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Hunter x Hunter parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 8  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-x-lamia-8-24166280 

Chapter 9 Duel and Tower Challenge

Killua was worshiping some dick, licking and sucking Gon’s right cock while stroking the left one. His mouth was so full, his tongue caressing the hard flesh. He was in hog heaven, breathing through his nose and taking in the rich manly musk of his partner.

He was in the coils of a young lamia, face first into his crotch, cock and balls being humping along his coils. His scales felt amazing against his sensitive length and his balls. Killua’s ass was happily stuffed by Gon’s tail, the tip sinking deeper, and his ass getting stretched wider by the girth of his tail. Killua loved it if the ever-flowing pre-cum was a sign.

The tip tickled his prostate, teasing the boy’s sweet spot. Gon was enjoying this as much as Killua was, as the tip of his tail was sensitive. Killua’s hot inner walls massaged his tail, increasing his pleasure.

Killua switched cocks, making sweet oral love on the left cock while pumping the right. Gon’s copious amount of pre-cum was pouring into his mouth, which he drank like mother’s milk. ‘So big, so good!’ he sucked on the cock head eagerly, lapping at the tip lovingly.

Gon’s dicks were like two tasty treats that Killua couldn’t get enough of. He switched back and forth while shamelessly humping Gon’s snake coils. His heart was racing, craving more, he sucked eagerly as Gon pets him. The lamia was watching him lovingly. ‘He looks like he’s enjoying himself!’ Gon panted and let out soft moans.

Killua was working 8 inches out of the 16, pumping what he couldn’t fit in his mouth. Both ends were stuffed, and he was loving it, so much so he was the one to cum first. His cum shot all over Gon’s coils, and he moaned around Gon’s dick.

Gon took this chance and began fucking Killua’s ass with his tail, jabbing his sweet spot. All Killua could do was moan, his toes curling as his friend made him cum again before he had the chance to recover. His balls lurched as he spilled even more semen.

‘Holy fuck!’ Killua’s eyes rolled up, and he drooled around Gon’s big dick. His moans and groans sent such lovely vibrations through his penis. Gon’s release was right around the corner, and Killua was determined to get Gon off. He relaxed his throat, and managed to deepthroat his cock down to 13 inches! Fuck, it was turning him on too! Sucking so much dick was lighting a fire of lust in Killua, each extra inch he took made him feel special.

Gon’s moans were music to his ears, he continued to slurp, suck, and bob...stopping only when he felt the familiar twitching of near orgasm. He pulled back and brought the two cock heads together and began lapping and sucking on both of them. “Killua!” Gon moaned as his orgasm hit.

Two thick streams of cum fired into Killua’s mouth. So much delicious man milk filled his mouth so hard and fast, even as Killua gulped down a full mouthful his mouth was flooding again. He got a second mouthful down, before pulling off and pumping the dicks, helping milk Gon of a few extra spurts, the cum spraying his face, neck, shoulders, and back.

They headed to the showers to get cleaned up and make out, turning the warm shower extra steamy. After drying off they went to hang out by the windows, enjoying the view. Killua talked about how he came from a family of assassins, and how he only took the exam because he was bored. Plus, he thought it’d be cool to capture his family for the reward money.

Gon just chuckled, which set Killua at ease. He pulled Killua close and the two watched the passing scenery in comfort. There was something special about Gon, he honestly believed in Killua, it was refreshing. It was like Gon could read him like a book, and that didn’t scare him. It was his job to have people not be able to read him. He...actually felt safe...he was naked and exposed for all to see but with Gon at his side, he didn’t care. His family had really high hopes for him, and trained him since he could remember, he honestly couldn’t stand it, in his eyes his whole life was planned out for him, who wanted that?

“The world is really amazing place isn’t it.” Killua looked at Gon, the boy was staring at the passing lights, shining like diamonds on the ground below. Killua smiled.

“Yeah it is,” he leaned against Gon. When he had left home he didn’t know what was in store for him, but he was sure meeting Gon was the best thing ever.


The examiners were eating in a private room, discussing the current crop of candidates. They each had their own thoughts on who was gonna pass this year. Buhara, Satotz, and Menchi each had their own thoughts on those that stood out among the applicants.

Menchi sensed that 294 had a strong aura. Satotz thought number 99 aka Killua stood out. Buhara’s pick wasn’t a rookie, it was none other than number 44 aka Hisoka. The man was giving them the bloodlust. Menchi had a bad feeling about him. Satotz agreed, he sensed his affinity for darkness was quite strong. “We hunters, are constantly seeking out new rivals, and this exam isn’t short on potential opponents.” While some hunters slow down, others surge forth, creating rather unusual anomalies.

“I was rather shocked to see a monster enter.” Buhara pointed out.

“Yes, he was quite the unique one. Where do you think he comes from, most monsters never leave their homeland, let alone enter the hunter exam.”

“I have a hunch, but I have a feeling he will have no trouble passing the exam,” Satotz said.


Chairmen Netero was walking the halls bored and wanting to kill time when he spotted Gon and Killua. It was then he got a wicked idea. In a surge of power, he released some killing intent while zipping past the two while masking himself. The two boys felt it and turned to where Netero used to be, only for him to walk towards them from the other direction. “Something wrong boys?” his shoes made a solid clap across the floor, as he approached them.

Killua narrowed his eyes at the old man. ‘When did he…?’

“Mr. Netero, how did you do that, you were over there just a moment ago.” Gon pointed at the opposite direction.

“Heh, you are fast for an old-timer.”

“Oh, that trick? I just barely moved, that’s all.” Killua glared at him.

“What do you want?”

“Now now, no need to be so unkind. I got a little bored, so I decided to look for some company.” He said before smiling. He asked them about their first attempt at taking the hunter exam.

Gon was finding the exam fun and happy there hadn’t been any written tests, he was a tad worried about them. Killua, however, was bored, finding the exam not very challenging and hoped the next phase would be more interesting.

“We’ll see,” Netero said playing coy.

“Let’s go Gon!” Killua turned away.

“Wait a moment, how about we play a little game?”

“A game?” Gon asked.

“To make it interesting...if you two can beat me, I’ll make you both hunters on the spot. I can even give you boys some clothes.”

“Sounds interesting, I’ll play!” Gon said excitedly.

“Let’s do this,” Killua said with a smirk.

Netero led them to a large gym of sorts, he ditched the kimono for a more sporty attire and began bouncing a yellow and black ball around. “Let’s go over the rules of the game.”

It was simple if they could take the ball away from him before the airship arrives, they win. They were scheduled to land at 8 am so they had 9 hours to go. “Feel free to use any tactics you want. I’ll just be defending.”

“Huh? That’s too easy. It’s barely even a game.” Gon pointed out.

“Then why not give it a try and see if you’re right?” Netero said, bouncing the ball perfectly with one finger.

“All we have to do is take the ball?” Killua asked.

“Yes,” Netero nodded.

“I’ll give it a shot.” Killua went up first.

Killua began to move. ‘If he thinks I’m let’s see if he can handle this.’ his steps were slow, but they gave off a strange ripple effect. Soon, Killua was making after images.

“Whoa, I see a bunch of Killuas!” Gon gasped.

‘One of the assassination arts...’ Netero thought. ‘The Rhythm Echo, a technique that created after images by a varying cadence of steps.’ Netero was following Killua with his eyes. ‘To think he’s already mastered the technique at his age. What a dreadful childhood.’

Killua made his move, but Netero dodged, but as soon as Killua landed he went after the man again. Netero chuckled, dodging his swipes and kicks, maneuvering the ball to block him with his hand from time to time.

Gon watched, getting excited.

‘He doesn’t seem like any normal old man.’ Killua thought.

“Is that all? Hos disappointing.” He balanced the ball on his nose, in a teasing gesture.

‘In that case...’ he charged at Netero fast and hard. ‘I’ll just have to slow him down!’ He swept low, going after his pivot leg, hitting it as hard as he could. Killua thought he got him only to be the one to cry out in pain. “Oww ow ow ow ow!” he hopped around on his now good leg, holding his injured one. ‘What’s with this old guy, his legs are harder than iron?’

‘He sure didn’t hold back with that kick. If I were an ordinary person it would have shattered my leg.’ Netero thought.

“Killua, tag me, tag tag!” Killua limped over to him, and they clapped hands, but before Gon went out he kissed Killua’s leg. The boy blushed at the gentle act.

Gon stretched as he readied to face Netero. ‘This one seems to be a very honest young man, it’ll be able to see how this lamia fights.’

Netero was curious to see what Gon would try. The lamia coiled up and launched himself at Netero. The spring gave an increased boost to his speed. Gon seemed to be charging straight at Netero, but to the older man’s shock, Gon’s tail recoiled back and suddenly he launched himself into the air.

‘A lamia attacking from above?’ Gon ended up smacking his head on the ceiling.

“Oww!” Gon clutched his head.

“Idiot! Watch what you are doing? You had him totally off guard there for a second.” Killua shouted.

Netero sweatdropped. ‘Heh. No kidding.’ Gon got up and began to slither around. ‘He might appear simple-minded, but it seems he’s using his head.’

“Alright then!” Gon slithered out and struck at Netero, not only was he fast but strong too, not to mention crafty. If Netero dodged one of Gon’s swipes, his tail swooped in and nearly got him.

Not to mention the way Gon swayed back and forth, he was ready to be nimble like he was when Killua faced him. The boy was also flexible, he tried that coil launch again this time, he twisted his body coming at Netero like a twister.

It was hard to predict which way he’d go, and to make matters worse when he did dodge the attack, Gon’s tail swept in and hit him hard. If he didn’t defend himself Gon would have knocked the wind out of him.


Many applicants were resting or meditating, trying to recuperate for the rest of the exam. Tonpa thought his ploy of scaring Leorio and Kurapika would work, but no they were resting peacefully.


Gon and Killua were taking turns going after the ball, the boys had worked up a nice sweat, their bodies glistening. Killua didn’t care that he was naked, he was going all out.

Netero hadn’t broken a sweat at all, he was toying with them. “Why don’t you boys come at me together?” The two shared a look and nodded. Gon and Killua charged at him together.

Their teamwork was highly impressive, Killua would attack, Netero would dodge, then Gon’s tail would slide in and catch Killua allowing him to rebound faster. “Not bad, but still not good enough.” Netero simply used Gon as a springboard and dodged the second strike.

The two went at him again and again, Netero dancing out the way. ‘If we are going to beat him, we have to get creative.’ Gon grinned and charged at Netero.

“I must say, your attacks sure don’t amount to much.” He thought Gon was going in for a strike, only to suddenly backflip, and he sent the full force of his tail up at Netero. He got the man right in the chin. What’s more, Killua was backing him up and kicked him in the back of his head, sending him forward.

“Got ya!” Gon spun on the ground using his tail like a whip and knocked the ball out of his hand.

“Now’s our chance!” Killua went for the ball.

“I think not!” Netero recovered and kicked the ball further out of Killua’s reach. He flipped and went for the ball himself.

Gon was ready and quickly spat poison. The purple goo covered the ball. “Poison!” Netero gasped, hesitating slightly.

“Sneaky lamia!” Killua went for the ball again, his body was trained to resist poisons so he didn’t hesitate, besides Gon had told him, his saliva and venoms weren’t deadly, his worst poison was one for paralysis.

He took a deep breath and let it blow, letting loose, the gust he created not only blew the ball further away but also blew the liquid poison clear off the ball. He went all out launching himself forward and left a scorch mark where his foot was.

Killua glared at Netero. “Well now, excellent teamwork. You get an A for effort.”

Gon couldn’t help but smile. “You are amazing Mr. Netero, really amazing!”

Killua quit, much to Gon’s surprise. The assassin noticed, he knew Netero was just toying with them, he hadn’t used his right hand at all against them. Netero was surprised he noticed at all. “He’s way too powerful for us. We could chase this old guy around for a year and never get that ball.”

“I’m gonna hang around and keep trying.” Gon said. He didn’t want to give up they still had half the time left, and for him, it wasn’t about getting the ball, it was about making him use that right arm.

“Suit yourself, I’m getting a shower.” He wished him luck. Gon slithered over to him and gave him a kiss. Killua left, a blush spread across his cheeks. That old man sure knew how to piss him off. Even after Gon’s kiss, he was still on edge.

He headed down the hall to the showers, when he approached two guys. “Hey, can you believe they let some filthy lamia enter the exam.”

“What a joke, they should just end that freak.”

“With any luck, we’ll get to see someone slay that monster.” they passed by Killua, bumping into him and that was the end of them. It happened so fast their heads seemed to go poof. Blood stained the area and the two died before they hit the ground.

Killua could feel the blood lust if he had continued he’d have ended up killing the old man for the ball. He didn’t feel a bit sorry for the two fools, talking bad about his Gon, he wasn’t gonna let anyone hurt him.


Gon tried his best and eventually forced Netero to use his right hand. Netero was truly impressed. “Your aura is truly impressive.” Gon had tried to give him a double headbutt to the stomach, but he had used his aura to protect his stomach, and eventually dodged Gon’s attack using his right hand.

“So you know of aura? How much do you know?” Gon chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

“I’m no master or anything,” he was able to draw out his aura surprising Netero. “I want to complete the exam as I am before I explore the world of Nen.”

‘This boy is quite interesting.’ Netero thought.

“Mr. Netero, you said all tactics were allowed right?”

“Yes, I did.”

Gon smiled and approached him. “May I please have the ball?” Netero was truly surprised, but with a smile, he handed it over.

“Well done,” he wasn’t expecting that. “I’ll promote you to hunter right away.”

“No thanks,” Gon fell back, completely exhausted.

“You do realize if you pass this up, you might fail the exam, and you won’t get your hunter license.”

“It’s okay, I want to pass the Hunter Exam the right way, but this was really fun.” he smiled before passing out.

Netero saw something special in Gon and managed to slow the blimp down enough to let the boys rest.


The airship reached a massive tower. The applicants were gathered outside at the top. Beans met them, as the applicants looked around. “Ahem, everyone, this is the site of the hunter exam’s third phase. You’ll be competing here at the top of Trick Tower.”

Murmurs began about the name. Trick Tower sounded very fishy. “In order to pass this phase, you must reach the base of the tower alive. The time limit is 72 hours.” With that said the exam began.

Little did they know the applicants were being watched by their next examiner. A bespectacled man with purple hair was watching them in a room full of monitors. The whole tower was wired with cameras.

Beans left with the airship, his voice coming out of the speakers. “Alright everyone, do your best!”

Gon met up with Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika. It was quite breezy and the naked boys could certainly feel it. Gon wrapped his tail around Killua. Any idea of climbing down was considered to be suicide...not that there weren’t those that tried…

Applicant 86 stepped up, he was an expert rock climber, and he was moving down the side of the tower at a brisk pace, but he got a bit too cocky. Whoosh

Loud flapping could be heard as giant flying monstrosities swooped in and gobbled him up without a second thought. They tried to attack other applicants but since they could defend themselves the rock climber was their own snack.

The applicants began looking for other ways, many of them tapping the ground. Kurapika was the first to notice there were fewer people around. Gon called Kurapika and Leorio over having found a set of doors together.

They didn’t know what was gonna happen when they took them. So after a brief farewell and a promise to see each other in the next phase they took their door.

To be continued...Majority Rules


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