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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/blood-dragon-1-25242201 

Chapter 2 Blood and Iron

Gajeel decided to confess to Natsu, he just needed to figure out how to do it. He borrowed some of Juvia's yaoi manga, but it wasn't as helpful as he thought. A lot of guys were either very flowery and poetic, or cheesy romantic neither sets seemed to fit him.

Looking for some manly advice he decided to ask the other members of the elemental four. He didn't say who he wanted, just that he liked a guy. Sol suggested flowers and chocolates, didn't feel like him either. Aria was so happy Gajeel actually had feeling below his legs wept tears of joy, he was no help. Totomaru offered him a book of pick up lines. Gajeel took it, but after checking out a few he had a feeling they were pretty bad. “Hey babe, wanna rub our sticks together and create a spark?”

“You can't be serious,” Juvia took the book from him. “You can't tell Natsu any of this.” she flipped through the pages and each pick-up line was worse than the last. “I got a fire in my belly, wanna help put it out?” she facepalmed.

“It could work,” Gajeel said.

“Did you ever consider the fact Totomaru is still a virgin, this might be why?” she hit Gajeel with the book. “Look if you wanna confess to Natsu, why don't you do it your way?”

Gajeel crossed his arms. “I know...I'll write him a song!” he ran off before Juvia could stop him.

'Ohh this could be bad.' Gajeel's musical practices were known, and a lot of people didn't get it.


Natsu returned from his mission. He was surprised to see the stage was set up. “What's going on?”

Gajeel came out in his white tux and hat. “Oi, Dragneel...I'm gonna perform a song today and you are gonna hear it!”

“Okay Gajeel,” the male dashed off, surprising Natsu. Normally the dragon slayer would always attack him or challenge him when he first comes back. “Did I miss something?”

He was offered earplugs by Totomaru. “Oh come on, he's not that bad.”

“Your funeral,” he put plugs into his ears.

The lights dimmed and a spotlight hit the stage. Gajeel had his blue guitar and a mic stand. He strummed the guitar testing it. “Shooby doo bop...shooby shooby yeah...” Gajeel began to play. “Shoobi doo bah do...I can't stop thinking about you...”

Juvia looked to Natsu.

“Shoobi doo bah...shooby dooby wow...my heart pounds like a drum...shoobi do dah!”

“Yeah babe...I've been a fool...shooby dooby dah...you make my blood boil...babe babe wow…feeling things I've never felt before!”

“Doo bah da shoobi...my screws are loose….babe...I can feel the sting and it excites me so...doobi do bah...I'll take the pain cause I need you wow!”

“Shooby doo bop...shooby shooby oh yeah...you melted my heart...ya know ya know...”

“Babe oh wow shoobi do wah...the sky is lonely without you...shooby...so come fly with me… do wah do wah...”

“Gajeel...” Natsu whispered.

“Shoobi do bah...we fight but I don't want you to go...doo ba doo be yeah...a guy like you makes me strong...do bah babe...I was scrap and you made me steel...wow oh wow!”

“Shooby shooby yeah...you rule my dreams...ya know ya know...”

“Doobi shoobi...I'm not the smartest...I'm not the nicest...but I wrote this song for you...may my song reach you so you will know...Natsu Dragneel I love you...BABE ARA!” he went into a heavy ballad, knocking his stool down as he went wild.

Natsu stood up as Gajeel finished his song. The pinkette approached the stage as Gajeel stood frozen in the spotlight. Despite being fully dressed he felt naked on stage, his mind racing, and believing he just fucked up. “Well?” Natsu said nothing, walking with an unreadable look on his face. “Say something, do you hate me? Do I disgust you? Hit me, anything!”

Gajeel flinched when Natsu raised his hand, expecting him to get punched in the face. Natsu touched his face, cupping his cheek, and wrapping an arm around him. “Mine!” Natsu purred before sealing his lips over Gajeel's.

Jaws dropped, as Gajeel's eyes went wide before closing in bliss, kissing back. Blushes began to spread as the two made out on stage. After the kiss broke for air, the two stared into each other's eyes. “I thought you hated me?”

“I did too, but I learned that I'm an idiot.” Natsu couldn't help but chuckle. “What I wanted was right in front of me and I couldn't see it.”

“You are a good guy Gajeel, I've always known this,” he runs his fingers through his hair. “I'd love to have you as my mate.” Gajeel grinned and the two kissed.

Juvia had hearts in her eyes and a bloody nose.


Not much changed at the guild since Natsu and Gajeel started courting. The two formed a combo and took missions together. They would drink together, train together, and would often be seen making out at the guild.

Gajeel would get pissed when a guy would flirt with Natsu, often beating them up. Natsu punished him, exposing his sexy ass and spanking it and the two vanished to deal with Gajeel's spank induced erection.

The two were still in the courting stages, so far just kissing and heavy petting. When Gajeel got excited from his spanking, or just kissing the sexy pinkette, Natsu would take care of him with his hand or mouth. Gajeel would do the same. The two would often jerk each other off early morning or 69. Natsu was also exploring Gajeel's body, learning his erogenous zones, and developing new ones.

Sometimes their sparring sessions ended in heavy petting, kissing, frotting, before hitting the showers. Training often ended in a make-out and handjob fun times in the shower or sauna. Gajeel even started letting Natsu drink his blood freely. It got them both so hard, Gajeel thought the pinkette was gonna mount him.

Gajeel respected strength, Natsu was stronger than him, so he wanted the pinkette to top him. He got so hard at the thought of Natsu topping him, dominating him, making him cum again and again in oh so creative ways. The fact Natsu was hung as hell was only the icing on the cake, he also had a nice piece of dragon slayer cock. He told Natsu, so the boy started fingering Gajeel's ass, slowly opening him up day by day.

The next stage of courting was nesting so the two moved in together. Natsu had built them a place in the woods, all on his own. The structure was sound, and he did pay to get the place up to standards. They moved their stuff in and had everything they'd need, a kitchen, a living room, a weight room, bathroom that had a hot tub charged by a lacrima, a shower, and washroom. They shared the bedroom, and neither of the two was big on fashion so both their clothes fit in one closet.

Gajeel was happy cause this increased their heavy petting time. Plus, he had Natsu in his bed every night. Gajeel often slept naked, but Natsu didn't care and soon joined him in bed butt ass naked. The skin on skin contact cuddling was the best.

He smiled every morning when he woke up with Natsu pressed against him. The blood dragon spooning with the iron dragon, his morning wood hotdogging Gajeel's ass. At home they let everything hang out, lifting weights naked, eating together naked, doing chores naked.

Since moving in together their heavy petting had escalated. Natsu rimming Gajeel's sexy ass, and them practicing intercrural sex. They explored different kinks, Gajeel discovering he liked bondage, he had a foot fetish and a scent kink. Natsu was a bit of a sadist, which was perfectly fine with Gajeel. He also had an oral fixation, he loved rimming Gajeel's ass, sucking his balls, slurping his big fat dick, noming on his nipples. Natsu loved leaving hickeys all over the iron dragon slayer.

A rather unique fetish between them, the blood-drinking, Natsu's blood-drinking turned Gajeel on as much as his blood turned the pinkette on. It made his body so sensitive, but it drained his stamina a bit. A small change Gajeel's nipples had swollen from Natsu's teasing, the pinkette was able to make him cum just from teasing the sensitive buds.

No one dared come over unannounced, not after Jose sent Totomaru over as a messenger. The fire wizard got a massive nosebleed at the sight of them.

They weren't even doing anything, they were just so naked...so big...so sexy! He now couldn't look at the two without getting a nosebleed or popping an erection. Jose switched to sending shikigami messages to them. The two were the strongest wizards in the guild...next to him of course.


It was early morning and the two dragon slayers were cuddled together when one of Jose's shikigami slipped in. “Wake up you two, I have an important mission for you both.” the two groaned and got up, their morning wood standing at attention.

“Master...its morning...couldn't this wait?” Natsu yawned and rubbed the back of his head. Gajeel hummed in agreement, he slid against Natsu, nuzzling his exposed pit. He took a big whiff, sighing happily.

“No it couldn't, you two have been so busy nesting I wasn't sure when you'd come to the guild.”

“We still come, we took a mission just a week ago.”

“I can't have my strongest wizards getting rusty, I need you both on this mission.”

“What is it?” Natsu shivered as Gajeel was still half asleep, and started licking his pit.

“A human trafficking ring, the leader has been dodging the royal guard, and slipped away from several guilds already, our information network says he's gonna be in Hargeon. You need to find him and capture him alive, so he can be properly interrogated.”

“Sounds big, guessing the bounty on this guy has gotten pretty high,” Gajeel said, pulling himself away from Natsu, but not before kissing him on the cheek.

“It will bring high praise to the guild so don't fail me.” the shikigami faded away.

“We got orders, let's move it.” Natsu sprang up, Gajeel getting an eyeful as his cock wagged. His hole twitched in want. He couldn't wait till they were mated and could explore other elements of dragon matings. Still, duty called, and they did need the money. He followed after Natsu and the two showered, dressed, and Natsu scooped him up bridal style.

“This is embarrassing!”

“Would you rather take the train?” Gajeel paled. He wrapped his arms around Natsu's neck.

“Fly me, big boy!” Natsu summoned his blood and used his magic to forge them into wings. He took off into the air carrying the iron dragon slayer. The Combo of Blood Iron is on the move.

To be continued


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