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Disgaea 3 parody: Tier 1

Forget Me Not

Almaz doesn't want to forget, he doesn't want his feelings to change, but spending day and night with Mao is slowly making him forget. Slowly he's falling for the demon who bested him, to say nothing of the wild and kinky sex that overwhelms his body and mind. Hyper Mao/Almaz

Chapter 1

The Netherworld, a world spoiled by spite, cruelty, blood, taboos, boundless vices and lawless riffraff. In this world are wicked powers seeking to become the best of the best, and at the center lies a school that endlessly continues to expand its grounds. The Nether Institute, Demon Academy.

The Overlord of this Netherworld was the acting dean, with greater demons for teachers. Demon students relish in their wicked desires, some learning how to expand their craft. Be it learning dark spells for ensnaring hearts, learning how to suck out souls or energy through kissing and sex, or how to properly use one’s sex toys.

To the outside worlds, this school is Pandora’s Box full of corruption, evil, and sin. Allowing the school to continue would only breed destruction. So many had tried to cut off the root of all evil by defeating the Overlord...it...did not go well.

Those that weren’t killed often ended up as demons themselves, fascinated by the darkness and wonders the world offered. It was believed to be losing your mind to the chaos. It was a shame how closed minded some could be, not realizing what was in their own hearts.

In time many demons forgot they were once human, and dove head first into the power, pleasure, and play the demon world offered. At this school, those that give in to their base desires are considered Honor Students.

Our tale starts in the room/lab of Mao, often called Master Mao, who considered the highest of honor students, and number 1 in the school. In his research, he had gone through nearly all the porn the demon world produced. A lot of it had various demon lords and monsters challenged by a hero or a group of heroes, only to have the tables turned on them and the humans were made into fine sluts for the demons and monsters. There were so many ways depending on the creature; some used toys and bondage, some used venom and aphrodisiacs, and some used hypnosis, mind control, and brain breakage!

There were so many ways, and they all sounded delicious for Mao. ‘When am I gonna get a hero to make into my fuck slave?’ Mao thought. He was already quite powerful, despite his appearance he was endowed in more ways than one. His years of fapping every day were worth it. He went through countless bottles of lotion, and countless boxes of tissues, but it was all worth it to harness the weapon he now carried, and build up his stamina.

He went through the current demon world supply of X rated comics, so he branched off into other worlds’. His butler Geoffrey often fetched him whatever he needed. He’s walked in on the young master; “training” numerous times. He made sure to prepare meals with lots of zinc for the challenges ahead.

Mao didn’t like the human world’s comics, they all had heroes triumphing over the demons and cleansing them with their love. ‘That’s not gonna happen to me!’ Mao thought. Sure there was sex and he did jerk off to it, but he liked to dream of turning the tables on those foolish demons that tried to purify him. It gave him loads of ideas, increasing his arsenal of power.

So to prepare for a Hero attack, he decided to study what he thought were real heroes but he ended up just watching anime and reading normal manga. He had to admit heroes were kinda cool, but he did still wanna fuck them silly. Oh yes, he had a hard-on for heroes!

He would adjust his fogged up glasses and wipe his bloody nose when he thought of all the wonderfully perverted things he would do when he got a hero of his very own. Even with the normal anime and manga, Mao would fap to the sexy heroes portrayed in the pages. His lust drive was greater than an Arch Incubus’s!

When no Heroes came to fight him he wondered, maybe he had to become the overlord to get a Hero to come and face him. This led to a plan to bring down his father, the Overlord, and dean of the school of demons.

He knew he just had to be careful of “The Power of a HERO!” It seemed that heroes could gain power through love and justice, an odd concept for Mao. As he was reading another manga some Prinny entered his lab.


“Master Mao dood!”

“You gonna be late for class dood!”

They sweatdropped as they watched their master jerk off to a hunky hero in the manga he was reading. “Oh yes, heroes are so cool, so sexy... I want one, I want a hero!” he moaned. His cock was leaking like crazy. With a loud grunt, he came hard, his seed firing long and hard pelting the wall and floor clear across the room.

“That was awesome Master Mao!” the Prinny trio cheered. Mao smirked, setting his book down, before adjusting his glasses with his clean hand. The Prinny continued to sing his praises.

Mao honestly didn’t even know they were there at first when he got so immersed in his “research” he got so excited. He wiped his chin, he had been drooling. His orgasm lasted a bit, making a huge mess. “Perfect timing, make sure to clean this up.”

“Yes sir, dood!” they saluted. They were used to this.

Mao had studied every hero manga from A to Z, he was sure he had every precaution in place. ‘All I have to do is stop the hero when they go into their final move, if I can stop that, the hero will be so shocked then it will be time to dominate.’ he chuckled wickedly to himself as his hard cock throbbed in the air. His cock was so well trained, that it took him three hand jobs to finally get soft, and he had to wear special Horse Demon Magic Underwear to contain his mighty beast.

He was also given the title of Biggest Dick On Campus, and no they are not talking about his personality. “Listen Well All Of You!” Thunder clashed in the distance, making the Prinny jump. “Starting today, I shall be trying to capture a hero and make him my slave!”

The Prinny was so moved they began to applaud. Mao smirked and took a bow. This wasn’t a big surprise being the son of an overlord. Mao was the baddest of the bad, high intelligence, high attack, high defense, and a rocking sex drive.

“However, there is one snag in my plan: I don’t know where to find a hero, and none have come for my head despite how great I am!”

“Leave that to me,” Geoffrey suddenly appeared scaring the Prinny. “Do not worry, Young Master, leave that task to your loyal butler.” he gave a light bow before standing tall. “I thought you might be done with just your hand as a lover, so I’ve already found a healthy, strapping, hero for you.”

Mao began to salivate. “That was fast!!… You really are convenient, Geoffrey.”

“Hmhmhmhmhmhm. That is part of my job, after all. I live to serve you.”

“Alright, first I’m gonna shower, get dressed, then I will capture the hero and make him mine!” Mao declared. “Get ready hero, your ass is mine!” Geoffrey teleported away as Mao went to shower.

After scrubbing himself nice and clean, he got dressed, tucking his massive dick into the Centaur Brand demon boxers. The boxer legs went down to his knees, which gave an odd contrast to his white shorts that cut a few inches above the knee. He put on the school uniform, the black long sleeved shirt with gold buttons, black socks, and his own personal red white and black shoes. The final touch, a red jacket he wore like a cape, it set off his wild spiky white hair and piercing red eyes.

While Mao went to school the Hero went in search of the Overlord, not realizing he just missed Mao. The young looking demon had a class he just couldn’t miss, about anal sex! He left to go to class as the Hero began looking for the overlord.

After class Geoffrey showed up with a special item. Geoffrey’s Hero Radar, with its help, he pinpointed the hero’s location, he was... in his home?! ‘How convenient, my prey has come into my home on his own.’ he palmed his crotch.

The hero was Almaz, he wore a white jacket and a red scarf. He had a kind smile and pure honest eyes. Almaz had no idea who he was dealing with, confusing Mao to just be a small boy.

Mao’s hero search was cut into by Raspberyl. “Hold it, Mao, I heard you wanted to capture a hero!”

“Rumors spread fast, so what if I am!” The little demon struck a hero pose, and so did her two bodyguards/friends.

“In the name of love, justice, and heroes… I will punish you!” Mao sweatdropped.

“You must be joking,” his power flared, and the trio surrounded him. Almaz saw the trio try to gang up on Mao.

“I have to help him!” he charged in and helped Mao chase off the others. “There you are, glad you are safe!” he said proudly.

‘This guy… he’s a real hero!’ Mao felt his blood rush south. ‘Get ready hero, I’m gonna rock your world!’ he chuckled evilly.

To be continued


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