oldest brother of the trio. If Sabo tried to escape or didn't obey Luffy and Ace would be made to suffer.

"I will look after him," the man told Luffy carrying his body away to his ship. Luffy didn't know what he was gonna tell Ace, but they should be happy he's alive right? Luffy had heard Sabo's heartbeat.

Luffy slithered back towards their base, a lot on his mind. He seemed very distracted, much to Lucci's delight. He stalked the boy masking his presence and killing intent as best he could. Like a predator stalking its prey.

Lucci saw so many openings, but he decided to knock the boy out and bring him in. He wasn't sure about handing over such a rare prize, hell there was no guarantee the Celestial Dragon wouldn't try to collar him again. Right now, he was in mission mode, he'd decide what to do after he knocked the boy out. Lucci used Shave, a high-speed technique and one of the 6 powers.

He zipped through the area, moving so fast he couldn't be seen. He went to strike Luffy's neck, only for the boy to dodge! Lucci's eyes widened. 'How did he?'


Not only did he dodge Lucci's attack, but his tail struck him hard. He was thrown back, but he corrected himself in the air, landing in a skid. "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

"Hehe, you are good I thought I masked my presence."

"You are pretty dumb if you think you can sneak up on me!" He faced Lucci. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy, the man who's gonna be King of the Pirates, who are you?"

'King of the pirates is he serious?' He couldn't help but smirk. The boy had guts, the urge to fight him was growing stronger. "My name is Rob Lucci, I've been ordered to capture you and bring you in."

"Not gonna happen!" He took a fighting stance.

"We'll see!" Lucci charged at Luffy, using Shave he moved at superhuman speed. "Finger Pistol!" He launched a powerful attack, this technique could penetrate stone and pierce flesh like a bullet.

Luffy dodged the attack, and like before countered Lucci, striking at him with his tail. Lucci was ready this time and tried to block it with his Iron Body. While it cuts down on the damage, the force behind the tail had Lucci sliding back.

Lucci tried attacking from a distance. "Tempest Kick!" He let loose two compressed air blades. Luffy dodged them, avoiding them as he lunged forward. He began to strike at Lucci, his fingers curled and palm open. "Paper Art!" Lucci's body bent and curved almost going flat as he dodged Luffy's attacks.

The two went at it, throwing blows only for the other to dodge. Luffy whipped his tail only for Lucci to dodge it. "Moon Walk!" He took to the air, Luffy's tail coiled around a fat tree and crushed it with raw strength.

'He's so young but has such raw strength!' Lucci felt his blood pumping. This boy if given the right training...he purred at the thought. He was good at analyzing people, this boy had strength raw strength and some skill but he was young and inexperienced. If he did catch him and take him to the celestial dragon, he'd be made a slave, all that raw potential would be wasted.

It didn't matter orders were orders, didn't mean he couldn't have his fun before bringing him in. "You are quite strong for one so young."

"Thanks, my Grandpa trained me a bit, and he said Snake Fangs, are born fighters, born with an instinct for survival." That made sense. "You got some cool techniques yourself."

"Let's make a deal, if I defeat you, you come along quietly and accept the fate that's been dealt you."

"And if I win?"

"If you win? You get your freedom."

"That's dumb!" Lucci anime fell. "I'm already free, so if I win you join my crew!"

"What?!" Lucci gasped.

"You heard me, I'm not a pirate officially yet, but I want a strong crew. So if I beat you, you swear your loyalty to me, and join my crew!" He pointed at him.

Lucci was stunned, not just at the boy's request but how willing he was to accept it. The world government sees the Celestial Dragon's like gods, whatever they want they get, to the point even he was gonna lose his freedom based on a whim. Become a pirate...Rob Lucci...no way...right?

The boy was strong, Lucci had no problem serving the strong, and this boy could only get stronger. "Fine, but if I win you come with me, and you will serve under my rule." He still had his devil fruit, an ace in the hole.

The look on Luffy's face told him he didn't like the idea of serving under others. "Fine!" The two swore an oath, on their pride as men. Even for Lucci he wasn't gonna go back on such an oath, he had his own pride to live to.

Lucci showed his cards by transforming into his hybrid form. His clothes ripped apart, from his bulging muscles and larger size. "Whoa, you are a devil fruit eater?" Luffy gasped his eyes sparkling. "That's so cool!"

"You better get ready, because I'm not holding back!" He charged at Luffy, in his hybrid form he was even faster. He zipped round and round, even Luffy was having trouble keeping up with his speed.

Instead of dodging he blocked Lucci's strikes. Lucci kept attacking hoping to keep him off guard. Luffy found a way to take back control...he spat poison!

Lucci jumped back avoiding the red goo that Luffy had spat out. "There are a lot of mushrooms on this island thanks to that I've been able to hone my poison skills." He wiped his mouth.

"Not bad, but not good enough!" He charged at Luffy at high speed, Luffy whipped his tail at him. It hit but this time Lucci stood his ground using Iron Body. He smirked, he held onto Luffy's tail and began to whip him around.

Luffy yelled as he was whipped around. He was getting dizzy, he closed his eyes and tried to hold onto his senses. Lucci tried to slam him down, but he caught himself, spinning on his hands he coiled his tail around Lucci’s wrists and took him for a spin.

He launched Lucci at a tree, but he used Moon Walk to avoid a heavy hit. The two went at it, going blow for blow, Lucci was far more durable in his hybrid form. Instead of dodging they were blocking. Luffy’s movements were so swift and agile, it was like he had no bones.

“Snake Shot!” Luffy struck Lucci’s body, with an attack so fierce it even pierced his Iron Body.

“Ahhh!” Lucci cried out. “Enough!” He pounced on Luffy and pinned him down, he used his tail to hold Luffy’s down, his larger body covering Luffy’s smaller one. His big hand-held Luffy by the throat. “Submit!” he growled.

“No...way...” he choked out.

Lucci growled. His eyes met Luffy’s seeing the defiance in them. He had no choice but to knock the boy out. Lucci held his gaze too long though, Luffy’s eyes began to swirl in a rainbow of colors, his pupils dilating into slits.

He couldn’t look away. His eyes glazed over and his eyes began to mimic the swirl of colors. His grip on Luffy’s throat relaxed and he sat back. Luffy held his gaze, he coughed a bit, rubbing his throat. “That’s it, good boy, relax for me...” Lucci obeyed reverting to his human form in all his naked glory. “That’s it, good boy, good boy!” he pets him, and Lucci smiled.

The praise and the complete control was doing things to him. Luffy coiled his tail around Lucci’s body, from his ankles all the way up to his neck, the tip of his tail caressing Lucci’s chin and even tickling his ear. “You are safe in my coils, now go to sleep...” Lucci yawned like a cat and drifted off to sleep.


When he came to they had moved. “Morning sunshine!” Luffy smiled at him.

“What happened?” he struggled only for Luffy’s coils to squeeze him tighter. He gasped as the air was knocked out of him.

“I hypnotized you,” he stated so simply.

“You what?” he growled and tried to transform only for Luffy to squeeze him again, he couldn’t focus.

“You were choking me, so I hypnotized you,” Luffy said. “Now you belong to me!”

Lucci felt his heart flutter. “That was a dirty trick!”

“Its a technique from the snake fang tribe, it took me a long time to do it right.” he huffed, crossing his arms.

Lucci had to admit, he’s heard there were people capable of various forms of hypnosis. He had let his guard down, he didn’t resist Luffy’s control, he had become prey. “You are right, you got the better of me. I admit defeat, I’m yours.”

“Hehe, welcome to my crew, I can’t wait to show you off to Ace, he’s gonna be so jealous. I already got my first crewmate!” his tail slithered over Lucci’s body. The male blushed.

“Can you find me some pants first?”

“Why are you shy?” Lucci blushed and looked down, he realized other than a straw hat, the boy was only wearing a shirt with an anchor on it. Luffy released him from his tail.

“Never mind.” Lucci transformed into his animal form and Luffy’s eyes sparkled.

“That’s so cool!” Luffy hugged him. Lucci brushed, the boy’s praise was stirring feelings inside him.

“I guess you don’t transform then?”

“Oh I can, but I can’t control it well if I transformed I might have killed you, and that would be a waste for one so strong.” Lucci could tell he wasn’t lying, and a shiver ran down his spine. “It's a good thing I hypnotized you if I had lost consciousness my survival instinct might have kicked in and I would have transformed.” Lucci gulped. He followed after Luffy, walking towards his new life as a pirate.

To be continued...


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