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Ben 10 parody: redux

Summary: Ben hasn’t seen Kevin lately and on one night he gets bored and decides to order a pizza, he gets a big shock when it’s Kevin delivering the pizza. He wants answers.

Ben had noticed that Kevin wasn’t hanging out with them that much anymore, other than helping fight aliens his free time was a total mystery. Ben hasn’t even seen him work on his car, even though that was his usual excuse. Gwen was even more curious than he was, thinking he might be up to shady business again. Ben figured that Kevin’s business was his business, but Kevin was his boyfriend, they used to talk about everything. The older teen still had his secrets, even from Ben.

It was a normal day for Ben; no hero work, no patrols, no homework, thank god, and his parents were out. He decided to text Kevin see if he was up for doing something together.

Ben: Hey Kev parents out for tonight, do you wanna come over?

Kevin: Can't busy tonight

Kevin: Sorry

Ben: You always seem busy lately

Kevin: I know, I promise I'll make it up to you.

Ben: pervert ;)

Kevin: Not what I meant but hell yeah

Ben couldn't help but chuckle. He was a bit disappointed but he trusted Kevin. He played some games for a bit but soon felt his stomach growl, so he decided to order some pizza. The man on the phone was very nice; he took Ben’s order for pepperoni pizza and his address then gave him his total. “It’ll be there in 30 minutes or less, or its free!” With that said the call ended and Ben was waiting for his pizza.

It was about 15 minutes later when a knock came at his door. "Chow time!" Ben looked out the window and didn’t see any cars with the pizza sign on top; however he did see Kevin’s car parked a little way away from his house. “That’s weird.” However Ben shrugged it off and went to the door grabbing a 20 from his wallet. He opened the door and saw the delivery guy was trying to hide his face with his cap.

“Here’s your pizza.” The delivery guy said in a deep voice. The matter how Ben looked at it he knew who it was. Even in the uniform and cap he'd recognize that body anywhere.


"Who?" He said in that fake deep voice.

“Kevin? What is all this?” The delivery guy tensed up and pushed the pizza Ben’s arms, without grabbing the money he tried to flee.

"Here's your order on the house!" He tried to run, seriously...running from Ben Tennyson what was he thinking.

“Stop right there Kevin Ethan Levin.” Ben snapped, ohh he middle named him, yeah he stopped. He sat the pizza down and followed after Kevin.

"How did you know it was me?" Kevin asked with a weak chuckle.

"Oh please, I've seen you naked, did you think I wouldn't recognize you in some silly uniform?" He snatched the cap away. “Seriously, what is all this Kevin?” He asked again.

Kevin rubbed the back of his head, looking both guilty and embarrassed. “Okay look I got an honest job I’m trying to make some extra cash, okay?" Kevin said a light blush on his cheeks, he expected Ben to start laughing at him, but instead Ben handed him the cash.

“There’s nothing wrong with getting an honest job kevin," Ben smiled at Kevin. " But you could have told me."

"I didn't want you to know, with no school education this is the best I could do for now, it's a bit embarrassing,” Kevin said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. He always looked down on himself, it took forever for them to get together, because Kevin didn't think he was good enough for Ben.

"Kevin, you are smart, you can take apart alien tech and put it back together in no time. I know how great you are." He put the cap back on his head and hugged him. No matter how bad things got Ben was happy to remind Kevin just how great he is.

"Just don't tell Gwen." He said, and Ben chuckled.

“Your secret is safe with me Kevin,.” Ben said and gave Kevin a quick peck on the lips, Kevin wasn't satisfied with a quick peck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. "Mmm!"

Kevin licked his lips seeking entry, which Ben gave, parting his lips and meeting Kevin's tongue with his own. 'Fuck, I missed this.' He kissed Ben hungrily, getting kissed back with equal passion.his heart was pounding in his chest, his blood rushing south. Keeping this job was cutting into his Ben time.

He missed his kisses, missed his touch, missed being able to hold him, please him, hard to have special alone time with aliens firing at you and Gwen in the back seat nagging you. Just kissing Ben had Kevin so hard it hurt.

His hands wondered, trying to slip under Ben's clothing. “Kevin, don’t be late 30 minutes or less right?” Ben said after breaking the kiss, Kevin pushed forward nuzzling his neck.

“But Benji," he moaned his name. "I didn’t get my tip.” Kevin said teasingly and rubbed his bulge against Ben’s leg. Ben couldn’t help but blush and smirk.

"Grab the pizza," he grabbed Kevin by the rim of his pants and headed towards the door. Kevin managed to grab the pizza as Ben pulled Kevin into the house and pressed him against the door. “I should send you off horny, especially for not telling me about all this," he palmed Kevin's bulge and kissed his neck.

Kevin groaned, bucking his hips, Ben was groping him so good! The way his lips caressed his neck, his breath tickling his skin. He didn't want to go back with a hard on, not that he didn't deserve it. He managed to whimper a weak lustful "No…"

Ben smirked against his neck. "But I’ve missed you too much to say no.” Ben said as he undid the front of Kevin’s pants. His hand slipped down and felt his girth in his boxers. He was toying with him.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve missed you too.” Kevin said with a light groan. Ben brought his pants down to his knees, letting his cock tent his boxers. The brunette hooked his boxers with his thumbs and yanked them down, tugging his cock down with it till the band passed the tip.

Kevin’s cock sprang up twitching in joy. "Ohhhh!" Kevin's fat 11-incher pulsed in the air, pre-cum already pooling. Ben got on his knees before him. He took hold of Kevin's dick and stroked it lightly. Just the slight touch had Kevin bucking a moan escaping him.

“This part of you has certainly missed me.” Ben said and kissed along Kevin’s cock. It pulsed at the contact, Ben reached up and fondled his heavy nuts, teasing the heavy orbs, so full of cum! It's been weeks since they've been together and Tennyson was sure they were bigger.

His dick smelled so perverted, so rich and manly,  now spiced with arousal. It got Ben equally horny, he palmed his own arousal as he licked along Kevin’s length. From base to tip, along the sides, even down to lick his sweaty balls.

“Oh god I’ve missed this.” Kevin moaned, and Ben chuckled. Ben wrapped his lips around the head and swirled his tongue around it, getting his first taste of Kevin in a long time.

"Mmm!" Ben moaned sending pleasing vibrations through his shaft. He gave the cock head a thorough tongue lashing, his tongue swiped up the pre-cum he earned. Kevin must have been working hard, he could taste it.

"Ben!" He moaned, his legs felt like jelly. He couldn't think, right now his dick didn't belong to him, it was Ben's personal sucker. His brain felt like it was melting and seeking to exist through his dick.

Tennyson began taking Kevin’s cock into his mouth licking each inch as it entered. His tongue caressed the underside, his throat relaxed and took the fat cock down. Even though its been awhile the brunette had no gag reflex. All his smoothie slurping was coming out as he tried to suck his seen through his cock straw aka his pipe.

He took Kevin down to the root and nuzzled his thick nest of manly hair. He hummed his delight sending more vibrations through his fat rod.

Kevin blushed, he was losing it. It'd been so long since he had his dick in Ben's mouth. "Ohh fuck!" He started sucking and Kevin fisted his hair. “Fuck Ben I’m cumming!!” his body was shaking.

Ben responded by taking his free hand and reaching back, he slipped his middle finger into Kevin's ass. The raven bucked, Ben hitting his sweet spot like a pro, making Levin see stars.

Kevin came, his balls lurching and giving his man milk, and Ben drank down every last drop. Kevin’s thick cum tasted so good, Ben sucked him through his release, massaging his sweet spot to get a few extra spurts.

Ben found his own release and soaked his boxers. He shivered in delight, Ben pulled off Kevin’s softening cock looking damn sexy. He licked his lips, savoring the flavor of Kevin. He gave one last finger wiggle before pulling out of his ass.

Tennyson smiled and gave one last kiss to his dick before he tucked him back into his pants and boxers. “There’s your tip now get going before you lose your job.” Kevin blushed and cursed as his watch alarm went off. He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek and raced out of Ben’s house. He was running back, a few seconds later.

“Sorry I need to do this.” He kissed Ben passionately one more time. “I’ll see you later.”

"You better you promised to make it up to me." Ben smiled and waved him off.

Kevin drove off and Ben went to clean it up. Ben was well into his third slice of pizza before he finally questioned. “I wonder why Kevin needed a job anyway.” he shrugged it off.


It wasn’t until a few weeks later, did Ben find out why Kevin needed that extra money.

Kevin showed up at his doorstep and out of uniform but he was carrying a pizza box. “I got the pizza you ordered.”

“Kevin, I didn’t order any pizza.” Ben blinked at him.

“Trust me you’ll like this one.” Kevin got down on one knee and opened the pizza box; there instead of a pizza was a gold ring with an emerald as the gem.

“Kevin?!” He gasped blushing. "Oh my god!"

“It took a while to save up for the ring, the gem I’ve had for a while, from when I was working in a mine during my criminal days. I kept it because it reminded me of you.” Kevin blushed. "So what do you say Tennyson, marry me?"

“Yes!” Ben said and hugged Kevin. Kevin slipped the ring on Ben’s finger. “I love you Kevin Levin.”

“I love you to Ben Levin.” Kevin said with a smirk.

“Let’s go hyphenated.”

“Deal.” Kevin said and kissed Ben’s lips. “I quit my pizza job, but I got to keep the uniform.” Kevin said with a suggestive smirk.

“Oh lord I’m going to marry a pervert.” Ben fake sighed.

“You bet your sexy ass you are!” Kevin said and carried Ben inside; Kevin was going to start the wedding night a little early.



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