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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Ichigo Kurosaki: 11-inches: Zanpakuto: Shifter: Glow; Red: Power, Blue: Kido, Yellow: Barrier, Green: Healing

Renji: 8-Inches: Zanpakuto: Zabimaru

Shuuhei: 6-Inches: Zanpakuto: ???

Grimmjow: 7-Inches

Illfort: 5-Inches

Di Roy: 4-Inches

Chapter 5  https://www.patreon.com/posts/12th-division-5-23912975 

Chapter 6 Hollow Release Rumble

Ichigo brought Renji and Komamura to his lab, Shuuhei would handle patrol. Renji’s jaw-dropping at the size of it. “How did you fit all this in here?”

“It’s a simple technique the Research and Development team designed to optimize space,” Ichigo explained. Another surprise came when they met the very naked Arrancar. The trio rushed to Ichigo and was met with smiles and hugs. “Sajin and Renji agreed to help with the experiment,” he told them.

“Alright!” the Arrancar cheered. Grimmjow had filled them in on Ichigo’s plan.

“Put some clothes on!” Renji snapped blushing. The trio looked at each other than to Ichigo. It seemed the orangette wasn’t against them fighting naked, but since it may be distracting...

Ichigo brought out some speedos for the Arrancar to put on. “I know you lot don’t want to wear shinigami robes, so this is the best I got off hand.” they put them on oddly without complaint.

Grimmjow approached Renji, sizing him up before he caught a whiff of a familiar scent on him. His eyes widened and he couldn’t fight off a growl that escaped him. “What’s your problem?” Renji snapped.

“Tch, nothing, just try not to die, Red!” he could smell Ichigo’s cum on Renji, and he was oddly jealous of that fact. While Ichigo did play with him, they hadn’t done much and it sucked the red-head was already further ahead.

“Alright let’s go!” Ichigo pulled out a key from his pocket and opened up a gate. “This will be where you will battle.” they entered the gate and found themselves in a gladiator arena. “You can go all out here!” the males gasped.

“You sure come prepared Ichigo...” even the Arrancar sweatdropped at the sight. He tossed a pair of speedos to Renji.

“You should get changed.” he gave some cuffs to Di Roy. The cuffs would help analyze the power.

“What?” Renji gasped.

“What’s wrong Red, shy?” Grimmjow taunted.

Renji reluctantly agreed and changed, getting some cuffs of his own. Ichigo took a seat in the stands with Sajin at his side. Grimmjow and Illfort waited for their turn as Renji and Di Roy took to the fighting area.

“Kick his ass, Di Roy!” Grimmjow cheered.

Ichigo summoned the Arrancar's zanpakuto and tossed it to him. Di Roy smiled. “Let’s do this!” he drew his sword.

“Let’s see what you got,” Renji drew his zanpakuto. “Roar Zabimaru!” his zanpakuto changed into its shikai state.

“Sink or swim, Shumokuzame!” His zanpakuto glowed and in a swirl of water. His hollow mask reverted back into its helmet shape, but became more prominent, looking slick. His arms and legs became coated in armor, giving him claws, and he gained fin-like blades from his arms and legs.

“Hmm, his release is different.” Grimmjow pointed out.

“What do you mean?” Ichigo asked.

“I know every one of my men’s releases, and Di Roy’s is different, to say nothing of its visual changes, he’s far stronger. It seems he’s evolved a lot more than I thought while under your care.” Grimmjow was actually impressed. Ichigo began taking notes.

“Fascinating!” It was more than fascinating, Di Roy was one of the hollows who had given up on evolving back in the day, but now Grimmjow would say he’s stronger than he was back in his hollow days.

Even Di Roy was shocked, he knew his mask changed and his power had increased but now he had transformed, and he could feel the full effects. “Get ready...” Ichigo called out. “Begin!”

Di Roy surged forth, faster than he thought and overshot Renji and slammed into the wall far behind him. “Oops, this might take some getting used to.” he pulled his head out of the wall and stretched.

“Red’s gonna get smashed.”

“I wouldn’t count Renji out, in this place he doesn’t need to repress his spiritual power.” Grimmjow watched as Renji made his move. His zanpakuto could extend and retract, and he launched Zabimaru at Di Roy!

Di Roy tried to block it only to get pushed back and slammed back into the wall. Di Roy charged and began clashing with Renji, despite only being in shikai. The tattooed shinigami was holding his own.

“No way!” Renji’s control of his zanpakuto was impressive. Di Roy was getting used to his new power, but at the same time, Renji was getting used to his moves, blocking his fin blades, while also aiming an attack at the Arrancar.

Di Roy tried to dodge but Renji’s unique blade made dodging difficult. Even if he could avoid the first strike, the blade could bend and curve and get him in a follow-up. Renji was in proper sync with his zanpakuto, able to channel his energy properly so he was able to cut through his hierro. His armored arms and legs were starting to crack, but the body shots he drew blood.

He wasn’t the only one, Renji was trying to handle Di Roy’s speed, but even if he dodged his claws or kicks, he got caught by Di Roy’s fins, and when trying to block the fins, he often got caught by a kick.

The two were fighting at top form, exchanging blows, cut for cut, jab for jab. The two charged for a final blow.

“Glow Shifter!” the two were caught by glowing green tentacles. This was normally Blue’s specialty, but Ichigo was able to manipulate his reiatsu very well. This was a higher speed technique, that not only healed wounds but helped restore one’s energy. Another difference was Green’s tentacles were more plant-like.

“Ichigo!?” Renji gasped as the tentacles invaded his body.

“That’s enough,” Ichigo said, smiling he watched as his tentacles teased their bodies healing their wounds. “I got some great data.”

The two moaned as the tentacles invaded their speedos. “Ahhh ohhh ah ah ahhh!” they were healed inside and out. Ichigo’s healing skills really were truly impressive, if not a touch erotic.

Di Roy and Renji came, and their seed was absorbed by the tentacles and used to replenish their reiatsu. Di Roy returned to his sealed state.

Illfort stood up. “Alright, I’ll face him next!” he cracked his knuckles. Grimmjow grabbed his shoulder and sat him down.

“I’m next, you fight the guy in the helmet!” It fit with Ichigo’s plans so he didn’t object. Sajin had agreed to help with this, much to Renji’s surprise.

Di Roy returned his zanpakuto to Ichigo, a true sign of trust. He handed over the shackles to cuffs to Grimmjow who put them on. “Don’t think it’ll be so easy to take me on Red, I’m a lot stronger than Di Roy!”

“Don’t worry, I got an ace up my sleeve.” Ichigo summoned Grimmjow’s zanpakuto and gave it to him.

“Hello old friend,” he drew his sword. “Get ready Ichi, this is gonna be over in a flash!” he clawed his zanpakuto. Renji twitched at the nickname. “Grind Pantera!” The power surged through the arena as the wind twisted and swirled around him, the air crackling from the power. When the air died down he stood in all his glory, like a feline predator. His teeth were sharper, his hands turned into black claws and his feet became black paws, he spouted a long whip-like. His hair grew long, and his ears became long and cat-like, his jaw mask was gone and he now has a hollow-like headgear covering his forehead. He gained form-fitting white segmented armor, he has blades protruding from his forearms and calves. Grimmjow smirked and moved with swagger as he took a fighting stance.

“Bankai!” Renji called out, and his spiritual pressure surged. “Hihio Zabimaru!” His bankai was massive, looking like the skeleton of a snake. Renji gained a fur cowl around his neck, with an ape skull on his left shoulder, the fur spread over his right arm.

“Hmm,” Ichigo felt a strange pulse with Renji’s bankai. “Interesting!”

“Begin!” Ichigo shouted.

“Go Grimmjow!” Illfort and Di Roy cheered.

“Bring it on!” Renji sent the snakehead after Grimmjow. The bluenette dodged it, but it chased after him. Grimmjow spun like a buzzsaw and attacked the bankai, seemingly breaking it, the pieces falling and hitting the ground.

“That toy of yours can’t crush me.”

“Wanna bet?” Renji’s zanpakuto reconnected with easing, linking up through his reiatsu. “Get him Zabimaru!”

Grimmjow growled, he wasn’t able to get close to Renji, even with his speed the bankai could coil around the shinigami protecting him while readying a strike. He tried to use sonido, only to be met with the bankai’s body and the snakehead bit into him and slammed him into the ground.

It wasn’t enough to put Grimmjow down and he popped out. Grimmjow attacked Renji again, this time dodging Zabimaru, and this time he started running along the body. “Take this Red!”

“I don’t think so!” he suddenly broke the body up, causing Grimmjow to lose his footing, he landed on his feet though and used the break up as a chance to attack Renji directly.

“Got you!” he got up close to Renji, but the shinigami was ready.

“Red Flame Cannon!” Renji cast the spell release a large amount of power, however, it quickly became unstable and blew the two up.

Both males were coughing. “You crazy bastard what the hell was that?”

“Caught you off guard didn’t it,” Renji smirked. “Higa Zekko!” the separated pieces of his bankai, glowed red with Renji’s energy, sharpening before launching in an omnidirectional attack.

Grimmjow used Sonido and dodged the attack. Hiho Zabimaru reformed. “Is that all you got?”

“Oh, that’s it!” Grimmjow charged up a Gran Rey Cero. “Eat this!”

Renji’s eyes widened. “Baboon Bone Cannon!” He charged up his own blast.

The two attacks hit, and BOOM!

Ichigo had to switch to Yellow Form, and erect a barrier. “Honestly you two, I said you didn’t have to hold back but really...” Ichigo muttered. The rest of the arena cracked under the force.

Renji’s zanpakuto was drained from that attack which left him at the mercy of the blue-haired Espada. Grimmjow was damaged from the clash as well but he was quick to recover and began to wail on Renji, knocking him into the air, and began to kick and punch him about.

Grimmjow charged in for another attack, but Renji had recovered enough energy to launch another Higa Zekko. The segments slammed into Grimmjow, cracking his hierro. One of his arms was pinned to his body by the segments but he had one arm free. He aimed his elbow at Renji. “Darra de la Pantera/Panther Barbs!” five stone darts fired from his elbow and pelted Renji sending him into the ground. Grimmjow landed hard.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Ichigo stepped out. He used Green Form and healed them. “Hit the showers both of you, and no more fighting.” he confiscated both of their zanpakuto.

Once they were out of Ichigo’s sight, Grimmjow growled and punched the nearby wall, cracking it. “Damn it!”

“What’s your problem?” Renji asked, getting defensive at the sudden outburst.

“That’s my line,” he growled.

“Well, I don’t like how you are looking at Ichigo. The pet names, those looks...” to Renji it was clear Grimmjow was flirting. Plus finding out that Ichigo was hanging out with these Arrancar naked did bug him.

“Jealous?” Grimmjow raised a brow. Renji twitched, Grimmjow was right on the money.

“I think you are, you smelled Ichigo’s cum on me, didn’t you? That’s why you went after me so hard, you’re jealous. You are in love with Ichigo!”

“Don’t confuse me with you, Red!” Grimmjow certainly liked the orangette, he was strong, smart, interesting, possibly crazy, but hell so was he in his own way.

“I do love Ichigo, which is why I’m gonna protect him from creeps like you!” the two glared at each other. Grimmjow thought they were gonna come to blows, Renji, however, sighed and backed down. “I say that, but Ichigo is gonna do what he wants, play with who he wants, like or love who he wants. Trying to stop him is just gonna piss him off.”

Grimmjow snorted. “Yeah, that seems like him. He’s a crazy bastard. I’ll admit I was a bit jealous, it was stupid but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to crush ya, and show Ichi I was stronger, it is the hollow way.”

“I may not be a hollow but I get it.” the two were done with their dick measuring contest. They showered and put on their speedos. When they came back to the arena Ichigo was repairing it.

Sajin was gone. “Where is Captain Komamura?”

“He’s getting ready.” He returned Renji’s zanpakuto.

“I can’t believe he agreed to fight like this, I’ve never even seen him without his helmet, let alone almost naked.”

Grimmjow gave Illfort the cuffs.

“Oh, I think you’ll be surprised.” Illfort got his zanpakuto and went to the ring. “Renji, Grimmjow, I collected a lot of important data thanks to you. Renji, did you know your Zanpakuto’s bankai is incomplete?”

“What?” he looked at his zanpakuto.

“I recall your obtained bankai quickly, it's possible your zanpakuto gave you part of its power to train with until you are ready.” Ichigo theorized. “I’d like to run some more tests.”

“Sure thing, if I can get stronger, I’ll help, and I’ll keep training.”

A gate opened up and a figure approached the arena. The arena was quiet, even Renji was curious about what was behind the mask so to speak. Grimmjow had felt the captain’s pressure, so he was curious as well. Sajin Komamura was indeed wearing speedos, an extra set of cuffs, and he was wearing a necklace. Komamura was tall with long brown hair, broad shoulders, fine pecs, and six-pack abs. Outside of the wolfish ears and the fur along his arms, he looked human!!!

To be continued


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