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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

Demiurge 9 inches

Chapter 5  https://www.patreon.com/posts/overlord-of-men-25039855 

Chapter 6 Ainz’s First Mate!

Demiurge was washing himself in the Nazrick baths. He was cleaning himself, washing every inch, using special cleansing oil. It helped cleanse the body and helped draw out one’s natural manly musk. It was pure, manly, and delicious. Demiurge couldn’t help but get a tad excited at his own scent. He hoped it would please Lord Ainz.

His lord was keeping his word, his promise, they were going to do it! He couldn’t wait to become Lord Ainz’s mate! The first mate was a high honor. ‘Should I prepare myself, or wait for Lord Ainz to do it?’ his hole twitched, it was an agonizing decision.

He may not be as crazy as Albedo, being a succubus, but he was so excited. Mating a man of Lord Ainz’s status was a world-altering experience, a golden opportunity, many demons would sell their souls for a chance. The thing that made Demiurge so excited was that Lord Ainz wanted him, wanted to hold him, please him, fuck him, breed him. Now he was hard, he washed his dick and balls but did not cum by his hand. ‘Soon...Lord Ainz will be the one to touch me.’


Ainz was banging his head. ‘What am I doing? How could I promise him something like that?’ he banged his head. ‘I’m an idiot! I’m a dumb ass!’ he banged his head some more. He took no damage, sadly, but he still hoped to clear his thoughts.

Ulbert Alain Odle was his friend and Demiurge’s creator, the NPC’s were like their children, so to speak. He wondered what Ulbert would say about all this? Would he approve? Would he hate him? Their relationship was different from the one Ulbert and Touch Me had. With Touch Me, they seemed to be rivals, their personalities clashing. Momonga recalled their arguments happily. Though Ulbert had always seemed mischievous, but his kindness was sincere at least to him.

He hadn’t messed with Demiurge’s settings, but the male seemed to genuinely love him and want to be with him. He wanted his touch, wanted his praise, wanted his dick! That was also a surprise to Momonga, but back to Demiurge, his feelings were more than simple loyalty. ‘Did Ulbert design him to love me... Wait, could Ulbert have had a crush me and made Demiurge as a way to express those feelings? Oh god!’ His head was spinning.

Did he want to fuck Demiurge? Hell yes! Ulbert had created one sexy archdemon. What he was struggling with was whether it was okay to act on these feelings. To say nothing of the fact he was a virgin himself, his only lover was his own left hand. Now he had a sexy hot demon who wanted to fuck him...well, get fucked by him. This was crazy, this was madness, this was a dream come true.

He recalled a private chat with Ulbert once, looking back he wondered if his friend was trying to confess to him. He said he wanted them to meet IRL one day, but that came to be impossible in more ways than one now. He knew quite a bit about each NPC, as the others often confided in him about different aspects.

Was he a bad friend if he fucked Demiurge or was he a bad friend by ignoring Demiurge’s feelings and hurting him. He felt if he looked at his code now it would be cheating. When it came to their skills and stats he knew them all, but when it came to their settings he knew several, they all tended to go a little crazy with the settings.

Something else that concerned him, was Demiurge’s feelings something Ulbert set for him or was it this world. Oh, he was losing it, his mind was going a mile a minute. He knew Demiurge would be coming to him soon, expecting them to play as he promised.

At this point, all he could do is pray, that if he bumped into Ulbert again he could ask forgiveness. Right now at this moment, he had to be a bit selfish, and think of the needs of the NPC’s. He’d been caring for them for so long, he couldn’t turn his back on them now. ‘I hope you can forgive me, but I must follow my own heart now.’


Since becoming an undead things were very different for him. He still felt things like a human, but he didn’t appear to need to eat or even sleep. His overlord core seemed to supply his body with endless energy, well endless was a bit of a stretch, but day to day life it was. If he had to exert himself in battle then there would be a power drain. Right now he felt the power spread through his very bones.

Then there was the second sphere, the one between his legs floating over his crotch. It happened before with Demiurge, the orb had shifted into the form of a cock. He thought this was strange but he guessed it made sense, the game wasn’t a hentai game so why would he have a penis. In this world, it was very possible.

With a little focus and lustful thoughts, the orb shifted once again into the form of a cock. It was long and hard, and certainly human in shape. ‘It’s big!’ he tried to make it the shape of his own cock, while it kept the shape but not the size, it was nearly double at 12 inches. What’s more with a little focus he could extend and thicken the cock. His bony jaw dropped if this was a normal human cock he’d probably have a heart attack trying to pump enough blood to fill such a rod.

He wasn’t a human anymore, he doubled the size to 24 inches, and could bring it back on a whim. ‘This is kinda cool.’ he caressed his massive rod, to him it felt cool like ice. He pondered what else this rod could do, he’d have to find out in practice he was curious about so many things. Could he still cum? He didn’t have balls anymore, but he had a dick, did his manliness consist all in this orb?

Ainz had to cease his mental journey as a knock came to his bedchambers. He retracted his rod, returning it to its orb shape. ‘This will take getting used to.’ he looked to the door and Demiurge entered dressed in his suit.

“Hello, Lord Ainz!” he bowed.

“Demiurge? Why did you not teleport here?”

“I thought it best to keep a low profile, I didn’t want any interruptions.” he shut and locked the door.

“Ahh, Demiurge, are you sure you wish to become my mate?”

“More than anything Lord Ainz, I can not think of a greater honor or pleasure.” He said. “May I strip for you?”

“Proceed!” he commanded and Demiurge moaned. He was stripping for Lord Ainz, again, now under his new name. He stripped himself with the greatest of care, his Lord’s eyes glowing with delight.

His gaze felt piercing, burning, to the point that even though he had clothes on he felt naked. His heart was already pounding, he tried to control himself, but he was getting naked for his Lord and Master. As each article fell and was set neatly aside, he became more exposed and highly aroused. His fat 9-inch dick was already making a tent in his boxers.

Just as he was about to remove his boxers he was stopped by Lord Ainz. “Allow me,” he said, his voice smooth as silk. His hands came up and lowered Demiurge’s boxers, tugging his hard cock down before letting it snap back up.

“Ahh!” Demiurge had already retracted his claws and tail, those were for battle and not needed in this situation. He stepped out of his boxers and stood naked before the overlord.

“You smell delicious Demiurge.” The demon blushed and gave a yelp as Ainz scooped him up and brought him to the bed. “Demiurge, this is your last chance, if you leave this bed you can leave with your innocence intact, but if you stay I will have you, and I will make you mine!”

Demiurge crawled to the edge where Ainz stood. “I would rather die than leave this bed Lord Ainz.” Ainz reached out and caressed his cheek, the demon blushed and leaned into the touch.

“Then let us begin.” he used a skill, to quickly store his armor and gear in his inventory. He stood naked before Demiurge, and the demon felt his incredible power, unrestricted, and raw. Demiurge began to drool and cry at the same time. His throat was hot, his heart was racing, and his cock was throbbing! It almost hurt to be before one of the supreme beings like this, he felt scared and excited at the same time, and then Ainz reached out and touched him.

With just that simple touch all was right in the world. “Are you alright Demiurge?”

“Yes, forgive me I was overwhelmed for a moment,” he kissed his palm. “I’m alright now.”

“You said you would rather die than leave this bed, so prepare yourself because I’m gonna take you to heaven.” The grin on Demiurge’s face was very adorable.

-x-Three Hours Later-x-

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh Lord Ainz ahh ahh ahh ahh please!” Demiurge was bracing himself, his cock aimed outside of the bed, his body glistened with sweat and a sea of cum lay before him. The demon was trying to catch his breath, but it was hard, so hard! Ainz had him by the balls, and three fingers up his ass.

“Are you giving up Demiurge?” he chuckled. “Do you need to stop? You’ve only cum 9 times!” Demiurge groaned, bucking as Ainz stroked his sweet spot again.

“Ahhh!” he arched his back and came, his seed launching through the air before landing on the floor, joining the ever-growing puddle of cum.

“10 times,” he chuckled. He fondled his balls through his orgasm, milking him with several more spurts.

“Lord Ainz… you are amazing… but you are driving me crazy...please, I need you, inside me!”

“But I am inside you, see?” he rams his three fingers inside his tight ass, hitting his sweet spot.

“Ahh, My Lord!” he moaned, his hole tightening around his digits. “Please, your cock, give me your cock!”

“Such a lustful demon you are...” his hand leaves his balls and pumps his still hard cock. Demiurge howled and came once more, the firm grip and strong strokes felt like he was being milked like a cow.

“Forgive me, my lord...” he moaned.

“Forgive you? Were you lying to me Demiurge? Do you not want my cock?” He rubbed a finger against his piss slit.

“No my lord!” Ainz twisted his fingers inside the demon.

“Never forget this Demiurge, no matter how lustful or perverted you are, I will never deny you pleasure. Such honest desires are not things needing forgiveness.” he removed his fingers from Demiurge’s hole, making the archdevil whine at the loss. “Or do my feelings for you need forgiveness as well?”

“No my Lord, I’m sure my creator would bless our union. I just...I have a hard time believing this is real, I’m a simple Floor Guardian, am I worthy to become your mate?” he was shaking.

Ainz’s eyes flared. “Not worthy?” his hands caressed Demiurge’s body feeling up his muscles, teasing him and making him feel oh so good. “Would I have invited you to my bed, if you were not worthy?”

“No sir!” he moaned.

“Demiurge, I am going to fuck you,” the demon smiled. “Would you do the honor of preparing me.” his eyes sparkled in delight.

“Yes sir!” he turned around and stared at Ainz’s big cock. The crystal-like phallus stood proudly from his crotch. He crawled to his lord and began to caress his phallus. “So big!” he started to lick the rod and felt it warm up. “So warm!” He kissed along the shaft and got it nice and wet.

He even wrapped his lips around the tip and began to suck on it. “Very good, now present yourself for me,” Demiurge obeyed. He laid on his back and spread his legs, pulling his knees to his chest exposing his twitching hole. “I’m going to fuck you!”

“Yes Lord, fuck me, claim me as your own,” He lined up his cock, and the heat of the rod made Demiurge shiver. The tip nudged his opening and Demiurge felt Ainz’s power surge right to his ass.

He chewed on his lip in anticipation, his glasses fogging up from the heat. Even Ainz was a tad nervous, hard to believe he had to become an undead to lose his virginity. He pushed forward and breached Demiurge’s tight ring of muscle and slid inside.

Ainz was careful and slow, working his cock back and forth as he eased inside him. Inch after glorious inch filled the demon making his toes curl. “Lord Ainz...so big...so hot!” His hole tightened around the crystal rod.

What amazed the overlord was that he could feel Demiurge around him, hot and tight, his insides massaging his shaft. “So tight, my Demiurge!” he purred. His words were like a bolt of lightning through his system.

He soon was buried deep inside Demiurge and the archdevil came. He splattered his face, glasses, neck, and pecs with his cum. He wanted to apologize for his quick orgasm, but Demiurge didn’t get a chance. “You look so beautiful Demiurge...” His heart fluttered.

Ainz began to move, fucking the demon with his 12-inch rod. “Oh Lord Ainz!” he moaned. The rod seemed to resonate with the friction, sending waves of raw energy through his system, making his pleasure intensify tenfold.

“You like my dick Demiurge?”

“Yes, oh yes Lord!” he moaned.

“Shall I make it bigger?”


With a wicked chuckle, Ainz increased the size the girth expanding and his length increasing 4 inches. “Ohhh!” His face was priceless, he had no idea this was possible. His ass was stretched wider, and his lord was now even deeper inside him.

Ainz fucked him a bit with his now 16 incher, making Demiurge cum again, his cock erupting between them. “Seems you enjoyed this, how about we kick it up a notch?” Demiurge’s body spasmed as his ass was stretched even wider and his belly bulged from the now 20-inch monster.

“So good!” his toes curled as the stretch aroused Demiurge further, he felt every thrust, long and strong, getting that friction on. What’s more, Ainz watched him, watched his cool self become messy and lustful, but there was no disgust in his eyes. “Lord Ainz, I love...ahh I love you...ohh I love you so much!”

At his current size, he couldn’t miss Demiurge’s sweet spot, brushing it with every pass. “I love you too Demiurge, so that’s why I’m going to fuck you with all I got!”

His cock grew even large reaching 24 inches, and he started fucking him hard and fast, changing his thrust path keeping 12 inches inside him at all times. Demiurge drooled as his brain shut down, drowning in a sea of pleasure.

He stopped thinking and just gave in to the pleasure, he fisted the sheets, his legs getting supported by Lord Ainz. He was fucked by such force it shook the bed, and each thrust shook him to his very soul. His back arched and his cock lurched, his ass cheeks rippling with each clap, his stomach bulged lewdly as he was filled to the brim.

Ainz on his part was feeling something too, his magic core seemed to be resonating with his cock core. ‘Am I gonna cum?’ he felt his rod pulsing, resonating and beginning to vibrate from the sensation. ‘Is this what it feels like to cum as an undead?’ He ground his hips against Demiurge and the demon howled in pleasure.

‘I was so focused on making him feel good, I didn’t think this through.’ Demiurge reached out to him.

“My lord, breed me, make me forever yours!” Ainz’s jaw dropped and he felt something snap inside him, his power surged and Demiurge came hard. As his cum erupted between them, his cum splattering all over Ainz’s bones, Ainz felt his own release hit.

Just as Ainz could create water, fire, lightning, on a whim, this special rod was able to do the same with semen. A hole opened up and he came pumping a torrent of cum deep into the demon’s belly. Ainz pulled Demiurge to him, holding him as he filled him.

He felt a strange urge and he acted upon it, biting into the tender flesh where his shoulder and neck met. It burned as Ainz poured his magic inside him as he filled him with his seed. ‘All hail Lord Ainz!’

The demon felt his consciousness slipping only for Lord Ainz to grope his ass. “This is your first time, let's make it a special one and go all night.”

“Oh wow!” Demiurge moaned as Ainz began to fuck him with vigor.

-x- Two Hours Later-x-

Demiurge was thoroughly fucked, his stomach was ballooned packed to the brim with cum. His ass was gaping and his insides stuffed with seed, none of it was leaking out due to a strange magic seal around his hole. His body would absorb Ainz’s seed eventually and he was sure to get stronger from this, if he had thought ahead he’d have made preparations to bare his child.

The demon was curled against Lord Ainz, looking as content as a kitten with a saucer of milk. He was no longer conscious. ‘Perhaps I overdid it.’ Ainz sweatdropped. While the demon snoozed beside him, Ainz decided to take a look at Demiurge’s settings. He went over his skills and looked at what Ulbert designed him. His eyes froze over one line of text. ‘You will love Momonga, more than you love your creator, serve him above all others, for he is the one your master loves most.’ he touched him in more ways than one. ‘Ulbert, I’m sorry, I promise to love Demiurge. I pray we can meet again one day, for now, I will carry on with your blessing.’

Demiurge was more determined to build a harem for Lord Ainz because he was a man who held the ultimate love, it would be a sin not to share it. Men shall surrender to Lord Ainz’s love and Nazarick will rule!

To be continued...Dark Knight Momon!


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