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Toriko parody: Redux + PDF

Original 420 words Redux 2000+

Toriko's Taste

Toriko gets a taste of himself and decides he wants a second helping.


Toriko groaned as he awoke from a very delicious dream. He felt a familiar tightness in his boxers. His fat cock pushing at the fabric. “Mmm,” his length pushing and pushing caused a wonderful friction. The tip brushing against the soft fabric making his length tingle and pulse.  

It was summer so Toriko was sleeping in nothing but his boxers, it was so warm he had kicked off his sheets sometime in the night. He stretched his muscles waking up along with him, from his broad shoulders, defined back muscles, his massive pectorals and his 8 pack abs. The man's muscled legs spread, and his bulge pulsed from the strength of his big dick.  

His hand rubbed the bulge in his orange boxers. ‘Ohh it’s been awhile since I jerked off, no reason to hold back now.’ Toriko removed his boxers, groaning as the garment tugged down his dick, once the band passed the head of his cock, his massive 11.5 inch monster sprang into the air.  

Toriko groaned as the warm summer air caressed his manhood. He took his boxers and tossed them across the room. Toriko took in a deep breath, his manly musk was spiced with arousal and it made him salivate.  He felt so hot and horny.

“Oh yes it’s been a long time…” He groaned, he brought his hand down to gently rub his arousal. He was big, his cock heavy in his hand. Among the four heavenly kings, he had the biggest cock currently, it was almost a competition for them, there were some delicious food that increased one's size, be it muscles, or even cock growth.  

His cock was nice; long and thick, even his big hand couldn't properly grip it fully. It was weird to see his crotch so clean shaven, he used to have a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch, but he had to give it up to restore his arm. It was nice having his alone time hand back.  

He growled softly as he rubbed the head of his cock with his thumb. “Oh fuck I love this I needed this so bad.” he squeezed his cock, while his free hand felt up his chest. He teased his right nipple a bit, getting it to harden before moving onto the left.  

His hand remained, teasing the pert bud, pinching, flicking, and rubbing his nipple. Heated sensations spread through him, his body waking up, his skin growing flushed as pleasure pumped through his veins. “Mmm yeah!”  

He worked his cock, while teasing his nipple, the combo of sensations complimenting each other. They worked like competing flavors that blended perfectly that had his body really cooking. With each stroke of his cock, it increased the manly musk that filled the room. Toriko was shameless, taking in his own musk.  

Toriko started picking up the pace, moaning in pleasure. His heavy balls bouncing from the stronger pumps. Pre-cum began to weep from the massive dick, his stroking hand spreading the essence over his penis. It was lik basting a prime cut of man meat, his cock glistening in the morning light.  

He gulped, his cock looked delicious. The heavenly king drooled a little, he closed his eyes and sank deeper into the pleasure. He felt a warmth spreading through his balls, his hand released his nipple and came down to fondle his balls. ‘So heavy so full of cum, I’m going to bust a huge load…’

It's been so long since he jerked off his balls had physically grown larger, from large eggs to the size of oranges. He played with his nuts, bouncing them a bit, before teasing his balls. “Mmm yeah!” it was gonna be huge, he's always had a heavy release even in his younger days and he jerked off regularly. Now he had at least a month's worth of cum inside, if not more, he honestly couldn't remember. His balls had never been so big before though.  

Toriko remembered times with the other kings, when in their hormone driven, competitive nature they jerked off together, and tried to see who could cum the farthest. The winners were different as their gourmet cells developed, but they also competeted to see who could cum the most, who could last the longest, who could shoot more. They were young and stupid but Toriko treasured those memories. It still made Toriko wonder how they'd be today.  

He used his pre-cum to lube his cock fully and he started working himself faster. He grinned tilting his head. “So good!” his legs trembled and his body shook in pleasure. He felt surges of pleasure tear through him, he was getting closer. His face was twisted in pleasure, little moans and groans escaping him.   

Toriko planted his feet firmly on his bed, and began bucking up, fucking his own hand. “OH YES!” his bed creaked. His mouth parted, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

“I’M CUMMING!!!” he roared. His roar of pleasure was heard from miles away, lesser men fainted, many men jizzed themselves, even the toughest of men got weak in the knees popping a tent in their respective clothing.  

Toriko came hard, the first shot, hit the ceiling! The rest of the erupting thick spurts of seed, shot high into the air before raining down all over his shoulders, chest, abs, arms, legs, hands, and hairless crotch. The only things spared was his face and feet, guess they were out of the splash zone.  

Toriko continued to fondle his balls and pumping his dick, milking himself of his thick baby batter. His efforts weren't wasted as he milked several more spurts, and one final squeeze of his balls got him another five.  

He panted and grinned, his still hard cock was twitching happily. His stamina was amazing, he didn't know how long he could last since his body has evolved so much. He basked in the wake of his orgasm, taking a moment to collect himself since his brain had melted into a sea of honey.

Toriko thought for a moment to continue in the shower and wash up, but stopped for a moment when he caught the scent of his seed. 'What's this smell?' he sniffed the air and blushed. It smelled so good it made his mouth water. He gulped.  

He's never tasted his own cum before, and for the life of him he didn't know why he hadn't. He's tasted Coco's, Sunny's even Zebra's, and depending on what they ate it was always different. It never crossed his mind to try his own. Right now it smelled like a buffet, like breakfast, lunch, and dessert all rolled into one. His stomach growled. ‘Hmm I wonder how it tastes…?’

Toriko scooped up some of his cum with his fingers and brought it to his lips. He licked his fingers and his whole body was shocked. He started to crying tears of joy. ‘It tastes amazing! Such a thick manly tang, full of wild flavors, sweet with a hint of bitterness, that complimented the sweet without an after taste.’ It teased his palate, and made him remember everything he's ever eaten, and experience it all at once.  

It was so good...his pubes grew back. A thick luscious man bush grew in, crowning his crotch in mere seconds. His crotch tingled, and his 11.5 inch dick suddenly grew larger reaching 13 inches in length. “Oh wow!” He had no idea drinking his own cum would have this effect, but he didn't hate it.  

He started trying to get more of his cum into his mouth, he scooped it up with his fingers and sucked them clean. More and more, he collected his bounty, going as far as to use his whole hand to gather the baby batter, and lick his palm clean like licking a plate. It was too good to waste.  

Toriko actually whined at the loss when he got his body clean. He was still craving, then he licked his lips hungrily as he eyed his hard cock. Hard and glistening, he looked at his cock like never before. ‘Time for the main course.’

He brought his hands together and gave thanks for the meal he was about to partake in. Toriko moved into a difficult position for many, his muscles flexing allowing him to move in wild ways. It took a few tries, but his gourmet cells helped him gain the flexibility he needed to come face to face with his own dick.   

Toriko gave his manhood a test lick, shivering in delight. 'Oh this is gonna be good!' He lapped at his fat head, collecting a mix of pre-cum and full semen. His tongue swirled round and round the fat head of his dick, before giving it a tongue lashing.

He toyed with his cock a bit, giving his tip a pleasurable tongue lashing. The heavenly king swallowed his cock head, and began sucking on it, like a sucker, pre-cum poured into his mouth and washed over his tongue. His taste buds were super charged, his whole body surging with pleasure.  

This was but an appetizer, he moaned, sending vibrations through his thick shaft. He took down 3 inches of his cock and started sucking hungrily. His cock was so big, punching out his cheeks as he took 6 inches. His tongue lapped at the head flicking the slit, before caressing his length as he took more in his mouth.

Back and forth, back and forth, trying to take another inch at a time. The more pre-cum he drank the more his gourmet cells sought to help him swallow the whole thing. Much like when they gave him the ability to unhinge his jaw to swallow huge food with one bite.  

It was a slow process, but Toriko wasn't complaining since he was enjoying the blowjob he was giving himself. His moans sending pleasing vibrations through his shaft, his slurps and sucks as he tasted his own cock for the first time in his life.

He grabbed his legs and pulled them to his chest as he took more of his cock into his mouth, reaching 9 inches. He had no gag reflex, none of the kings did. His own cock tickled the back of his throat as he began to suck himself like a champ.  

His eyes rolled up as he surrendered into sensations. His brain was shooting off fireworks as he had his own dick down his throat, he breathed through his nose, inhaling his own musk and pheromones, earning more moans and even more vibrations.

Toriko's throat massaged his dick, swallowing around his length, and sucking another 3 inches into his mouth. He was so big now, he still had another 1 inch of cock to swallow. He could have stopped here but no, he never left a plate unfinished. With one final pull back, he swallowed his full cock down until his nose was buried into his balls.   

That did it, he felt his cock twitching. ‘I give thanks to all the food and ingredients of the world, Time To Eat!!!’ He came hard, his cum surging down his throat and filling his belly. He was pushed back from the force, and soon had his cock in his mouth.  

His seed was pouring into his mouth, spurt after spurt after SPURT of cum gushing over his tongue. The bluenette rolled the seed over his tongue, savoring the flavor before gulping it down. More and more had to be swallowed, he was blowing more cum than before.  

He had to chug his own man milk or drown in it. He wasn't one to waste, he refused to waste a single drop, from his still hard cock. Toriko drank it down happily moaning around his pulsing length.  

“Hey Toriko I’m here to check on you…….wahh.” Komatsu gasped. He had heard the pleasured roar coming from Toriko's place, and embarrassingly enough he had cum, his boxers were a mess and cum was running down his legs.   

“Ey Kamshu!!” He said his mouth still full of cock. Such poor manners talking with his mouth full. Toriko pulled off and got sprayed with a final spurt of cum. His scarred face getting bukkaked. “Hey Komatsu was just having a morning meal want some?” he wagged his still heavy cock.  

Komatsu blushed feeling his cock tent his pants. “I'd love some.” The two shared in Toriko's taste, their desire to expand Toriko's full course meal increasing as they imagined what he'd taste like with that in him.  

The End


