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My Hero parody: Tier 6

Emasculation Quirk

Izuku Midoirya did have a quirk, an R-Rated quirk, one that did affect him physically as well as could affect others. Izuku was told to be very careful with his power as it wasn’t something he could reverse. What’s more, with Izuku’s particular nature he wanted a harem.

Chapter 1

Izuku Midoriya was believed to be quirkless, but in fact, he did have a quirk. It just came from his grandpa, and it was considered an R-Rated Quirk. The quirk did activate when he was 5 but it wouldn’t properly develop until he was older. His mother told him not to reveal his quirk as it was...rather...intense.

From what his mother said, his grandfather and his grandpa were lovers and were able to have children thanks to the quirk he now possessed. The quirk had the power to emasculate males, allowing the user to dominate them easily. What was taken could not be returned, as his grandfather put it. His grandpa was the first and only person he used his quirk on. He didn’t believe his quirk was one meant for a hero. “Our quirk is for love, not heroing!”

This hurt Izuku, as he loved heroes. His favorite was All Might. He was the symbol of peace, the shining light that other heroes aspired to be. Izuku had watched his videos over and over. He wanted so much to become a hero that could save people with a fearless smile. “Mom, do you think I could be a hero? Even with an R-Rated quirk?” Inko Midoriya wanted to support her son, and it broke her heart. “I won’t even use my quirk, I’ll be quirkless and I’ll fight to be a hero!” he said.

Inko broke down crying. “I’m sorry Izuku!” she hugged him and cried, and Izuku cried. Those weren’t the words he wanted to hear... it hurt, but he wanted to believe. He grew up loving heroes, he collected data on all the pros, their skills, their techniques, their methods, their battles, everything.

Yes, he was a bit of a fanboy. He hoped his hero data would help him become a better hero. He trained physically, exercising, lifting weights, and working on building his stamina. No one really cared about him, since he was believed to be quirkless.

His quirk was registered but since it was R-Rated they were able to put a lid on it and keep it from the public eye. It was a clause to protect one’s privacy, especially if one’s quirks were a bit more adult. The lid only lasted until they entered high school of course.

So, to his classmates he was quirkless. They would mock him for being weak. Most of them either ignored him or pushed him around. Even his so-called friend Bakugo Katsuki. The young blonde had brains, toughness, a flashy and powerful quirk... and an ego to match. Since kindergarten, he was always praised for his quirk, how smart he was, how athletic he was.

His mother, however, didn’t like it, worried all the praise was either gonna go to his head and inflate his ego, or become a complex that Katsuki would struggle to live up to the hype, or worse...both! He surrounded himself with yes men who were taken in with how cool Bakugo was. The only one she approved of being around him was Izuku.

Izuku, while going along with Katsuki, cared about him and tried to stop him when the blonde’s arrogance led them into trouble. There was even an incident when he slipped on a log they were using as a makeshift bridge and fell into a small river. While his flunkies laughed believing Katsuki was fine and told him to hurry up and get out of there, Izuku went down to check on him to make sure he was okay.

For Katsuki this was a double-edged sword: Due to the fact Izuku was weak and “quirkless” and was looking at him that way it made him feel weaker, and he lashed out at the young boy. He grew colder to Izuku, finding ways to show how superior he was over the green haired boy. Never once did he consider Izuku’s feelings, that unlike his yes-men Izuku cared about him, more than his quirk, more than anything else just because he was who he was.

He didn’t notice that extra flutter in his heart when Izuku praised him, about how cool he was, how amazing he was, or how awesome he was when they hung out together. The sensations were weird and Katsuki dealt with them the way he did with any other feeling he thought would stand in his way of becoming the next number 1 hero: he crammed them deep into the back of his mind.

Over the years the two grew more distant, and Katsuki ended up becoming more of a bully, despite Izuku’s attempts to stop him. “What can a quirkless loser like you do?” Katsuki’s taunts made Izuku’s quirk flare. Izuku could do a lot; if he just used his quirk, he could put the naughty blonde in his place.

At this point, Katsuki’s body matured. He was built, toned shoulders, fine pecs, manly pits, toned abs and ass, a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch, and a 14-inch dick with a massive pair of balls. This being said because Katsuki showed it off: When walking through the locker rooms he strode in buck naked, showing off his body like he was the cock of the walk. He teased guys who were smaller than him even if it was barely an inch.

So there was Izuku, despite his toned body he didn’t gain much muscle; he was more deceptively strong. He also didn’t have any body hair except for some on his pits and a tiny bit above his crotch, which his mother said was because of his quirk. Another influence of his quirk is he remained small for many years, fuel for Katsuki’s taunts and jeers. Even though while Izuku was only half of Katsuki’s size at 7 inches.

Izuku did blush at the sight of his blonde kinda-sorta friend. There was no denying Katsuki was hot, but the way he flaunted it was asking for some punishment. While Katsuki’s ego grew over the years, Izuku’s desire had grown as well, he had become quite lustful and the boy secretly wanted a harem. He preferred guys, and according to his family, he’d still be able to have a family and have kids even with guys.


In class, the teacher was going over their future prospects. “Heh, why bother...” he tossed the papers into the air. “I know you all are aiming for the Hero course!” the students cheered showing off their quirks. “Yes, yes, you all have very nice quirks. Settle down, try not to go crazy,” in school it was frowned upon using your quirks in class, but some teachers were more lenient about it.

“Hey teach, don’t lump me in with these extras.” Bakugo was sitting with his feet on the desk. His quirk, Explosion, allowed him to produce nitroglycerin-like sweat from his palms, which he could ignite for a powerful blast. “I’m not aiming for anything less than the number one hero school!”

“He’s going to U.A., that’s the biggest hero school in Japan!”

“They have a less than 1% acceptance rate, it’s where many of the pro heroes today went.”

“That’s right, you extras will be lucky to end up with some second rate D lister.” he stands up. “I’m aiming for no less than the number 1 spot. I’ll succeed All Might and become the best hero!” This earned some outrage but Katsuki ignored them. In his mind, he was the best. His quirk wasn’t just flashy it was powerful, and versatile which made him the best qualified for the prestigious school.

“Izuku Midoriya, you also applied to U.A., didn’t you?” the teacher said, making Izuku flinch. Katsuki froze and turned to glare at him. The rest of the class thought it was a joke, Izuku was “quirkless”... the thought of him trying to enter U.A. was a laugh riot!

Izuku wanted to snap and say he had a quirk, but in truth, his quirk wasn’t for combat, so he was pretty much quirkless. Bakugo snapped and released powerful explosions from his palms. “Deku, you are worse than these extras! You have no quirk, you are nothing!”

His hands balled up into fists, but he said nothing. Those with quirks often bullied him, he wanted to show off his quirk and prove he wasn’t worthless.

After class, Katsuki cut Izuku off as he was collecting his notebooks to head home. “Hold it, nerd, we aren’t done!” He called out, his two friends joining in.

“What’s that, a diary?” they laughed. It was his hero notebook, thirteenth in the line. He recorded so much hero data.

“You think studying heroes will suddenly make you one? What an idiot! Without a quirk, you can’t beat villains.”

“Kacchan, please give it back, it’s important to me,” Izuku said, using his friend’s nickname. Its been his since they were kids, and it held all the respect and admiration he had for Katsuki.

Bakugo looked at Izuku, his red eyes piercing into him. He held his notebook in one hand and out of reach, and his free hand released small sparks. He was gonna blast his book, he was gonna scorch it and stomp on his dream... As soon as he saw the blonde smirk Izuku snapped. In an instant, Izuku suddenly slapped Katsuki!


His cheek stung, and from the shock, he dropped Izuku’s notebook, safe from any burn damage. Izuku grabbed it and he glared at Bakugo. “Katsuki, you are a jerk!” he snapped and got his stuff running off leaving the blonde frozen in place.

Katsuki couldn’t believe what happened, Izuku never slapped him before. He felt weird...he thought he would be pissed, but while his cheek stung, his dick was weirdly hardening making his crotch bulge more defined. What Katsuki didn’t know Izuku had used his quirk on him. It was one of the ways to activate the power... he had no idea if it would work, but he’d find out tomorrow after Katsuki had a special dream about Izuku.

To be continued...It Begins

Katsuki had no idea his body had been changed, as the next day in the locker rooms he gets on Izuku challenging him to a naughty game which Izuku takes as a chance to seal the blonde’s fate.


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