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Naruto parody: Tier 1

Chapter 10  https://www.patreon.com/posts/shaping-vessel-2-22176847 


Naruto 12 inches + Cock Tail

Iruka 8 inches

Kakashi 8.5 inches

Sasuke 4 Inches

Kiba 10 inches

Akamaru 9.5 inches

Asuma 13 inches

Chouji 9 inches

Shino 7.5 inches

Shikamaru 8 inches

Hyuuga Neji 6 inches long uncut

Rock Lee 3 inches

Chapter 11 Wrong Choice

Asuma was walking around in a daze. He couldn’t help but think about the past as it led him to this moment. His father was the Third Hokage, a man the whole village respected. Asuma and his siblings had done their best to live up to the name Sarutobi.

When he was a genin, he had made friends with Kakashi, and also met Kurenai. They all faced many struggles and battles that got them to where they were today. He was not opposed to bribery or trickery to get what he wanted if it meant helping his team go further.

Asuma trained, but he was very laid back about it even to get in an argument with his father over his style of training. The two often butted heads. He ended up leaving the village for a time and going to live with monks to learn new techniques and better chakra control. He became one of Konoha’s 12 Guardian Ninja, which actually earned him a bounty on the black market, something he often bragged about.

He had learned the technique; the Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder, though he wasn’t a master of it like his monk friend Chiriku. He also figured out his Wind Release and his Fire Release, allowing him his own unique fighting style. His fighting style was heavily melee influenced, and he used his special trench knives.

Asuma returned to the village, having come to an understanding about his father and saw him not only as a great Hokage but a good father and appreciated being a member of the Sarutobi clan. His skills warranted him the position of jounin, and he was a respected member of that class.

Shortly after Kurenai who was still a Chunin, ended up dating Asuma. In the course of his life, Asuma has felt strongly about certain things but didn’t act on such feelings. He had tried to talk to Kakashi about it, and Kakashi gave him some porn to read, which Asuma did and had his first fap session. He was confused about his feelings and wasn’t sure what path he was supposed to take.

Was it normal for him to want to be dominated, from the books he read it seemed so natural? It was a feeling in the back of his mind.

He was so lost he didn’t realize his friend Chiriku had feelings for him and would have filled the role he needed if given the chance. When he came back to the village he tried to date women, but there was always something wrong, they didn’t like that he had a beard, they didn’t like his body hair, they didn’t like his cock size, they didn’t like, etc, etc, etc. There didn’t seem to be anything he could do to make women happy, and just when he thought about acting on these other feelings he had, Kurenai approached him and they started dating.

What Kakashi asked him, was he happy? If he was honest with himself not really. Kurenai was giving him so many excuses and often wasn’t bothering to touch him. What’s more, as the days became weeks, and weeks became years, the dreams of him being dominated never left him. In fact, the more he pushed them away the more they crawled back.

He stared down at the now empty vial. Did he drink it, did he pour it out? He gripped it in his hand and continued walking. He thought about his brother, a good man, who found a good woman and continued the Sarutobi line. His nephew Konohamaru was a good boy and wanted to be a good ninja himself. They lost their lives during a mission and his old man took Konohamaru in. He also looked after the boy from time to time.

Asuma didn’t know if he wanted kids, anytime he tried to bring it up to Kurenai she always told him he wouldn’t be a good father. In a backhanded way saying he was a better teacher than he would be a father. Her comments were always kinda backhanded, she had a way of twisting words to make make the negative things she said positive, and any positive thing she said was mildly insulting.

For some reason, he didn’t realize it until now. He couldn’t see how distant she was, how cold she was to him, but now it all seemed so clear.

As he walked he found he was walking further and further from his house he shared with Kurenai. He wasn’t sure where he was walking, but with each step, his body grew hotter. His cock had begun to chub up, pushing at the confines of his pants and boxers.

He was weeping pre-cum like crazy, the front of his boxers had completely soaked through. His essence was running down his legs and over his feet. He started to feel it in his ass, his insides were getting hotter by the minute, his hole starting to twitch like crazy demanding attention.

His limbs slowly started to feel like jelly, at the same time he had a strong urge to masturbate, right there in the street. He was losing himself to the need bubbling up inside him. Jerking off wasn’t enough, even as he palmed his soaked crotch, he could tell. His ass was demanding attention, he felt empty, it wasn’t right. He could picture the toy in Kakashi’s ass, and his body shuddered in want.

All this raw emotion and sensations was making his heart race, his body growing hotter and hotter to the point just wearing clothing was becoming unbearable. He was soaked straight through his pants now, his nipples peaking through the tight shirt. He went for a cigarette but tossed them away.

He licked his lips, he wanted to suck something, and a cigarette just wouldn’t do. A sudden gust of wind carried a smell to Asuma, and in an instant, the man tensed up and came, his cum gushing and soaking his crotch. He ran off, stripping as he ran.

First his jacket, then his shirt, exposing his built body to the air, Asuma did, in fact, have body hair; hairy pits, a tasteful patch between his pecs, along his arms, and a sexy treasure trail going from his navel down disappearing under his pants, but his bush was so thick some hair was peeking over the top.

He didn’t even hesitate to remove his pants, stopping only to let the soiled garment pool at his feet so he could step out of them. His big fat dick was tenting the cum soaked boxers, and he started back up chasing the delicious aroma.

Asuma found himself before Iruka’s apartment. ‘Is Iruka Kakashi’s master?’ he thought, the image of the young Chunin brunette fucking Kakashi silly. He dropped his boxers at the front door and stood bare ass naked except for his sandals. He stood in all his naked glory, from his rugged chin and sexy beard, to his broad shoulders, his thick beefy pecs and sexy back muscles, to his abs, to his big 13 incher the thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch, and his hairy balls to his thick manly legs, to his big feet. His body glistened with sweat, and the run had made him work up a nice musk. He could smell the good stuff just behind the door.

“Kneel,” he heard, and without thinking, Asuma obeyed getting down on his knees, and the door opened. Asuma came face to face with Naruto’s big cock. It may not have been as big as his own, but as he stared at the blonde’s penis he felt his cock was merely a decoration. He couldn’t look away, the only way he knew it wasn’t Iruka was the blonde pubes before him.

The man wagged his cock and Asuma moaned. “Suck it!”

“Yes!” Asuma buried his face in the boy’s crotch. “Mmm,” his musk was so strong, spiked with arousal. It made Asuma salivate. He rubbed his cheek against the stiff cock, his beard tickling Naruto’s girth. Asuma started licking the boy’s cock, up, down, all around, even going down to suck on his balls.

Naruto’s pre began to spill, and Asuma moved back up to lap it up. It was so good! He started lapping at the tip, giving the fat head a tongue lashing before wrapping his lips around the tip. Naruto’s hand came down and ran his fingers through his hair.

Asuma thought he had done something wrong and looked up. ‘Naruto Uzumaki!’ he gulped but didn’t pull away.

“That’s it, good boy!” his eyes widened and he began sucking the blonde’s penis. One hand pumping his cock while the other fondled his balls. “You’ve been needing this haven’t you, you crave a cock between your lips?”

Asuma moaned, he had been lapping up the pre-cum that spilled into his mouth. ‘So good!’ he started sucking Naruto’s cock into his mouth, having the cock slide in seemed to give him intense pleasure, the heat of his manhood sinking into his lips and mouth. His cock pulsed between his muscled legs.

Naruto sent his cock tail to tease the man’s ass, caressing his twitching pucker with his tip, smearing the pre-cum over it. Asuma was slurping Naruto’s cock down like a champ, his hand dropped and he swallowed the blonde’s cock, down to the root.

Asuma had no gag reflex it seemed, his cock sliding down the man’s throat. His nose was buried in the blonde’s pubes, while his beard tickled his balls. “Yes that’s excellent you are so good Asuma-chan!” Asuma moaned around his length, and before he could reason what was happening he lost control and came from sucking the blonde’s cock.

His seed pelted the welcome mat and Naruto’s feet. The orgasm didn’t stop Asuma though, simply sinking further, he started to slurp and suck the blonde’s cock on mass. His mouth bobbed back and forth, enjoying the delicious man meat.

Naruto’s cock tail continued to caress Asuma’s body scent-marking him with his pre-cum. His manly hair tickled Naruto’s phallic tail as he smeared the essence over the jounin. Asuma was so lost in sucking Naruto’s dick he didn’t even realize it.

As he enjoyed Naruto’s cock, the blonde panting and whispering words of praise, Asuma’s own cock was bouncing like an excited puppy. Even though he’d cum twice he was still hard. He sucked Naruto’s cock with such vigor, hearts in his eyes as his mouth and tongue worked to tease his hard flesh.

Naruto had to place a chakra cock ring on his tail to keep himself from cumming, as his release tipped. The cock in Asuma’s mouth erupted and his thick baby batter flooded his mouth. Asuma swallowed some of it down, but he had plenty to taste as Naruto’s next batch pumped into his mouth.

He rolled it over his tongue savoring the flavor before cumming himself. “That’s the third time you’ve cum for me Asuma-chan, you really like sucking dick don’t you?”

“Yes!” he moaned and licked his lips.

“As you might have guessed I am Kakashi’s master. I am building a harem if you cross this border you are choosing to become mine, joining the harem, and surrendering your body to us,” he explained.

“I...I...I’ll be hated, they won’t want me.” Naruto caressed his cheek.

“You don’t realize the sexy beast you are, there is none in my pack that wouldn’t adore you, but it’s your choice.” Naruto pulled back, and Asuma hesitated only for a moment, before crawling forward and the door shutting behind him. “Good choice!”

Asuma’s moans rang out, such a loud pleasured cry no one had heard from the man. It happened so fast most had no idea what it was but to his pack they knew it meant one thing. They had a new harem brother.


Kurenai didn’t care about Asuma, she was using him for her own purposes, however, she believed she had the man wrapped around her finger. In her mind, he wouldn’t dare defy her or go against her wishes. So it surprised her when Asuma didn’t return home that night.

Normally she’d hook up with one of her other boy toys but she felt something was wrong. So, she went out looking for him. He was nowhere to be found, she couldn’t even sense him. ‘Damn that man, he’ll pay for making me search for him,’ she eventually found his jacket. ‘What on Earth?’ She continued to search and found his shirt.

Before she could go further she was stopped by a robbed nin wearing a fox mask. “Who are you, you aren’t a member of the Anbu?”

“I am not, but, I have reason to stop you.”

“Oh and what was that?” she crossed her arms aggressively.

“Asuma Sarutobi does not belong to you.”

“What was that?” She took a fighting stance.

“The jounin Asuma no longer belongs to you, he has chosen a different path and has found happiness.”

“He’s happy with me...I...”

“Do not lie to me, this one knows, this one has felt what you have done to that man. You have two choices, walk away and never seek out Asuma again, or you can try to get past me.” No sooner had he said those words did Kurenai attack, only for the masked male to block her with ease. “Wrong choice!” he forced her back with a sudden burst of chakra, knocking her out completely.

The masked nin collected Asuma’s clothing and even removed his belongings from the shared apartment. Asuma would no longer be that woman’s toy.

To be continued Pack Life

Asuma gets mated by Naruto and meets his harem brothers.


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