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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

Jaden Human form: 16 inches soft Jaden Centaur Form 2 dicks Front cock 12 inches Monster cock 24 inches.

Syrus 7 Inches

Bastion 8 inches

Chapter 10  https://www.patreon.com/posts/centaur-jaden-10-26578110 

Chapter 11 Jaden’s Secret

Chazz had seen Bastion walking towards the Obelisk Blue dorms late at night. Curiosity got the better of him and he found Bastion outside of Jaden’s door. ‘What is he up to?’ He opened the door and entered the room, but the door didn’t shut all the way. Chazz approached, he planned to just shut the door and walk away, but as soon as he got closer he caught a whiff of something wonderful.

The rich boy felt his heart flutter and his blood rush south. His 5-inch cock, stirring in his 100 dollar boxers—literally, he has little hundred dollar bills on his boxers. He couldn’t get away, he palmed himself through his pants as he got closer. ‘Just a peek couldn’t hurt.’

Well...if he wasn’t hard before, the live sex show had him ready to burst in his pants. ‘Holy fuck, he’s so damn huge!’ Chazz thought. This was his first time seeing Jaden’s massive dick, and his body heated up at the sight of it. He started feeling it in his ass, his hole twitching in want. ‘Damn it, what’s wrong with me?’

Bastion joined the fray, and Chazz was losing it. His heated up body had caused him to sweat, his clothes clinging to him, in an uncomfortable way. He was leaking pre-cum like crazy, causing his boxers to cling to his crotch...there was so much pre-cum it was running down his legs.

Chazz forgot where he was and stripped off his jacket, and undid his pants. He barely got the button undone before his zipper was forced open by his painfully hard cock. He shimmied his pants and boxers down, exposing his ass, cock, and balls. His crotch was drenched in his clear essence.

He grabbed his cut 5-incher and began pumping his dick to the show. The world faded around him and he couldn’t look away. The way Jaden handled the two boys was so sexy, Chazz couldn’t help but imagine himself in there. He pumped himself faster and faster, making his balls bounce.

Chazz came but was quick to catch his release, cumming all over his palm. This wasn’t the first time Chazz had masturbated, being a healthy young man, but he’s never cum so much. To make matters worse—or better—he was still hard, Jaden’s scent washing over him and revitalizing him.

Now he needed to get naked; he couldn’t bear wearing any clothes after such an intense orgasm. He wiped his cum on his shirt and pulled it off, exposing his toned upper body. He wasn’t overly muscled but he was fit. His nipples had hardened due to the pleasure. After dropping his shirt into a pile with his jacket, he removed his shoes and socks. Next went the pants and boxers, and soon he was kneeling naked, peeking through the gap in the door.

He watched as Jaden played with some ass, and without thinking, he started teasing his own. One hand teased his ass, his middle finger rubbing his hot little hole, as the other pumped his aching cock. Chazz knew about anal prep, but this was the first time he was doing it to himself. Jaden’s musk had caused his body to relax and become increasingly sensitive.

Chazz’s finger slid right in, and he had to chew on his bottom lip to hold back his moans. It felt so good, his insides were so hot and tight. He rocked the finger back and forth as he pumped his dick faster. He breathed through his nose, basking in the wonderful aroma, that put every bottle of cologne and perfume to shame.

A blush was spread from ear to ear. He was so lost in pleasure, the realization he was naked in the hallway and jerking off while playing with his ass in front of Jaden’s room was totally lost on him, to say nothing of the fact that he could get caught at any moment. If it was Jaden, he didn’t mind getting caught, he wanted to be in there, in that bed!

He came again, and again! He added a second finger into his ass, licking his cum off his hand, before going back to play with his still hard cock. Chazz was so horny, but felt great! He was producing so much pre-cum his cock was nice and slick to play with.

After the playtime, Jaden got up and was saying something, but Chazz wasn’t listening he was staring at Jaden’s ass. A flash occurred making him flinch. When the light subsided Jaden stood in his true form. The sight of Jaden in all his centaur glory was a huge shock to Chazz, allowing him to come to his senses. ‘What the hell!?’ his eyes widened.

He grabbed his clothes and shoes and proceeded to run down the halls naked, his still hard cock bobbing as he ran. It turns out seeing Jaden in his monster form did nothing to deter his arousal.


It took some time to convince Bastion this wasn’t a dream. The raven-haired male explored Jaden’s body, making sure it was real. It sure as hell felt real. “My word!” he was amazed.

Jaden smelled real. The centaur’s scent was far stronger in his true form. Bastion buried his face in Jaden’s balls and inhaled deeply, losing himself in the thick musk and came all over the floor. His eyes rolled up, his body shaking at the scentgasm he experience.

He tasted real. Bastion crawled underneath Jaden and gazed at the monster cock in wild amazement. “May I?” he asked.

“You may,” Jaden said, and Bastion began playing with the giant cock while licking the tip. He drank the centaur’s pre-cum getting turned on further. Syrus wasn’t left out, he got to enjoy Jaden’s second cock. The two boys playing with his dicks had Jaden panting in pleasure.

Something inside Bastion had been let out of the cage if he wasn’t already naked he felt like he could strip and run across the campus in his birthday suit. He sucked on Jaden’s cock, drinking his pre-cum like it was mother’s milk.

Jaden’s release built higher and higher until he came! Syrus was able to drink his load down, but Bastion was overwhelmed. His mouth was stuffed with thick cum in seconds, so much so he was forced off and he was showered in heavy semen as a result. He moaned, his own climax hitting but couldn’t be seen amidst the sea of white.

Bastion held the semen in his mouth for a bit, savoring the flavor before drinking it down. He felt his body heat up, his body absorbing the monster cum and allowing it to evolve. “Let’s give him a minute.” Bastion was licking some of the cum off his body, scooping it up with his hands and licking it off.

10 minutes later…

Bastion had regained his composure and was allowed to clean up properly. “My word, I don’t know what came over me.”

“Monster semen can be very...intense!” Syrus pointed out. He knew how it felt, which helped Bastion believe it.

“Bastion, why don’t you come with us, and I’ll explain everything.” he offered his backside. Syrus climbed on butt naked. Bastion hesitated but soon joined him. Jaden opened his balcony door.

“Uhh, Jaden wait a minute… you are not going to...” He was.

“Hold on tight!” Jaden ran through the space and jumped into the air, the two humans let out surprised shouts as they flew through the air, until he landed. Centaurs were very strong! He took off running, letting the breeze carry his scent and calm the two down.

The brunette explained to Bastion everything he told Syrus, about his dad, his shadow charm, centaur mating habits, even the evolution of humans. It was a lot for Bastion to take in, but he believed Jaden. “So does this mean I am part of the harem?”

“If you want to, I’d welcome you,” Jaden said.

“Me too!” Syrus said with a smile.

“Well count me in! I’ve never felt so free before... I want to experience this!” to prove his point, he rubbed his cock and balls against Jaden’s back. Jaden smiled. His harem was growing and they accepted him as his true self. He didn’t think anything could bring him down.

He spent the rest of the night feeding his boys his cum, to help them grow big and strong.

(The next day...in the locker rooms)

Jaden went to his locker and found his note in his locker. When he opened it his blood ran cold at what he read.


Attached was a map, with an X mark.

Jaden gripped the note tightly in his fist. He checked with Syrus and Bastion but neither of them said a word to anyone. He believed them; his door wasn’t shut when they returned, so now he was fearing the worst. “I’ll have to go.”

“We should go with you.” Bastion said.

“No, it’ll be best if you wait. I don’t know what will happen or who saw us.”

“Would it be so bad, if everyone knew?” Syrus asked. Jaden smiled and kissed his forehead.

“You are sweet. You both accepted me, and for that I am grateful... but if my form was revealed on a mass scale there could be panic.” Bastion knew he was right, but he didn’t like it. Jaden’s form was a surprise, the fact monsters were real was a surprise, but their power would indeed cause issues, even if they did come in peace.

They did come and wait in Jaden’s room until the time came. He gave them each a kiss before heading out, not knowing what to expect. He hoped he could reason with the person, if not he’d have to get creative. What he wasn’t expecting was Chazz to be the one to meet him. “Chazz?” the boy was dressed in his uniform and leaning against a tree, arms crossed.

“I get it now, your superhuman strength, that weird charm you are always carrying, that aroma. I never would have guessed you weren’t human.”

“Well, you’re half right: I’m half human.”

“Show me your true form, I want to talk to the real you!” Jaden agreed, transforming right in front of Chazz. Yep, the sight of Jaden in his true form sent blood rushing straight to his dick. ‘Fuck!’ he was hoping to confront Jaden would fix this.

“What do you want, Chazz?”

“Well, I believe you are hiding this form for a reason, and you don’t want it to get out. So, you’ll be following my orders from now on. I’ll be wanting a foot rub every day, second, you will clean my room, and wait on me hand and foot, and...”

“No,” Jaden said flatly, cutting Chazz off.

“No? What do you mean no?”

“No is no, I won’t follow your orders.” Chazz was shocked.

“But I have your secret, I’ll tell everyone!”

“I don’t think you will... I wondered why you would send me a note, instead of catching me off guard in the halls or in class. Instead, you lured me out here alone.” Jaden looked at him seriously. “I believe deep down you are a good person, but I think you let things like money and status go to your head and blind you to what you really want.”

“Oh yeah, what do I want?”

“Me,” he said and Chazz blushed. “You could have ordered me to drop out of the Test War, betray the red dorm... but you didn’t. You want to control me! Well, I too have my pride, as a centaur!” he stomped his foot and the area trembled from his force. “I am free to love, and be loved by, who I see fit!”

Jaden took a prayer stance, his charm glowing as energy surged through him. He pulled back an arm and made a fist. “First thing you should know. A centaur never backs down from a challenge!” Jaden threw a punch, sending a surge of air that ripped apart Chazz’s clothes. In just one move Chazz realized that if Jaden wanted to, he could kill him. The same power that first attracted Chazz to him was just amplified tenfold.

He was exposed, naked and hard, his head hung low. “There now, no money, no status, just a man.” Chazz blushed and tried to cover himself. “Why are you hiding?”

“Why else? It's embarrassing! Don’t you think I’m pathetic?”

“If you are talking about trying to blackmail me? I’m more annoyed, you caused me quite a bit of worry. If you are talking about your size, I think you have a fine cock.”

“You do?” First, he heard of it. His brothers always mocked him for being small and weak. They were always putting him down, telling him if he wasn’t the best, if he didn’t always win, he was nothing. His shoulders tensed up and he was starting to shake.

“Chazz, I think you have a great weight on your shoulders. If you promise to keep my secret, we can talk as friends.” he offered his hand.

“I won’t tell anyone...” Jaden could feel he was telling the truth. “I’m such an idiot!” Honestly Jaden actually made him feel safe, most people only followed him because of his money or status. The idea of being closer to Jaden actually sounded nice.

“Chazz, lets talk,” Chazz takes his hand and Jaden takes the naked boy to sit down and talk. They had differences to work out, Jaden was willing to give Chazz a chance, especially if his secret was safe.

To be continued


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