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PaperFox19’s Schedule as of March First

(Please note, while I have doctor appointments, chiro, Physical therapy, pool, food breaks, I won’t be listing them here.)  

Sundays: Tier 6’s/Reduxs Patreon Rewards 1pm-530pm

Mondays: Tier 1’s/Story fics Patreon Rewards 1pm-530

Tuesday: Tier 1’s/Originals Patreon Rewards 1pm-530

Wednesday: Tier 3’s/Tier 2’s  

Thursdays: Patreon Rewards Tier 1’s after 11pm

Friday: Tier 1/Story Patreon Reward 730-11

Saturday: Tier 1 12-530 Tier 3 600-900 Patreon 900-12am


Lord Zero 1606

Nice to see you post a schedule. Hope you can stick to it without it being too much stress. It is the last thing you need.