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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1


Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/cursed-rod-of-1-24714572 

Chapter 2 Natsu's Cursed Rod

Natsu and Gray started having sex regularly, at least two times a day, if not more. Natsu wasn't complaining per se it's just that he was always on top. He wanted a turn on Gray's cock, he had a nice piece and he wanted to ride it. Even when he tried to ask Gray, the ice wizard always found a way to take Natsu's dick and his ass was so tight!

Gray had a way of getting what he wants, he knew just how to rile Natsu up. Be it his now more exclusive stripping, his exhibitionist nature, or his own sexy time skills. It was hard not to fuck the sexy ice wizard when he was flaunting his naked ass. He thought about denying him sex, but that just didn't seem fair.

The two had also formed a combo and were taking out missions left and right celebrating with wild sex. It wasn't like he was unhappy in the bedroom, sex with Gray was amazing. He was getting worried, it almost seemed like Gray was addicted to his dick, but that was impossible, right?


Natsu and Gray had just finished a mission taking down a human trafficking group, led by Bora, a fire wizard who was using illegal ring magic. He had to take shortcuts, he clearly wasn't one for study, his flames were positively pathetic and gross. Compared to Natsu who studied and practiced

Gray froze his ship in its tracks allowing the rescue of the kidnapped girls and guys. Natsu kept his goons and Bora busy, they were a joke. They were arrested and their trafficking ring would be taken down. So with their victory secure and their mission complete, Gray was ready to celebrate.

He had already lost his shirt and pants in the fight, but he was quickly losing his boxers, his 8 incher growing harder by the second. “Hey, Gray, why don't we try something different tonight?”

“Sure, what did you have in mind?” Natsu hugged him, and Gray melted into the embrace.

“How about you top this time?” he asked with a smile.

Gray's face fell. “Did...did I do something wrong?” his voice sounded off.

“What?!” Natsu gasped.

“Whatever it is, I'm sorry!” he turned around in Natsu's embrace and hugged him. The look in his eye was wild, one Natsu had not seen before.

“Gray stop, you didn't do anything wrong.” He kissed his partner. “You got a nice piece and I just wanted to try it out.”

“Okay...but will you still fuck me after?” his eyes looking hopeful but it made Natsu pause.

“Yeah, I promise...” Gray smiled and kissed Natsu eagerly. Natsu was a bit concerned but having a naked Gray in his arms kinda shifted his focus. He scooped Gray up and used a trick from Bora and created a magic carpet from Purple Fire, he got them to their room in a flash, kissing along the way.

Natsu groped Gray's ass until they landed at the inn. The innkeeper blushed a the sight of the naked male grinding on the pink haired boy, both sexy, but the growing bulge in Natsu's pants was certainly eye-catching. The boys paid the man no mind as they made their way to their room.

His clothes were removed as soon as the door shut. Natsu's cock rose to its full 24-inch length. Gray moaned at the sight of it, his insides throbbing for the massive dick. He couldn't help himself and started fingering his hungry hole. His 8 incher began to weep, spilling lots of pre-cum over his crotch.

When Natsu approached the ice wizard, that massive dick aimed right at him Gray felt the burning urge to be taken. He fingered himself faster as Natsu reached the edge of the bed. His mind went blank on the words shared mere moments of go, Natsu's heat was welcoming him. He expected Natsu to pin him down and claim him, the dragon slayer's dick had broken him, and the consistent sexy times have kept Gray's hole nice and used, he was horny and ready for dick!

Instead, Natsu laid beside the ice wizard and pulled Gray on top of him. “Gray, fuck me!” he purred, feeling his desire burn in want.

“Yeah...I can do that...” he was hesitant, but he was a man and started playing with Natsu's body. He felt up his boyfriend's muscles earning a hum of delight. Gray loved Natsu's muscles, the pinkette was often lifting weights in his downtime.

Normally he was feeling them from beneath the fire wizard. Natsu smiled, he was giving control to him. He got to take his time, but the ache inside him was pushing his actions. Gray took solace and began to worship the pinkette's massive dick, he made out with the tip while his hands fondled the big cock.

One hand worked the shaft, his mouth teased the tip, and his remaining hand felt up Natsu's big balls. Gray had hearts in his eyes, tasting the first drops of pre-cum from the fire wizard. He had a fire in his belly now, teasing Natsu's cock faster and hungrier.

Natsu pulled away, Gray whining at the loss. He positioned himself on the bed and spread his legs. “Come on Gray, make me cum with your cock!” his hole twitched.

Gray crawled forward, though his eyes were trained on Natsu's big dick, he still went after the boy's ass. Licking the boy's tight hole, slowly working him open with his tongue. Natsu moaned in delight. He leaned back grinning from ear to ear. “Gray, so good!” he moaned.

He took hold of his dick and stroked it as Gray' tongue penetrated his ass. “Ohh yeah!” Natsu's moans of pleasure coaxed him on, he groped Natsu's ass and darted his tongue back and forth.

Gray slowly added fingers to Natsu's hole expecting it to be tighter, but his fingers slid right in. 'Has he been fingering himself?' the thought crossed his mind and made his dick twitch. A second finger joined the first and he worked them back and forth.

Natsu was in heaven, Gray's fingers felt way better than his own. He caressed the pinkette's sweet spot a bit, and Natsu moaned, his hips bucked making his cock sway. Gray removed his tongue and focused on sucking Natsu's big balls while working his fingers in and out of his hole. “Mmm, yes, Gray!”

Gray added a third finger and worked Natsu open, twisting and curling his fingers earning more pleasured moans from his lover. As he teased Natsu's hole his own twitched in want, it was maddening, especially with Natsu's cock so close and so hard.

“Gray fuck me!” Natsu moaned, excitement lacing his voice.

Gray snapped out of his daze and removed his fingers, his cock was soaked in pre-cum. He lined up his cock, and sank into Natsu's hot hot HOT ass! The dragon slayer's virgin tight ass made it feel like his dick was melting. He felt like he was gonna cum as he sank his full cock inside. “Yes!” Natsu moaned.

His insides were wet, Gray's pre-cum paved the way making his first time a wonderful time. Gray froze, stilling inside Natsu as the inner walls massaged him. He was torn one part wished to cum, but something else felt denied holding him back.

Natsu groaned, and bucked down, grinding Gray's pelvis, having the cock dig into his insides. “Gray...move...please!” The ice wizard obeyed, thrusting into Natsu making the dragon slayer buck and moan. “Yes!”

The bed creaked as Gray fucked him, his pace slow at first but building up over time. Natsu was loving every minute of it, but Gray was losing his mind. He gripped Natsu's big dick and pressed it against his muscled form. Natsu's pre-cum spilled over Gray's chiseled form.

Natsu felt his release building, Gray's cock brushing his sweet spot again and again. “Gray!” Natsu moaned as his lover gave him his first glorious anal orgasm. His cock erupted like a volcano, showering the two in the seed.

Gray kept thrusting into Natsu, even as his ass tightened around him. The friction increasing tenfold. 'His stamina is amazing!' Natsu thought as Gray continued to pound into him. His insides were drenched in pre-cum, Gray's thrusts sounding wet and naughty, a steady clap of skin striking skin.

Natsu wasn't totally lost in pleasure to notice that Gray hadn't cum. He was still hard and weeping pre like crazy. “Gray, if you cum inside me, I promise I'll fuck you!” They had been going at it for a while, he wondered if Gray was trying to hold out on purpose.

The ice wizard fucked him faster, thrusting so hard and fast the bed creaked. Natsu moaned in delight, more time past and Gray didn't cum. “Gray?”

Gray groaned, he looked at Natsu tears in his eyes. Natsu gasped. “I can't...I can't cum...” his body was shaking. “I've tried, it feels so good, but I can't...” Natsu stopped him and pulled off Gray's angry cock.

Natsu hugged the ice wizard. “It's okay...it's okay...” he stopped his shaking. Natsu changed their positions, and took Gray, as soon as he was penetrated Gray came.

“Yes!” Gray moaned and drooled. Natsu fucked Gray as promised, his big dick milking him of release after release, and while Gray was loving every minute of it but it was Natsu to be concerned. He finally came after Gray's fifth orgasm and sent Gray into a pleasure filled slumber. “Natsu...love...you...” he muttered.

“I love you too, Gray,” He brushed his hair out of his face, his facial features looked so peaceful, instead of desperate like before. 'I don't wanna see him like that again.'


The duo returned to the guild but didn't stay as Natsu wanted to take Gray to Porlyusica. “Natsu, I'm fine.”

“No you aren't, trust me, something is wrong!” Makarov took them to the elder woman, who of course was pissed at humans trespassing near her house. “Please, something is wrong with Gray.”

“Natsu, I'm telling ya I'm fine.” Natsu showed he wasn't by pulling out his cock, much to Makarov's and Porlyusica's shock, but what really surprised them was how Gray's eyes lit up and not even hesitating he got on his knees and began sucking Natsu's dick.

“See?” Natsu gasped.

“Okay, that's enough.” Porlyusica knocked Gray out and brought him inside. “I'll examine him, both of you stay out and you!” she pointed at Natsu. “Put that monster away!”

Natsu blushed and did, stuffing his now hard cock in his pants. “Natsu, how did this happen?”

“I don't know, but I feel like this is all my fault.”

“Nonsense, Gray loves you.”

“Does he? Or does he just love my cock?” Natsu hugged himself fearing he's broken Gray beyond repair. Makarov knew Gray's love for Natsu was true, but words would do nothing right now.

Porlyusica came out sometime later. “Well, the boy is suffering from a curse.”

“Oh god!” Natsu tugged at his hair.

“What kind of curse could do this?” Makarov asked.

“I don't know, I've never seen such a curse before,” she looked at Natsu. “What I can say the power of the curse isn't life threatening but it can be stacked.” she paused. “How often do you two have sex?”

Natsu blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Two times a day, sometimes more.” This stunned both elderly wizards.

“Kids these days!” the woman groaned.

“Ahh youth, so jealous,” Makarov said.

“You two have to stop having sex immediately.”


“Listen, each time you have sex, you are inflicting the curse upon him, and you've seen the result. The curse will wane with time, but the power of the curse is overwhelming Gray right now.” She did her best to explain it, basically, the curse responds to Gray's feelings, so he was taking the brunt of the curse's power, and each time they do it, the effect doubles down.

“So Gray's feelings for me, are hurting him?”

“Without more information on who made this curse or why there's no way to break it. The nature of the curse itself doesn't appear to be vicious or cruel.”

“Seems cruel to me, are you telling me someone cursed my cock?!” She nodded. Gray really was addicted to his dick, he should have seen it, he should have done something to help Gray, maybe he should have stayed away from the ice wizard...

To be continued Breaking Ice Orange Flame

Gray doesn't take the news of no sex very well, but Makarov insists on it. He compares Gray's actions to that of a drug addict, but once the curse is out of his system they can figure something out. It's not easy since Gray is quite strong and capable, Natsu must tap into his next flame to handle the cursed, horny, and sex deprived ice wizard.


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