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Its been awhile guys sorry for the random stuff going on, we have raised money to repair my laptop, that will be sent out Friday for repairs.

Health wise my current status is my pain doctor believes I need to have multiple surgeries at once. So they trying to send me to a MAYO clinic, so pray that goes well, I'll be needing it.

So far been relying on my other laptop that is super old out of date and buggy as all hell and like before its giving me issues like freezing, not saving my documents even though I hit save. And the keyboard in not kidding glitching out to where only the space bar works....

Also been doing phone fics as best I can but even that has its issues auto correct and this weird spacing glitch I don't know how to fix...I'm trying to stay active so please bare with me.

News on the fic site, its currently up and it is backed up however servage keeps giving me issues and trying to lie to get my money so I'm looking for a new server to host the site on problem is...the tos if the service doesn't support my content I can't use them.



Good luck, Paperfox. P: