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Baka and Test parody: Tier 6

Chapter 5  https://www.patreon.com/posts/caged-yuuji-chap-25564886 

Chapter 6 Caged Weekend

Yuuji was having the best weekend of his life. He called home and let his mother know he’d be staying over at Akihisa’s, and he promised to go to school since his place was closer. She agreed and he asked her not to tell Shoko about any of this.

He was getting so used to being naked all the time, they were naked playing video games, they were naked when reading comics, they were naked when they ate, they were naked when they slept. Yuuji wondered if Yoshii’s nudist tendencies were responsible for his big cock, not that he was complaining.

The time they put anything on, was an apron for cooking. Yuuji couldn’t help that extra ba-bump ba-bump seeing Yoshii in an apron. Turn about was fair play it seems, Yuuji looked hot in an apron and nothing else. Yoshii couldn’t help himself from pressing against the red-head.

They were enjoying their youth, having sex quite often. It was all good, Yoshii made them food with lots of zinc. Yuuji was enjoying gay sex quite a bit, he learned he could cum another way, hands-free, from sucking Yoshii’s dick. The orgasms weren’t as intense as when Yoshii milked him but still good. It was glorious, he loved having his ass stuffed, sucking dick, and his insides drenched with semen.

It was more than just the sex, he loved just being held by Yoshii, cuddling, and enjoying being with Yoshii. After a nap, he felt so good waking up on top of, beside, or in the arms of the baka. There were a mutual trust and bond between them, they were friends, but now something more. It was nice to be alone together like this, and it helped him realize, he was learning a lot about Yoshii, not just himself.

‘He’s been alone all this time... I’ve been a dick, I should have been there for him more.’ He didn’t think about Akihisa’s needs or wants, at his home, it was always noisy, but Yoshii lived alone, his family was always traveling for work, and his sister only came by sparingly. If Yoshii stepped away for a bit it was quiet, and Yuuji felt lonely, the size of the apartment added to the effect. ‘Has he been feeling like this too?’

“Akihisa, do you like having me here?” he asked. He had to know.

“Of course, it’s great. I’m glad you came to me,” he said before kissing the red-head. Yuuji blushed and felt a stirring in his loins followed by the bite of the cage. Even the bite was starting to feel good, another thing he was learning about himself. “Maybe your mom will let you stay for a bit, like a vacation or something.”

Yuuji had to admit, that sounded nice, and he was already thinking up an excuse to convince his mother to let this happen. Akihisa could use a roommate, and he could use a boyfriend.

He was noticing a lot of things about Yoshii like he now saw why Kubo and the girls were so fond of him. Yoshii was kind and sweet; he may be an idiot but he cared with all his heart. When he smiled it made your heart melt like chocolate. For how long he’s been friends with Yoshii, he didn’t see the truth that was standing right in front of him.

Kubo and the girls were another problem, Yuuji didn’t want to think about them, he had enough to deal with, with Shoko. Take one problem at a time, but he was sure of one thing. He wasn’t giving Aki up, not to the girls especially.

For now, he didn’t want the weekend to end, he wanted it to just be him and Yoshii. Shame this apartment couldn’t pull a wizard of oz, and take them far away so they could be together. The fact they would have to go to school was pushed away from his mind. ‘I’ll leave those problems for future Yuuji to handle.’

Yuuji had to admit, Yoshii’s sex drive was intense; he was happy the boy wasn’t just using him for sex and genuinely wanted to spend time with him. In fact, Yoshii seemed to care about Yuuji’s orgasm more than his own, content with kissing, foreplay, and heavy petting.

They started to mix and match events when reading comics, he’d lay across Yoshii’s lap, and get fingered. Here is where he learned what edging was, cause Yoshii would stop playing with his ass, wait a bit to flip a page or two on his comic before going back to fingering him.

When Yoshii was playing video games he would suck Yoshii’s dick or lick his feet. On his turn, he’d sit in the brunette’s lap and Yoshii would play with his nipples while he played. It wasn’t long before he paused and asked to get taken on the couch. It was so weird having sex to that strange pause music a lot of games had.

When they ate, Yuuji took his proper place on Yoshii’s cock. They would take turns feeding each other, it was a weird combo of cute and sexy. They were very careful in the kitchen never doing anything too serious, as they could be dumb but not that dumb.

Some of his favorite moments was sucking Yoshii’s dick after recently getting fucked, as he slurped and sucked the big dick—not all of it yet, but one day—Yoshii’s cum would gush out of his well-fucked ass. When he went down, his hole would spasm and the thick man milk would rush out. He loved it! It was so erotic, especially when he was taken to the bathroom and emptied out.

They started sleeping with Yoshii’s dick inside him, he started to think Yoshii’s dick was permanently stretching his ass. Not that he was complaining, his hole was well used now. They decided to try something new, Yoshii fingered him, three fingers, four, and soon had his whole fist inside the red-head. “Ohhhh!” Yuuji cried out bucking wildly.

“Wow you can take my whole fist now, that’s awesome!” Yoshii was very pleased. He started to fist bump Yuuji’s sweet spot.

“Oh god, oh god, Yoshii!” he moaned.

“Do you want me to stop?” he relaxed his fist.

“God no...don’t stop...fist me!” Yuuji was drooling, his ass spasming around the boy’s arm. Yoshii rocked his fist back and forth.

“You are so sexy Yuuji!” he praised, making the red-head blush. The red-head came and his seed shot from his caged dick. “How’s your ass feeling buddy?”

“Wonderful!” he moaned.

“Let’s get a shower,” he helped Yuuji into the shower. He washed his back and helped support the male. “Your ass is truly amazing Yuuji, no matter how much we have sex you are still so tight.”

If Yuuji had the strength he’d facepalm, his hole was wrecked by Yoshii’s dick, and with that monster, of course, he’d be “tight”. A hand had to wear a glove a few times to get used to it, Yoshii’s cock was breaking in his ass. Yuuji wasn’t concerned, he didn’t think about other guys, if Yoshii ruined him for other men, he had a feeling the idiot would “take responsibility”.

He got washed with tender loving care, making the red-head feel so special. Yuuji returned the favor, but he used a tongue. Yoshii chuckled in delight, loving the way Yuuji’s tongue danced along his skin. Little did the brunette know Yuuji was enjoying this way more than he was, his cock twitching in the cage.


Their weekend was wonderful, full of comics, video games, good food, nudity, kissing, heavy petting, and sex. Lots and lots of sex, it was a time of discovery and experimentation. Yuuji wished tomorrow would never come, but as he laid in bed with Yoshii’s cock up his ass, he knew that regardless if he slept or not tomorrow would come. He was anxious, and even Akihisa’s cock buried deep in his ass, spooning him could ease it.

He would have to face Shoko tomorrow, tomorrow everything would change. It wouldn’t just be them anymore when they went to school do they hold hands? Things seemed to spiral more and more and he got tense. “Yuuji?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” a hand took hold of his.

“Are you worried about tomorrow?”


He could almost feel the brunette smile. “I’m sure it’s all gonna work out.” he held Yuuji’s hand tightly. “First we’ll get the key to your cage, then we’ll worry about everything else.”

“You want me to take off the cage?”

“Yes, if you want to wear it, it should be your choice, not a blackmail tool.”

“Shoko is tough, we might not beat her.”

“Then we’ll go to plan B, we might be stupid, but we are relentless!” Yuuji snorted.

“Yeah, it might take some time, but we’ll win!”

“Yeah!” Yoshii hugged him, causing his dick to dig inside him.

“Ohh!” he rolled his eyes up. Cage or no cage he didn’t think he could ever give Yoshii up.

To be continued...Taking Down Shoko...Mission Impossible?!


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