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Bleach parody: tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27113990 

Chapter 2

Ichigo's alarm went off, and while he managed to turn off his alarm, he felt a warm body pressed to his own. “Renji!” Ichigo gasped. The monster boy had stayed with Ichigo during the renovations, but even though he now had his own room, he loved sleeping in Ichigo's bed.

The red-head moaned in his sleep, he took a deep whiff of Ichigo's manly musk and ground his 9-inch long uncut dick against him. Ichigo blushed. He tried to push the Nue away, but his grip was intense. His snake tail rose and looked at Ichigo. “Zabimaru, wake him up!”

Renji's tail, while a part of him, had its own consciousness. You know how some say a part of a man's brain is in his dick, well a part of Renji's mind is in his tail, Nue's even named their tail. His name was Zabimaru, he was Renji and Renji was him.

Zabimaru did not wake up Renji, instead, he slithered into Ichigo's boxers, and coiled around his sleeping cock. “Oi!” Ichigo shivered. Renji's tail squeezed his dick, caressing his cock, and waking it up instead.

Ichigo's soft 8-inch dick began to swell and grow, rising higher in Zabimaru's coils. Zabimaru licked the tip of his dick, the combo of squeezes and licks got Ichigo to his full size 16 inches! He's always been a big boy downstairs, according to his sex ed classes he was what was called a grower, his size wasn't even that impressive. His friend Chad was 12 inches soft and 24 inches hard, the two were the biggest back in school, and many monster boys even put Chad to shame.

Renji moaned and licked his lips. “Ichigo!” he could taste his cock in Zabimaru's mouth. His tail slithered and squeezed, applying pressure in the best of ways on Ichigo's manhood. Zabimaru sucked him, his tongue teasing the sensitive head. It was small and wile, able to ease his cock more precisely.

It was so small and thin, it was able to pierce Ichigo's dick, wiggling into his cock pipe. “Mmm, Renji!” he tried to wake the other up, but Renji simply clung to Ichigo, sniffing him and humping against him. His own cock was weeping against him.

Zabimaru's tongue wiggled in his pipe, teasing
Ichigo from inside and out. Ichigo raised his arms, and tugged at his hair, biting his lip at the surge of pleasure spreading through him. This was a mistake, as his exposed pits drew Renji in. The red head moaned in delight and began to lick the sweat from his body. His tongue lapped up the sweat and dances across his hairy manly pit.

'Oi oi oi oi oi oi!' his release was building up higher and higher. There was no escaping this, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Renji. The guy was sweet, and he was a hard worker. Ichigo even told him he didn't have to learn the ins and outs of the farm, but he wanted to. He didn't get the hang of everything, but he tried.

He covered his face and let Renji go to town on him, he found himself relaxing, before tensing up in the climax. His toes curled as his cum shot down into Zabimaru's mouth, the tail sucking on him through his release. Renji moaned, he could taste it, it filled his belly and pushed him over the edge. His body shook as his own climax followed, his cum erupting all over Ichigo's abs and pecs.

Renji licked his lips, the flavor and the orgasm pulling him from his sleep. Zabimaru uncoiled from Ichigo's still hard dick. “Hmm, I just had the best dream...” he froze as Ichigo glared at him. “Guess I snuck into your bed again, heh heh...”

“R-E-N-J-I...Z-A-B-I-M-A-R-U!” he scooped the monster boy up and carried him into Renji's room. He dropped him on the bed. “I'm going for a shower, you can take the next one, and I'll start on breakfast,” he said and stomped off, he needed a shower, a COLD shower.

Renji looked to Zabimaru. “What did you do?”

Zabimaru chuckled. “I may have had my own breakfast, some fresh man milk.” Renji blushed and facepalmed.

“I thought that was a dream.”

“It was real, he's delicious!” Renji glared at him, “Uh oh!” he grabbed his tail and began to shake it.

“Are you crazy, Ichigo is the first person to not look at us like we are a freak!” he continued to shake his tail. “What happens if he sends us back?”

“He's not gonna send us back, he loves us!” Renji blushed and stopped shaking him. Not only did Ichigo accept them, but the farmer boy was hot hot hot, with a mouthwatering scent, a cock that any nue would cream themselves over. Among Nue, Renji was seen as a prize for having a dick so big. He was a shower, what you see is what you got like all nue. He might be a size queen, but Ichigo was more than just his dick, he was smart, kind, strong, and hard working.

The first official day Renji watched Ichigo get up and do his thing on the farm. The animals knew him, trusted him, he showed his strength and determination. Even though he was busy, he still made time for Renji.

“God, why does he have to smell so damn good?” Renji ran his fingers through his hair.

“Tastes even better.”

“Shut it you!” He was right. It wasn't like he didn't want Ichigo, he did very much. There were rules, things like kissing, touching, even heavy petting were allowed, but anything more was far trickier. He pulled his legs to his chest. “I don't want him to hate me.” his tail coiled around him.


Little did Renji know, Ichigo liked him a lot, which is why he didn't want to lose him. He was currently banging his head in the shower, trying to calm himself down. It was hard not to fall for Renji, he was great and sexy as hell. Outside Ichigo convinced him to wear some overalls, but inside the house, he was naked...all the time!

Renji was a walking wet dream, even among monsters Nues were exotic. He was also cute in so many ways, his love for baths, the way he managed to burn anything he cooked, he tried. The animals were a bit nervous around him thanks to Zabimaru, but he wasn't opposed to hard work.

That was the bad part, its because he liked Renji, he didn't want to hurt him. He read the rules, outside of a very strict list of things monsters and humans couldn't mate. There were loopholes but very heavy ones. One could mate a monster in a very public mating ceremony, which sounded very embarrassing.

He couldn't be mad at Zabimaru for riling him up, but he couldn't act on his hormones or sex drive, or risk Renji being sent home. His cock didn't like this, not one bit, the cold showers were a royal pain.

Ichigo finished his shower, once his dick was soft. He started making breakfast when his phone rang. “Hello?” he turned the flame down low.

“Ichigo!” his sister's voice came from the other line.

“Hey Yuzu,” he kept his eye on the stove.

“You mad at me?”

“No, I'm not, I can never be mad at you. A little warning would have been nice.” he poked at a few eggs. “Is that why I haven't heard from you, were you thinking I was mad?”

“Maybe, I'm really sorry Ichigo!”

“Don't it's cool, Renji is nice, and he has been a help.”

“Oh, his name is Renji? What's he like?”

“What you didn't look him up?”

“Nope just recommended my favorite big brother, because I know how great you are.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he began to plate some food.

“So tell me, is he cute?”


“Yep, he's cute.” she giggled, and Ichigo rolled his eyes.

“Fine he is, you happy?” he sighed.

“I am if you are big brother, so are you?”

“Am I what?”


There was a pause. “Yeah, I am. I really like him.”

Renji had overheard, having finished his shower, had followed his nose and heard him on the phone.

“Sure, I'd love for you to meet him, but you know Dad doesn't want you out here.”

“No, it's okay, I love you and Karin, that won't change. Give Karin a hug for me. Bye-bye.” he hung up the phone. He turned off the stove and finished plating.

Renji came in, with a towel draped over his shoulders. “Ichigo,” he hugged the male from behind.

“Let's eat, we got a big day ahead of us, it's market day.” they sit at the table and Renji dug into the food. Ichigo was such a great cook!

“Mmm!” He moaned a blush spreading across his cheeks. He didn't know what market day was about, but he wanted to help Ichigo any way he could. He wanted their bond to grow.

To be continued...Nue At the Market


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