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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1


Yusuke’s Life With Demon Boys

Things have changed in the human world, demons are allowed to stay with humans as part of a cultural exchange, humans can’t harm demons and demons can’t harm humans, but there is more than a chance for love. Yusuke/Demon Harem

Chapter 1 Yusuke’s Life

Yusuke wasn’t having the best life, his mom was a drunk, his dad skipped out on him if his best friend’s family didn’t run a restaurant he probably would have starved. He did his best to get an education but he legit had teachers out to get him, one of them even tried to frame him for theft. If not for a solid alibi and the teacher keeping the stolen items on his person Yusuke would have been expelled for sure.

Mr. Takanaka gave him a chance and worked with him, with his help he was able to finish high school. College wasn’t his thing, he had little interest in it, and forcing it only made it worse. He tried to get work, but something always went wrong. Sometimes his boss would get handsy with him, offering him a “bonus” if he was a good boy and...Yusuke would deck the fucker in the face.

Eventually his mom up and left, apparently she didn’t have a problem getting a “bonus”, especially from a rich guy. She left with his new “daddy” and forgot to take him along. Yusuke honestly wasn’t surprised she did this. He just didn’t know how he was gonna survive.

Around this time the demon world was discovered and the demons offered peace with the humans, forming a contract and instigating the Demon Exchange Bill. The bill allowed demons to come and live with human host families, able to learn about human society, get jobs, and all around coexist. Laws were set up protecting both humans and demons, they couldn’t hurt each other, if a human harmed a demon he’d be locked up for the rest of his life and if a demon harmed a human they’d be punished based on demon law.

Not many humans were willing to take in demons, so the government offered living conditions, renovations, a salary and budget to handle expenses. For Yusuke it was like getting the golden ticket, he had no issues with demons so why not.

He registered and got approved, he got his own place, and a monthly wage, and he got Hiei.

Hiei was a fire demon, with an abnormality he had three eyes. The Jagan Eye is said to appear randomly on demons granting them advanced psychic powers. No one knows why the Jagan eye chooses one demon over another, but many demons become jealous and try to kill the host to try and take the eye for themselves.

This eye allowed Hiei to read minds, so he was able to tell when his host families disliked him or not. Usually, when humans saw his third eye, they looked away thinking… ‘Disgusting!’ or ‘Freaky!’ Hiei didn’t care for that so he ended up bouncing from one host family to another until he landed in Yusuke’s lap.

Koenma was Hiei’s handler. He was a tall brunette with delicate features. He came from a wealthy family, and he was quite gung-ho about the Demon Exchange Program. “I have a really good feeling about this one.” He told the fire demon. Hiei wasn’t convinced and peeked into Koenma’s mind. ‘I’m hoping Urameshi-san will work out, it’s getting harder and harder to find Hiei a host.’

Hiei was expecting Yusuke to be like all the rest, but as they pulled up to Yusuke’s place the male came out. Hiei’s eyes roamed over Yusuke, taking in his chiseled form. He was wearing a tight fitting white sleeveless shirt, that showed off his muscles. His pants were form-fitting, hugging him in such an erotic way, Hiei’s eyes trained onto the bulge in Yusuke’s pants and he couldn’t help but blush. “Urameshi-san I’m Koenma, I’ll be your rep from the agency.” Koenma handed over his card.

“Just call me Yusuke, I’m looking forward to living with Hiei.” Hiei peeked into his mind and found he was telling the truth, but he’s seen that before but when they saw him they quickly changed their tune.

“Come on out Hiei,” Koenma called, and he did. His three eyes focused on Yusuke, he was ready for a gasp, a flinch, or for Yusuke to look him in the eyes and quickly look away. To his surprise, Yusuke didn’t look away from him. In fact, Yusuke was all smiles when meeting him.

“Looking forward to living with you Hiei!” He shook the demon’s hand, to Hiei’s surprise he meant it. Yusuke didn’t want to live alone anymore, and he was super happy to have Hiei with him. His mind quickly racing through all the fun things they could do together.

His mind was like an open book, he didn’t know if that meant Yusuke was a good person or an idiot, the jury was still out on that. Koenma gave them a tour of the house, they had a living room with a large couch and an entertainment center and two reclining chairs. The dining room was nice, with a decent table and chairs and it was connected to the kitchen. The kitchen was decked out with a stove and an oven, a large fridge, a fancy sink, and several cabinets. There was a toilet room with a simple bathroom and sink, and then there was a bathroom with a washer and dryer a hamper in what appeared to be a changing room, connected to a room with a shower and a large tub. They had a closet, upstairs bedrooms, and an attic. “If you need anything, please give me a call.” Koenma left.

Yusuke was so excited, the place was huge, way better than the small run-down apartment he had been living in. “Isn’t this awesome Hiei?”

“It’s okay.” Hiei was still defensive with Yusuke like he was waiting for the male to turn on him.

“I know, let's go shopping and get some food, so I’ll make dinner.” Hiei followed him without a word, but he had a bad feeling about this. Koenma had given them a Food Card, it was basically a bank card but could only be used in food stores. “Do you like meat?” Yusuke asked, and Hiei nodded. “You don’t talk much do you?” Hiei didn’t respond. “It’s cool, must be weird coming to a new place, if you see something you like go ahead and grab it.”

They went through the store, and humans who spotted Hiei began whispering about him. He didn’t need to hear them, he could see their thoughts. They were talking about his eye, and he didn’t like it. He wasn’t a freak!

His hand balled into a fist. “Hiei there is a sale on meat, this is gonna be good!” Yusuke took his hand and pulled him along. Yusuke had to hear the people, some of them weren’t being subtle about it, yet he wasn’t reacting to it. Even the cashier got nervous when they went to check out.

This little trip had Hiei wanting to run away. He hated this, if not for the life he lived in the demon world, and never wanting to go back he’d run. “Sorry about that,” Hiei’s eyes widened. “Stuff like that must happen a lot, I guess people aren’t used seeing a demon, especially not such a cute one!”

Hiei blushed. ‘What did he just say?’ he blushed from ear to ear, Yusuke held his hand all the way home.

Yusuke made him dinner, his friend’s family teaching how to cook for himself, his cooking skills were aces not that Yusuke thought much of it. The first bite had Hiei’s eyes widen and sparkle as the flavor explodes. “Tastes pretty bad right?”

“It’s delicious!” he dug right in, scarfing down the food. “Why…?”


“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”

“Don’t you get it, I have three eyes, most people think it's freaky or disgusting, it's not natural!” he snapped. Its what he heard all his life, its why his mother abandoned him, why he lived his life being hunted.

“It's you, isn’t it? I don’t think it's disgusting at all. I think it suits you.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you knew the truth, I can read minds. I’ve been peeking into your mind, don’t you think I’m horrible.”

“Well that’s a surprise, but if you really can then you should know, I think you're cute!” Hiei’s ruby eyes grew wide, and he blushed. Yusuke was also blushing and smiling. He was an honest fool, one Hiei could properly put his trust in.

Hiei fell for Yusuke hook line and sinker. He honestly couldn’t help it, the distance he tried to put between him and Yusuke was closed and he was taken in by the boy’s warmth. Hiei couldn’t help it, he cried! Making strange jewels from his tears.

“Oi Hiei!” Yusuke didn’t care about the weird pearls, he just wanted to make sure Hiei was alright. The three-eyed demon hugged Yusuke and cuddled with him. As the days passed Hiei fell for Yusuke harder and harder. Yusuke was straight forward and honest, not to mention manly as all hell.


Yusuke stirred awake, feeling a mass of warmth pressed against him. ‘Not again!’ Yusuke was sleeping in only a pair of boxers, and he had a very naked Hiei pressed against him. “Hiei!” the fire demon has been sneaking into his room. It wouldn’t bother him except Hiei slept naked, sure enough, Yusuke felt Hiei’s hard 8-inch dick rubbing against him.

“Hmm...Yusuke...” he nuzzled him, sniffing him. Yusuke’s manly musk had become a source of pleasure for the fire demon. Yusuke had caught him sniffing his shirts after a workout. The more he sniffed the more he humped against Yusuke’s muscular form.

Hiei was no slouch in the muscle department either. He may have been short, but he was jacked! “Come on Hiei!” the fire demon clung to him tighter, humping against him.

“Yusuke!” he moaned in his sleep. Yusuke made the mistake of raising his arm to rub the back of his head. Hiei was drawn to the rich manly musk and deeply inhaled. His climax ripped through him and he came, all over Yusuke’s abs and pecs.

Yusuke blushed. “Looks like it’ll be another shower time.” He got out of bed with Hiei clinging to him like a baby koala. His arms and legs wrapped around Yusuke. He dropped his boxers and stepped out of them and let his fat 10 incher fly free.

He carried Hiei into the bathroom and got in the shower. Hiei was a heavy sleeper, even as the shower spray washed him he didn’t even flinch. Yusuke washed his hair and back, doing his best to clean the little fire demon. When Yusuke went to wash his own hair, Hiei moved and started licking his pits.

Yusuke shivered. “Cut that out, its almost time for breakfast.” On the word breakfast, Hiei’s eyes opened and he slid down Yusuke’s body till he was face to face with the boy’s penis. He didn’t even hesitate, he swallowed Yusuke’s fat dick down to the root, and buried his nose in the boy’s thick nest of manly curls. “Ohh fuck!” Yusuke moaned.

Hiei’s hot wet mouth and throat worked him to full hardness, Yusuke’s penis gaining length as he got fully aroused reaching 14 inches of fat man meat. “Fuck Hiei!” Yusuke moaned as the fire demon bobbed back and forth along his mighty length.

A human may have struggled with his size, but a demon did not know the meaning of the word gag reflex. His powerful sucks and heated licks pushed Yusuke further to climax, it hit him so hard and fast Yusuke felt himself get hauled over the edge.

He came hard, and Hiei slurped up his thick manly cum, pulling back to really savor the flavor. He rolled it around on his tongue before gulping it down. “What will you be having?”

“I told you my semen isn’t breakfast!” the fire demon just licked his lips.

To be continued


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