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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1


Beast in the Fallen Star

Natsu found a strange meteorite with a creature inside, it bonds with him and becomes a living armor that whispers perverted things in his ear. He calls it Lust because it's so perverted, not only does it mess with his body while he sleeps, but also keeps saying that his friends want to have sex with him, and that's just crazy right? Not crazy at all, and Lust is determined to make sure his future mates are perfect for him, his Natsu gets the best.

Chapter 1 Friend or Parasite

When Natsu Dragneel was a young boy, he lived with the fire dragon Igneel. The fire dragon did his best to teach Natsu to read and write, but his best teachings came to magic. He taught the boy Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. The boy had a knack for it, he was able to teach him more and more, being the Fire Dragon King, he was well versed in different kinds of fire magic.

Natsu was young but eager to learn, he was full of curiosity. So one night, when he saw a star fall from the sky near their camp spot, he went to investigate. He's never seen a fallen star before, so he wanted to check out. The place it hit was a burning crater, a normal human couldn't even approach it with the intense heat.

He wasn't normal, being a fire dragon slayer, fire and heat did not affect him. So he was able to walk into the burning pit no problem. The stone that struck the earth was strange giving off a faint glow. As he got closer it looked like something was moving inside. “I should bring this to Igneel as a present.”

As soon as he touched the stone it cracked and what was inside came out. Natsu gasped as black goo spread out over his arms, it spread and covered Natsu's body. “What...what is this…?”

“Alone...so alone...alone no more...” Everything went black. Natsu was being consumed, he felt loneliness, it mirrored his own loneliness before Igneel took him in. There were memories, memories he didn't know he had, they were broken and choppy, like fragments of a dream. The creature poured through his mind like a book, looking at his emotions seeing things its never felt before. As it did it explored Natsu's body, finding the dragon seed and something else inside, sensing danger it devoured them both.

The goo grew long white teeth, its hands become like dragon claws, it shifted and formed a dragon tail, and spouted dragon wings. “This...is...us!” he roared, releasing a stream of flames into the air.

Natsu eventually regained consciousness and began fighting with the goo, running around trying to pull it off him. “What is this, get off me!” the two stumble about and eventually crash into Igneel's resting spot. “Igneel help!” Natsu cried out as the goo continued to slither about his body.

Igneel raised a scaly brow. “What on earth?” he rose up and with a roar stopped their fighting. Natsu explained what happened. “I see, so this is a beast of the stars, I've heard about them from an old friend but never seen one.” he chuckles. “It seems you made an interesting friend, Natsu.”

“Friend? It's more like a parasite!” he tries to push the goo away, only for the goo to shift and have a head-like form. It stuck out its tongue and blew a raspberry at him.

“Now Natsu, the beast in the stars are lonely creatures, so much so they can't live on their own. Without a host, they die.”

“Die?” Natsu gasped, looking at the goo, it hung its head low. “Fine, I'll be your host. I didn't know you would die, sorry.” the goo was touched by Natsu's words.

“Host...Natsu...host...one...one...one...” Natsu blushed as it slithered all over him, caressing some of his most intimate parts.

“Q-quit it...” he shivered. The goo felt new emotions, new sensations. It would have to remember these sensations.

“You got quite the friend there Natsu.”

“I'm still not sure if he is a friend, but I'll be his host and keep him alive.”

“Will...protect...you...too...” the goo says.

Igneel knew the goo would be true to its word, the beast's in the stars have a symbiotic relationship. They will protect their host, in kind for a living, if the host dies so will the symbiote.


When Igneel disappeared the two were left alone, and the goo was there to comfort Natsu. He felt an overwhelming swell of emotions, loneliness, confusion, frustration, heartbreak, fear, worry, and all this boy had to process. The boy wanted to find Igneel but had no leads, no money, and they were slowly running out of food.

They ended up going to a guild known as Fairy Tail and meeting the Guild Master Makarov. He didn't have any info about Igneel, but he offered Natsu a home and being a member of the guild allowed him to go on quests get money, strengthen his skills, and maybe find a lead on Igneel.

So they stayed meeting a bunch of colorful mages as well, be it Gray Fullbuster, the ice wizard and streaker of Fairy Tail. The boy had a bad habit of losing his clothes and stripping at random times. There was Erze Scarlet, a young man with red hair and armor magic, even at a young age, he was terrifyingly strong. There was Mirajane and her siblings Elfman and Lisanna a family of take over wizards. Laxus Dreyar the grandson of Makarov, and an older boy, he practices lightning magic. He had his own group of wizards that followed him around.

There were lots of colorful wizards, and Natsu grew up learning and fighting alongside them. As the years passed, his Dragon Slayer Magic grew more and more impressive, but he also gained Rainbow Fire Magic, combining Igneel's teachings, with a fire wizard named Macao, along with some teachings from Makarov.

His red flame was his dragon fire, the orange flame was the Flame of Slumber, a fire that burned away consciousness just looking at it could lull someone to sleep, his yellow flame is the Mortal Flame; despite its name it does not harm humans or living things it in fact destroys armor, weapons, clothing, buildings, his green flame is the Flame of Healing, a special kind of fire that can actually heal wounds not hurt anyone, (Natsu didn't know this but the Flame of Healing was actually very powerful against those of the undead nature) his blue fire is the cold flame Ice Fire, flames so cold they burn, and his purple flame was Purple Flare, a fire magic that could not be extinguished by wind or water, and its more of a solid flame allowing Natsu to grab things and use it to move.

Even as the time passed, Natsu and the goo were still at odds sometimes, they had a way of getting on each others' nerves so to speak. The goo, who Natsu calls Lust after all these events, has an oddly perverse desire. As Natsu was going through puberty Lust was making sure to help Natsu grow in the best ways.

Lust helped his muscles grow the right way, he was lean but built, his body growing fine pecs and rock hard abs, all his efforts in physical training were improved by Lust's interference, but that wasn't the annoying part he put some oomf oomf into Natsu's pecker area, helping the boy grow quite large. If that wasn't bad enough when Natsu had certain dreams and got morning wood, Lust would partake in the bountiful body he helped cultivate.

Waking up every day to goo sucking your dick and playing your ass, nipples, and muscles, drove the pinkette crazy. Sure he came and Lust always cleaned up, but it was maddening. The way he saw it Lust was teasing him, but Lust was just wanting Natsu to accept the joys of pleasure. Even saying he wouldn't have to if Natsu lived a little.

Lust was annoyed because Natsu refused to get laid, get a date, build a harem, nothing! He had so many sexy guys around him but he's not going after any of them. He'd even be fine if Natsu wanted a girl, but judging by the dreams he had that wasn't the case. Gray, Elfman, and even a mysterious boy with dark hair continued to appear in his dreams. For Lust Natsu's dreams were like pay per view, he'd kick back with popcorn and watch the dreams unfold.

Was it so wrong he wanted Natsu to be happy, there were times he didn't even go home, just take mission after mission, cause anything was better than coming to an empty house, right? He thought the boy was opening up when Happy came into their lives, the little blue chibi cat that had a magic of his own, Natsu treated him like a son, but he still refused to let anyone get close to him on a mating level. He could feel why he didn't want to open up only to have them leave as Igneel did, it was frustrating. Stay alone and miserable or take the risk and have a chance at happiness.

He continued to whisper wonderfully perverted things to Natsu hoping to coax the boy out of his shell. Whenever Elfman was flexing his muscles, whenever Gray was rubbing about naked, whenever Erze took Natsu to the bath and showed off his own glorious man body, Lust was quick to point things out, and how wonderful things could be. While Natsu denied it, the words would still stir up dreams, and while Erze could be scary even he started popping up in Natsu's dreams.

The guild knew about Lust, he wasn't a secret or anything either, for all their bickering and roughhousing the two were quite a fierce combo. Natsu was fierce in his own right but when he had Lust take over he was a monster, nearly doubling in size and looking like a black dragon monster with pink hair.

To this day Natsu wasn't sure if Lust was his friend trying to help, or just a perverted parasite.

To be continued


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