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The Seven Deadly Sins parody: patreon reward


Last of the Dragon Clan

The dragon clan was nearly wiped out during the Holy War. The last remaining was Meliodas, after thousands of years he’s able to obtain a human form and joins the holy knights and works to protect the world, a plot to free the demons from the coffin of darkness is set, but are they the only threats. Two Cocks Meliodas/Harem

Chapter 1

The Demons and the Goddess clan had waged war, a cease-fire had been in place but it appeared one side broke it. Their war had swept up the other races of the world, the giants, the fairies, and the humans, were the most involved. Other races had to decide for themselves if they were gonna get involved.

While the vampires chose to not take sides, the dwarves wanted to help but supplying weapons to the others in their fight against the demons, the beastmen while willing to help, were betrayed quickly and their forces were broken up and wiped out. The demons also wiped out the dwarves, to try and weaken the resistance.

Then there was the dragon clan, their physical power was equal to the giants, while their magical power was equal to that of the fairy clan. The dragons were a prideful race, not wanting to aid the humans, even the pretty words of the goddess clan could not sway them.

The dragon clan didn’t fear the demon clan, believing their powers were nothing compared to their own. The great dragons gathered to discuss their affairs, but one of the 10 commandments infiltrated the gathering and began to slaughter the Dragon Lords. This act was an attempt to force the dragons to serve the demons and turn the tide of battle.

Their heads were brought to the dragon clan, to show them the terror of the elite guards of the demon race. What the demons didn’t expect was just how prideful the dragons were, or the limit of their rage. Seeing their fallen lord’s heads did call the dragons to action, but against the demons.

Funny thing about dragon power, it doesn’t die even if the physical body is destroyed, the power of the Dragon Lords will pass on to the next generation. So the new Dragon Lords, led the charge, joining the other races to battle the demons. One of these new Dragon Lords teamed up with the Leader of the Giants, and the King of the Fairies to bring down four of the commandments.

This forced the demon clan to change their tactics, and scramble to the point of finding replacements for the commandments. It was to the point the son of the demon king had to join the battlefield. Using his power, he defeated three strong warriors and forced them to join the demon clan, the fourth was found among the demon ranks.

The biggest threat was the dragon that the demon king’s son defeated, he took up a commandment and the demon power changed him. The now Dark Dragon laid waste to the Dragon Clan, the combination of demon magic and dragon magic was a terrifying force. Slowly but surely he slaughtered the dragons, and devoured their flesh and took their power into him.

With each dragon slain, the Dark Dragon grew stronger and stronger, it seemed he was unstoppable. Fearing the other races would fall once the dragon clan was finished, they turned to the last remaining Dragon.


Apart from the truce between the demons and goddess clan originally, was a sharing of techniques, four techniques were shared between the two clans. One of these techniques was the Full Counter. One of the angel clan’s greatest warriors had one variant of it, able to counter physical attacks.

He was sent to train the remaining dragon, upon learning Full Counter, he learned the magic counter variant. This allowed him to reflect any magic attack aimed at him. The two bonded over this training, and grew closer and closer, far more than expected.

The last dragon had mastered this power just in time as the Dark Dragon found him. Though his magical power was far stronger, their physical strength was equal. Not only was he the last dragon he was also blessed as the final dragon lord.

He had been the one to aid the other leaders to kill the 4 commandments before. His tactics and skills were one thing, but his willingness to work with others had him a touch above the rest of the dragon clan.

The Dark Dragon had killed other dragons when they were alone, and by the time they did team up to try and fight it was too late. He had gained so much power, he was capable of killing three dragons at once. However, he came to rely on his magical power since it had become so great.

This made his fight with the last dragon lord, far tougher. Thanks to Full Counter, he was able to turn the tide of battle, even when the Dark Dragon realized his magical power was being turned against him and he switched to claw to claw combat, the goddess member rode on his back, using his Full Counter to counter his physical attacks.

The Dark Dragon roared, demanding where was his pride as a dragon! The last dragon cared not for the words of a traitor and dealt a devastating blow with his fangs and claws. The wound caused the power he stole to slowly escape him, refusing to die, he clung to his remaining power and used his darkness to escape.

His failure to kill all of the dragons cost him his commandment, but he had a lust for power now, so he remained on the demon’s side. Though no longer a commandment the Dark Dragon was still a threat, as was the Demon King’s son. He also took interest in the last dragon and found himself growing jealous of his relationship with the lowly goddess.

Then a plan came into place, the four clans united their power to create the Coffin of Eternal Darkness, though it took their strength to make they needed a key to enacting the seal. Word of this got to the demons and not wanting to be sealed away, they launched an all-out attack. The last Dragon Lord offered his fang and scales to forge the key they needed and so began the end of the demons.

This seal became a double-edged sword as while the strongest demons were sealed away, the goddess clan suffered a heavy loss having to return to their domain, leaving behind goddess amber, in case they needed to be summoned again. The dragon’s goddess lover had willingly surrendered their grace to remain on earth and be together with his dragon lover.

With the war believed to be over the dragon lord returned home only to find his den destroyed, his lover’s blood left behind. So snapped the Dragon Lord Meliodas…


No matter where he searched he could not find his lost love, his rage blinded him and he went wild for many years. Meliodas spent years killing straggler demons those who were not sealed only drained and were causing trouble to regain power. He later found a strange demon claiming to have been the one to have killed his love. Meliodas tried to kill the demon, but it seemed he had a fail-safe, capable of self-destructing.

He destroyed his body but not his spirit. Meliodas felt cheated but had to come face to face with everything he had done. He was so busy with his quest for revenge he ignored so many who were in need. He had turned his back on friends and allies and was consumed by rage. He wanted to make the one who killed his lover suffer instead of killing him quickly, which allowed him to build up his energy to self destruct.

The damage was done…

Meliodas focused on redemption, he took human form with a few years of training. He kept the Dragon Handle and protected it keeping it out of the hands of those seeking to revive the demon clan.

He was even found by the Holy Knights of Liones and was brought in for execution. He gave no resistance and was locked up waiting for his death. Dragons were capable of living far longer than most of the other races, immortal in the sense of long life but capable of dying by battle.

In his human form, it was capable for his life to end. He wished to be reunited with his love and atone for his deeds forged in his rage. “That is quite the form you are in,” a female voice reached his ears. “I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“Merlin?” she smiled at him. She wasn’t alone standing with the king of Liones.

“It seems you haven’t forgotten me, I’m touched.”

“You are looking good.”

“Flatterer,” she opened the door. Meliodas had a tattoo on his shoulder, the picture of a dragon eating himself. “Is this really the path you wish to take?”

“Yes, the dragon clan should live and die with me.”

“What would he say, you know he would want you to live!”

“If you are here, I can leave the Dragon Handle to you. I’ve failed, I let my rage swallow me up, for 2000 years everything was a blur. I don’t even know how many I’ve killed.”

“Less than you think,” she said.

“You’ve been watching me?”

“He made me promise, and we were friends. You caused a lot of destruction, but nothing too serious.”

“What about Danafor?”

“That was regrettable, but even if you hadn’t chased that demon, he would have kept killing innocent people.”

“I could have saved them!” he roared.

“Then live, and become someone who can save people!” she knew what he truly meant, he wasn’t there to protect his lover, and there were many he could have saved had he not been driven by rage.

“You want me to become a Holy Knight?” he blinked.

“You were already thinking it, it's a good idea, you can live and atone for your sin, all of them,” she approached him. “Don’t give up on your dreams just yet.”

“Keep on living huh?” with a few flicks of the wrist he broke out of his chains. “I guess I can do that.” The king’s jaw dropped.

Meliodas stepped fully into the light, standing in all his naked glory. The King blushed seeing the blonde’s ahem...double dragons. Merlin just chuckled at his antics. The King had a vision, that the holy war would start up again one day, and that a band of 7 sinners would lead into defending the world. “Seven sinners huh, sounds interesting.”

To be continued Dragon Knight...?


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