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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-orb-chap-26163405 

Chapter 4 Swords

Erza had seen many things in her time, monsters, magic beasts, different armors, friends, foes, and foes become friends. She had seen Natsu and Gray’s rivalry, while the whole guild could be rambunctious Erza was quite strict. She never liked that the boys fought, and wanted them to get along. She, of course, used the direct approach to try to get them to shake hands and be friends. The red-head knew of their strength and respected it and knew if they worked together they’d be even stronger.

However, not even the great Erza could have foreseen the two getting together, or the powerful feelings that the two shared. In truth, they never gave an exact reason why they disliked each other. Most assumed it was because Natsu was fire and Gray was ice.

Erza wasn’t against it, as she watched the two make love her eyes sparkled in delight, she got caught up in the moment. For a brief moment, she shielded her eyes, then peeked through them before dropping her hands altogether.

The duos’ dragon traits were the icing on the odd cake, to say nothing of their large manhoods. Erza had seen them both in the bath before and knew they weren’t as big before. Natsu’s dragonic features could have been explained away as a possible evolution of his dragon slayer magic, but Gray, that was another story.

Erza’s eyes were blown wide as she watched Natsu ride Gray’s massive dick. ‘How can he take so much cock?’ she watched his stomach bulge. Her inner cute side was coming out, feeling her heart race at the sight of them, a blush spread across her cheeks. Lucy was in the same boat, she was peeking through her fingers as she watched the two go at it.

Even though they walked in on the scene the two didn’t look away from each other, Natsu continuing to ride Gray, his massive cock bobbing and slapping the ice wizard’s cum filled belly, causing it to gush out of him. Both boys were panting and moaning relishing in the pleasure and each other.

“What’s happened to them?” Lucy asked she closed her eyes. “Natsu! Gray!” she shouted, but the two paid them no mind. Gray’s hands explored Natsu’s body feeling up his abs and pecs. His strong hands dug into the toned man muscle of his pectorals, loving the feel of him. A smile graced his features as Natsu gave a growl of pleasure.

He ground his hips down, letting his balls get tickled by Gray’s manly hair. His cock ran along Gray’s still swollen belly and pecs, Gray leaned forward and licked his dick. His tongue caressing the fat head and teasing his slit, lapping up the pre-cum that poured freely. “Mmm!”

“What are we gonna do?” Lucy looked to Erza.

“Let them finish,” Erza said without thinking. Lucy gasped.


“Ahem,” she coughed, an awkward attempt at clearing her throat and to diverge the situation. “We must find out what caused this sudden transformation.”

Lucy looked around and spotted the orb. “Maybe that’s it...” she took a step forward only to flinch as Natsu started riding Gray harder. “Uh...”

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” Natsu moaned.

Gray had planted his feet firmly on the ground and was now bucking up into the pink haired male. “Natsu...Treasure...fuck!” he moaned in delight.

“Dang it, I can’t get near that!” Her whole face was red.

“Lucy, just use your whip and bring it over. I’ll catch it. It’ll probably be safer if I grab it with my gauntlets. If it’s a cursed object it’ll be safer if we don’t touch it directly.”

“Uhh good point,” she used her whip and managed to pull a lasso maneuver. Her whip coiled around the orb, and she was able to yank it away from the two mating males.

“I got it!” Erza moved, ready to catch it. Erza’s plan was quite good, and it would have worked except she forgot one thing…

She caught the orb, and it flashed. It triggered her magic, much like with Natsu and Gray, causing her to requip! Erza found herself naked the orb planted firmly in her hands. She felt the energy of the orb wash over her, filling her as it covered her completely.

Lucy gasped but was forced away as blades began to appear circling Erza in a familiar fashion. Erza’s softer features began to solidify and become more masculine. Her breasts withdrew and became solid manly pecs, the plump booty became toned and taught, she grew taller, and her stomach became sexy 6 pack abs. Her slim arms and legs bulged up and her hands and feet grew larger, and finally, a special sword began to grow from her crotch, with two ahem golden balls.

To the blonde’s surprise, Erza had gone from a she to a he! The new male Erza was a sexy beast of a man, even Lucy had hearts in her eyes over the sexy piece of man the red-head was. Erza now had a solid piece of 10-inch man meat, with two massive balls, some manly hair under his pits, a thick red treasure trail up to his navel.

Deep red scales began to appear on his body, as the dragon orb absorbed his swords and the dragon energy began to invade Erza’s body. For every one of the magic, swords created a new scale. The red scales spread from his ankles and wrists to his knees and elbows respectively. Another set came around his neck, and a strip of scales ran down his spine. From that, he could manifest wings and a tail, but those retracted back inside him.

The final touch, Erza’s 10-inch dick began to grow, doubling in size into a 20-inch beast and his balls swelled even bigger. “Ohhh!” Erza drooled. He was facing new feelings, new sensations, new thoughts. He was still Erza, but it was like another layer was tapped into. Not to mention the powerful dragon mind that joined with his, it was raw primal.

He stared at the two fucking before him and smirked. Erza began stroking his big fat cock, but one hand wasn’t enough! “This is hot!” he growled, he set the orb down and began to pump his massive dick with both hands, not taking his eyes off the two fucking. They were more dragonized than he was, but that didn’t stop the dragon instincts.

Erza worked his massive man meat faster and faster making his balls bounce. Pre-cum began to spill out of his twitching flesh. This only allowed him to pump faster, he was losing it, he was like a horny teen who just discovered masturbation for the first time, and what a show to experience.

Lucy couldn’t take it anymore and had a massive nosebleed.

Natsu was getting close, Gray could feel it as his insides massaged his cock. He grabbed the pinkette’s mountain of a cock and began pumping it as he fucked him. The two came together.

Gray’s fresh baby batter began to pump into the fire dragon slayer. “Mmm, yes breed me, Gray!” Natsu moaned, his own orgasm hit. His cock erupting like a volcano, his thick cum shooting high into the air before raining down on both of them.

“Fuck Natsu!” Gray moaned as Natsu’s insides clamped down hard on him, squeezing his big drago cock and milking him of several more spurts.

Natsu’s belly began to extend from the overflow of cum. “So much cum in my belly!” He rubbed his growing belly, toes curling in delight. Gray was trembling beneath him, the two were drenched in his semen.

Gray’s orgasm stopped, he didn’t have long to bask in his joy as Natsu whined. “What’s wrong treasure...wah?” His 6-month belly bulge was shrinking! Natsu’s body was breaking down Gray’s semen, and using it.

The same thing had happened to Gray, what hadn’t escaped his ass, had been absorbed. “Gray’s cum is all gone...” he rubbed his abs, able to feel Gray’s cock bulge inside him, before smirking. “Now I got a fire in my belly.” True enough, the absorbed semen fueled their sex drive, he was hard again and so was Gray, considering the hardened manhood inside him.

He tried to glomp Gray, a tad difficult with his hard cock up his ass. “Natsu wait we are all sticky, let's get cleaned up,” no sooner did he say that did Natsu release a wave of heat that caused their cum to evaporate.

Natsu pulled off Gray’s cock and began to frot with him. “Now let's do it some more!”

“Idiot, control yourself, we need to find Erza and Lucy...” he was cut off as heated grunts and long pants were heard.

“Uhh uhh uhh uhh!” the two tensed and turned, seeing a tall long haired sexy red-head, beating his massive dick at the two. He closed his eyes and howled as he came, showering the two with thick long ropes of semen.

His massive balls lurched and Erza faced a powerful orgasm, his knees buckling as he covered the two from head to toe with semen. He dropped to his knees as the last of his cum spilled from his dick. “Oh wow!”

“ERZA?!” they cried out. The red-head grinned and nodded.

To be continued...Dragon Dance!



Really well done! It was definitely a very enjoyable read! So is Ezra’s transformation special or are they all able to retract their wings? Just curious since it mentioned he was more dragonized hehe~ really great job! Love how sex just makes them even more sex hungry!