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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

Chapter 18  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-18-27315300 

Chapter 19 Nature of the Draw

Jaden couldn't help feeling restless, he was trying not to let the others see it. Syrus and Chumley were happy to have things normal, Harrington was blissfully unaware of anything going on. Bastion was busy with his studies and Torrey...well Torrey knew the truth and was happy to help. He was trying to find out anything he could about what happened at the forbidden dorm. Torrey had some knowledge in the shadow games and spirits.

He even sent Winged Kuriboh to watch over Torrey to make sure he wasn't getting into anything too dangerous. He was doing his late-night slither just trying to relax. He was always taught that shadow magic could be dangerous, in the wrong hands it could be deadly. With the proper training, one could use a charm effectively and even use it to protect someone.

Jaden caressed his shadow charm. The lamia queen had used this charm, used its powers to protect the lamias from an ancient evil. New shadow charms weren't necessarily a bad thing since they could be used for good, but in the wrong hands…

'Just who is making these charms, the missing students, the abandoned dorm, while shadow duels are taught in history lessons the real thing is far more dangerous.' Torrey had tried reaching out through the shadows and Jinzo came after him. He remembered studying the shadow games himself, his sisters let him study the book of shadows, the book that held all the known shadow charms.

His sisters knew more about shadow magic than him. ‘I wonder what they’d say about all this?’ He looked at his deck.

Jaden, you can’t worry about the future...” Jaden remembered one his sister’s words. “One can spend their whole day worrying about what comes tomorrow and waste their present. The same is true for dueling, a duelist can worry about their next move, or they can draw and make the best of what fate gives them.”

Jaden sighed. “Maybe I shouldn’t worry about tomorrow, I got some beautiful mates, a pet, a servant. I got my sister’s teachings and my deck, and I have my shadow charm.” he smiled. “No matter what comes, I’ll protect them!”


In the abandoned dorm, the shadows were moving. Power was ripping through, and while Jaden had crushed the remaining shadows that lingered there, the place was still touched by shadows. So when someone from the other side reached out to open a gate, it opened!

The basement of the abandoned dorm trembled with power as a gate opened up and a muscled figure stepped out. He had a ring on his drawing hand. The mystery man stood tall, with flowing long hair, broad shoulders, massive pecs, 8 pack abs, thick arms and legs, big feet, large hands, wearing only a loincloth.

From the gate a masked figure stood, the mystery man turned and it closed. “Me...back...” he chuckled. He flexed his muscles, smiling as his body bulged and ripple. “This me now!” he chuckled.

“All need do, is hunt target, they no getaway!” His ring pulsed and began to surge with power. Above the dorm, storm clouds began to gather. An ominous wind spread across the whole island. “My power will let no one escape!” his hand clutched into a fist.

The storm cloud burst, spiraling out and covering the entire sky over the island. Lightning flashed and thunder roared, as the seas around Duel Academy became more violent. The wind howled and the ground shook from the unnatural disturbance. Heavy rain began to pelt the dorms like bullets. Many students woke up from the strange vibrations and howling winds.

Windows rattled, and some students were shaken from their beds. For the red dorm, it felt like the whole building was shaking. Dorm Advisors were out trying to keep everyone calm and to remain indoors.

Syrus and Chumley were woken by the storm. “Oh man it sure is noisy, I bet Jaden’s sleeping through all this...” Syrus said. “Ehhh!?”

“What is it Syrus?”

“Jaden...he’s gone!!!” he lifted the boy’s empty sheets.

“Uhh, maybe he went to take Harrington for a walk, or is visiting Torrey or Bastion...”

“Don’t you think he would have told us?” Syrus began to worry. “I’m gonna go looking for him.” he raced for the door, but as soon as he opened it he bumped into Professor Banner.

“Children you must remain indoors,” he said.

“But Professor, Jaden is missing!” Syrus said.

“I’m sure he is fine, I’ll go look for him.”

“Thank you, professor!” Syrus smiled. The door shut and Syrus got back to bed, and Chumley hugged him.

“Come on, it's Jaden, he’ll be fine.” the bluenette nodded.


Jaden was caught in the storm. He felt the pulse of another shadow charm. “What on earth?”

He began to search for the source, but as it turned out the source was looking for him. Jaden gasped, seeing several twisters touch down over the sea, forming vortexes of water and wind, becoming a cage around the island. “This is not good...”

“Ahhhhhhh,” a Tarzan like yell echoed around him. “Aahhhhh!”

The lamia turned towards the noise, and a massive muscle man came swinging towards him. “Oh wow!” The man was so ripped and so naked, that loincloth leaving very little to the imagination.

He landed. “A lamia...me found you...” he ran his fingers through his flowing hair.

“Hey there big guy, what are you doing here?” his eyes roamed over the muscular figure. His lamia sex drive highly approved of the sexy beast of a man before him, his manly musk was strong even through the pouring rain, the water cascaded down the man’s muscular body. “You don’t seem surprised seeing a lamia...”

“Heh, Me strong, you me hunt!” he charged at Jaden only for the lamia to easily slip away from him. Jaden groped him as he passed. “You!” he blushed, getting brought to his knees as his dick hardened, his hole twitched, and his nipples pebbled.

“You got strength and muscle, but you pretty slow in the head to think if you can catch a lamia. I could grope you 20 times over and you’d never even touch me.”

“I no have to catch...I duel you!” his ring glowed and a duel disk appeared on his muscular arm.

“And if I refuse?” he folded his arms.

“No refuse fight!” he stomped his foot and caused a tremor, even the rain stopped in the area around them. “No surprise you are the one causing all this, who gave you that shadow charm?”

“I no talk, defeat me, maybe...” he loaded his deck, and to Jaden’s surprise, the duel disk glowed reversing his deck. Jaden felt the storm come from the abandoned dorm.

“Looks like I’ll be needing to get some answers from you,” his charm glowed and created a duel disk of his own. “If I beat you, you’ll hand over your shadow charm and give me answers.”

“You want my power, try and take it!”



Torrey slipped out of his dorm after the storm hit, Winged Kuriboh led him outside and to Jaden. Jaden wasn’t doing well, his life points were down and his field was empty. “Jaden!”

“Torrey?” Jaden gasped. “What are you doing here?”

“Torrey?” the muscle man gasped. Torrey wiped his glasses and looked at the muscle man.

“No way...you can’t be...Damon?!”

“You know this guy?”

“Yeah, his name is Damon Taizen, he vanished 7 months ago!” Torrey blushed. “He wasn’t this buff before.”

“Not Damon! Damon weak, Damon always lose, now strong, master the nature of the draw!” he yelled. Damon had good test scores, but when it came to dueling he always lost it when it came to the draw. He started freaking out about what he would draw, and no matter how hard he trained he still kept wigging about it.

His victory so far was because his spells, traps, and monster effects required guessing the top card of the user’s deck, thanks to his shadow charm his deck was reversed so he got to see every card that came. He always guessed right, so Jaden was getting creamed. These effects even got him boosts to his life points so everything was in the blue.

“I trained for 6 months, facing all that nature could throw at me, I became one with nature!”

“You’ve been out in the wild for 6 months huh? I haven’t seen you...don’t tell me you went to the other world?” Damon smirked.

“You want answers beat me in duel!” Damon thought he had this duel in the bag, but Jaden saw his problem. Even if he knew what card was coming didn’t mean he was gonna win.

Jaden turned the tides thanks to Lamia Little Sister # 3, she began to wail onto Damon, dropping his life points more and more, each time switching to defense mode.

Damon’s monster Drawer, had 2000 ATK so he couldn’t destroy the little sister, and Jaden was getting cards back in his hand with each passing turn. “I just need shield crush, and your monster will fall and your life points are finished.” he looked at his deck, but Shield Crush wasn’t the next card, it was a monster.

His life points were free prey to the Little Sister. Even if he drew it wouldn’t save him or protect him. He drew the monster and summoned it, and ended his turn. “On next turn me crush you!” he said seeing Shield Crush on his next card.

“You shouldn’t get cocky Damon, there are no sure things in a duel, and you shouldn’t act cocky to mask your fear!”

“Me fear nothing!”

“You were scared to draw your next card cause it wasn’t gonna help you!” Jaden said. “You’ve taken the mystery out of it but you haven’t really changed. You may not always get the card you want, but you gotta deal with what fate gives you!”

“Enough talk, it is you who is scared, you know that on my turn I will destroy your last defense, with my Shield Crush.”

“If predicting duels were as easy as predicting the weather, where is the fun in that?”

“Me no predict, me control the weather!” he showed this by increasing the storm around them.

“Oh yeah, well there’s a card I’m looking for, Pot of Snakes, with that card I can destroy the top two cards off your deck.”


“Yes, draw!” Jaden drew and he got...Pot of Greed. “Let’s go again, Pot of Greed!” he drew two cards.

“Did you draw the card you wanted?” Damon asked.

“Nope but I got something I can use!” He activated Lamia’s Jungle increasing the ATK and DEF of the little sister. Damon wasn’t scared, even if Jaden attacked him it wouldn’t matter, he’d have Shield Crush and destroy the lamia.

“Next I play Snake Flute!” a golden pan flute appeared on the field, it was coiled by two snakes who started to play it. “This lets me summon two lamia monsters from my deck, so I summon Lamia Sister 1 and Lamia Sister 4!” the two snake women appeared on the field, and the little sister joined them in ATK mode.

Thanks to Lamia Sister # 1’s effect they all gained a boost to their ATK, and in the jungle, they gained even more strength.

Lamia Sister # 1 ATK 2300

Lamia Sister # 4 ATK 2300

Lamia Little Sister # 3 1600

“No way!” he shook his head. He still had plenty of life points, he could survive this!

“Way, instead of worrying about the future, you should have enjoyed the now! Because now you are about to be a lamia’s dinner!”

Lamia Sister # 4 was sent first, destroying Drawer, the point difference cost him 300 life points. She spat poison needles that melted Damon’s monster.

Damon: 3900

“That’s not all, when Lamia Sister # 4 destroys a monster by battle, she deals damage equal to the destroyed monster’s atk points.” She painted her nails with the goo that was once Damon’s monster, her nails glowed and she hit Damon.

Damon: 1900

His remaining monster Doron was destroyed by Sister # 1, one quick tail whip sent him flying into the air before exploding.

Damon: 400

The little sister sealed his fate and blasted him.

Damon: 0

“You beat me, even though you didn’t get the card you needed?”

“That’s the fun of dueling, you need to be able to make the most out of each card you have. You may not always win, but you can’t be scared to try.” Damon began to tear up.

The ring had been feeding on his fear and his humiliation, Jaden helped put those fears to rest. However, the energy built up in the ring began to unleash. The storm began to grow wild and out of control. Even the academy’s volcano began to become active. “Damon!”

“It’s not me...I can’t control it!” he hissed. The energy crackled and caused more tremors.

“I got you!” Jaden coiled his tail around Damon and focused his power on his ring. He conjured energy snakes, and they helped remove the ring before launching it up into the air. Jaden destroyed the ring, resulting in a huge burst of energy that blasted away the storm and ceased the tremors.

“I’m sorry...I’m sorry...” Damon cried.

“Messing with shadow magic can be dangerous,” he hugged Damon. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, thank you for saving me.”

“You saved everyone,” Torrey rushed over and hugged Jaden. Jaden smiled and kissed the boy. Damon blushed as the two made out. He felt his cock stir between his legs, his thick 9 incher throbbed and pulsed.

The kiss broke for air, and Damon hugged his crotch. “You two are boyfriends?” he gulped.

Torrey smiled. “I’m Jaden-sama’s servant!” he said so proudly. Jaden’s cocks slipped from his sheath, Damon’s jaw dropped at their size. Torrey began to suck on the right cock.

“May I?” Damon asked.

“Would you like to become my servant?” he cupped the guy’s cheek.

“Yes please,” he removed his loin clothe and let his fat cock bob free. He hadn’t touched himself in 6 months so his balls were swollen. Damon began to lick Jaden’s left cock while using his beefy pecs to massage Jaden’s length.

“Mmm, not bad,” he ran his fingers through Damon’s hair. Torrey got naked and started deep throating Jaden’s monstrous manhood. “Ohh that’s good Torrey!” he used his free hand to cup the back of his head.

Torrey moaned at the touch and bobbed his head eagerly. Damon didn’t have as much experience in sucking dick as Torrey, but what he couldn’t fit in his mouth he had his massive pecs rub against. “Does my dick taste good, Damon?”

Damon moaned in response, his eyes rolling up. He had hearts in his eyes, as he sucked down Jaden’s pre-cum. The two felt their releases build higher and higher, just from sucking cock.

They came, moaning around Jaden’s twin dicks. As they spilled their seed, their moans pulled Jaden over the edge and he fed them his cum. Jaden’s cum made Damon cum again, while Torrey was a bit more used to it. They pulled off Jaden’s cocks and started making out, sharing his flavor between them.

Jaden smiled as he watched them make out. “While that was fun, I’ll be needing answers from you big guy.”

“Yes, sir!” Damon bowed.


Damon had received a letter telling him to come to the abandoned dorm. He was then brought to a strange world, where he’s been all this time training. The man he met on the other side, had given him his shadow charm. He had a charm of his own, and he wore it around his neck. His charm was made with the power of the Convulsion of Nature spell card.

“This person was able to open a gate?” Damon nodded.

“Hmm, it's possible that person left those charms on the island?” Torrey pointed out.

“Maybe, but they couldn’t leave a gate open for long periods of times, I’d be able to sense that, and them opening a new one on this side.” Jaden pondered. “I think whoever is responsible for the other student's disappearances, might have an accomplice here at Duel Academy!” The two gasped.

Jaden rubbed his temples. “I’ll help you find the accomplice and bring him down!” Torrey said.

“I might be the best duelist but I’ll try!” Damon said.

“We can train together,” he patted his shoulder. “By the way, did you ever catch the guy’s name?”

“Yes, he called himself Nightshroud...” Jaden’s eyes flashed gold.

“Did you say...Nightshroud…?” Torrey was surprised, he’s never seen Jaden so scared.

“Do you know him Jaden?”

“Of him, he was a legend in the Lamia Village, he was a man who lusted for the power of darkness, he went so far as to offer his flesh, his bones, his spirit to the darkness. He hopped from vessel to vessel, feeding on the darkness in people’s hearts to get stronger.” Jaden looked to Damon. “He was the one who sent you?”

“Yes, he told me to hunt down the lamia that was hiding on Academy Island, or he’d take away my power.” he blushed.

“So someone freed Nightshroud and gave him a new vessel.”

“You say freed, someone beat him before?”

“Yes, the Queen of the Lamias, she sealed him once before.”


Damn’s muscles faded, since they were honed through magic, the ring gave him the body he wanted as a sign of his strength. Once the magic faded away with time, he reverted to his normal self. “My muscles...” he cried. “My dick...” his nine-inch dick shrank back to its original size of 3 inches.

“You can earn them properly this time, you are still growing,” Jaden tried to cheer him up. Damon was willing to put in the work properly this time. Jaden even helped him rework his deck, to become a better duelist.

Jaden also conjured 4 snake statues to guard the abandoned dorm. He wasn’t gonna let them have a back door. He thought about making the dorm apart of his territory and base, but that would require some time and a lot of effort.

To be continued


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