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Fairy Tail parody: patreon reward 

 Chapter 5  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-orb-chap-27042146 


Natsu 12 inches/24 inches

Gray 7 inches/14 inches

Erza/Eraz 10 inches/ 20 inches

Chapter 6

Eraz was marked and dominated by the two dragons, his insides claimed by their glorious cocks, and it was glorious. He's never known such pleasure and certainly was planning on this being the last time. Eraz was even thinking ahead, thinking of other guys that could perhaps join them. This dragon dance was one that should be shared.

Just as he once wished to bath with the two to increase their bonding, he now wanted to share this pleasure. The trio exchanged kisses, as they came down from their climax. When they pulled out of Eraz's ass, the red-head slid to his knees. He starts cleaning their dicks with his mouth, still in pleasure mode.

Natsu gave Gray a look, that said. “Let's keep him!” Which Gray silently agreed to with a slight nod, and a royal blush. He trusted Natsu to get them through their urges and newfound desires. Eraz went to town on their dicks, lapping like a dog with a bone.

Lucy couldn't take it, it was both hot and strange all at once. She both wanted to and didn't want to look. She thought about who could help her, and after running through the options she chose...

“Open Gate of the Lion, Leo!” a bell chimed and a magic gate opened revealing Loke aka Leo. The shades-wearing leader of the golden keys appeared.

“What can I do for you, Lucy….Ohhh Wow!” Loke's jaw dropped. Lucy was confused, she thought a ladies man like Loke wouldn't be affected by the wanton love going on. Eraz had Natsu and Gray's big dicks together and was sucking on both their tips, as Natsu and Gray were making out.

What Lucy didn't know is all celestial spirits were bisexual in human terms. Since their forms could be changed based on their master, and their master's needs would very they were very flexible. Long before Lucy, Loke had a female master who liked women, and Loke's body changed so she could love and serve her master. Loke also had a male master who liked his sexy kitty ass, which led him to his current form. This seemed to be a big hit with ladies and men so Loke had it set to his default, but he changed his appearance slightly after he lost Karen. Virgo also did this when her master had unique tastes. Celestial spirits were eternal, they've lived so long and had so many masters, they chose to live in the moment, and not get so hung up on things that humans did.

Loke watched the three go to town on each other, feeling his manhood stir in his loins. Oh, it's been so long since he's been touched, or been allowed to touch. Lucy means well but with her male spirits she sees their desires towards her as teasing or being perverted, they truly did care. She treats her spirits like friends, which is great until they are put in the friend zone.

Leo's heavy balls were itching for release, his cock pushing heatedly at the fabric of his pants. The smell of sex was almost like catnip, every fiber of his being was screaming to rip off his suit and dive right in. His glasses fogged up slightly as his temperature rose.

He was surprised that Erza had changed, but it wasn't as odd to him as it was for Lucy, for celestial spirits such changes could happen on a whim. This new form wasn't as scary to him, and judging from how he was going to town on some cock made his own throb hotly. The dragon features suited them, Natsu especially. Oh and their dicks were so big, such sizes were stirring up Loke's inner size queen. He wanted to fuck as much as he wanted to get fucked. Summoning Loke in this situation was like throwing meat into a lion's den.

His eyes took notice of how Natsu and Gray were acting, their body language, the way they moved together. It was trust, love, a bond forged of years finally free to be what it was. He was both aroused and jealous. “Leo, do something!” Lucy ordered. He blinked.

“Join in?” he asked and undid his tie and the front of his pants.

“No, you pervert, do something about them, knock them out. That weird orb did something to them.” Leo blinked, he looked and saw the orb nearby.

“This orb?” he reached for it.

“No wait!” he picked it up.

“I feel there is some magic in it, but it doesn't seem to be responding,” he inspected the orb. He raises his shades and uses his knowledge in ring magic to take a deeper look at the orb. It indeed had dragon magic inside it, but it was ancient, despite looking like a new lacrima. It's what one might consider a dragon lacrima but far more powerful. If possible he wanted to see if he could take it or show it to the celestial spirit king, to see his thoughts on it.

“It's not working? I wonder if it needs to recharge.” She comes over and takes the orb.

“Wait!” Leo gasped. Light erupted from the orb and forced Leo away. Lucy's outfit was ripped apart turning into starlight, her naked form becoming exposed before changing. Her breasts shrank and until they became a flat, manly chest. His hair formed into a ponytail, her features became more manly, her arms becoming more toned, her legs becoming more muscled, and her ass plumping up. He developed a thick nest of manly hair as his pussy changed into a 6-inch long cock, with thick heavy balls.

Leo's eyes widened, his master was a man, and a hot one at that. He'd fit in well at Blue Pegasus, the new male Lucy had the body of a host, an ass that would make any man hard, a cock that made you just wanna suck it for hours and hours. He had an air about him that just made you wanna tease him and drive him mad with lust. If Loke thought it wasn't gonna get any better, he was wrong.

Lucy's male body was changing, transforming and becoming more dragon-like. Golden scales spread over his form, from his wrists to his shoulders, from his ankles to his knees, a stripe going up his legs, over the curve of his hips, framing his ass to wear a tail came out. It had golden scales with a white underside. If possible his ass grew even larger, so plump and squeezable. He gained white nails, sprouted two white horns. His once smooth stomach developed abs, and his chest became toned into fine pecs. His 6 incher doubled in size reaching 12 inches, and his balls tripled in size. He didn't sprout any wings but seemed to be able to float.

Leo's jaw hit the floor as he gazed at the sexy new dragon boy that was just born. Lucy floated down, panting as his repressed feelings were drawn out on mass. His hard dick was twitching like crazy. “Leo!” he moaned.

“Lucy...oh man!” he felt his cock stir in his loins.

“Leo, please help me...it hurts!” he bucked his hips, his manhood wagging. Poor guy, getting both his first erection and to have all his pent up desires coming out at once. Lucy looked at the other guys going to town and groaned. “Leo!”

“I can help...” he licked his lips. “But are you sure?”

“Yes! Leo help me now!”

“As you command, my master!” he undid his tie and removed it, shrugging off his jacket. This was a dream come true, and if his master was in need he was gonna take care of him, pulling out every skill and technique at his disposal.

He approached the horny dragon boy, stripping off his clothes as he went. Lucy watched as he soon was down to his boxers, his big dick tenting the fabric. Lucy licked his lips, he took in Loke's host body type, he was lean and fit, rocking a six pack, toned arms, and legs, his suit really hid the spirit's manly form. Being a spirit he had no navel, but that was oddly exotic. 'Has he always been so sexy?' His tail wagged as Loke got closer.

Loke groaned as he freed his 10-inch dick, his underwear tugged his hard flesh, allowing it to snap up and slap his abs. “Now Lucy, what would you like me to do?”

Lucy was drooling a bit at the sight of the naked spirit. “Eh?”

“Do you want me to get you off with my hand, my mouth, or would you like to use my ass?” he asked. Each option brought a wave of images coursing through the horny dragon's mind. Two out of three were more appealing to him.

“I...I...please touch me!” he moaned.

“With pleasure,” he took hold of Lucy's dick, impressed at the male's girth. He started off slow, giving a few teasing strokes and squeezing his man meat in his hand. Lucy moaned and bucked. Pre-cum began to spill, and Leo used it to cover Lucy's dick. He picked up the pace making Lucy moan louder.

His nipples began to pebble and harden, so Loke used his free hand to play with one of the pert buds. “Leo!” he moaned. His pumps grew faster, keeping a firm grip on the boy's wet cock.

'So much pre-cum, he must be extra horny!' He thought, making the boy's massive balls bounce with each stroke. It didn't take long before Lucy came, his cock pulsing and his seed erupting all over Lucy's abs and pecs, the rest coating Leo's stroking hand.

Leo brought his cum covered hands and tasted Lucy's essence, his man milk didn't disappoint. There was just something about semen that made Loke purr, he felt invigorated. “Tasty!”

“Leo!” Lucy groaned. Loke looked and gasped, his glasses fogging up. “I'm still hard!”

“I...I'm on it Lucy!” he spread the boy's legs and got face to face with Lucy's cock. The rich manly musk was so different than her sweet feminine scent, it made his mouth water. “May I suck your dick master?” he asked

The blonde dragon shivered. “Yes! Suck my dick, Leo!” Never had such purer words been spoken. He never thought they'd come from Lucy's mouth for obvious reasons, but this both is and isn't Lucy.

“Yes, Luci-sama!” as he descended upon Luci's dick, his hands roamed over his thick legs, reaching back to grip his plump ass. Luci moaned at his new name, it was like a door that he was allowed to walk through. Similar feelings that Eraz felt, but he was in more control.

His new name was said with such desire and love, it was perfect. He felt Leo's hot breath on his cock and balls, and it made him crave what came next.

Leo fondled Luci's ass, his cheeks were so firm and plump, his fingers dug into his cheeks and released. “Ahh!” Luci moaned. Leo started licking Luci's dick, lapping up his essence. Such tasty milk for Loke, he cleaned every inch as he continued to grope the dragon boy's ass.

'So plump, yet firm, so toned, and yet has an amazing bounce.' He wanted to see it jiggle when getting fucked.

Luci moaned as his cock was licked, almost teasingly, his hands came up and began to play with his nipples trying to mimic what Loke did earlier. “Hmmm yes yes ahhh!” he bucked and accidentally slapped Leo's face with his dick.

Leo was surprised but not angry in the slightest, if possible he was even more turned on. He gave a playful growl and latched onto Luci's dick and began to suck on it. “Ahhh!” Luci came again, his thick cum erupting right into Leo's mouth.

His eyes rolled up as the tasty cum made his taste buds go wild. Fireworks went off in his brain, what he had before was just an appetizer, this was a full course meal. His cheeks were pushed out from the overflow, he had to swallow it all down or risk it spilling out. Leo was so pent up himself the spirit came, pelting the ground beneath him, his massive lion balls making a huge puddle beneath him.

This was just the tip! Luci's cum seemed to almost be like catnip to a celestial spirit, perhaps he had become some form of celestial dragon. He gripped Luci's ass hard and swallowed him down to the root. “Ohhh, Leo!”

'Luci!' its been too long since he had a big dick in his mouth, and sure enough Luci's cock was perfect for sucking. His mouth and throat were equally stuffed and he nuzzled Luci's thick nest of manly hair. He growled lustfully, sending pleasing vibrations through his shaft.

He began to bob back and forth, slurping on his dragon dick. It was hot and heavy, the weight pressed his tongue and his girth stuffed his throat. His tongue did its best to caress his manhood but he had such a fat cock. As he sucked Luci's cock, his own manhood throbbed in want, he didn't want to get fucked by Luci, he wanted to fuck him. To make him moan with his dick.

Luci was chanting his name, as he always wanted it to be. Spoken with lustful fever and need. He wanted to be needed, he wanted to be loved. Luci was looking at him with such hunger, giving him a buck, so his balls would smack his chin.

As his third release came he started fucking Leo's mouth before coming over the edge. He grabbed Leo's thick mane of hair and held him close to his crotch as he fed him his treat. Leo moaned and swallowed around his pulsing shaft.

“Fuck Leo, that felt good!” His orgasm lasted a few minutes before he finally let the spirit up. “I should have got in bed with you sooner.” Leo shivered in delight.

“Never too late right?”

“No never too late, I want you, Leo, do you still wanna fuck me?”

“Hell yes!” he said, and Luci smiled.

“I want you to fuck me too, I want you to dominate me!” At his words, Leo's body glowed. His twinkish host body began to swell, his strong arms bulged with muscle, his fine pecs growing massive, his 6 pack becoming an 8 pack, his legs beefing up and his feet growing larger. Not the only thing that got bigger as Loke's 10-inch dick grew into a 15 incher, and if possible his balls got even bigger. Luci drooled at the sight of him and the spirit pounced on his master.

To be continued...Catch a Lion and Dragon by the Tail


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