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Bleach/Shield Hero Parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 8  https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-legend-of-27685311 

Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Blue Shield: +2 Defense

Green Shield: +2 Defense

Purple Shield: + 4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Dimensional Locust Shield: defense boost of 6. Dimensional Bee Shield: agility boost + 6.  

Bee Needle Shield: attack boost + 1, skills; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis)

Beast Needle Shield:  ATK + 2

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Shield: Decay Resistance Small

Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small

Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small

Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding  

Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus.  

Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2  

Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Chimera Meat Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Chimera Bone Shield: Darkness Resistance M

Chimera Leather Shield: Defense + 10

Chimera Viper Shield: Change Shield Skill, Compounding + 1 Poison Resistance High. Exclusive Skill: Snake Fang Long Hook. (This skill worked similar to the two headed dog shield, when struck with a physical attack the snakes on the shield would lash out and bite the attacker inflicting powerful poison on the enemy.) Also when using this shield, it shared his poison resistance with his party.  

Anti-Poison Shield: Defense + 5

Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Small

Monster Trainer Shield: Monster Growth Correction (Small)

Monster Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 2

Monster Trainer Shield 2: Monster Status Correction (Small)

Dragon Scale Shield: +15 Defense, Elemental Resistance (Small)

Monster Trainer Shield 3: Growth Revision (Medium)

Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield: Cold Resistance (Small) Unique Skill: Frost Bite- when struck with a physical attack unleashed a cold burst of frozen wind, that can deal small ice damage and can potentially freeze and opponent.  

Book Shield: Magical Power Up (Small)  

Ichigo: Level 24 Healing/Support Magic

Renji: Level 28 Fire Magic

Grimmjow: Level 28 Wind Magic

Komamura: Level 76 Light/Dark Magic

Toshiro: Level 16

Chapter 9 Race and Toshiro's Power

The town wasn't taking this news well. It was the Shield Hero who defended the village, the village already had a lord, also the Shield Hero and their party were ones who had been helping in the reconstruction.

“I'm the new lord here, nice to meet you all,” Askin said, winking and throwing up hand gestures.

“Askin...” Ichigo facepalmed. “What is all this?”

“Ichigo? What are you doing here, this is my base of operations!” Ichigo sweatdropped.

'You've got to be kidding me…'

“Renji-chan, Grimmjow-chan you can stay!” Askin said, blowing them kisses. Renji and Grimmjow physically looked ill at his actions.

“You the new lord, is this a joke?” Ichigo asked.

“It's no joke, the king gave him this reward after his performance during the Wave,” Bambietta said, Ichigo didn't buy it, this sounded like retaliation. He recalled the other heroes pointed out that he defended this town and helped prevent many casualties.

'How petty can this woman be?' Judging from Askin's actions, he was just a sponge soaking up the praise and adulation that came his way.

“Can the criminal hero please clear the area?” she made a shoo shoo gesture. This did cause some outrage from the villagers since Ichigo and his party did actually help, not only with clean up but also helped with repairs.

The town's lord tried to intervene, but he couldn't go against an order from the crown. They weren't done either. Bambietta continued. “First order of business, a tax will be applied 100 silver for entering the village 100 silver for leaving.”

“What?!” the villagers were in an uproar.

“We can't afford that!”

“That's too much!”

“Nonsense, this tax is for rebuilding the village,” Askin said proudly.

“Are you an idiot?!” Ichigo snapped. “Do you even know how much it costs to live in this village?”

“I...uh...” he looked away.

“One silver a day, that includes meals, it would be easy to live here for only 20 silvers a day.” Ichigo crossed his arms. “You'd literally be crushing the people for the sake of renovations. Of course, the people aren't gonna go along with it.”

Turns out Askin really was clueless as he looked to Bambietta. “Bambi-chan?”

“Improvement requires sacrifice, without it nothing can be accomplished.”

'This bitch!' true to his word the villagers weren't gonna stand for this.

“You would dare defy an order from the crown!” she raised a hand charging her magic, while the knights around them drew their weapons.

Ichigo was about ready to interfere only...he didn't have to…

A masked squad clad in black suddenly appeared, disabling Bambietta's magic. “Bambietta-sama I trust you know who we are.”

“You...why are you here?” she looked terrified, positively so, for one poised to lash out mere seconds ago she looked ready to run away now.

“We have special orders!” the leader held up a scroll. The bitch took it, and she began to sweat. Ichigo was curious about who these mysterious people are, they seemed to have the bitch on the ropes.

“No! I won't stand for this!” she snapped. “Shield Hero we challenge you!”



Ichigo was annoyed. He didn't want to go along with this bitch's plans. Even the Lord of the village was asking for his help, even with his title he wasn't able to challenge a hero. She wanted a race between Askin and him, a dragon race!

Toshiro was glaring at Askin's dragon. Ichigo noticed the two dragons were quite different. “So its true dragons not born in the same pack often form rivalries with other dragons.” Renji pointed out.

“It makes dragon racing really intense.” Grimmjow pointed out, getting a look. “One of my masters was a big-time gambler.”

The Lord promised to give Ichigo a reward. “That man is an idiot, Ichigo-sama you can't leave this village in his hands.” Sajin pointed out. He was right, Ichigo shuddered to think what Askin and Bambietta the bitch would do to this place.

“Fine, I'll do it.” He said ruffling his orange hair.

“Why bother, you can't win!” Askin approached. “My dragon is a purebred from the royal stables. Yours is a scrawny runt!” Toshiro glared at him.

Without missing a beat, Toshiro kicked Askin right in the crotch, sending the man flying, tears streaming down his face. Askin crashed down, cradling his privates as Bambietta screamed.

“Pfft...Hahahahahahaha!” Ichigo laughed, surprising the two demi-humans who's been with him the longest. Grimmjow joined in the laughter, Renji was able to hold it back, but he had to admit it was good to see Askin get kicked. Komamura cleared his throat, to fight back his own laughter. “Well done, Toshiro good boy!” Ichigo praised.

He's played with Toshiro and had a feeling of how fast the dragon was. “You ready to do this Toshiro?”

“Rawr!” he said, fixing Askin's dragon with a glare.

“Don't lose!” Grimmjow said.

“Take care of Ichigo,” Renji said.

“Do your best, you can do this!” Sajin said.

“Rarr,” Toshiro nodded.

After Askin got his balls healed, the two mounted their dragons and got on the starting line. The current lord stood between them.

“Three laps around the village!” he raised up a white cloth. “Go!” The dragons were off, Toshiro taking a surprising lead.

'Toshiro...is so fast!!!' Not just his speed, but his posture was optimal for acceleration.

“Damn runt!” Askin's dragon was bigger than Toshiro, and higher level. “Faster, go faster!”

Bambietta wasn't gonna let him lose and whispered something to her knights. The boys were so wrapped up in the race they didn't notice.

1 Lap Down

One of her knights used earth magic, to create a hole to trip them up. 'What the hell that hole wasn't there before?' Askin zipped past him.

Toshiro growled, getting back up and started running after Askin. Another knight was ready. “Oh, source of my power I beseech the...decipher the laws of nature and slow my target. Fast Speed Down!” Magic was cast upon Toshiro, and just as he was about to catch up his speed dropped.

Askin's dragon took this chance and hit Toshiro in the face with his tail. “Damn, that dragon has a bad attitude just like its owner.”

Toshiro growled, even with the drop in speed he kept going. He dug deep and began tearing up the track going as far As they rounded the corner, Bambietta was pissed that Ichigo's dragon hadn't slowed down at all.

2nd Lap Finished

“Take them out!” she whispered to two of her knights. They scampered off, but Grimmjow noticed. The first one cast a speed boost on Askin's dragon.

“Aha, I knew you could move faster!” Askin laughed.

Askin's dragon even tried to bite at Toshiro's tail, but he didn't stoop to their level. The second knight began to cast his own spell.

“Oh, source of my power I call upon the...decipher the laws of nature and trap my enemies...Blast Mine!” Before he could cast the spell Grimmjow came up and knocked the guy out.

“Cheating witch!” Grimmjow growled.

The other knight was still moving. He used his Earth magic to create a massive pitfall in Ichigo's way.

“Toshiro, we got this!” He launched an Air Strike Shield, granting Toshiro a foothold and he launched himself forward. The shield dissipated, and Askin wasn't paying attention and quickly fell into the pitfall.

Askin blamed his own dragon for this, not realizing if he was paying attention he'd have avoided the pitfall. Also if his party didn't try to cheat, sure he probably wouldn't have won, but wouldn't have faced such a humiliating defeat.


Ichigo and Toshiro won the race. “They did it!” Renji cheered, and the villagers joined, chanting the Shield Hero's name.

“They cheated!” Bambietta accused, as Grimmjow came around carrying the two knights.

The masked and cloaked figures appeared. “They did not, we found tampering on the field, but the magic used doesn't match the Shield Hero or anyone in his party.” They proceeded to mention each of their magic affinities.

'Have they been watching me? How did they know that?'

Bambietta claimed they needed to race again, since there was tampering at all, going as far as to say she'd punish the knights for their actions, but the masked people carted her and her knights away. “The lord's position will not change.” They gave a bow and headed off.

“Heh, I just needed a stronger dragon, you could say I let you win!” Askin said.

“How's your crotch?” Ichigo asked, and Toshiro came up to him, blowing some frost in his face.

Askin blushed and shielded himself. “It's...fine...” he wondered off clearly walking funny. Grimmjow wasn't as amused, they had won sure, but that one knight's spell was clearly offensive.

“Ichigo-sama, that woman and her knights could have seriously hurt both you and Toshiro today.”

“I noticed, I don't get her problem,” He reached over and pet Grimmjow. “Great job, Grimmjow!” the bluenette blushed.

“Of course, Ichigo-sama, I got your back!” he was very pleased to get praise.

“Me too!” Renji said, hugging Ichigo.

“Me three,” Komamura said.

“Rawr!” Toshiro said and nuzzled against him.

“Thanks, guys,” he said.

The lord and some villagers approached. “Thank you, Shield Hero-sama,” they bowed politely. “It may take some time, but we can repay you.”

“I don't want your money, if I take it, it'll cut into your renovations that'll make everything that's happened pointless.” they seemed confused.

“Rar!” Toshiro nudged Ichigo and made him turn to spot an old cart. Ichigo smiled and pet the dragon.

“Can we have that?”

“Is that really all you want?”

“Yeah, Toshiro was the one who won after all.”

“You truly are a saint, here...” the noble gave Ichigo a strange totem of some kind.

“What's this?”

“This is a merchant seal, with this you can bypass tolls, and you can sell items and wares.”

“A merchant huh?” he took the seal. That didn't sound too bad. They fixed up the cart and loaded it with supplies, Ichigo's medicines, and monster drops they could sell. Grimmjow and Komamura were sitting in the back, Renji was sitting next to Ichigo. Toshiro was pulling the cart and he was as happy as he could be.

Komamura and Grimmjow studied the magic books as they traveled, and when they stopped to train, grind, hunt, eat, etc they rotated, even Ichigo went back to study. When it got dark they made camp.

Ichigo was looking over everyone's stats. They were doing good so far and was going over the magic they had learned. Ichigo currently had Fast Heal, Fast Cure, Fast Defense Boost. Renji currently had Red Blaze; summons powerful red flames to strike an enemy, and a rather explosive spell Red Flame Cannon. Grimmjow had Fast Tornado, Gust Quick; a spell that not only boosts Grimmjow's speed but applies the wind element to physical attacks. Komamura had Fast Light; a spell that releases a dazzling/blinding light depending on the caster's will, Fast Darkness; a blackout spell creating a zone of darkness, Ropes of Light; a binding spell creating ropes out of light capable of ensnaring an enemy, Chains of Darkness; an offensive binding spell conjuring chains of pure darkness to pierce and bind an opponent, Shadow Mirage; illusion magic that can mask one's presence or alter one's appearance, Fast Hiding; illusion magic that can make one invisible, and Shadow Double; a spell that can conjure a shadow double of friend or foe. Ichigo believes the last will be good for magic training since fighting them didn't boost any exp, but according to his help menu fighting them with magic still counted towards their spell growth. Sajin was higher level so he was able to learn more spells than the others, Ichigo was impressed he's been a big help.

According to the books, using magic often helps strengthen one's magic muscles, which will improve as one grows stronger. Ichigo did wonder if Toshiro would be able to use magic to. His team was resting and even Ichigo found himself feeling exhausted. Toshiro was curled against him, getting pat on the head with Ichigo's free hand.

He closed his icon. “Well, we'll keep getting stronger. The next wave, we can do this!” he closed his eyes.


-x-That Morning-x-

“Ahhhh!” Renji and Grimmjow woke up and looked to their mast, but he wasn't alone. Their scream woke up Ichigo and Komamura.

“Guys, what's wrong?” Ichigo rubbed his eyes. He thought if there was danger Toshiro would have responded.

“Ichigo-sama...who is that?!” Ichigo felt a strange weight on him, a body pressed to his. It was a boy, he had white hair, and he was naked. The boy nuzzled against Ichigo's chest.

“Ehhh?” Ichigo gasped.

The boy pulled back and rubbed his eyes. “Master...” he said, and his wings unfolded.

“No way...could you be Toshiro?” the boy smiled.

“Master!” he glomped him.

To be continued...Dragon Classes

The party returns to the capital to get answers over Toshiro's sudden transformation and learns about dragon classes. Toshiro annoys Grimmjow and Renji.


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