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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward


Jaden Human form: 16 inches soft Jaden Centaur Form 2 dicks Front cock 12 inches Monster cock 24 inches.

Syrus 7 Inches

Bastion 8 inches

Chazz 5 inches

Chapter 13 War Tactics...A Sleeping General Can’t Fight

Bastion and Syrus were shocked to see Jaden return with a very naked Chazz. “You mean he’s the one who figured out your secret, and tried to blackmail you?”

“And you want him to join the harem?” Bastion crossed his arms. “I hardly see the logic in that.”

Chazz hung his head low. Jaden patted his back. “We all make mistakes, Chazz apologized and has agreed to keep my secret,” he smiles at Chazz, before looking at the others. “I don’t think he’s a bad person.”

There was still uncertainty in their eyes. “What do I have to do to prove I’m serious?” he asked.

“Hmm,” Bastion and Syrus looked at each other, before huddling up. The two began to whisper between them. Chazz started growing nervous. He wanted this to work, but he was a known jerk, and it was no secret he looked down on the other dorms.

‘Damn it!’ he closed his eyes and his hand balled up into a fist. He wanted this, he wanted to change, he didn’t want to be the rich prick anymore. Jaden took hold of his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Syrus noticed when he peeked over at them. Bastion had his reservations but Syrus was the one closest to Jaden. He had agreed to the whole harem thing, so they each had to keep an open mind. They also had to respect Jaden’s decisions and put their trust in him.

Bastion was still trying to get used to all this, but one thing he did know was that he wanted to protect Jaden and keep his secret safe. He could only imagine the fallout. While the shadow games were known, it was considered taboo to practice them. Jaden’s true form would be a driving force to explore it for better or worse, plus there was no telling what would happen to him if this happened. He ran through so many scenarios when he heard about the blackmail letter.

He legit wanted to throttle the one who was even threatening to blackmail him. Now that he was there before them seeking trust and acceptance it was conflicting.

Their huddle broke and the two gave Chazz a stern look. “Suck our dicks!”

“What?” he gasped, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

“You heard us suck our dicks, and we’ll believe you.” Chazz Princeton would never suck the dick of someone lower than him.

They expected hesitation, maybe an out from Jaden, what they weren’t expecting was for Chazz to get hard. He approached the two and got down on his knees before them. “Let’s do this!”

Belts were undone, pants and boxers brought down around the ankles. Cocks stiffened to semi-hard states. Chazz got to work, caressing their hard-ons. The two boys blushed as their cocks stiffened under Chazz’s hold. They looked to Jaden, who just shrugged. They made their bed now they had to lie in it.

Chazz started licking their dicks, first Syrus then Bastion, then back again. When he focused on one cock he pumped the other, his saliva and their respective pre-cum making the task easier as time went on. Chazz was no pro, his slurps and sucks amateur, and testing the waters. As he went along though he gained more experience, with each pass he was getting better.

Jaden’s cock hardened at the show. He had no issue with his mates fooling around, they were a harem, not a dictatorship. If Chazz refused he wouldn’t have made him do it, but from his hard dick and lust-filled eyes he was into this. This was a new Chazz, and even he was trying to figure things out.

Halfway through, on the boy he was sucking he started playing with their balls. He strokes getting faster on the second, making their balls bounce. Jaden watched their reactions with wild fascination but never increased his pace on his cock. His lazy strokes did release his manly musk into the air.

The trio moaned, their cocks pulsing and growing heated. Pre-cum began to rush down Chazz’s mouth and throat, he gulped it down and increased the pace until he felt a familiar twitching. He brought their dicks together, the sensitive tips rubbing against each other, earning moans from both boys.

Chazz wrapped his lips around both of them and sucked. The two came together, fresh baby batter erupting into Chazz’s mouth, they hit so fast he couldn’t tell one from the other as his mouth filled with cum. He gulped it down, but pulled off a little too fast and got a surprise bukkake. Chazz gasped but took it, his cock twitching.


“I concur!” the two were trembling. If Chazz was willing to do this, then maybe he was serious.

Jaden stood up, and the trio looked at him. “That was quite a show, you boys deserve something special.” he pumped his cock a bit faster, pre-cum pouring from the tip. Syrus and Bastion undressed and joined Chazz on their knees. Jaden’s aroused musk was mouth-watering.

Their cocks twitched as Jaden pumped his cock before them, as his release built up their mouths opened, tongues outstretched as they waited for what was about to come. Sure enough, Jaden’s cock swelled and his mighty nuts lurched as he came. His thick cum shot into the air before raining down onto the boys, they caught it on their tongues and in their mouths. The rest splattered their faces, necks, chest, shoulders, arms, and their cupped hands.

Jaden gripped the base of his cock to cease his flow, and the boys basked in the flavor of his thick cum. They each came, the flavor causing sensory overload, they came all over the floor, as they swallowed Jaden’s seed. One by one, Jaden cupped the back of their heads, feeding them a couple of spurts each as the last of his orgasm waned.

Each boy got to suckle a bit at his cock head, rolling the thick man milk over their tongue before gulping it down. Chazz licked his lips, it tasted so different from human semen, the flavor clung to his lips in a wonderful after taste that left him wanting more. The trio crawled forward and began to worship Jaden’s dick with their tongues, Syrus getting the tip while Chazz and Bastion got the sides. There was so much cock, so much for them to enjoy.

This was the start of a new bond and a new family for Chazz.


The Cease-Fire was almost over, and the Blue Dorm would soon be able to challenge the Red Dorm again, or the red dorm challenges them. No matter the challenge Jaden was still defending the Red Dorm, and there was nothing he could do to stop him, by normal means.

However, arranging a duel with the general was of course allowed. Crowler had a secret ace in the hole, among the Obelisk Blue students there were many secrets, one of those secrets Crowler used to deal with troublesome students before. Crowler put on his protective suit before heading out to a secret shelter hidden beneath the chicken coop on the island.

Duel Academy grew and bred its own food, to cut down on food costs, but they did have food brought in to the island. Their chickens and greenhouse were very strong. There were secrets duel academy had, above and below.

‘A sleeping general can’t fight in the war!’ he chuckled. His protective suit liked like something an astronaut would wear except pink with an eye and ear guard, in the form of a visor.

He took a hidden hatch in the chicken coop down to a strange bunker. “You in there Belowski?” he approached and a bright light hit him.


The red dorm was getting nervous about the next test war. Syrus was doing his best to alleviate their fears. “Guys we got this, we’ll stay strong!” he told them. “I’m off for a training session, we got this!”

He went off to their meet up spot, a nice secluded spot in the woods. He was greeted by the sight of Bastion and Chazz dueling bare ass naked. They each had a 6-inch vibe up their asses. They were taking to Jaden’s training pretty well, Jaden was able to analyze their skills, and they had cock rings to keep themselves from cumming. As their life points dwindled, Jaden raised the intensity of the vibrations, and the winner would get to enjoy Jaden’s cock as he sucked them off.

Syrus began to strip, as Bastion finished defeating Chazz. The rich boy crumbled to his knees, as he had a dry orgasm as the vibrations in his ass were turned up to the max. “Ahhh,” his body shook. Jaden came over and kissed him.

“That was a good duel,” Jaden said and rubbed his back. “Great job Bastion!” he looked over at the Ra yellow duelist.

Bastion was shaking. This kind of training was oddly exhilarating. He was starting to believe he had become an exhibitionist, being exposed, dueling naked, not caring his dick was hard as a rock. The vibrations he felt in his ass was intense, Chazz had gotten him down quite a bit before he unleashed his Water Dragon.

Every move was exciting, every turn arousing, dueling felt so alive! Chazz was disappointed he lost, but the duel was really fun, he wanted to duel again. Bastion getting involved with the training was good as he knew the ins and outs of the science of dueling, and he had 6 elemental structure decks and his test deck he used in the entrance exam. The elemental decks needed some exercise so he was happy to duel again, but first…

Jaden and Bastion kissed, Jaden caressing his bound cock, it looked ready to blow. Syrus slipped in his 8-inch vibe and slipped a cock ring around his manhood. “You wanna duel with me?” Syrus asked Chazz.

“Sure...” he stood up on shaky legs, and Syrus helped support him.

“I know it can be intense, dry orgasms I mean...” he blushed and chuckled.

“You’ve been training like this?” he nodded. “Lucky dog.” Jaden changed the vibrations back to 1 so their duel could start on equal footing.

Jaden released Bastion’s cock and sucked him down to the root in one go. The young genius mode and came instantly, firing his cum down Jaden’s throat. “Jaden!” he moaned and his body trembled.

He was sucked through his orgasm, milking him of several more spurts from Bastion's big balls. Bastion was positively drooling. His real prize was right around the corner, Jaden’s long hard cock.

Bastion started sucking on Jaden’s cock, wasting no time to enjoy his prize. His eyes rolled up as his mouth was stuffed full with big man meat.

Chazz and Syrus licked their lips, they could hear Bastion sucking Jaden’s dick, watching him bob his head and look so damn pleased with himself. They understood entirely of course. Bastion was in hog heaven, his cock twitching with each bob of the head. He couldn’t suck the whole thing, but he was trying, almost choking on the male’s big dick. The noise was oddly arousing, the two dueling taking breaks to watch the show, even the monsters were blushing at the noises.

Bastion was cutting loose and loving it. The smart guy breathed through his nose taking in the heavenly musk. He came from sucking Jaden’s dick and the centaur wasn’t far behind him. His cum surging forth and filling Bastion’s belly. He moaned, chugging the surplus of semen.

He pulled off licking his lips, he was so turned on from Jaden’s cum he was hard and raring to go. “You up for another duel?”

“Sure thing, can I bask in the moment a bit?” he hugged Jaden and cuddled up to him. Jaden smiled and hugged him.

“Of course,” he focused on Sy’s duel and began to up the vibrations. The two sat back and watched the others duel.

“If you want to duel right now, I’ll face ya!” the four tensed and turned towards the strange voice. “You guys seem like cool dudes!”

“Who are you?” Jaden turned.

The young man had an Obelisk blue jacket around his shoulders, he was wearing a tattered shirt and shorts and judging by the bulge in his shorts he’s not wearing underwear. Dandylion popped out and purred. “Hey, buddy!”

Chazz gasped, seeing the strange spirit. “What is that?”

“A spirit dude, I’m surprised you can see him,” Belowski said, he reached into the front of his shorts and began to scratch at his thick nest of pubes. “No surprise, the centaur can see.”

“How do you know?” Bastion gasped, and Syrus looked to Chazz.

“Hey don’t look at me!” he waved his hands in his defense.

“He’s not human,” Jaden said and transformed.

Belowski chuckled. “Name’s Belowski, I was asked to duel some dude named Jaden, I wasn’t expecting to meet another monster boy.” Belowski began to change, transforming without a shadow charm. His clothes ripped off of him from the force of his transformation, the boy was well endowed but as he transformed his cock thickened. He got soft wool looking fur from his ankles to his knees, his wrists to his elbows, and he sprouted two small horns.

“A weresheep, I’ve heard about your monster kind.”

Belowski chuckled. “Thanks, man, I was born in the monster world, but was brought here and raised human.”

“Why haven’t I seen you or sensed you before?”

He chuckled again. “Well, my powers tend to go a little wild.”

“Powers?” sure enough, Bastion, Syrus, and Chazz collapsed snoring softly. “Guys!” he rushed over to them.

“They cool man, transforming just releases my power fully, normally it comes out when I duel.” Jaden removed their rings and toys.

“So you said you wanted to duel me huh?”

“That’s right bro, orders are orders, a shame too, cause I’d love to chat it up with a fellow monster.”

“Same, I’d like some answers, like why I’ve never seen you around or sensed you,” the two readied their duel disks.


To be continued...Centaur Versus Sheep


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