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Bleach: Tier 1


Farmer Ichigo

Monster Boy’s Universe: Ichigo is working on the family farm after his mother passes away, his dad moved Karin and Yuzu to the city to try and live what he considers normal lives. Ichigo struggles to keep the farm going on his own but things get odd when a strange man named Urahara shows up at his door with a monster boy. Ichigo+Monster Harem

Chapter 1

Ichigo Kurosaki was a young man with a lot of drive, he loved his family, which is why when his mother passed away and left the family farm to Ichigo, the boy took it over without question. His dad didn’t want the farm, in fact, he moved Karin and Yuzu to the city to have a “normal” life. Ichigo grew up on the farm, he helped his mom out so many times, he knew this place like the back of his hand.

The farm was his home, and his dad wanted to sell it. Since the farm was in Ichigo’s name he had full control of it. Isshin gave him a choice and he made it. Ichigo worked hard to keep the farm going, not only was he handling all the work himself, but he also had to sell the wares, handle repairs, take care of the animals.

Ichigo got up at dawn, got a shower, had some breakfast, before rolling up to sleeves and getting to work. Not that the farmer life didn’t suit Ichigo, the boy’s body was very built, working on the farm toned him up. The animals loved him too, Ichigo had this magnetism about him, he could face the meanest beast and turn them into a good boy. He worked morning to afternoon, getting orders ready to be picked up. After dealing with deliveries he had lunch before he tended to his crops. This lasted to late into the evening where he had a light dinner, but sometimes he worked through dinner and often didn’t stop till it was time for bed.

Isshin didn’t like it, he didn’t want Ichigo struggling to keep the farm going if he continued he’d burn himself out. Yuzu and Karin actually wanted to help him, but Isshin put his foot down on that. Ichigo didn’t care what his father thought, this was his mother’s dream and something he loved.

Not that there weren’t hard days, not that there weren’t days Ichigo was so exhausted he couldn’t even take off his clothes by the time he hit the mattress. His friends thought he was crazy too, while they were off studying for finals or partying Ichigo was studying different techniques to draw out the greatest potential of his crops. It wasn’t like he didn’t want help he just couldn’t afford it.

His mother bought a lot of land and keeping it was a struggle. Kugo Ginjo was a big competitor of Ichigo’s, he ran his farm with a full staff and his output couldn’t compare to Ichigo’s. However, during farmer’s markets, Ichigo really cleaned house, the quality of his product was leagues better. If he had just a few extra hands it’d be a large help.

It wasn’t like Ichigo was a recluse either, his place was simple but nice, a lot of stuff he had in it was hand me downs from his mother. His father cut him off, all he had was what Masaki left him. Isshin might seem like an ass, but he had his reasons, Ichigo was very stubborn.

There were also major changes going on in the world at the same time. Monsters had been discovered and after long debates, and back and forth, the monster world and the human world chose coexistence. The Interspecies Exchange Bill was drawn up and monsters got the chance to learn and explore human society. Laws were put into place to protect monsters and humans alike. Ichigo wasn’t blind to it, he often heard about it on the radio and he saw monsters at the markets.

Ichigo was tempted but he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not. It’d be a lot of work getting someone to learn the ropes, and maybe he wasn’t the best person to be learning from. Ichigo sighed and continued to work as the radio talked about the newest monster band, talking about their newest single hit number 1.

It was a warm day and Ichigo was working shirtless, his skin had a healthy glow about it. His muscles flexing as he worked the fields, his body glistening with sweat. Also, yes Ichigo was not stupid he had sunscreen on so he wouldn’t burn, and was wearing a hat for proper shade and coverage. He stopped as he heard a car driving up. “Already made deliveries, this better not be Ginjo again.” he grabbed his shirt and headed towards the house.

A jet black car pulled up. A shaggy blonde haired man stepped out of the car wearing a suit. “Greetings, would you be Ichigo Kurosaki?”

“Yeah...that’s me. Who are you?”

“Forgive me,” he bowed. “I’m Kisuke Urahara a representative from the government,” Ichigo raised a brow at that. “I’m under the new branch of the Monster Division.”

“Monster Division, what brings you here?” he didn’t have monsters on the farm.

“Well, I received your case recently, and I think you can do more than being just a simple host family,” Urahara said going through his papers.

“Host family...wait a minute...I’m not...”

“Oh that’s right, Renji-kun come on out and meet your new host family.” Urahara turned back to the car, the rear door opened. A red, long-haired male stepped out of the car. He was tall and his hair was wild, he had red fur along his arms and legs from his ankles to his knees and his wrists to his elbows. He was well muscled with thick dark tribal tattoos.

Renji walked forward wearing nothing but a fundoshi, he had a thick nest of manly hair that crawled up as a treasure trail. He had a snake tail, and not a snake-like tail, he had a literal snake coming out of his body like a tail. From the bulge, in his fundoshi, the guy was hung, with massive balls. The guy was a sexy beast, Ichigo had to stop himself from staring.

“Wait, this has to be a mistake, I never registered as a host family.” he looked between the two. Renji looked equally confused.

“It’s no mistake, Renji Abarai Monster Class: Nue. He’s been placed in the care of Ichigo Kurosaki. That’s you,” Urahara pointed out.

“That’s not possible, not that I’m against it, I just...never registered.” Kisuke looked over the paperwork.

“Ah yes, you were registered by Yuzu Kurosaki, she had several references, we did our due diligence and each one sang your praises, you have a job, own your own home, no criminal record.” he flipped through the papers. “While you may not have gone through the program due to your unique circumstances you were granted approval.”

“Unique circumstances?” Ichigo sweatdropped. ‘What was Yuzu thinking, doing this without telling me?’

“We do need your signature before handing Renji over, oh and we’ll need you to study these pamphlets and the rules of the program.”

“Look, I think the exchange program is great, but...” he looked at Renji, the man had been patient his eyes trained on Ichigo as if studying him. “This is a farm, I don’t know what my sister was thinking but...”

“That’s the point! There isn’t a farm yet to accept monsters, you’d be the first. Monsters hold many benefits to our world, but it's a slow grind. There are many monsters suited to farm life, and could be quite a lot of help to you.”

Ichigo almost facepalmed. That was it, that’s why Yuzu signed him up. “Look, I don’t have the money to...”

“Money is not an issue, the government will give you a budget for Renji’s care, handle any damages, and even renovate should you accept.” he held out some paperwork and a pen. “We can worry about other matters later. For now, you can just host Renji.”

Ichigo rubbed his temples. He looked to the red-head. “Oi Renji, do you wanna live with me?”

“You are asking me?” he looked at his tail, who looked at Ichigo in equal surprise.

“Well yeah, you have a choice in this. I may be caught by surprise but I’d be happy to let you stay here. My place and my work isn’t something I’d force on someone.” he ran his fingers through his hair.

Renji and his tail looked at each other before nodding. “I’d love to stay with you.” Ichigo signed the paperwork and took the pamphlets.

“Wonderful, you are as kind as they say,” he gave Ichigo a book to read. “I look forward to working with you.” Urahara gave a bow. “I’ll have a team stop by and help renovate your place.” Kisuke got in his car and drove off, leaving Ichigo alone with the nearly naked red-head.

“Come on, let’s get you some food, and some clothes.” Ichigo headed towards the house, with Renji hot on his heels.

“Does my body disgust you?” Renji asked, sounding sad more than angry.

“What?!” Ichigo gasped. “No, you look hot. This is your home to, so I guess make yourself comfortable.” Renji smiled, and proceeded to remove his fundoshi, and walk around in all his naked glory.

Ichigo facepalmed. ‘Of course, the sexy red-head is a nudist.’ Ichigo checked the pamphlet. ‘Many monster species actually do not wear clothes, they have agreed to wear clothes in public or around the house, based on the host’s rules.’ he read and facepalmed again.

To be continued


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