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Bleach/Shield Hero parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 7  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27374917 

Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Dimensional Locust Shield: defense boost of 6. Dimensional Bee Shield: agility boost + 6.

Bee Needle Shield: attack boost + 1, skills; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis)

Beast Needle Shield: ATK + 2

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Shield: Decay Resistance Small

Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small

Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small

Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding

Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus.

Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Ichigo: Level 21

Renji: Level 26

Grimmjow: Level 26

Komamura: Level 75

Chapter 8 Lute Restoration

The travel to Lute was a productive one, they broke up their day with farming and studying, taking breaks for meals. Komamura loved Ichigo's cooking, he took into consideration the furry man's likes and dislikes, and was able to prepare meals for all of them. The flavors were explosive, Sajin blushing and licking his chops after the meal.

When Ichigo worked on crafting medicines, getting really good results now, Komamura trained Grimmjow and Renji in hand to hand combat. He had them working on teamwork, and facing a more intelligent opponent. This training did raise their levels up by 2, facing a level 75 gave them quite a bit of experience. Ichigo's new skills helped gained more quality drops, which helped him gain more quality medicine.

They found some Blue Balloons, Green Balloons, and Purple Balloons, using their materials he unlocked the Blue Shield, Green Shield, and Purple Shield respectively. Blue and Green gave him a defense boost of 2, while Purple gave him a defense boost of 4.

Ichigo thought when he got to Lute they would be able to rest for a bit, but it seems something was up. “Sir Shield Hero!” the lord of the village rushed over to him.

“What's going on?”

“There is a swarm of monsters near the village, we don't know what's attracting them.”

“We got this,” Investigating they found the corpse of the wave's boss monster. The chimera's rotting flesh had drawn in the monsters, to feast on it and try to gain more strength. “What were the others thinking, leaving this here?” He fed the beast to his shield.

Chimera Meat Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Chimera Bone Shield: Darkness Resistance M

Chimera Leather Shield: Defense + 10

Chimera Viper Shield: Change Shield Skill, Compounding + 1 Poison Resistance High. Exclusive Skill: Snake Fang Long Hook. (This skill worked similar to the two-headed dog shield, when struck with a physical attack the snakes on the shield would lash out and bite the attacker inflicting powerful poison on the enemy.) Also when using this shield, it shared his poison resistance with his party.

Returning to the village he got some fan fair, the swarm of monsters had caused the reconstruction to slow down. They tried to offer Ichigo a free room, but the orangette turned them down. He paid for their room and meals, even tipped well telling them to put it towards rebuilding.

“It looks like the village is getting back into full swing.” Renji pointed out.

“Hmm, let's see if we can find some work.” He already finished selling the monster materials he hadn't fed to his shield. Almost like a side quest, the party began to help out in the reconstruction, much to the villagers' surprise. Why would one of the legendary heroes lower themselves to menial labor?

Komamura was able to lift and carry large bundles and move heavy objects. What would have taken 10 men to move he could do it himself. Renji was good at multi-tasking he was able to help clean, an assist in repairs. Grimmjow wasn't much for manual labor, but the place had crops that needed salvaging which he could do, and he even went off to hunt. Ichigo was able to help with repairing things here and there, but his biggest support was providing food for the workers. His strong cooking skills helped increase the flavor and boost the stamina of the workers. They each even got a paycheck.

Ichigo said that money was theirs and they can use it for whatever they want. Deciding to save it, for now, they settled down and relaxed after a hard day's work. Sajin had more stamina than the others, so he stayed up and tried to aid Ichigo in his crafting. They were going over the recipes.

With Sajin's help, he was able to make a fine Antidote. He fed it to his shield and gained the Anti-Poison Shield: Defense + 5 since he already had a high poison resistance from his Chimera Shield, the poison resistance was changed into a rather nice defense boost. “Nice!” he smiled. On reflex, he reached up and pets Sajin. “Thanks, Komamura!”

The furry male blushed, his fur bristling as Ichigo found just the right spot that made him feel so good. It took Ichigo a moment to realize what he was doing and quickly pulled his hand away. “Sorry!” he gasped.

Komamura almost whined at the loss. “It's okay, I liked it.”

“Would it be okay if I touched your ears?” he was mildly curious.

“Please do!” he said, Ichigo rubbed his ear, loving the softness, and feeling it twitch at his touch. Komamura fought back a moan. 'Ohh yes!' Ichigo scratched him behind the ear and made his tail wag.

'Soft!' Ichigo thought, feeling a surge of happiness as he played with Sajin's ears. He stopped and left the furry male panting. It was Ichigo's turn to blush, as the male coming undone made his heart flutter. “Let's get back to work.” Sajin needed a moment to collect himself, but as Ichigo made a few more antidotes, they moved onto the next and made some healing ointment. He unlocked the Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Range Expansion Small.

They eventually burned up their stamina and fell asleep, the monster egg cracking.

Come morning it was ready to hatch and Ichigo was right there. “Renji! Grimmjow! Komamura!” he shouted in excitement. “Wake up, it's hatching!” The trio woke up and gathered behind Ichigo to see what they got.

The shell broke open and to Ichigo's surprise, it was a dragon. He was tiny and a mix of blue and white, he let off a hiccup and blew ice crystals from his mouth. “It's a dragon!” The little guy spread his wings and scurried up Ichigo's arm and nuzzled him.

“It likes you,” Renji said as the dragon cooed.

“A form of imprinting, dragon trainers use that to help tame dragons.” Komamura pointed out.

“I wonder what they eat?”


Thankfully there was a rancher in town. He tried to give Ichigo some dragon feed for free, but Ichigo was adamant about paying his own way, from the look of his stables he'd need money for repairs.

Ichigo fed the egg to his shield and unlocked some shields. Monster Trainer Shield: Monster Growth Correction (Small) and Monster Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 2.

He named the dragon Toshiro Hitsugaya, from an old legend in his world. He seemed to like it. Ichigo fed the little guy and Toshiro continued to grow, his scales fell off as he got bigger. They got fed to Ichigo's shield unlocking Monster Trainer Shield 2: Monster Status Correction (Small) and Dragon Scale Shield: Defense + 15, Elemental Resistance (Small).

Toshiro continued to grow at a rapid rate, and he was even great in battle, using his teeth and claws. He fed on monsters he defeated growing in strength. Not one to waste Ichigo fed the monster feed into his shield. Monster Trainer Shield 3: Growth Revision (Medium).

In just a couple of days, Toshiro had grown large enough to ride. Ichigo purchased a saddle, one that Toshiro helped pick out. He'd seen dragons pulling carts and things in the kingdom but didn't expect Toshiro to grow up so big so fast. 'Perhaps it's like how Renji and Grimmjow grew up so quickly.' he looked at the two and found his heart skipping a beat.

He blushed if he met them in his world the two would have been drop dead knockouts. Things were so different now, he couldn't treat them like kids now that he saw how they truly were. They still wanted to sleep with him, and he usually agreed, if they didn't turn in first. His body certainly knew what he wanted, having two sexy males press against him.

Then there was Bazz-B he could see the other guys feelings now, he didn't know what to do. Now there was Komamura, he never thought about anthros before, though he did like them, some of his favorite manga and anime had strong anthros. He remembered seeing a forum about a creator who had multiple series where the lion anthro always died, he liked him, it sucked to see him die in different incarnations over and over.

There were days he'd pass out on his workbench and find out he was leaning against Sajin, almost cuddling with him. The guy was warm, and his fur made it feel like he was hugging a giant teddy bear. What was he to do, it didn't feel right to pick someone when his heart seemed to tug him in all directions, he didn't want to hurt anyone either. The more he thought about it the more confused and frustrated he got. He decided, for now, he'd just think about survival.

Toshiro was a great distraction, and he certainly loved his cooking. He was growing to be a tough fighter and smart to, he was able to properly use all his assets in a fight, be it his dragon teeth, dragon tail, or his cool dragon fire. No joke his ability was ice fire, flames so cold they burned. He got this ability recently upon reaching level 10.

Once he aged up into a riding dragon at level 12, he lost his baby fangs, which Ichigo fed to his shield and gained the Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield: Cold Resistance (Small) Unique Skill: Frost Bite- when struck with a physical attack unleashed a cold burst of frozen wind, that can deal small ice damage and can potentially freeze an opponent.

The grinding was going well as was their teachings. Ichigo had learned a few more recipes so he fed some of the more worn pages to the shield and gained the Book Shield: Magical Power Up (Small). Ichigo's plan so far, was to collect higher class materials and grind levels, while learning to read. He's been able to make better medicines that they could sell, and get it to people who needed it. Next, their plan was to start practicing magic.

Things were going great, just as they planned to leave, the village was in a tizzy about some new arrivals. “What's going on?” Ichigo asked.

“Probably some rich noble coming in to help with the village,” Grimmjow said in a huff, he had his own reasons for not trusting the nobility.

They went to see what was happening only for Ichigo, Renji, and Grimmjow to groan at who was here. “Oh no, not them!” Ichigo grimaced.

“By order of his majesty, the Spear Hero Askin-Sama will become the new lord of this village!” the crowd gasped and began to murmur.

“What?!” Ichigo gasped. “What is that idiot thinking?”

To be continued...Race and Toshiro's Power


Damion Andrew

Oh Ichigo, just wait until you see Toshinori transform. It's going to be hilarious.