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Dragon Ball Z parody:tier 1: phone fic

Frieza's Humiliation Plot

Frieza attacks suddenly and kidnaps Goku, but much to the shock of everyone he's returned seemingly untouched. Vegeta doesn't buy it and has Bulma do a scan of him thinking Frieza put a bomb in him or something but what they found is worse, Vegeta recognizes it as a breeder crab. A creature the saiyans used to when there was a lack of females. Goku's not safe he has to have a child or else the crab will suck away all his energy till he dies.

Chapter 1 Goku Napped

It was a surprisingly nice day on Earth, the birds were chirping, the dinosaurs were wondering, and the saiyans were sparring. Broly, Cheelai, and Lemo had come for a visit. Goku and Broly have become tight over the years, and his training had helped give Broly some control.

Cheelai and Bulma had become like sisters, and Lemo found a drinking buddy in Roshi. It was almost cute, like dropping off the kids to play and the adults went off to do their own thing. Gohan had the day off so he was doing some saiyan bonding. Goten and Trunks were older now and were taking part as well.

Gohan and Broly were sparring against Goku, while Goten and Trunks sparred with Vegeta. The saiyans were having a great time, the heat of battle was burning under their skin, hearts pumping, muscles flexing, ki flaring it was a glorious. It was almost cruel when the group felt a familiar power level approaching. "Frieza...what is he doing back here?" Vegeta hissed.

Broly got nervous, the tyrant had made a few attempts of bringing the taller saiyan to his side. Broly knew Frieza was a monster but that didn't stop him from trying to take him. Goku noticed his nervousness, and took hold of his hand. "It's okay Broly, we won't let him take you."

He smiled, feeling more at ease. The familiar ship came down, but without the fan fair Frieza usually came with. The tyrant himself came out in his current form, with a strange device on his arm. Everyone was defensive as the ice demon approached. "Well if it isn't a gathering of monkeys." He laughed.

"What are you doing here, Frieza?" Goku asked.

Before Frieza could answer, Vegeta powered up. "It doesn't matter why you are here, you are a fool for coming back. I'll put an end to you right now!" Vegeta charged at Frieza.

Frieza caught Vegeta off guard by firing a needle from the strange device on his wrist, the prince of all saiyans didn't see it coming. The effect was fast, numbness in the arms and legs, his body going lax, before falling unconscious.

"Vegeta!" Goku shouted.

"Father!" Trunks powered up.

"Honestly so impatient. How do you tolerate him?" He laughed. The device on his arm was developed after meeting Frost, while his tactics were pathetic in a fight they would be useful for capture. So when Trunks charged at him, with Goten following suit, the tyrant was able to knock them both out. "You ask why I am here, simple I have business here."

"Take your business elsewhere!" Gohan snapped. To which Frieza simply fired a beam at him. Gohan dodged, only for Frieza to fire a needle at him. Gohan's reflexes were fast but his instinct was to block, the needle passed right into his arm and evaporated, the half blood saiyan collapsed.

"Gohan!" Goku powered up to super saiyan blue. "Leave Frieza!" He charged at the tyrant who fended him off long enough to get him with a needle. Goku powered down, stumbling as he tried to keep his senses. His vision blurred before he fell into unconsciousness. 'Broly...run…' he thought before collapsing.

"Leave them alone! No matter what you do I won't join you." Broly took a fighting stance ready to take on the tyrant.

Frieza laughed. "Ohhohoho, silly monkey, who ever said my business was with you?" He said and picked Goku up by the back of his gi. Broly's eyes widened in understanding. The thought of losing Kakarot to this monster filled him with rage, his power level skyrocketing as he went into rage mode.

The whole Earth felt his raw power, shaking from the force. Broly charged in blind, normally he had better control but right now he couldn't stand the thought of Kakarot being taken away. This blind rage attack was perfect, because Frieza didn't even have to try to put Broly down.

He dodged Broly like a matador, and got him with a needle. Broly tried to fight it but soon lost consciousness like all the others. "Kaka...rot…" he managed to say before the powerful poison/drug claimed him. Frieza took Goku and brought him onto his ship, departing before anyone else arrived.


Piccolo hit the scene to find all the saiyans passed out. He wondered if Frost had attacked them, judging from the familiar poison, but he was sure he sensed Frieza. He brought them to Bulma while sending a telepathic message to Dende.

"What happened to them?" Bulma checked on Vegeta and Trunks, while Cheelai checked on Broly.

"They are only unconscious, Dende is on his way...but…" Bulma looked at the Namekian then at the bodies saiyans he had brought with him.

"Where is Goku?" He had no answer.

In Space -- On Frieza's Ship -x-

The tyrant carried the sleeping saiyan through his ship. He was greeted by one of his men. "Well done Lord Frieza, the mission went very well."

"Hohoho didn't it though," He smirked down at the large saiyan. "They didn't see it coming," he removed the device and crushed it. He had no use for it, it wasn't something he planned to use in a real fight.

"Pardon my impermanence, my lord...but...why didn't you just kill the saiyans right then?" Again Frieza laughed.

"Because I don't want to just kill them, I want them to suffer, I want them to taste the humiliation they made me feel. Killing them is too quick for these monkeys, they will suffer at my hands so long as I live." He would delight in causing them misery, first was this one who defeated him. He'd make Goku the first to taste humiliation. "Take him to the med bay, keep him sedated."

"Yes sir!" The saiyan was carried off.

Frieza smirked. They would suffer in more ways than one, he'd see to that. He'd bring his empire back from the ashes and amuse himself seeing his plans unfold. He just wished he could see the look on Vegeta's face. Not only about what he's just done and what he's about to do.

-x- Back on Earth -x-

With some recovery help from Dende the saiyans were back on their feet. Vegeta was rightfully pissed, both at himself for falling for such a trick and at Frieza for taking Kakarot.

"What does he want with my dad?" Gohan asked him.

"I don't know, hostage, trophy, slave, if he's even still alive." each answer getting him angrier.

"Vegeta!" Bulma scolded, Vegeta blinked and saw the oldest pale, and the youngest in tears.

"Your father is fine, if Frieza wanted him dead he wouldn't have taken him alive." He folds his arms. "It doesn't matter what he's planning, I'm gonna go and get him back."

"We'll come to!" Goten said, standing up, and Gohan nodded.

"Count me in," Broly stood up. Vegeta was proud, saiyan bonds were strong.

"When do we leave?" Gohan asked.

"You two aren't going anywhere!" The group turned and saw Chichi storming in.

"But mom, dad was kidnapped we have to get him back."

"Let Vegeta go, you two are staying here!" She screeched. Broly didn't understand, this was Kakarot's mate...why was she denying his sons from helping. "I never should have listened to your father about this saiyan bonding thing, ridiculous!"

Vegeta growled. Kakarot was the one who wanted to do this, he wanted to connect. How dare this woman try to deny him that. His sons needed it to, but that was beside the point.

"Mom please, we don't have time to waste, who knows what Frieza could be doing to him." Gohan pleaded.

"Gohan! I'm surprised at you, think of your wife and daughter, you can't go running off."

"I'm not I…" Vegeta put a hand on his shoulder.

"Its fine, I'll go and bring him back, count on it." Gohan smiled at Vegeta while Chichi glared at him, even when she got her way she wasn't happy. The prince headed out, with Broly following him.

Vegeta didn't want to think what the tyrant could be doing to him. He just knew the longer Kakarot was in his clutches the worse he'd be. Bulma checked the capsule corp satellites and was shocked to find Frieza's ship still in orbit.

Not willing to take chances, she contacted Whis and Beerus for back up.

-x- On Frieza's Ship-x-

In the med bay Goku was stripped naked and strapped face down on an operating table. With his legs spread his ass parted exposing his tight hole. "Is everything ready?" Frieza asked his medic.

"Yes Lord Frieza!" He checked the saiyans vitals. "We are ready, it is amazing, I've not come across such a specimen." Frieza laughed.

"Then proceed, the next phase of my plan shall begin." An assistant brought a container into the room, opened it and left. "How long will it take?"

"Not long, if his tail grows back we'll know this stage is a success." Frieza watched in wicked glee as indeed, Goku's tail grew back. Laughing as his wicked plans took hold. "Prepare monkey you will face humiliation and suffer!" He laughed.

To be continued...What's Inside Me

Just as Vegeta is about to go after Frieza and retrieve the third class from him a pod ejected from Frieza's ship lands and inside is Goku!? Vegeta doesn't buy that Frieza just let him go, so after a scan of the Earth raised saiyan Vegeta sees something inside him he can't believe.

"I thought they were extinct, I've not seen them in many years...I can't believe Frieza would put one of them inside Kakarot!"


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