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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 11  https://www.patreon.com/posts/centaur-jaden-11-27092627 

Chapter 12 Chazz Chills

Chazz came from a wealthy family, he was the third child and had two older brothers. His brother Jagger was the top of his field in business, while his brother Slade was the top in his field of politics. They expected him to be the top in Dueling.

Sure, he liked dueling, but the fun was stripped away by his brothers. Even if he got a card he liked if it wasn't strong enough or good enough it was taken and ripped up in front of him. He got the best deck money could buy. Chazz lived a luxurious life, wanting for nothing from amazing food, good clothes, fancy rides, even the torment of his older brothers was forgotten as he lived the high life. Though it did affect him, his brothers made him feel small and useless, so he used his money and influence to make others feel small.

Looking back all his so-called friends only liked him cause he had money. He did wow others with his dueling skills but his attitude kept people at arm's length. He never brought anyone to his place, mostly out of fear. If he wasn't doing his best his brothers were always hard on him. He was bullied, messed with, that is if he wasn't being ignored. He couldn't cry either if he cried his brothers would call him weak and messed with him more. It was a bittersweet cycle as their father was the same with them.

His dad, barely acted like he had a third son, he was old school dark. In his eyes, Chazz had to do more than both of his brothers if he wanted attention. Chazz had more of a parental bond with his nanny and butler than his own father. The fact he did well in school was the only reason why he wasn't cut off. It was thanks to school he knew what he knew about sex, he's not even told his family his sexuality.

The only reason why his brothers started being nice to him and supported his dream of becoming a duelist, was because they wanted to use him. They had a plan of obtaining world domination, by taking the key points of business, politics and Duel Monsters. They invested money in his future letting him go to Duel Prep School and helped pay for going to Duel Academy. He was in their debt, so he couldn't say no.

World Domination...it might be crazy...but he just wanted to be included. His brothers wanted him...needed him for once in his life. Its been so long since he dueled for fun, having fun wasn't part of the plan, having friends wasn't part of the plan.

His brothers always told him “friends” that didn't benefit you weren't “friends” they were dead weight. Feelings were meaningless, they made you weak. Chazz was facing a crisis, he had feelings for Jaden, so he defaulted to trying to gain control.

These feelings were new, he barely knew how to handle friends, handling sexual feelings or feelings of love...he was in way over his head. It was like his life was a well-built tower with no windows. Jaden excited him, Chazz respected his strength, and he was a breath of fresh air in his stuffy life. His strength, his will, his heart…

Jaden was being harassed by the Blue Dorm, and he took it they couldn't break him or shake him. He gave into his family and hardened himself, then Jaden shattered the walls he had. When he caught Jaden's scent and felt the world wash away, he could just embrace the desires he pushed down. He hasn't jerked off in so long, let alone played with his ass.

When the world came back, he was scared, aroused, and the voices of his brothers penetrated his mind, mocking him, laughing at him. He thought he was weak for giving into such desires, so he tried to regain control...didn't go over well...


Chazz laid it all on the table, venting a bit here and there. “Go ahead and laugh, I'm pathetic.” Jaden pulled Chazz to him and hugged him.

He gasped. Jaden's warmth and scent washed over to him, his cock wept, and he clung to Jaden tighter. “I'm not gonna laugh at you, I think you've been very strong,” Chazz teared up. “You don't have to be alone in this.”

“I'm not good with this...” he trembled.

“I know, and that's okay, I think you're great for trying.” Chazz broke, he cried, tears falling. Jaden rubbed his back. Rome wasn't built in a day, Chazz was still a pampered kid, though his world was shaken, it would take time to properly change. Jaden hugged him and let him cry it out. After having a good cry it wasn't long before Chazz was trying to put on the tough guy act.

Jaden filled Chazz in on who he was and what his people are, he already knew his secret might as well get context. He also explained how centaurs mate. This got Chazz's dick nice and stiff. “You are a naughty boy, aren't you Chazz?”

The raven-haired male blushed. Jaden held Chazz in his lap, his hands roaming the boy's body. “I...I'm not...I...” he was shivering at Jaden's touch. His body arching and shifting, then Jaden's hands found his nipples.

He started teasing them, coaxing them to hardness. Chazz shivered, he knew nipples could become an erogenous zone, but he didn't think his would be. Jaden's scent was stimulating his body, so as Jaden's fingers teased his nips the sensation turned from a tickle to a tingle, to pleasure. “Ahhh!”

“Your body is full of potential Chazz,” he gives the nips a tug and earned a moan. Chazz's hips bucked and his cock wagged.

“Jaden!” He moaned. The rich boy was leaking pre-cum like crazy. The more Jaden's hands toyed with his nips the hotter he became, Chazz's head rolled back onto his shoulder. His nipples were turning a lovely shade, and the pleasure was spreading through him like fire. Normally such nipple stimulus would take time to develop, but Jaden's musk was aiding.

His nipples were swelling from the rubbing, and before he knew it he was cumming. His cum launching up and splattering his chest and stomach, before overflowing and drenching his crotch.

“How does it feel big guy?” he whispered into Chazz's ear, earning a gasp and shiver. “To cum from your nipples?” he licked Chazz's ear before nibbling on the lobe.

“Oh god, amazing!” he looked down and he was still hard. Jaden took hold of his dick and began jerking him off, making his balls bounce. “Ahh wait, I just came, ohhh!” his toes curled.

He was still sensitive from his previous orgasm, and with his cock, all slicked up, Jaden began pumping him fast, his firm grip causing wet naughty noises to be heard. Chazz's eyes rolled up and another orgasm was milked from his body. He shot farther this time, splattering his face and adding to the sea of white on his body.

His arms and legs felt warm and tingly, his head was fuzzy, drifting on the sea of pleasure. To his shock, he was still hard. Jaden's hand came down and fondled his balls and continued stroking him, using his thumb to tease the tip. “This is crazy!” he moaned.

“Mating a monster can be, but I promise to take care of you Chazz, will you trust me?” he nodded. “Do you want to join my harem Chazz?”

“Yes please!” he moaned.

Jaden smiled and continued to tease Chazz's cock and balls until Chazz was cumming again. Jaden didn't waste any time, putting the human over his lap, he spread his cheeks. “I'm gonna train you to be a proper centaur mate, it might be intense, but I know you can handle it.”

His finger teased Chazz's tight pucker, smearing his own cum around the rim, before slowly working it in. “Nnnhhh!” Chazz's ass swallowed up his finger, bit by bit.

“Your kinks, your desires, your feelings, you don't need to hide them from me.”

“I ahh...I don't know myself...” he blushed. Jaden wiggled his finger in his ass, earning another moan.

“That's okay, we can work on it together. If there is something you wanna try just ask. I'm not gonna laugh at you.”

“Even if I want to top?” he groaned. “I know I'm not that big...” His brothers used to tease him about his size when they were kids, and while puberty doubled their size, his cock remained small.

“You got a nice piece Chazz, and let's just say, you still have room to grow,” he added a second finger and Chazz moaned.

“R-Really!” he gasped. He didn't know that.

Hot damn it felt good getting his ass played with. Jaden was taking his sweet time looking for his sweet spot, but when he found it he gave it a rub down. Before he knew it he was blowing his load again.

Poor guy was spent, he couldn't feel his arms or legs anymore, and his dick was weeping happy tears. “I don't think I can walk.”

“Good thing I'm a centaur then, huh?” Jaden transformed and lifted the boy onto his back. “Just hang on tight.”

Chazz obeyed and clung to Jaden smiling. This was someone he could never tie-down, and he didn't want to. He would have to deal with his brothers sooner or later, but he wouldn't have to do it alone. Chazz also had some explaining to do with the other two members in Jaden's harem.

To be continued...War Tactics...A Sleeping General Can't Fight


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