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Miraculous parody: patreon reward


Wish Upon A World

Adrien has lived a very sheltered life his only friends are some rich kids who don't like him or want him to use him or his tutors. One tutor Marinette always slips him a special book to cheer him up. He wishes he can see a world like that and a whoosh he's transported with Marinette and their wishes are granted, Adrien changes gaining cat ears tail and some boosts. Marinette surprisingly becomes a man!

Chapter 1 It’s just a wish

Adrien Agreste lived a very sheltered life after his mother passed away, his father went crazy. No friends, no school, no leaving the house without a bodyguard. He had no freedom. There weren’t bars on his windows but there were sensors, so if he opened the window to the balcony his father would get an alert, and either his father’s secretary or his bodyguard would come to check on him. He had no privacy if he didn’t answer any of the hourly updates he’d be checked on.

He had private tutors that would come and teach him and leave, and he would remain in his father’s house. He had a fencing instructor, so he learned how to handle a sword, he had a fitness instructor so his body was toned and fit, he had a fashion consultant that picked out his clothes, he had tutors that spanned from English, French, Math, Science, History, etc, etc, etc...

They all had to follow his father’s rules or they wouldn’t come back. Adrien remembered the old man, who took him to the park once, it was the best day of his life. His father was furious, he fired the kind old man on the spot. It kept the others in line, no one dared to cross his father...that is until he got Marinette as his tutor.

She was his literature and art tutor. It was great, he was able to express himself. Marinette was a year older than him and she’s seen so much of the world, she traveled as a photographer, did fashion, and had a marvelous assortment of books in her collection. She was so nice and friendly and treated Adrien like a person.

So it was no surprise when Adrien fell for her, he didn’t know it was love, he wasn’t sure what love was really. He just knew he was always happy when she came around, he enjoyed it when she taught him and was sad when she left. He always dreamed of going for a walk with her and holding her hand. She showed him pictures of the places she’s been, and his eyes would always sparkle.

He read stories about people falling in love, but didn’t know it, could this be love.

Adrien knew he liked her, and she liked him. She was always sneaking in extra “lessons” for him. His father didn’t want his head filled with fairy tales and nonsense, so he had given Marinette a strict list of novels to teach his son about. Marinette, of course, felt it was best to expand one’s imagination so often slipped Adrien something extra to read. Stories of ancient warriors, magical charms, dragons, monsters, magic and more.

He loved them, he read them over and over, often dreaming of going to such strange and wondrous places. Purely, he just wished for freedom. The freedom to make friends, the freedom to do things without under constant guard, the freedom to walk with someone he liked, beyond a set perimeter. He would often clutch one of Marinette’s books to his chest. A blush spreading across his cheeks.


Marinette was there for their usual lesson. “So did you enjoy the book?”

“Oh I couldn’t put it down, do you have something new?” he asked excitedly.

Marinette giggled. “In fact I do, this one is quite old, but I think you might enjoy it.” she handed over the strange-looking book. It had symbols on the cover instead of a title.

“What is this?”

“I found it on my travels, I’ve tried to have it translated, but the closest translation I got was, Wish Upon A World,” she said.

Adrien flipped through the book, similar symbols were found around each page, but the text was in English. “Have you ever wished for something?”

“I have...” she placed a hand over her chest. “But I think we all have these kinds of wishes.” Adrien blinked at her. “This story gives me hope for the future, and maybe my wishes will come true someday.” She didn’t tell Adrien her wish, passing it off as it was complicated.

“Can I help make your wish come true?” Adrien asked, and Marinette giggled again.

“You are a sweet young man, but I hope your wishes will come true.”

“Then...I wish your wish comes true!” Marinette laughed, and she hugged him. The two didn’t notice that the book seemed to resonate with Adrien’s words. Their lesson carried on and Adrien had a wonderful time, but that time came to an end and Marinette had to go. She left and he was left in his cage once more.

Yes, a cage, a fancy cage, the best money could buy, but a cage none the less. His meal was fancy but he ate alone in a grand room at a big table the made the experience all the more lonely. Neither Natalie or his bodyguard would even eat with him. He carried on his day with the rest of his lessons, training, then a bath before bed. ‘I wish I was free...’ he thought, bringing his legs to his chest in the bath. His wish was true to his heart, and though not spoken aloud his wish was heard.

Once it was lights out, he got his flashlight and the book and began to read. The story was strange, each chapter seemed to surround a different protagonist. They each had a wish in their heart and got to explore a fantastical world, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but that was what made each story all the more enjoyable. The heroes faced challenges but they got through them, overcame them, it filled Adrien with a sense of hope.

“I wish I could go on an adventure like this with Marinette...” he closed his eyes and imagined such a wonderful adventure. He was dressed like a warrior, and Marinette was dressed like a spellcaster, the two were traveling across the land, fighting slimes and wild monsters. After a long journey, traveling through blazing heat, pouring rain, terrifying snow, reaching a dark and terrifying castle. Inside the two fought a dragon, defeating it and gained the treasure he was protecting. “Here it is My Lady, this treasure will help you achieve your wish.”

Fantasy Marinette hugged him. “Adrien, you are the greatest!” he smiled.

“Hehe,” He fell asleep, his fantasy becoming a glorious dream, unaware that his wish was heard. The strange symbols glowing once more.

The next day Marinette came back for their lesson. “So Adrien, did you enjoy the book?”

“I haven’t finished it all yet, but I love it!” he said happily. “There were so many cool adventures in here.”

“I’m glad,” she said. He blushed. The stories he read the protagonists were so brave, they didn’t shy away from their feelings.

“Before we start our lesson, there is something I want to say...” he clutched the book in his hand. ‘Come on, be brave, you can do this!’

“What is it, Adrien?”

“I...uh...I um...” he knew what he wanted to say but the words were caught in his throat. “I...I want...I mean...I wish...” he chewed on his lip. ‘Why is this so hard?’

“Adrien, you can tell me anything, what is it?”

“I wish, that we could go on an adventure in a world like in this book!” he confessed.

“Oh that’s so sweet, I’d like that too.”

Your wish shall be granted!” an ominous voice echoed through the room.

“What was that?” the two looked around.

The book’s symbols began to glow, and energy sparked from the book. Adrien dropped the book with a gasp. “Adrien!” she grabbed him and shielded him as the book opened up. The pages began to flutter until it reached a blank page.

Wishes of the heart, some not spoken, form a pact that can never be broken. Travelers prepare yourself as your story begins!” strange symbols appeared on the blank page, once fully formed it opened a gate.

“What’s going on!?”

“Adrien, run!” it was too late for that, as a strange force pulled the two in, everything went black.


Adrien groaned, his eyes slowly blinked open. “What on Earth!” he was met with a clear sky and trees, not the bedroom he’s used to seeing. “I’m outside?” he could hear the sound of birds and nearby water. “This is so weird...” he stood up and felt a breeze pass over him. “Gah I’m naked!”

Very true, in the transfer, all of Adrien’s clothes had been erased, for he was reborn in this new world. He shielded his exposed crotch and gasped seeing black fur around his wrists. Stranger still, he felt something long and furry brush over his bare ass and back. “I have a tail!” he reached up to run his fingers through his hair and brushed along kitty ears. “Am I a cat!”

He ran towards the sound of water and got a good look at himself. He was now a demi-human, a Neko, he had kitty ears, a kitty tail, and claws. He had black fur cuffs around his wrists and ankles and his eyes had become more feline-like. He also gained some oomf oomf in the pecker area, and his ass had gotten plumper, his muscles had become more solid and defined, and he had a nice manly treasure trail going from his crotch to his navel. “Hey...I look pretty good!” He flexed and posed.

“I must be one of those demi-humans I read about in that book...that book...Marinette?!” he ran around looking for her, completely ignoring his nudity. “I have to find her.”

“Adrien?” he smiled.


“Stay back!” he heard someone shout.

“Oh you must be naked too, I’m sorry...” he rubbed the back of his head.

“No...well yes I am...but that’s not the problem here...I’ve changed...”

“Yeah, me too,” he said happily, his tail wagging. “Isn’t it great?”

“Yes, no, I don’t know...remember when you asked me what my wish was?”

“Yeah...” Marinette stepped out, in all his naked glory. “You’re a man!”

Marinette had changed, her curvy body was now more firm with muscle, he was even taller now, and he had four arms. Adrien looked up and down and blushed red seeing his massive manhood that dangled between his legs. Much to his shock, he felt a stirring in his loins.

To be continued


Lord Zero 1606

It was so worth picking it. Can't wait to see you continue.