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Ranma 1/2 parody: Tier 1


Curse of Cocktail

Genma took Ranma to a weird training ground they were told not to disturb it as bad things happen. Genma didn't listen and Ranma gets cursed his cock grows massive so does his ass, and he sprouts a phallic tail. To make matters worse the curse can spread if Ranma fucks someone with his tail. To hide it Ranma stuffs his tail up his own ass so he's usually in a near constants state of arousal.

Chapter 1

Genma Saotome was not a smart man, he got through life, lying, cheating, and stealing. What Nodoka saw in him was anyone's guess. He never saw even his own son as anything special, just a means to expand his own power and to use him for an easy life. To do this he had to take Ranma away from his mother, he wanted Ranma to rely on him, to take his word as law.

He got Ranma away from his mother with a bald-faced lie/promise, swearing to commit seppuku should he fail to make Ranma a man among men. Bad enough he pulled that, but he dragged his son into this mess, tricking his son into putting his handprint on it, making him think he was finger painting, not hard to trick someone who's not even 5.

After taking Ranma away from his mother he proceeded to sell him for food, steal his food and call it training, steal him back from homes that would probably do a way better job at raising him. Even when Ranma came of age to train, Genma really didn't train him, more so beat Ranma up day in and day out, laughing as he had someone to bully.

Ranma got stronger only for the sake of not getting killed by his father. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Genma didn't even teach Ranma proper techniques, he had some stolen documents and scrolls and books, and not even properly researching the techniques he forced Ranma to learn them to see if they were safe for him.

The boy had a cat phobia from learning the Neko Ken. Ranma did get stronger and gain some skill but that wasn't because of Genma but despite him. Always getting attacked by him, helped him learn how to dodge and build speed, he gained strength and endurance. His behavior might have been questionable, but with Genma as his main source of human interaction its hard not to.

When Ranma got into school, he acted the way Genma showed him, taking what he wanted, and using his skills to get ahead. Ranma's moral compass was in terrible need and he never distrusted his father's teachings or actions because it was all he knew. The few times he almost had was cut by Genma, taking the boy away. He pushed onto Ranma everything was for the craft, friendships weren't needed, rivals were needed.

The sad part was Ranma believed him, Ranma liked to train and get stronger, but he was learning from the wrong guy. Genma's path was of a bum using anyone even his own son to get mild comfort. The man could have been stuffed but he'd still steal his son's food, sure there were moments of kindness, but that made it worse. Even when Ranma would put his guard up, Genma would treat him kindly making his defenses lower, and he'd betray that trust down the road. Ranma was handsome, naturally athletic, and could even be kind if he didn't practice what his father preached he would have made a lot of friends.

It wasn't until Genma wanted to take Ranma to a forbidden training ground in China did Ranma learn, his father truly was a fool and didn't have his best interests at heart. The training ground was forbidden for a reason, as they housed a creature that had many names, breeder crabs, cock huggers, but Genma didn't know any of them.

All he bothered to know was this training ground was full of eggs and disturbing them would awaken the creature inside, and it would attack you. He had no idea what the creatures did, or why it was forbidden to be here, but to him, it didn't matter. He wanted Ranma to take over the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, so fuck danger, fuck morals, or ethics. You'd have to be stupid to go here, so of course, Genma drags Ranma there saying the training ground would be perfect for getting stronger.

Ranma, of course, believed him, and some part of him believed that his father did care and wouldn't intentionally put him in harm's way, everything he's done was to make him stronger...for the art...right?

The two passed by several signs in Chinese giving warnings about what lay ahead, as they got closer more simple signs of Keep Out were found. “Uh, Pops?”

“Don't worry about it boy, this is a legendary training ground, as martial artists it's our right to use it.” What Genma didn't know was that he didn't know why it was legendary, it was because it was forbidden and highly dangerous! Genma disabled the security alarms and they approached the training grounds, they could see large pods all over the ground. The area was covered in a thick white mist. He sent Ranma into the training ground. “Alright boy, do your best to avoid the eggs, if you don't want a creature to attack you.”

“Got it pops easy,” Ranma took a fighting stance. He did some breathing exercises and he began to move through the training field. His guard was up and he moved through the training ground doing kata. He was doing really well, keeping his focus and avoiding the eggs.

He was actually doing a good job, his form was fluid, and his focus was on the eggs. This training was similar to the type of a student moving between wooden posts and if they touched them their instructor would strike them. He didn't let any of the strange noises coming from the eggs distract him. Focusing his will he kept on moving.

Ranma was doing good, too good, so Genma was annoyed. In order to master the art one needed to know suffering. He got this insane logic from his master, so instead of doing better for Ranma, he wanted the boy to suffer as he suffered. He got some rocks and started throwing them at Ranma!

“Pops! What are you doing?”

“This is training boy!” he continued to throw rocks. Ranma dodged them the best he could but dodging them and avoiding disturbing the eggs were not easy. When he dodged a rock, Genma unleashed a barrage of stones causing Ranma to defend and he was knocked back.

He was knocked towards one of the eggs, Ranma curled in the air trying to avoid it, but his pigtail brushed it. He landed hard on his side with a grunt. “Damn it old man...I oughta!” he was silenced as the egg he touched opened up.

The mist in the area turned green, and Ranma was quick to stand up. The creature began to crawl out of its egg, it's long finger-like limbs reaching the edge and pulling itself out. It looked like a crab at first sight but had no pincers and seemed to have a long tail. “Pops what is that thing?” no response. “Pops?”

Genma had run away.

The creature lunged for Ranma only for the boy to dodge, the creature was fast but Ranma wasn't gonna get caught so easily. It seemed the creature can touch the other eggs with no issue. It bounded from one to the next as Ranma tried to run and escape it.

Little did Ranma know, he was already in the creature's trap. The green mist has been slowly dissolving Ranma's clothes, by the time he realized it, it was too late. His red shirt and white undershirt had dissolved, his shoes had melted away and his pants were full of holes. “What is this?”

He flipped and dodged the creature, he was now shirtless and his pants were eaten away. Not even his underwear was being spared as it began to dissolve. Before he knew it, his underwear was gone vanishing into the ether. His cock and balls became exposed, and the creature suddenly boosted in speed. It latched onto Ranma's crotch, it's long limbs encircling his hips and gripping his ass.

Ranma gasped and tried to pull the creature off him, but it just squeezed him tighter, almost groping his ass. Its tail took hold of Ranma's soft penis, revealing pads that began to stimulate and cling to his dick. When Ranma tugged on the creature it began massaging his manhood, coaxing it to full hardness. “Ahh quit it!”

His blood rushed south and swelled his manhood. The creature held his cock firm as the tip of his tail revealed a cock-like stinger. “Oi what are you...no...” the stinger was aimed at his cock hole, nuzzling against his piss slit. “Wait stop!”

The stinger plunged into Ranma's cock. “Ahhhh!” Ranma cried out. The creature hugged and squeezed his dick as the stinger thrust in and out of his pipe. His eyes rolled up, as the initial pain melted away and became a strange new pleasure.

His cock bulged as the stinger began to grow, filling inch after inch of Ranma's 11-inch dick. His pipe was getting fucked, long and deep, as the creature's limbs continued to fondle his ass.

Ranma had no idea his ass muscles were being developed, massaged and stimulated growing bigger for what was to come. Ranma felt an orgasm shake him, only for it to be denied, his balls churning with pent up seed. His balls began to swell. He felt something changing inside him.

The creature was pumping some kind of juice inside him, tapping into something primal, something ancient in Ranma's body. His body grew hot, his body becoming flushed with arousal, he dropped onto his hands and knees, the creature's hold exposing his virgin ass to the world. He felt heat building up at the base of his spine, and in the course of another orgasm, Ranma sprouted a tail.

Not just any tail a cock tail. The long phallic appendage wept pre-cum as it waved in the air. Ranma was stunned at his new appendage but was too high on pleasure to care. It wasn't until he felt a knock on his back door did he gain some semblance of sense. “Hey… wha...” the cock tail penetrated his virgin ass, Ranma was so high on the pleasure he felt no pain. “Ahhh!”

Common sense was fucked out the window, as his new phallic tail fucked his no longer virgin ass. The tail's pre-cum was a natural lubricant paving the way for deep penetration. It sank deeper and deeper, it was so long and so flexible it reached places Ranma didn't know were possible. His abs bulged from the tail, making the raven-haired teen shudder.

With his insides penetrated deep, the tail began to thrust in and out of his ass. Ranma could feel the tightness around his cock tail, it felt so good, so right, he wanted to fuck, to feel such heat around his cock. The friction was glorious, mouth-watering, mind-blowing! He began rocking between the creature fucking his cock and his new tail fucking his ass.

His tail curled, making sure to strike his sweet spot, and Ranma was losing his mind. It felt so good, it made his cock twitch in jealousy. He wondered if he could make guys feel this good too.

As his pleasure built to a final climax, he came this time, his massive nuts releasing a torrent of cum through the cock tail and filled Ranma's own belly with his seed. Ranma moaned, the creature released Ranma as he entered a cycle of orgasm. One that led into the other, Ranma's cock now freed began to shoot cum all over the ground.

The mist turned from green back to white. When Ranma finally regained himself, it took him a while for his legs to not feel like jelly, he came out of the mist, cum dripping from his well-fucked hole, and his cock still in a semi-hard state. A few things he knew, 1. His father was a bastard, and he should never listen to him again; 2. He liked anal sex, he liked sex in general, and he might just like guys.

To be continued Ranma Hunted!


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