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One Piece/Shield Hero Parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 2:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/one-piece-lehend-24915642 


Luffy: Shield Hero: Level 2

Special Skills

Angling Skill: Catch Rate for Fish + 1

Foraging Skill: Farming + 2

High Stamina Skill: Stamina Boost (Medium)

Food Recovery Boost: Stamina Boost when eating food

Plant Identification Skill: Able to Identify plants by touching them. (Medium)

Survival Skill: Capable of building a small campsite - recovers stamina and health in a campsite. Tool Mastery + 1

Cooking Skill 1: Capable of preparing simple meals. (Small)

Animal Charisma: Able to quickly tame animals and beasts

Rubber Body 1: Mastered Special Skill from the Rubber Shield: Allows his body to stretch, increase his attack range and bounce back physical blows.

Mushroom Recovery Boost: Mastered Skill from the Mushroom Shield: Boost the positive effects when eating mushrooms. (Small)


Coin Shield Copper: Coin Blessing (Low) Can store money in the shield and gain interest over time. DEF + 1

Orange Shield: DEF + 2

Green Shield: DEF + 2

Yellow Shield: DEF + 3

Blue Shield: DEF + 3

Rubber Shield 1: AGI + 3 DEF + 3, Special Skill Rubber Body

Mushroom Shield: Mushroom Recovery Boost Skill

Poison Mushroom Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Sleep Mushroom Shield: Sleep Resistance (Small)

Parasite Mushroom Shield: Body Control Resistance (Small)

Hypnosis Mushroom Shield: Mind Control Resistance (Small)

Spore Shield: Unique Skill- Spore Counter: when struck releases a status spore that can poison, stun, or sleep. Charged Attack- Parasite Spore

Eneru: Spear Hero: Level ??


Quantity Drop Boost Skill

Bargain Skill

Money Boost Skill

Cavendish: Sword Hero: Level ??


Dazzling Aura Skill: Charisma + 10, has a high chance of attracting monsters to you. Has a better chance of gaining party members.

Lady Luck Skill: Luck Multiplied by having females in the party

Fine Appraisal Skill: Can detect the quality of items, weapons, and gear by looking at them.

Natural Charisma: Charisma + 10 Bonds with party members will grow faster+ Combo Skills are more effective.

Usopp: Bow Hero: Level ??


Craftsmen Skill: Crafting + 10

Eagle Scope Skill: Sight Range (High) HIT + 10

Strategic Withdraw Skill: High Escape (High)

Chapter 3 Cycle and Contracts

Luffy was facing a terrible cycle, the time it was taking him to kill balloons wasn't shrinking. In the course of a full day, he barely made it to level 3. At this rate, he'd never be ready for the waves. If he can't level up he couldn't fight stronger monsters, and if he couldn't farm and he couldn't grind and increase his shield, which led him back to his inability to level up.

Cavendish and Eneru were bragging about there levels they were already in their double digits, a lot of people in town were talking about it. He was caught in a vicious cycle, a cruel cycle, and he didn't see a way of breaking it without a party member.

To make matters worse, he couldn't taste anything, ever since the incident food had no flavor. He took a bite of meat and it tasted of nothing...not bland, not salty, not anything. He couldn't even say it tasted gross. It bummed him out. Even though he befriended the balloons they wouldn't attack fellow balloons, so he's stuck.

He tried to look on the bright side, least he didn't have to pay for any fancy meals since he couldn't taste anything. 'Meat looked tasty too.' he sighed.

Before he could leave his place at the bar, he wasn't drinking he just ate at the bar, wanted to keep an eye on the cook to make sure they didn't try to poison him. His dream had become a nightmare.

Some guys approached Luffy. “Hey, Shield Hero bro, need some party members?” there were three of them and their posture and words made Luffy tense up. He remembered Flampe, how she tricked him, used him. His eyes darkened.

“You want to join my party?”

“Of course brother, we want to help you out.” the other two smiled and chuckled.

“First some ground rules, I'm in charge, you can consider me your boss or captain, you follow my orders,” he said seriously.

“Sure thing.”

“Second, if any of you slow me down or get in my way you'll be cut from the party.”

“Of course!”

“Third, rewards will be handed out based on performance, I'll be taking 60% off the drops off the bat. I'll give out the rewards based on my evaluation.”

“What?” all three men gasped at once.

“That's a rip-off, you'll be hogging all of the rewards.”

“Not at all, if you do your jobs, you'll get paid simple as that.” the men began to sweat but agreed to his terms. They joined Luffy, following him out of the tavern.

“Where to then boss?”

“Yeah, let's go get some gear!”

“Get it yourself, I have no obligation to pay for your gear, handle your own expenses.” the men stopped.

“Enough of this!” one took out some knuckle gear. The other two brought out bladed weapons.

“Just hand over your money and items.”

“So this is your game, you should have just started with this and not wasted my time.” he started reaching into his cloak.

“Heh, aren't you accommodating.” the guy with a sword approached Luffy and got a face full of Balloon. The guy dropped his sword, as the balloon mauled him.

“Damn you!” the guy with the fists charged forth and punched Luffy in the face. He expected to knock Luffy down but instead, his head flew back, his neck stretching. “What the hell?!”

“Sorry that doesn't work on me, I'm made of rubber!” thanks to his skill his body stretched. The guy wasn't spared, before he could equip some spiked gloves, the Balloons attached to Luffy attacked, on mass. They swarmed the guy and covered him bites, and Luffy's neck snapped back, Luffy giving the guy a powerful headbutt. The brawler was knocked out.

“Screw you damn shield hero!” the guy with the knife charged at Luffy only to be blocked by his shield. His defenses were so strong, the guy was thrown back. “You...you monster!” the Balloons pounced on him.

They stole some of their weapons and items. While Luffy couldn't use weapons but he could feed them to his shield. While he didn't gain any weapon type shield like a blade shield or a dagger shield, but he did get a Sharpening Shield. It gave him the Unique Skill: Sharpening. He could only use it in this shield but it allowed him to repair bladed weapons.

He pets the Balloons. “Thanks, guys.” They purred, before jumping onto him. Luffy was still annoyed, what good was his defense if he couldn't fight back. “This sucks!” he needed a party, but he didn't trust anyone, he felt like he was stabbed in the back, and just the feel of certain people, the scent or aura of betrayal.

Those idiots got what they deserved for trying to mess with him. “My my,” Luffy turned, and saw a man with a top hat approach him, he was a plumper man with some muscle to him, he was dressed fancy and had a cane and a monocle. “My name is Breed and I have a business proposition for you.”

“Whatever you are selling, I'm not interested.”

“I saw what happened back there, you have such great control over those balloons.”

“What do you want from me?” he glared.

Breed smirked. “I know who you are, Shield Hero, Luffy!” he walked around him. “I'll admit I wasn't sure what I was gonna see when I met you, but I like what I see.” he walked forward. “Follow me, and I'll help you with your problem.”

Luffy sighed and followed him. What did he have to lose at this point...not that he didn't remain on his guard. He was led into a back alley and led into a shop full of cages. “Look if you are trying to offer me, party members, I don't buy it.”

“Party members, no no my boy, what I offer is much more valuable than party members!” he did a little twirl. “This is a slave shop!”

“Slaves!?” Luffy gasped, finding all the cages full of people, mostly demi-human and beastmen. “Why would I want slaves? I'm out of here.” he turned to leave.

“Because slaves can't lie.” Luffy froze. “Each slave is bound with a curse mark, they cannot lie or betray you, and must follow your orders.” Luffy looked at Breed, who grinned wide. “Interested?”

Luffy didn't want to own a slave, but he had to survive, he needed a sword! “Fine, show me what you got.”

“Excellent!” Breed showed him around, there were so many cages, the trapped ranged in ages, there were even children. “The underground holds many such dealers, this country doesn't even bother to put any heavy restrictions against us, you'll find a dark side in every country.”

“That so,” he honestly didn't see much of a difference the royal family seemed really fucked up as it.

“Here's a female slave, perhaps you'd enjoy her, with the rumors about you...”

Bang! Luffy punched a nearby cage, silencing the whole shop, they sensed his rage, raw and furious. “I didn't do it!”

Breed was surprised. “You didn't did you...hmm.” he shrugged. “No business of mine, what kind of slave would you like?”

“Male, anything else would do.”

“Anything else?” Breed chuckled. “You are a funny guy.”

“I just need them to follow orders, if they can't fight I can train them.” Breed chuckled again.

“You truly are interesting!” he spun around again. “Here is a strong fighter, level 75.” He showed Luffy a cage with a powerful beastman inside, it growled as Luffy approached.

“How much?”

“15 gold,” Luffy glared at him.

“Showing me your most expensive slave when you know I can't afford it.”

“I want you to obtain an eye for quality.” Luffy sighed and looked around. He found two cages containing to boys there was a boy had dog ears and a tail, he had green hair and was wearing only some raggedy loincloth. Despite being so young, he was built, his body already showing muscle. He was level 3.

The boy next to him was a rabbit demi-human. He was also in rags, exposing his bare skin covered in white blotches. He kept coughing and looked like he was gonna pass out. He was level 2.

“What's the story with these two?” he asked.

“Them?” he brought out two files. “The rabbit demi-human might not last long, his former master loved his experiments he drugged the boy with a really bad disease. The dog demi-human, he's a runaway, every master he's had he's run away from.” After a pause, Luffy looked into their eyes and felt they were similar to him.

“I'll take them both.” He said.

The two were surprised, but not as surprised as Breed. “Suit yourself, since one is sickly, and the other is a runaway, I'll give them both for 30 silvers.”

Luffy paid, giving him an extra silver for commission. “What is your name?” he asked the green haired demi-human. He didn't respond. “You do have a name, don't you?”

“Yes...my name...is Zoro...”

“Zoro, I can see a fire in your eyes, you wish to fight don't you?” Zoro's eyes widened.

“How did you know?”

“You've trained, you've sought to become stronger. If you will come with me, I will let you fight, fight for me and become my sword.” Zoro couldn't believe it, this guy was gonna let him fight? All his previous masters wanted a servant or a toy.

He was brought out, and Luffy performed the slave contract. With his blood a slave crest was made, making his slaves loyal to him. Breed painted it on Zoro's chest, causing him pain for a moment. “Oi!”

“This is normal, a taste of the pain he will face should he disobey you.” Luffy was surprised when Zoro's stats appeared on his Icon.

'What is this? Party settings?' Luffy looked to the sickly demi-human. “What is your name?”

“L...Law...” he said weakly. “You don't...want me...gonna die...” he got out.

“I'm not gonna let that happen. Law, serve me, fight for me, I promise you, you aren't gonna die.” He carried the boy to Breed who put the slave mark on him. Law cried out and clung to Luffy crying and coughing. Law's stats appeared onto his Icon. 'I'll ask Franky about this later, but first.'

“Let's go,” he carried Law out and Zoro followed him.

“I look forward to doing business with you.” In truth, he had been planning to capture Luffy and enslave him. Many people would pay top dollar to own a hero as a slave, but when he saw the look in Luffy's eyes and his bond with the monsters he couldn't bring himself to do it. Luffy would come back, be it for new slaves or the slave seal itself.


Luffy brought Law and Zoro to the medicine shop. “My word!” the elderly woman gasped.

“Can you treat him?” he asked. She grit her teeth.

“Come to the back,” she led them to the back room where a beast man was standing.

“Ahh!” he gasped. He quickly hid, or tried to, but did it backward. Luffy raised a brow at him.

“What's with him?” he looked at the beastman. “You are doing it backward.” he points out and he hid better, but was still peeking out.

“He's nervous around people, people don't treat demi-humans and beastmen well. You can't blame him for being scared when you bring demi-human slaves here.” she looked angry.

“Can you help him?” he asked.

“I can try, he seems to have white lead disease. Did you do this to him?” she hissed.

“Lady...not him...new master...he bought me even though...I'm sick...” he said between coughs.

“Well, aren't you nice.” She said sarcastically. “I don't wanna someone who buys slaves, but I can't let this boy die.” she glared at Luffy. She had heard the rumors, but the boy didn't seem the type, now he walks in with two slaves. “Be prepared, I'm gonna overcharge you as you've never been charged before!”

Luffy looked at his funds. He could barely afford a decent potion. “Just save him, I can't pay you now, but...” a knife went flying past his head.

“Get out, take him with you!” she snapped. Luffy was pushed into a corner, he looked at Law.

“Fine, I will save him myself.” he scooped Law out and carried him out. This woman was named Kureha, she had a past of her own. She couldn't help the rage that bubbled up seeing someone with demi-human slaves. She grabbed a bottle of spirits and began to drink.

“Doctor...” the reindeer beastman came over and nuzzled her. “I don't think he was a bad person when he came before, he smelled like he was hurting.” Kureha didn't want to hear it. Some scars ran too deep.


He went to Franky's shop. Franky recognized the two as slaves as soon as he saw their rags and slave crests. “Kid...” Luffy put the rest of his money on the table.

“They need clothes, and get them each a sword they can use.” he looked at the two. Zoro's eyes brightened.

“Yes, I love the sword!” his tail was wagging.

Law nodded weakly. “I can use a sword.”

“Good,” he left them to Franky who took them back to find them some clothes and a decent sword. While they did that, Luffy checked Law's stats, the boy was inflicted with a strong poison. The fact it had a name made Luffy concerned.

The poison was a slow spreading one, it left the user growing weaker and weaker until they eventually died. 'Who would do this to a kid?' he thought. He needed them to be his swords, he needed to get stronger or die. This wasn't his ideal way, but he couldn't trust anyone else.

When the door suddenly opened Luffy looked but didn't see anyone, he heard some scurrying. It was the reindeer boy from the medicine shop, he was wearing a cloak and a mask. “Here!” he offered Luffy a vial. “This is medicine.”

Luffy took the vial. “Why are you giving this to me?”

“I saw how much you care, you wanted to save his life. This will help.” he turned to leave.

“What's your name?”

“Chopper, Tony Tony Chopper.” he gasped. “I mean, I am a masked delivery man!” he ran off.

Luffy examined the medicine and poured some into his shield. Just half unlocked new shields, which resonated with his mushroom shields. 'Whoa!'

Petit Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Boost

Petit Poison Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicinal Mushroom Shield: Compounding Skill

Green Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 1 Healing Potion

Blue Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 2 Antidote

Red Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 3 Burn Ointment

Orange Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 4 Smelling Salt

White Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe Rare: White Lead Antidote

His new skill boosted the potency of the medicine. He didn't have a chance to look at the other shields and skills as Franky came back. Law came out in a white shirt and black shorts, and Zoro had a white shirt and green shorts. They each had a beginner’s sword.

“Law, try this,” he offered the boy the rest of the medicine. “It's a bit bitter, but it'll help.”

Law tried it and despite the small amount of medicine, Law gasped. His cough was eased, and he could feel his strength returning, if only slightly. “I feel a bit better!” he gasped. “How did you...?”

“I need you both to fight for me, so I need you at your best.” he reaches out to Law who flinched, only to receive a pat on the head. “I'm the shield hero, I'm gonna protect you both.”

Their eyes widened. 'He's the…'

'...Shield hero?!' the two shared the same thought. Franky started blubbering, being touched by Luffy's words.

To be continued…Training

AN: So changing up some things, when doing these shield hero parodies I'm gonna try to change them up, so they not so repetitive. This one will be having extra plots including exploring other kingdoms and territories.


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