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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1 (Redux)  Original 798 Update 2313


General Orange

Goku has his Saiyan memories but grows up as a human. When he’s 21 he winds up in the ranks of the red ribbon army but he does things his own way. With a wish in mind, he begins to move and collect the dragon balls.

Chap 1 Kakarot and Goku

Kakarot came to Earth as a kid but didn’t hit his head. He was found by Gohan and was quite difficult. He still had his Saiyan mind, only until Gohan proved his strength through his martial arts did Kakarot trust him. He grew up under Gohan’s teachings, and even to his wild Saiyan mind, he could see the man’s calm and honorable nature had merit. Despite his power, Gohan was easily able to defeat him time and time again, power alone couldn't win a fight but with skill, one could take power and forge it into a weapon.

He learned to control his anger and learned martial arts as a way to grow stronger. Gohan taught him many things, including how one could control ki. While he didn't enjoy it, through meditation he was able to control his transformation and master his Ozaru form. He could fire a ki blast from his mouth, and perform a technique known as the Kamehameha. He decided he would develop his own techniques as time carried on.

He trained hard and gained a strong view on life. The balance of destruction and creation, even as the fire burns and destroys from that destruction new life will be formed. By being weak and trained to be strong he saw the value of growth and change. His destructive impulses were calmed, but his desire to fight the strong hadn't changed.

The young man's Saiyan blood always flared in a fight. Soon Gohan taught him all he could and even gave the boy a name...Son Goku. Kakarot still knew his family name, he got brief visions of his parents and a word...Kakarot...

He found his pod but was unable to read anything. Gohan eventually set the boy out on a journey, giving him the 4-star ball and the power poll as a gift to remember him. There was a lot of the world Kakarot needed to know, the truth about his past was one thing, his future and place in the world were another.

Gohan believed he could find answers in the city when he was 16, he carried his pod and asked around if there was anyone who knew of technology. Some fools tried to mug him, which Kakarot easily put them in their place. He eventually got sent to the Brief's compound.

He met Dr. Briefs and Bulma Briefs, father and daughter and both geniuses. They were quite fascinated with alien technology. “I can probably translate if given enough time.”

“I don't have any money, but I would appreciate the help.” he gave a polite bow.

“Well how about trade, some of the tech in exchange for information.” Kakarot nodded.

The Briefs were one of the wealthiest families in the world, their scientific advancements had revolutionized the world for generations. Various vehicles, Dino Caps, and yes even space travel. Kakarot stayed there for some time, and actually fended off some crooks who tried to kidnap Bulma for ransom. He handled the issue with ease.

Bulma was very grateful and helped him with his situation. Pulling some strings she got him an identity and even set him up some money since he had no interest in money she dumped it into a savings account.

She was able to translate the Saiyan language since it wasn't far off from their own. The ships had very basic information, the Saiyans were a warrior race that served the Frost Empire as soldiers. “Soldiers?”

“Yeah Soldiers, you know guys who enlist to fight in wars and stuff.” Kakarot tilted his head to the side. “Its a bit complicated but I'll try to simplify it, there are those that train and put their skills to use in protecting their home and their land.”

“So it's a good thing?”

“Well maybe, being a soldier isn't usually good or bad, it's usually who they are serving that's an issue.” Kakarot sat down and listened. “If the one they serve is good than a soldier's goal is usually to protect his home, fighting to defend his people. If the one they serve is bad, soldiers can be used to conquer and hurt people.”

“I see...thank you Bulma. I'll keep this in mind.” There was also info on Saiyan biology, how a Saiyan can get stronger, Saiyan techniques. It appears weaker Saiyans couldn't even use ki and had to rely on technology to fight. “Bulma, if possible do you think you can find out where I come from?”

“It might take some time, I'm still going through a lot of data, but it might be possible.”

“Thank you, I'll leave my ship to you then. I'm gonna continue my journey.” the two parted ways. Kakarot continuing his path through the world. Gohan had told him of his master, Master Roshi, and they could possibly provide Goku with a challenge.

He went to Turtle Island and found the Kame House. Roshi was surprised to find a humanoid visitor, but he wasn't sure with the guys tail. “Are you Master Roshi?” he asked.

“Depends who are you?”

Kakarot gave a bow. “I am Son Goku, believe it or not, I'm an alien warrior found and raised by Gohan.”

Roshi's eyes widened. The man was telling the truth, he could read it in his aura. Gohan had mentioned he had found a child, that was so long ago he forgot. He also had Gohan's power pole, so the pieces fit together. “What can I do for you?”

“I would like you to train me, I wish to grow stronger.”

“Before I accept you, I must ask, why do you want to become stronger?” There was a pause.

“To find my place in this world.”

'Interesting…' Roshi chuckled. “Alright, you may stay with me and face my training!”

Goku trained with Master Roshi for 2 years and even Roshi was a little scared at how strong Goku was. He soaked up new techniques like a sponge, and then applied twists to them. He took his technique that turned one's ki and turned it into lightning and controlled it, his ki control plus this technique allowed him to create a Lightning Punch, a technique that could disrupt one's ki and knock them out. He also did it with a ki ball, and turned it into Thunder Ball, depending on how much ki used it ranged from knock out, damage, and a cage.

Roshi was happy to explain the birds and the bees with him, he shared his variety of porn, and Kakarot only responded to the sight of males together. Roshi explained, teaching him the ins and outs of gay sex, Roshi was a super perv, sure he had a weakness for the ladies, but he appreciated a sexy man. He gave Kakarot a full sex ed lesson and taught him how to make a guy's first time an amazing time.

Kakarot thanked Roshi for everything he taught him, it was certainly an enlightening experience. Roshi gave him an idea on where to go next, there was a mighty tower that reached far above the sky if Kakarot found it and met the master he'd be able to grow even stronger. “Sounds good, thank you Master Roshi!” he bowed.

He was 18 when he found Korin's tower, he managed to climb it and meet Korin. He was surprised he was an anthro cat, even more, surprised by his skills. He trained with Korin, and although he mastered the training in 3 days he stuck with it for three years.

Korin was so impressed he gave Kakarot the real sacred water, the water reacted positively with his Saiyan cells boosting his strength tenfold.

The power he gained and the strength he earned helped him grow into a fine young man. He returned to Gohan a 21-year-old man. Gohan was impressed with Goku’s strength, he saw how the world had changed him. He knew he had failed the boy unable to teach him more about the world being a hermit, but looking into his eyes he could see his Goku would be able to make his own choices now and find his place in the world.

He told the boy his time was almost up, but he was impressed and proud of the man Goku had grown up to be. “No, grandfather, you can't go.”

“I've lived a good life. Do not shed tears for me boy, you gave me the best years.” Gohan passed away in peace, telling Goku he was family. Goku buried him and shed tears, feeling a loss for the first time in his life.

Not sure of what to do or where to go he went to Bulma, for advice. He was told that he would need to find a job and make money if he was gonna make it in the world. He didn’t understand but promised he would. He had done work under Roshi as part of the training, so he knew how to farm, delivery work, and fight.


The Saiyan boy knew he was a warrior and a soldier, and joined the ranks of the Red Ribbon Army. His fierce power and use of ki helped him excel the ranks and he was given the code name General Orange. He didn’t care for their methods, using weapons to kill and fighting without honor. Commander Red was leading Red Ribbon, they had taken control of a few areas by force. He recognized right away that Red was a fool and his ambitions were weak at best, but he laid low. He would clean up the Red Ribbon army from the inside out.

Colonel Silver was a good judge of this, he was strong and well muscled. He was a skilled boxer but had his dreams stolen from him, his rival had slipped him something which put an end to his boxing career. So he joined the army to find a use for his strength.

Goku had fought him to earn his current rank and he defeated him good. Silver couldn't even land a hit on him, with all his training he could read the man's move.

“You don’t even realize why you are weak, serve me and I’ll free you from those walls.” Kakarot offered his hand

Silver became one of Goku’s subordinates just to see if the man was telling the truth. He was not lying, he put Silver under fierce training and taught him how to use his ki. His power level continued to grow, he ditched his weapons and focused on his own power. He couldn’t believe the strength he had, and he swore to continue serving his general.

Commander Red gathered all the Generals together, to inform them of their new goal. To gather the dragon balls, Goku knew he had the four-star ball, but thanks to the poor dragon radar they possessed they didn’t even realize it. The legend of the dragon was also news to the Saiyan but not unwelcome.

The other generals thought that the wish would help the red ribbon army conquer the world but Red had another wish in mind. Red promised the one who got the most dragon balls a huge reward. Kakarot felt this might be the time to make his move.

Silver went to prepare their ship for departure while Goku went to shower.

“Are all preparations finished?” the red-haired male asked. A soldier saluted and gave the report.

“Yes, sir! The plane is ready, as soon as you and General Orange are ready!” Silver tensed up. “Should I go get him?”

“No, I’ll go retrieve him.” He walked to his quarters and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” he heard, and he opened the door and blushed at what he saw. General Orange, his general, very much wet and naked. He was currently drying his hair, and with no modesty to cover up his crotch. Silver couldn’t help but stare, his general was 11 inches long and incredibly thick, and he wasn’t even hard. Seeing the huge length had his blood rushing south, and causing his own manhood to get hard.

'Damn it!' he blushed and tried to adjust himself in his pants.

Goku caught the scent of the arousal and smirked, he finished drying his hair. “I’m sorry sir I didn’t realize you were naked.”

“It is alright, I don’t mind.” he passed by Silver, his tail brushing the man's crotch. To his credit, he did hold back a moan. “Is the ship ready?”

“Yes sir, the ship is ready and supplies are set.”

“Excellent, good work Silver,” he said, the praise made the older male shiver in delight. It was amazing the effect Goku had on him. All the men that served in his unit respected him, far more than Commander Red. He wasn't all talk either, he backed up his ideas with actions.

Even though he was older, Silver found himself wanting to submit to the powerful man. Even standing bare ass naked he was intimidating. “This new mission might bring many new changes for the Red Ribbon Army.” He said finishing getting dressed, his tail coiled around his waist. Even though his tail was trained and no longer a weakness he still liked it coiled.

“Indeed, if this Eternal Dragon information is true, such a wish could be a huge benefit.” Kakarot was wearing an orange vest, a black undershirt, orange pants, and a blue belt, and blue cuffs. This was special weighted gear.

“Now let’s go, a lot to do.”

“Yes sir!” the red-haired male followed.

To be continued


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